Book Read Free

Bank On Love

Page 20

by Iris Bolling

“Miracles do happen.” Chrystina smiled as she gazed at Myles.


  Chrystina walked into the outer office of the VP suites with Gina. It was the first time in a very long time that she heard real excitement in her sister’s voice. She could not wait to hear the real story of what took place in the interview from Myles. All she knew for now was that Gina was on a new course for life. And she knew that because Gina had told her so every five minutes since they left Myles’ office.

  “Is this where I will be working?” Gina asked as she glanced around.

  “It all depends on how Sydney wants things set up.”

  “Who is he?”

  “She is your supervisor.” Chrystina stopped and turned to face Gina. “Now look. This is a really great opportunity for you and I really want you to succeed. Sydney and Jonathan are new to us. I am not sure how they operate so watch what you say. Okay.”

  “You sound like a worried mom on her child’s first day of school. Chill out, Chrys. I got this.”

  Chrystina watched as Gina whirled past her.

  “Hi, I am Gina Price, you must be Sydney.”

  “Hello. I am Sydney. May I help you with something?”

  “I love your accent.” Gina smiled. “Is it British?”

  “Yes, it is,” Sydney replied as she glanced at Chrystina.

  “Sydney, hey.” Chrystina walked over to the desk. “This is my sister Gina. Myles assigned her to work with you on the Process Review project. She is going to help with the data entry.”

  “Spot on.” Sydney shook her hand. “We did not anticipate having someone on board this soon. We will need to carve out some space for you to work.”

  “I have an idea about that,” Chrystina offered. “There is a vacant office down the hallway that we can convert into a work center. We could fit at least ten work stations in there.” She turned to Gina. “The only issue is that you will be in there alone until we hire more people.”

  “Jonathan is going to want her in close proximity to him until he is convinced she can work on her own.” Sydney looked around. “This is a huge space. A desk and a computer there in the corner could work until the center is up.”

  “We can arrange that, I’m sure,” Chrystina replied. “You two can discuss work hours, lunch and things of that nature.”

  “Brilliant.” Sydney beamed at Gina. “When can you start?”

  “Tomorrow morning, soon enough?” Gina asked.

  “Perfect, we will have a space set up for you by then and put a bit of time on Jonathan’s schedule to chat with you.” Sydney glanced around.

  “Who is Jonathan?” Gina asked.

  “Why, that would be me,” Jonathan said as the doors to his office opened.

  Gina turned with a flirty smile as Jonathan, Mike and Jerome walked out of the office. “Whoa. Is every man who works in this building a hottie?” She scanned each of them from head to toe.

  “No. That would be just me,” Mike replied as he stepped forward, examining Gina from head to toe.

  “Mike.” Chrystina eased between them interrupting the flirtation. “Jonathan, this is my sister Gina.”

  “Sister?” Mike exclaimed looking from one to the other.

  “Yes, sister,” Chrystina replied. “She will be working on the Process Review project with you, Jonathan.”

  “Brilliant,” Jonathan replied. “Splendid work, Sydney.”

  “Myles arranged it all,” Sydney replied.

  “I am going to enjoy working here.” Gina smiled from Mike to Jonathan.

  “We are going to enjoy having you,” Mike replied as he took a step closer to Gina.

  “Um, Gina.” Chrystina took her arm pulling her way from Mike. “This is Jerome Morgan, he is Myles’ driver and a bit more.” She smiled.

  “It is nice to meet you, Gina,” Jerome replied. “Mike, I’m going to head out to view these tapes.”

  “All right, Jerome,” Mike replied as he continued to watch Gina. “I think I’ll hang out here for a while.”

  Jonathan placed the binders in his arms. “Negative, mate. You have people to question. Sydney and Gina, please join me in my office.”

  Mike grabbed the binders. “Another time.” He nodded to Gina with a smile, then walked away.

  “Jonathan, I placed the order for new cell phones for the executive staff. They should arrive tomorrow.”

  “Splendid.” Jonathan nodded. “There is another task more urgent than before. I believe we need to upgrade every security feature we have in this building.”

  “That sounds like a major undertaking.”

  “It will be, but we cannot afford to delay,” Jonathan explained.

  “I will set up some time for the two of us to discuss it.” Chrystina nodded. “Gina, I will let Mother know you will be a minute longer.”

  “Hey, I have purpose in my soul now. I’ll see you when I see you.” Gina smiled.

  “You have children,” Chrystina countered. “We will see you before four.”


  “Myles,” Grace said as she walked into his office closing the door behind her. “Before I get into the reason I am thoroughly pissed, Roark will need a moment of your time today. Please give him a call once I leave. It is important. Now, we have a situation regarding Walker Jr.”

  Myles glanced up from his desk. The look on Grace’s face warned him to brace himself. His sister handled most situations with a cool legal mind. Emotions usually came to the forefront when Walker or Jonathan were involved.

  “What has Walker Jr done?”

  “He knew all along it was Granddaddy who stripped the bank shares from him, and not Daddy.” She dropped the folder she had received from Roark on his desk. “Not only that, Granddaddy took him completely out of the will. Daddy was the one who arranged for Walker Jr. to get a dime.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s in a recording that Daisy has had since Granddaddy died.” She sat down, then sighed as he opened the file. “There is also an arrest warrant that has not been served.” She stared at him. “They have Walker Jr on embezzlement charges. Did you know about any of this?”

  “No,” Myles replied as he glanced over the documents. “I wish I had known. We could have had Walker out of our lives years ago.”

  “Why would Daddy not have pressed charges?” Grace asked. “This could have made my life easier.”

  “Family integrity first,” Myles said as he continued reading. “Daddy would have protected Walker regardless of his actions just as Aunt Viv would.”

  “I love you guys,” Grace said, “but if any of you pulled this kind of crap your ass would be under a jail.”

  Myles knew that was all bluster. “No we wouldn’t. Imagine if it was Gary. You would be blowing up the jailhouse trying to get him out.” He sat back. “So…how do you want to handle this?”

  “Has Mike come up with anything on Daddy’s murder?”

  “It’s only been a day, Grace.” Myles shook his head. “Give it some time. Mike met with Jonathan and Jerome behind closed doors today. I’m sure they will turn up something.”

  “If it turns out Walker Jr. had anything to do with Daddy’s death, I’m going to strangle him with my bare hands.”

  “I will be there holding him down for you.” Myles smirked then sat back to really look at his sister. “We know how much of a jerk Walker is. Been there …done it…..that’s not what’s got you pissed off. What’s bothering you, Grace?”

  She looked up at him then sighed. “I’m in love with Jonathan. I have been since college.”

  “Okay, tell me something I don’t know.”

  He watched as a sadness filled her eyes. That was so out of place for Grace it concerned him. He knew Jonathan had declared he was going to have Grace as his own. Grace was declaring she was in love with Jonathan. This should be a win-win situation. But there was something in her eyes that caused his heart to skip a beat.


  “Jonathan and I tal
ked last night.” She sighed. “He shared something with me that I did not know about Roark.”

  “Your FBI friend?”

  “Yes,” Grace exhaled. “It seems my friend took steps to keep Jonathan and me apart back then that has put our friendship in jeopardy.”

  “What kind of things?” Myles asked with a sigh of relief. Having the two people who he was trusting the future of the bank to at odds with each other could create a bad situation. But this seemed to be more related to Roark.

  “Roark lied about Jonathan back then because he wanted to be with me.”


  “What do you mean yes?”

  “Grace,” Myles chuckled. “You don’t see that Roark is in lust with you? If not, you are the only one who doesn’t.”

  “What are you talking about, Myles? Roark and I are friends. At least I thought we were.”

  “You were friends with Roark. Roark, on the other hand, was and still is in pursuit of a woman…you.”

  “But he knew how I felt about Jonathan. He’s known from the beginning.”

  “That doesn’t stop him from wanting you, Grace,” Myles laughed. “You have no idea how many times Mike, Gary and I had to warn men off of you and AnnieMarie. Hell I just did it yesterday with Jonathan.”

  “Well, whatever you did or said with Jonathan, didn’t work.” She smiled.

  “I didn’t think it would. He’s a goner when it comes to you.”

  “Yes?” She smiled, asking more than confirming.

  “Yes, he is, lock, stock and barrel in love with you. So, why are you sitting here almost in tears over something that happened ten years ago?”

  He watched as a tear trickled down her cheek, but he knew she wasn’t ready to be hugged…yet.

  She swiped the tear from her cheek. “If it was just what happened ten years ago, I think I would be able to forgive him. But he told me Jonathan came here for Daddy’s funeral. He put a block on Jonathan’s passport. Can you believe that?” She stood and began pacing around.

  “Roark can do that?”

  “He’s FBI, Myles, yes he can do that.” She exhaled. “Do you know how much I needed him during that time? For the first time in ten years, I questioned my love for Jonathan because he wasn’t here. I didn’t ask him to come, but in my heart I knew he would just show up and be there for me. When he didn’t…I doubted myself.”

  “What did Jonathan have to say about it?”

  “Jonathan never told me he was here. Roark thought he had and ended up telling on himself. What I can’t understand is why Jonathan didn’t tell me. Over the years it’s like we have been walking around eggshells to keep the doors between us open. We rarely talk about anything that might open old wounds for fear of losing each other.”

  Myles walked over to where she had stopped pacing. She was ready for her big brother. He stopped in front of her and asked, “Here’s what I know for certain. I put off my feelings for Chrystina for years. It’s just wasted time. Jonathan Michael came here for you. You have been waiting for him. It seems you both are in the same place. I strongly suggest you stomp on those eggshells, then sweep them out of the way. Trust what you are feeling for each other. I think you will find yourself in the same situation that I am in.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Trying to make up for lost time.” He saw the tears on the brim of her eyelids. “Listen, Jonathan is here and you are here. Grab hold of each other and don’t let go. Life and love are too precious.”

  “What do I do about Roark?”

  “That will be up to you to forgive him and up to Roark to regain your trust.”

  “But I don’t want to lose my friend,” she cried.

  Myles smiled as he gently took his sister into his arms. He loved moments like this with Grace. They were so seldom and far apart that he cherished every one of them. “I don’t think you will. If I were you, I would concentrate on putting your relationship with Jonathan on solid ground. Then you can deal with Roark.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, then rested her head against his chest. She then stomped her foot. “I am so angry with him right now.”

  “Who? Jonathan or Roark?” Myles laughed. “Are your tears for the missed years with Jonathan or the loss of your friend Roark?”

  “I honestly don’t know.” Grace replied as her brother comforted her.


  “Elaine.” Savannah’s voice was urgent. “This is going to be the last update I can give you.”

  “Why? What’s happening?”

  “My father is giving me the backing to start my own consultant firm. He thinks it’s time for me to get from under his thumb.”

  “Put him off until this is done. We need to finish what we started.”

  “Are you crazy? I have the opportunity to be my own boss. Do my own thing. There is no way I’m giving that up.”

  “What about getting Myles back?”

  “With the financial backing my father is giving me I don’t need Myles. And to tell you the truth I’m tired of running after that man. Hell he wants that piece of trash named Chrystina he can have her. If I may be blunt, Elaine, it’s time for you to get over the Dunnings too. You are too old and too smart to be playing somebody else’s game. Hell do you even know who you are working with or for? It was one thing when you had people there working with you. Now that Mitchell is gone, you are in this mess by yourself. In the whole scheme of things you have to ask is it worth it?” Savannah sighed. “Look, BIT held the meeting to review the written proposal. They are scheduling the official presentation for the end of the week with Dunning. You have until then to figure out what is best for you. Not whoever you are working with, what is best for you. Keep this in mind. If all else fails, you can always come to work for me.”

  Elaine disconnected the call. “Oh hell,” she exclaimed then sat back to think. Everyone who started this journey with her was now gone. Just like Savannah said, she was the only one left. What in the hell should she do now? She picked up the phone to dial a number. The call was answered on the second ring.

  “We have an issue. Our contact at BIT is out. But she did give this last bit of information. If you want to stop this account from being acquired by Dunning you better act within the next twenty-four hours. BIT is about to sign the deal.”


  Grace walked out of Myles’ office feeling somewhat better after a good cry. He had asked what her tears were for, years lost with Jonathan or the thought of losing her friend. She was pondering the answer to that question when she looked across the hallway to see AnnieMarie walking out of her office.

  “AnnieMarie,” she called out. “Are you looking for me?”

  “Grace.” She stood with her hands on her hips. “Have you spoken to your mother today?”

  “No.” The question took Grace by surprise. “I went by the house around lunch time, but she wasn’t home. Why? Is everything okay?”

  “No, your mother is two sheets to the wind.”

  “Winnieford is drunk?”

  “She is quite intoxicated.” AnnieMarie folded her arms across her chest. “Daisy said she met some friend at a tea shop and came home that way.”

  Grace laughed. “I cannot imagine Winnieford drunk.”

  “Well, she is. I think I’m going to go home a little early to check on her. You want to come?”

  “No and you shouldn’t either.” Grace walked into the outer area of her office. She noticed Warren was on the phone. “Winnieford is grown and lord knows she has enough to drink about,” she replied as Warren handed her her messages.

  “I understand, but I still would like to check on her,” AnnieMarie said as she followed Grace into the office. “And what kind of friend would let her drive all the way from Williamsburg drunk?”

  Grace looked up. “Williamsburg? Why was Mother in Williamsburg?”

  “Oh.” AnnieMarie hesitated. “She went to see Uncle Walker.”

  “For what?” Grace raised her voice. “A
nd why didn’t anyone tell me she was going there.”

  “It may have something to do with your reaction every time Uncle Walker’s name is mentioned.”

  “No wonder she is drunk. There is no telling what that man said to her.”

  “Grace, he is in rehab. He asked her to come. In fact he has asked all of us except you and Myles. He wants to make his amends to all of us. As his family, we want him to be successful in this program.”

  “I don’t really give a damn if he is successful or not, Annie. Any person who threatens my mother and my siblings is an enemy in my book.”

  “Grace, that was the alcohol talking.”

  “Was he drunk the day he came to the house to discuss Daddy’s will? No, he was not. He was the same greedy, self-centered asshole he has always been. Now I know you love your Uncle Walker, but you don’t know the half of what he has done to our family. So forgive me if I don’t give a damn about Walker.”

  “Grace.” AnnieMarie looked distraught over her words.

  Grace sat in her chair then sighed. “I’m sorry, AnnieMarie. It’s been a pretty rough day.”

  “I thought Jonathan spent the night at your house.” She took a seat looking concerned. “Did you two have a fight?”

  “No.” Grace smiled brightly. “Jonathan is….well, freakin’ awesome.”

  “Do tell.” AnnieMarie smiled. “I don’t think I have ever seen you blush over a man.”

  “Jonathan is more than a man. He is the man…my man.” Grace beamed with that announcement. “Yes.” She let the words settle in her heart. “He’s my man and I love him.”

  “Oh, Grace, that is…” AnnieMarie smiled. “That is wonderful. You should see the transformation in your face when you started talking about him. You seemed a little sad when we first walked in, yet now it’s as if his name brought you to life.”

  “It’s crazy, AnnieMarie. I’m scared he’s going to hurt me again by leaving but I’m also afraid not to take this chance with him. Does that sound crazy?”

  “No, Grace, it doesn’t sound crazy at all.”

  Though she was smiling, Grace could see the sadness in her sister’s eyes. “You know, now that it has been determined that Daddy did not die of a heart attack, there is no reason for you and Cainan to stay apart.”


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