Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 27

by Iris Bolling

  “Uh..oh.” Gary stood straight as he tapped Myles on the shoulder then nodded.

  Myles looked up to see Winnieford, AnnieMarie, Aunt Vivian and Chrystina stepping off the elevator. “They do not look happy.”

  Mike patted Myles on the shoulder, as he and Gary took a step back. “We got your six, big brother.”

  Winnieford stopped in front of them staring each one of them down. “Which one of you made the decision to keep this from me?”

  Mike and Gary took another step back as they pointed. “Myles.”


  There she was. Jonathan exhaled as his heart rate eased. She was breathing. Anything else in his estimation was noise that could be dealt with later. To see Grace, lying in bed, resting comfortably, replaced the toll of the last twenty-four hours. All he wanted to do was crawl in bed and pull her into his arms.

  Jonathan walked over to the bed with tears in his eyes. Were they from lack of sleep, the hurt he had caused his mum, or relief at the sight of Grace, he didn’t know. Whatever the reason he did not bother to wipe them away. Jonathan kicked off his shoes, climbed into bed, wrapped his arms around his Grace, then gently placed her head on his shoulder. He kissed her temple. “I will never leave you again.”

  Jonathan sent a thank you to God for her life, closed his eyes and slept.

  Grace turned into Jonathan’s warm embrace, wondering why her head was pounding so loud.


  That was weird. She thought she heard her mother’s voice. Grace shrugged her shoulder. That couldn’t be. Why would her mother be in her bedroom?

  “Grace Heather Dunning, you open your eyes right now. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Mother, I hear you,” Grace groaned, her back to her mother. “Can you stop yelling before you wake up Jonathan?”


  That sounded like worry in her mother’s voice. Grace turned towards the door at her mother’s touch. She opened her eyes to see tears streaming down Winnieford’s face.

  “What’s wrong, Mother?” Grace tried to sit up but her body was protesting. “Why are you crying?”

  “They are happy tears, sweetheart.”

  “Oh.” She tried to stretch, but groaned. “Whoa. Why do I feel like my body was run over with a Mack truck?”

  “Grace.” Jonathan sat up, looking down at her. “Look at me, Love.”

  Grace turned to him then smiled. “I had the most wonderful dream about you. But I can’t tell you right now, shhh. I think my mother is here. Or maybe I’m just drunk. Did we finish off the champagne?”

  Jonathan smiled. “Love, your entire family is here.”

  Grace turned back to the door. Her mother stepped to the side. Myles, AnnieMarie, Gary, Mike, Aunt Viv and Daisy gathered around her bed. “Why are all of you in my house?”

  “You are in the hospital, Love,” Jonathan said as he stood next to the bed, putting his shoes on.

  “Hospital?” She attempted to sit up again. “Whoa, that did not feel good.” Her hand touched her head. “What happened?”

  “Good to see those eyes open, Ms. Dunning.” The doctor walked in the room with a nurse following him in. “Everyone out, for a moment,” the doctor eased the order. “Now, that you are awake we need to take a closer look just to be sure we aren’t missing anything.”

  “You heard the doctor, out of the room,” Winnieford ordered.

  Vivian walked by Winnieford and the doctor, kissed her niece on the cheek, then hugged her.

  “All right,” she sniffed, then wiped a tear away. She turned back to the family. “You heard the doctor. Out. Let’s go.” She hugged Winnie, then shuffled the other family members out.

  Grace took Jonathan’s hand. “What’s happening, Jonathan? Why am I in the hospital?”

  Jonathan squeezed her hand. “No worries, Love. I’m going to have you out of here within the hour.”

  “I don’t think so.” The doctor glared at him. “Would you mind? I need to examine her.”

  “I am not leaving.”

  The doctor glanced at Winnieford. “Doctor Worrell, please go on. Grace is going to need you to clear her so we can take her home.”


  “Duncan…” She raised an eyebrow.

  The doctor shook his head in frustration. “You’re a hard woman to bargain with, Winnieford. But in this instance, if I don’t like what I see, Grace is not moving from this room.”

  “I agree with the doctor on that note.” Jonathan nodded.

  Dr. Duncan Worrell was the Dunning family’s physician. He knew all the children and was present at Hepburn’s death. When it came to medical issues, his word was law. He checked her pupil size, eye movement and sensitivity to light. He then held up a finger.

  “How many fingers do you see, Grace?”


  Dr. Worrell laughed. “This is not the time for jokes, Grace. How many fingers?”

  “One that seems to be moving.”

  “Follow it with your eyes.”

  He moved his finger to the left then the right, down then up.

  “Hmm.” Grace closed her eyes.

  “Okay…okay.” The doctor nodded. “How bad is the headache from one to ten.”

  “Twenty. And that’s not a joke.” Grace sighed. “What happened?”

  Jonathan was about to answer when Dr. Worrell stopped him. “It will be better for her to respond.” He turned back to Grace. “What is the last thing you remember?”

  Grace thought. Figures were moving around in her mind but she couldn’t focus enough to give a straight answer. “Jonathan and I….” She glanced at her mother.

  “Making love?” Winnie raised an eyebrow. “That’s a good memory.” She smiled.

  “Well, yeah it was good.”

  “Thank you, Love,” Jonathan smiled as he squeezed her hand. “It was good for me too.”

  “I take it you are Jonathan Michael.” Dr. Worrell looked him up and down, then extended his hand. “I was beginning to wonder if you were a figment of Grace’s imagination. Are you in the States to stay?”

  Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “I am.” He nodded.

  “Good. How long ago was the memorable night?”

  “What’s today?” Jonathan asked.

  “Thursday,” Winnie replied.

  “Tuesday night, Wednesday morning.”

  “All night long?” Dr. Worrell smiled. “Good for you, Grace.” He smiled. “Well, your CT scan looked good. No swelling or bleeding on the brain. I will let you rest here for a few hours, as a precaution, and then maybe you can go home later this evening.” He stepped away. “I’m going to order a painkiller for the headache. I will assess you in another two hours. Sleep for now.”

  He stopped at the door, spoke with the nurse, then left the room.

  “So is one of you is going to tell me what’s going on?” Grace glanced from her mother to Jonathan.

  “You heard the doctor,” Winnie commanded, “Sleep. We can go over the details later.”

  The family walked back in the room. “The doctor said it was okay to come back in,” AnnieMarie said

  “How are you feeling?” Vivian asked as she brushed Grace’s hair away from her face.

  “Mack truck.” Grace eased back down in the bed. She was feeling drained. From what, she didn’t know.

  “That’s an ugly scar on your face.” Myles attempted to hide the anger in his face.

  “Do you remember who did this to you?” Mike asked.

  “Yes, do tell, Grace,” Gary pressed her.

  Grace looked at them confused. “Harpo, who these people?”

  AnnieMarie laughed. “Oh, Grace, always with the jokes.”

  “Two minutes,” Jonathan said as he stepped towards the door. He could see Grace was struggling trying to stay focused each time someone asked a question. “Myles, may I have word with you?” They stopped at the door. “Between Grace and my mum, I must stay at the hospital,” he whispered. “Someone need
s to handle the situation with Elaine and get eyes on Walker.”

  “Did Grace say anything about who took her? Did she see anything?” Myles asked.

  “She does not remember anything at the moment.”

  “I cannot see Grace going to a shipyard in Newport News, locking herself inside, then knocking herself out,” Myles declared. “Someone put her in that container. I want to know who.”

  “I agree.” Jonathan nodded. “Dewberry was behind it, but he is also the reason she is still alive.” He looked over his shoulder to ensure no one was listening. “The name Dunning was mentioned. Though he never said Walker I am willing to bet my bank account that he was there.”

  “Walker’s in rehab.”

  “People have been known to leave rehabilitation centers undetected before.” Jonathan sighed. “Have Jerome check into it. If I am not mistaken, as soon as Walker realizes Grace is not dead, he might come after her again. That’s why I want her out of this hospital.”

  “Are you certain it is Walker?”

  Jonathan exhaled, ran his hand down his face. “I have no proof, Myles, but my gut is telling me Dewberry was talking about Walker. What other Dunning could it be?”

  “Until Grace is able to tell us what happened, that isn’t enough to go after Walker.” Myles exhaled. “I will see what answers I can get out of Elaine.”

  “You realize you will have to let her go.”

  “I know.” Myles motioned to Mike. “Mike, we need to get to the office.”

  Gary joined them. “I will ride back with you.” He gave Myles that ‘don’t try to stop me’ look.

  “All right,” Myles sighed as he walked out the door. Chrystina and Sydney were in the corridor conversing.

  “How is she?” Sydney asked.

  “A little sluggish, but alive,” Myles stated.

  “May I go in?”

  “Yes, I’m sure Jonathan needs you,” Myles replied.

  Chrystina began walking, with Myles at her side, and Mike and Gary following. “I called Cainan. He is on his way into the office now. He called Elaine and asked if they could meet regarding concerns about the manner Jonathan was placed on the board. She jumped right on it. They are scheduled to talk around eight. That should give Jerome enough time to get there. Mrs. Vazquez has arranged to have a little extra security in the building. She asked one of the hostage negotiators from the police department to meet us upon arrival. The exit package is on your desk, a fresh suit is at the office. For each of you,” she said over her shoulder as they reached the elevator. “The showers in Myles’ and Jonathan’s offices are available for you to use. I’ve ordered a hot breakfast and coffee for each of you. I know you’ve had a long night. But today, we are all on high alert.”

  The elevator door closed just as Gary chimed, “Damn, you did all of that and it’s not even seven o’clock in the morning. Do you want to come work in my department?”

  “Oh no, my brother. This one is all mine.” Myles smiled. “You have to get your own.”


  That same morning, Preston decided to visit his mother before work. With the BIT account ready for the taking, he had no idea when he would be able to get away from work. It would also give him a chance to tell her about the big account he had brought in for the bank. It was six in the morning, but his mother was an early riser. They could have breakfast, talk for a while and he would still have plenty of time to get back to the office for the nine am meeting with Myles.

  Preston smiled, bobbing his head to the beat of the music coming through the speakers of his car. When this deal was signed he was going to use the bonus to buy his mother a new house, closer to Richmond. Something with a nice garden and a larger sunroom. He had an idea of purchasing the house, then taking her there one day as a surprise. Preston smiled thinking of the expression he expected to see on her face.

  His mother’s car was parked in the driveway as Preston pulled in beside it. It was a beautiful spring morning. The flowers were bright and colorful in the front yard. He could tell she had been working in the flower bed. It was clear of grass and weeds. Walking up the steps on the porch, he pulled out his keys then let himself inside.

  “Mom, it’s me,” he called out. “Where are you?”

  “In the kitchen, come on back. I’m cooking breakfast.”

  Preston smiled at her response. “I smell pancakes.” He walked up behind her then kissed her on the cheek.

  “You’re up early.” She smiled up at him. “You should have called to let me know you were coming. Sit, this stack is right out of the pan. I cooked some bacon too. You want some?”

  “Bacon?” His eyes brightened like a little boy. “You better know it.”

  She laughed. “Here you go.” She placed the bacon on his plate. “Help yourself to some coffee.”

  “Now what are you going to eat?”

  “It will take me no time to whip up some more pancakes.” She waved him off then began mixing the batter. “What are you doing here so early in the morning?”

  “I have an early meeting in the office, but wanted to tell you something.” He was sitting at the small island stuffing a slice of bacon in his mouth. “You know the account I’ve been working on?”

  She nodded. “The BIT account? Yes, what about it?”

  “They are ready to sign off on it.”

  The look on her face was pure pride. “I knew you could do it, son. All you needed was a chance to show them what you were capable of.” She reached over, cupped his face in her hands then kissed him on both cheeks. “You have your father’s business sense inside of you. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Mom. It was a long haul” - he stuffed a forkful of pancakes into his mouth - “and you had faith in me all the way. You were right about Myles, too. He gave me the props for bringing the account in.”

  “Well, of course he would.”

  “I am so sure it’s going to lead to another promotion.” Preston smiled. “Things are really looking up, Mom.”

  “Oh, Preston.” She beamed. “I am so very proud of you.”

  “You know we have to mark it in the book, right? Where is it?”

  “On the mantel over the fireplace next to your graduation pictures.”

  “I’m going to grab it while you finish cooking your breakfast.” He walked out of the room.

  “Bring the marker off the table when you come back,” she called after him.

  Preston walked into the sunroom, saw the book on the mantel, just where she said it would be. He grabbed it, then walked over to the coffee table. He bent over to get the marker and saw old pictures spread out covering the table. He picked up one thinking it was a picture of his parents and him, but was confused to see another man that wasn’t his father with his arm around his mother’s waist with a baby in his other arm. Staring intently at the face in the picture, he staggered backwards.

  “Did you find the book?” his mother asked as she walked into the sunroom wiping her hands on a dish towel.

  “Mom, why is there a picture of you with Walker Dunning Jr.?”

  The shocked expression on her face caused his heart to skip a beat.

  “Mother, is this me in his arms? Why would Walker Dunning be holding me?”

  It took a moment for her to reply. “Preston…” She hesitated. “I can explain.”

  He turned the picture over. On the back it read, Your first born, Preston, 3 months.

  He dropped the picture from his hand as if it had burned him, then glared up at her. “Did you have an affair with Walker?”

  “Preston.” She shook her head as she reached out to him. She grabbed his shoulder. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “It wasn’t an affair….”

  He pulled away, not sure what he was hearing. “The man who raised me for the first five years of my life. The one who lived in this house with us. The one we buried and cried for when he died…are you telling me, he wasn’t my father?”

bsp; “Preston, he was the man who raised you, yes, but he wasn’t your biological father.”

  “And who is?” He looked around at more pictures of Walker and his mother on the table. He picked up one of the pictures. “Are you telling me….this man….right here” - he angrily pointed at the picture - “is my biological father?”


  He saw tears begin to form in her eyes. But his heart was breaking too and he needed her to tell him the truth. “Don’t lie to me, Mother. I know who this is!” Preston shouted. “That is not my father. This is Walker Dunning. I’ve seen his pictures hundreds of times in the office. If you are about to tell me that he is my father, you have lied to me all my life!”

  “It wasn’t a lie, Preston. I was married. Walker didn’t want to breakup our family…we left well enough alone. Franco raised you as his own. He never knew…he never knew he wasn’t your father. We just thought it was best to leave it that way.”

  “We? We who? You and Walker Dunning. Or was it that he didn’t live up to his responsibility of being a father?” He hesitated. “Do the Dunnings know? Do they know I am Walker Jr’s bastard child?”

  “No, Preston, no. No one knew but Walker and me.”

  Preston began shaking his head in disbelief. “Of all the Dunnings, you had to sleep with the most dishonest, self-centered one of the lot.”

  “Don’t say that,” she snapped.

  “Why not? It’s the truth, Mom.” He stopped then stared at her, outraged. “Is this why you have been talking him up to me? Trying to convince me that he was somehow misunderstood. And the fact that everyone deserves a chance to redeem himself. And Myles should be open to allowing Walker to come back into the fold of the bank? Is that what all the little subtle conversations have been about?” He laughed but joy was the last thing he was feeling. “You have been trying to sway me and my voting power in Walker’s direction. And here I thought you were being a supportive mother. Taking a real interest in my work.” His expression changed. “Advising me to believe in the integrity of the family unit.” He dropped the brag book on the table. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I have a meeting with Myles this morning. If the Dunnings don’t know, they will by noon.” He stomped out of the room.


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