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Bank On Love

Page 22

by Iris Bolling

  She turned to walk away, but he caught her by the arm.

  “Grace,” he spoke gently. “You haven’t lost Roark’s friendship. If you were to call him right at this moment, you two would be right back at your shenanigans just like before.” He put his finger under her chin to bring her eyes to meet his. “I have no issues with you and Roark being friends, for I know your heart belongs to me.”

  He could see the moment the mischief filled her eyes.

  “Oh, you do?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I do.” He smiled. “I have known for years.” He took her hand then walked over to her sofa. He took a seat, then pulled her onto his lap. “We are going to have a conversation and this will be the first and last time this topic of my reasons for staying away so long will be discussed.”



  Grace exhaled as she kicked her heels off then settled on his lap. “I like it when my man takes charge.”

  “Ha-ha.” Jonathan tucked her head on his shoulder and began talking. “On the day I met your father I told him I was going to make you my wife.”

  Grace sat up. “What?”

  Jonathan gently pressed her head back to his shoulder. “I gave him my word that you would never want for anything.” His fingers eased under her skirt. “I would protect you and keep you in the lifestyle he had provided. There is no way I would ever go back on my word to your father.” The tip of his finger reached the thin material of her thong. “Therefore, everything I did was geared towards improving my circumstances. I did not want to leave you back then, Grace.” His finger slowly traced the outline of her center. “My mistake was sharing that with Roark. At the time, I thought he was my friend as well as yours. As it turned out he was as in love with you as I.” He could feel her breathing change as his finger slipped inside. “Yet, in my heart I knew you loved me.” His thumb stroked her nub. “Leaving you was a sacrifice I had to make to become the man you deserved.” He pulled his finger out, then slipped two inside. Grace groaned as her head fell back allowing her to stretch out in his arms. “You see, I knew as well as Grace there was Heather to deal with.” He eased his fingers deeper. “I wanted you to have time to fulfill all of her desires. For I knew it wasn’t a matter of having you right then.” His lips kissed her neck as he changed his position to loom over her on the sofa. He withdrew his fingers, removed his pants, pushed her skirt up to her waist, then slowly removed her thong. “I knew I wanted you for life.” He held her legs up as he spread them over his shoulders. He took one foot, kissed the bottom, then ran his tongue up the top of her foot, and on up her calf. He leaned over her as he braced a knee on the sofa. He bent over, kissing the very core of her, then entered her in one powerful thrust. “It was always about forever.” He pulled out, held her hips then thrust back inside of her. “Our future was and always has been at the forefront” -he pumped deeper inside of her- “of my mind.” The heat of her was causing him to lose his train of thought. “The sacrifice paid off, Grace.” His movements intensified with every stroke. “The love we had then.” He pumped vigorously, bringing the point home. “And now will last through the test of time.” Her legs tightened around him bringing him in deeper. “I love you…” he pushed deeper “Grace…” deeper “Heather….” deeper “Dunning….” He exploded, spilling everything he had held back for ten years into her. The release was hot, overflowing, as her moisture mixed with his.

  He lowered his body to her, kissing her eyes, her nose, her lips. The passion in her eyes, when they opened, made him hard all over again. “Do you understand now?”

  Grace decided then and there that she would never get enough of this man inside of her. She reached up, grabbed his shirt then yanked it open. Buttons dropped around them. “I understand I need you naked.”

  “Do you, Love.” He ripped the skirt from her waist.

  Grace smiled as she pulled her blouse over her head. “I do, Mate.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. He sat back on the sofa, carrying her with him. She straddled him as her lips met his in a wild, hot passionate kiss. His kiss trailed from her lips to her neck, to the hard nipples of her breasts. Taking one into his mouth caused her body to shiver from the sensations. He switched to the other causing the blood in her veins to begin pumping feverishly. She bent back, her head now touching the floor, giving him more room to roam down her stomach, for she longed to have his lips, his tongue everywhere on her body. Her core was throbbing, wanting to feel him back inside of her.

  “Jonathan,” she cried out. “Come inside of me, Jonathan.”

  He eased her body to the floor. “Not yet, Love.” His tongue went lower, to her core. It dipped inside, licking, causing her to scream out.

  “Jonathan.” Her hands held his head, as he sucked, twirling his tongue around her nub, then pulled away as she was about to explode. He entered her as the convulsions began to vibrate throughout her body. His lips captured hers, their tongues following the rhythm of him inside of her.

  Grace had never felt anything so glorious in her life, as spasms ripped simultaneously through both of them. Ten years of wanting, longing, wondering, exploded around them.

  The lack of air was the only reason they pulled away from the kiss. Neither of them wanted the moment to end, the urges to stop.

  The feeling of true bliss filled Grace’s heart, lying there on the floor naked, with the man she loved lodged deep inside of her. She had no idea how much time passed when he finally spoke.

  Jonathan pulled her into his arms, and laughed. “It is a good thing we did not make love back then. I would have never left.”

  Grace smiled, as she kissed his chest, then stood. She looked down at him. God he was beautiful. “The night isn’t over yet.” She smirked, then walked towards the stairs.

  Jonathan laid on his side watching her strutting across the floor.

  “I need to hear you say it.”

  Grace stopped at the first step, looked over her shoulder at him. She then bent over, to look at him from between her legs. “Come over here. I’ll tell you.”

  Jonathan slowly stood, walked over to her naked behind, put his hands on her hips, then positioned himself right at the tip of her opening. “Say it, Grace.” He began pushing slowly inside of her. He pulled back. “Say it, Grace.”

  Grace was using all the will power she had not to give into him until he gave her what she wanted. He eased in, then pulled out again. Her breath hitched at his withdrawal. She thought she would keel over if he didn’t fully embed her soon.

  His tip eased in again and as he began to pull out Grace inhaled. “I love you, Jonathan Royal Michael.” He eased in. “I loved you then.” He pushed further in. She groaned. “I love you now.” He pulled her hips to him, filling her completely. “I love you always.”

  The two were wrapped lovingly in each other’s arms when Jonathan’s cell phone buzzed. Grace’s eyes slowly came open as Jonathan reached for the phone. She glanced at the clock as he answered. It was a little after four o’clock in the morning.

  “Hello.” Jonathan nodded. “Speaking.” He then slowly sat up. “Where are you calling from?”

  Grace could hear the concern in his voice, she sat up with him.

  “How is she?” he asked as he continued to listen.

  Grace whispered, “What’s going on?”

  “My mother,” he mouthed as he continued to listen.

  Grace took his hand. He closed his hand around hers, holding it tight.

  “May I speak with her?”

  He squeezed her hand tighter at the response he received.

  He checked the time on the phone. “I will be there as soon as I can. If she awakens before I arrive, ring me on the telly.”

  Grace climbed off the bed to put on her robe. She stood next to him as he received more information. She closed her eyes praying his mother was okay.

  “What happened?” She asked as soon as he disconnected the call.

  “My mother had a fall,” he re
plied as he dialed a number. “Give me a minute.”

  Grace listened as he placed a call to the air lines. “No,” she said. “Use our plane. We have a pilot on call. I will make the arrangements. You get dressed.” She picked up her phone then dialed a number. By the time Jonathan had showered the private plane was at the airport waiting for him.

  “Please forgive me, Love. I have to go.”

  “Jonathan.” Grace cupped his face with her hands. “Go to your mother. Call me as soon as you know how she is doing.” She kissed him gently on the lips. “I will be right here waiting for you to return.”

  He ran his hands down her face. “I love you, Grace.”

  “I love you more. Now, go check on your mother.” She grabbed his hand as they ran down the stairs to the front door. “A car is waiting outside to take you to the airport.” She opened the door. “I will fill Myles in on what’s happened.”

  “Love, you thought of everything. Thank you.” He kissed her, then hugged her tight.

  “Call me.”

  “I will.”

  Grace watched the car pull off. Based on what he said, the fall was bad, but not life threatening. She sent up a silent prayer that his mother would have a speedy recovery. Now, it was time for her to shower, dress then start the morning looking for a new home for them to start their life together. The thought put an extra skip into her steps.


  “Good morning,” Gina greeted as she found her way to the security desk. “And good morning to you too.” She sashayed in her dress and heels. This was a good feeling. Her first day at work, on her way to becoming an independent mother of three. A new apartment, well used by Chrystina, but she kept everything in pristine condition so it was just like new. She had a car now too, but had never bothered to get her driver’s license, so Chrystina’s car was going to stay in the parking deck until she put that on her agenda to get done. But there was no more dealing with the government to take care of her and her children. She was going to be making enough money to live like Chrystina. She was feeling good.

  Oh there was the good looking Mike she met yesterday. Self-consciously she cleared her throat then walked with a little more swing in her hips.

  “Good morning.” She smiled as she reached the office door.

  “Hey, good morning.” Larry swung around smiling.

  “Good morning, Gina.” Mike smiled. “You are looking good today.”

  “That ain’t no lie.” Larry beamed as he checked her out.

  “Well, a girl has to try, you know.” Gina smiled. “My name is Gina Price. I am supposed to pick up my security tags before going upstairs.”

  “Yes, I have a visitor’s pass ready for you right here.” Larry jumped up. “I’m going in the back to pick up your package.” He looked back as he was walking. “They didn’t tell me you were this fine, hmm….”

  Mike laughed as he continued going through the security monitors on the desk. “Oh, those are the same monitors in Chrystina’s office. Are they setup in every office?”

  “No. Not these. You probably saw regular computer monitors in Chrystina’s office. These are security monitors,” Mike explained. “They record information that allows us to go back to check on issues.”

  “Mike, I know the difference between computer monitors, television monitors and security monitors. I know I look good, but I’m not dumb.”

  “I didn’t mean to insinuate that you were, but Chrystina doesn’t have security monitors in her office.”

  “Yes she does,” Gina said. “I saw them when I was in there yesterday.”

  Mike stared at her. “Wait a minute.” Mike thought for a moment. “That used to be Mitch’s office.” He stared at Gina.

  “What?” She raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “Damn it. That’s it!” Mike exclaimed.

  “That’s what?” Gina asked.

  “It was Mitchell.” He jumped up taking Gina’s hand. “You come with me. Show me what you are talking about.”

  He was pulling her behind him as she said, “Okay….where are we going?”

  “To Chrystina’s office,” Mike said as they took the executive elevator up.

  “Damn, y’all got express elevators and shit,” Gina declared as she held on while the car moved up. Mike grabbed her hand when it stopped then pulled her behind him.

  “You got to give a girl a chance to catch her breath, you know, I’m wearing heels here.”


  Myles closed the door as Cainan walked into his office. “Thank you for coming in early, Cainan.”

  “Not a problem, Myles,” Cainan took a seat. “How can I help you?”

  “I believe I am the person who needs to ask you that question.” Myles sat behind his desk. He opened the folder then turned it towards Cainan. “This was brought to my attention.”

  Cainan did not bother to look at the folder. “It is a relief that you know. Now that you do, the question is how do we proceed?”

  “Stay the course,” Myles replied. “My father made a commitment to you and your father. We are going to honor that.” Myles sat forward closing the folder then putting it away. “I have only one concern.”


  “No, however, we are going to discuss her. My first concern is your mother. It is my understanding your father knows that you are alive, but your mother does not.”

  Cainan nodded. “My father and I believed she would not go along with the plan. To protect her and the rest of the family, we needed the people observing to buy the lie.”

  “Have you considered slowly bringing her into the fold?” Myles sat back. “Here is why I ask. Watching my mother suffering with the death of her husband was difficult enough. I could not imagine what it would have been if it had been one of her children. You are her only son. Your mother must be devastated.”

  “It was never intended to be this long.” Cainan took a deep breath as he ran his hands down his face. “Six months in, we realized the defense attorneys were going to drag this out as long as they could. My team discussed the situation and determined it was more dangerous to the family if we changed tactics. If I remain alive, the people would have tormented my family, one by one, until I was paid off or dead.” He shook his head. “That was something I could not allow to happen. I speak with my dad at least once a week. We disguise it as a status report for one of his officers.”

  “Your father is in law enforcement as well?”

  “It’s a family business.” Cainan smiled.

  “You’ve been away from it for at least two years. Do you miss it?”

  “I do.” Cainan nodded. “Becoming an agent was fulfilling my father’s dream. Me, a small town sheriff, with a wife, a few kids, white picket fence.” He smiled. “I could work my head around that.”

  “Do you see AnnieMarie in that picture?”

  Cainan inhaled then nodded. “That is all I can see.” He sat forward. “This situation has damaged my life more than I could have imagined. I’ve missed family graduations, my sister is about to get married, my grandmother’s death.” He shook his head. “Then I have to think about the fact that if all of this had not happened, I would have never met AnnieMarie.”

  “That brings us back to the same concern my father had, doesn’t it.” Myles exhaled. “How do we keep your situation from touching her?”

  Cainan stood, then paced the room. “It’s tempting to call the case to a halt. Tell the prosecutors I’ve decided not to testify.” He exhaled. “Then I think about all the lives these people have ruined. The families who lost loved ones and know that if I do not testify, it will continue.” He turned back to Myles. “I don’t know how I would be able to face myself in the mirror each day knowing I could have done something about it and did not. How could I face myself, or the woman I love?”

  “You couldn’t,” Myles assured him. “You are going to have to see this through. As for AnnieMarie, it is now my job to protect her.”

  Cainan turned back to
look at him. The look made Myles feel like crap. On one hand he wanted to give his blessing for the two of them to grab every minute of the day embracing their love. Yet, on the other hand, if someone was to discover Cainan was there, it could put AnnieMarie’s life in danger. That he could not live with.

  Cainan sat back down. “That is my first priority. It’s the reason I decided not to tell her about my situation. Our relationship is based on the love of good friends. It will remain that way until I have testified and am able to tell her the truth about who I am.”

  The door bust open.

  “It was Mitchell!”

  Myles and Cainan jumped up as Mike burst through.

  “What was Mitchell?” Myles asked confused.

  Mike was doing all he could to keep his temper in check as Chrystina walked into the office from the other door.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s something about the monitors in your office.” Gina walked over to her sister to explain.

  “What monitors?” Chrystina frowned at her.

  “The ones connected to the stereo system…..” Gina stopped suddenly. “Oh….I get it. My bad…” she whispered to Chrystina. “Nobody’s supposed to know about that. I get it.”

  Chrystina frowned. “What are you talking about, Gina?”

  Gina elbowed her sister. “You know.” She tilted her head. “The monitors in your office.”

  “What does that have to do with Mike yelling like a crazy man?”

  “Myles,” Mike yelled. “He stopped the video feed to the monitors in the elevator on the day Daddy died. Mitchell stopped the feed so we couldn’t see who was in there. If what Gina said is true. He had access to the elevator monitors.”

  “Those monitors only show the outer office in the administrative office.” Chrystina was becoming frustrated.

  “No, that’s not true,” Cainan stated. “It shows the elevators too. In fact it shows the entire building if you know how to work it.” Cainan shrugged. “That’s how Myles and I knew where you were the day of the shooting.”


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