Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 28

by Iris Bolling

  She followed behind him. “You can’t do that… Preston.” She grabbed his arm. “Please, Preston, don’t do that today… I beg you, don’t. You are hurt and angry.”

  He jerked his arm away, then turned on her. “Angry? Yes, I am angry. But it’s not Walker Dunning that I’m angry with. It’s you.” He walked out slamming the door behind him. Starting the car, he watched as she ran out the door to catch him. He kept driving, willing himself not to look back. He needed space from her. Space and time to think.


  Gina wanted to get an early start on her day. Sydney had given her the instructions for entering the process from the binders to the computer. There were at least twenty manuals to dig into. It was going to take months, to get all of those big black binders transferred.

  “Those binders are heavier than you, LilWayne.” She kissed her son on the top of his head. It wasn’t quite seven yet, so the nursery wasn’t open. Gina didn’t think anyone would have an issue with her bringing LilWayne into the office until the nursery opened at seven-thirty.

  Today she wore black slacks, with a black and white, off the shoulder sweater, and of course her signature strapped heels. She had turned the corner to go into Jonathan’s suite of offices when she saw someone sitting on the floor outside Myles’ office leaning against the door. Gina slowed her pace. As she got closer, she realized the man was Preston. She walked over, looked down and realized he was wrinkled. Well not him per say, but his shirt sleeves were rolled up his arm with brown stains on the front, and hanging out of his pants. She looked around, but didn’t see his blazer.

  “Preston?” She bent over when he did not move. There was something wrong here, she thought. “Okay, LilWayne, you sit here and be still,” she said as she sat him down on the floor. She looked around to be sure no one was in yet. She cupped her hand on Preston’s face to bring it forward so she could see it clearly. “Preston,” she called out again.


  “Whoa.” She turned her face, fanning the stale breath away. “Oh baby, who gets ripped this early in the morning?” She grabbed under his arms. “Okay, let’s get you up.” She tried pulling him up. He was a bit heavy. She stopped. “We can’t let the boss see you like this. Think… I know,” she said looking around. “Okay.” She brightened, glanced at LilWayne. She smiled. “Don’t look at your mommy like I’m crazy. You stay.” She ran over and pulled one of the rolling chairs from Annatasha’s desk, brought it back and parked it next to Preston. She bent over. This time smacking him a little harder on the cheek. “Preston, Preston, I need you to help me. I need you to stand, can you do that?” She pulled him up. “Come on, man, I’m trying to save your job. Preston,” she yelled.

  “What?” he slurred out.

  “Wake up,” she said. “Sit in the chair.” She pulled him half way, pulled the chair over then dropped him in. It started rolling and she had to catch it to keep him from falling off. She started laughing. LilWayne joined in.

  “Wait, this shit ain’t funny, LilWayne,” she continued laughing. After making sure Preston was firmly in the chair, she picked up her son.

  “She lied. I have to tell Myles,” Preston slurred out.

  “Okay,” Gina said, “I don’t know who she is but, okay.” She picked up LilWayne and her purse. “All right, I need you to hold my baby while I push you. Can you do that, Preston?”

  “Baby, she had a baby too,” he cried out.

  “Okay, most of us do,” Gina said as she put LilWayne in Preston’s lap. “Hold my baby, Preston. Don’t you let him fall.”

  She wrapped Preston’s arms around her son, “Hold him. Don’t you hurt my baby.”

  Preston shook his head. “I was a baby.”

  “We all were.” She started pushing the chair. “Hold your legs up, Preston,” she ordered. He brought his legs up holding them in midair.

  “We going for a ride,” he said.

  “Yes, we are.” She pushed him to the entrance of the executive offices, stopped, peeked out to make sure no one was around, then pushed him as fast as she could across the hall. She stopped when she reached his office door. She was breathing hard from pushing the chair with him in it across the carpet.

  She leaned against the door breathing hard. “Okay.” She looked at her son who was clapping his hands, and Preston was going “wheeeee” like he was really on a ride. She turned the knob. “Damn.” The door was locked. “Preston where is the key to your office.

  Preston was now swinging around in the chair. He had LilWayne singing “wheeeee.”

  “Wheeee, my ass.” She stopped the chair by catching his leg. “Preston, stop.” She took LilWayne from his lap, then asked, “Where is the key to your office?”

  “Keys.” He tried to stand, but fell back into the chair. It started rolling backwards.

  “Dammit.” Gina reached out with her son on one hip and pulling Preston to the other.

  “Key, Preston, key.”

  He patted his pockets, stood, then pulled them out. He grinned. “Keys.” He tilted forward. “Damn you are pretty.” He leaned against the wall.

  Gina backed up to the door. “I know. I can’t help that,” she said as she took his keys and put them in the lock. She heard the elevator ding. “Oh shit.” She turned the key, opened the door, then pushed him inside. She turned to grab the chair as she heard Preston hit the floor. She turned back to see if he was okay. “Holy shit.” She ran out grabbed the chair, swung it into the office then quietly closed the door. She leaned her back against the door breathing hard, until she heard the door to the next office open then close. She looked at LilWayne who was staring up at her. “Wheee.” He threw his hands up in the air.

  Gina started laughing, “Shhh…” She put her finger to her lips. Looking around the office, it was easy to see why Preston was two sheets to the wind. There was an empty quart bottle of Mount Gay XO Rum on the desk. “Whoa, at least you got the good stuff.”

  Preston rolled over. She looked down at him. “Whoever she is screwed you up good.” She sat her son on the floor, then walked over to help Preston onto the sofa in his office. “Come, Preston. We are in your office now. Let’s get you on the sofa.” She pulled him up, this time with a little help from him.

  “She lied to me,” he said as he put his arm over her shoulder then slowly walked to the sofa. She dropped him down.

  He huffed like he had done all the work. “I got to tell Myles.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Gina said as she put his feet up on the sofa. She didn’t see a pillow so she took the blazer that was hanging on the back of his office door, folded it up, and placed it under his head. “Women lie sometimes. Whoever she is must have really done a number on you.”

  He stretched out and closed his eyes.

  Gina pulled his shoes off and set them on the floor. “I don’t know what happened, but you will be okay.” She looked down at him, then shook her head.

  “Okay.” She turned to her son with her hands on her hips. “Let’s get you down to the nursery.” She put Preston’s keys on the desk then picked up LilWayne. She slowly opened the door peeking out to see if anyone was around. The hallway was empty. As quietly as she could, she pulled the chair out of the room then closed the door. She quickly pushed the chair back across the hallway and had almost made it to the executive offices when a young woman walked around the corner.

  “Hello, may I help you with something?”

  Gina quickly turned around. Her purse fell from her shoulder as she tried to balance LilWayne and the chair. She had seen the woman before but couldn’t remember her name. “Hi. Umm. …”

  “Pam…Pam Greene. We met yesterday. You’re Gina, right?

  “Yes, I am.” Gina smiled. “I was on my way to the nursery when I got distracted,” she explained as the woman continued to watch her. “I bet you are wondering why I have this chair?”

  “Not really.” Pam smiled as she walked over. “I’d be happy to help you with it. Where do you need it to go?”
  Gina smiled. “It’s Annatasha’s chair.”

  “I will take it back for you. The nursery is open. I just dropped my children off.”

  “You have children?” Gina asked.

  “Two, a little boy and a girl.”

  “Two girls and my son.”

  Pamela smiled. “He is adorable.”

  “Thank you.” Gina smiled.

  “Is Preston okay?”

  Gina’s smile disappeared. “Preston?”

  “Yes. I saw you coming from his office.”

  “Oh, that?” Gina cleared her throat as she nodded. “Yeah,” she waved the question off. “He’s chillin…” she exhaled. “Well, I’m going to get him downstairs and start my day.”

  “Have a great one,” the woman said then rolled the chair around the corner.

  Gina exhaled as she turned towards the elevator. “Man, who knew working in a corporate office could have this much drama going on.” She pushed the button, glanced at Preston’s door, a little concerned for him. The elevator door slid open. She stepped inside, adjusted LilWayne on her hip, then pushed the down button. The morning sure had gotten off to a crazy start, she thought as the doors closed.


  Her days in this office were coming to an end, Elaine thought, as she put all of the information regarding BIT into a folder, saving it on a thumb drive. Requesting an emergency Board meeting to discuss the BIT presentation went smoother than expected. In fact, Myles thanked her again for her commitment to Dunning. He even offered a few topics to cover. The fool, she thought, as she placed the thumb drive, that looked like a tube of lipstick inside her purse. That was her insurance policy. He had no idea what was about to take place. It was a good thing she kept her wits about her. Yesterday she was ready to walk away from the plan and let the chips fall where they may. But today….it was as if all the balls were falling in line.

  Cainan was the icing on the cake. Who would have thought she could turn him around? Their early morning chat convinced Elaine he would support a more balanced Board. She assured him that having another Board member who would not constantly vote with the family would help to have the non-family Board members’ issues addressed. It took her at least an hour to ease him to her way of thinking.

  “I still got it.” The moment Walker was placed into nomination, her job was done….over. No more calls ordering her to do the impossible. No more working for the respect of the Dunnings. And there was no way in hell she was going to hang around to work for Walker. He was an ass without power. She could only imagine what he would be like once he took control of the Board. Elaine thought about that for a moment. How did he intend to do that? At this point he would have to get rid of Myles and Grace.

  “Oh well.” Elaine shrugged her shoulders. “Not my problem to deal with.” She pulled up her retirement papers for one more glance. Soon she would be able to hit the send button. At the age of fifty-five she still had a full life ahead of her. With the payment from her part in taking Dunning down, in addition to her retirement, life was looking good.

  A message alert appeared on her computer screen. Elaine clicked the message then read it.

  Effective immediately, Grace Dunning will be out of the office for an undetermined number of days.

  Elaine’s smiled brightened. “They did it.” Grace and Jonathan were out. Preston and Lynn were voting with her and now Cainan. She picked up her phone and placed the call. There was no answer. That was strange, she thought as a knock sounded at the door.

  “Elaine,” Mike said as he stuck his head through the door. “Sorry to bother you, but we have a situation.”

  “It’s not a bother,” Elaine replied. “Come on in, Mike.”

  Mike stepped inside the office. “Have you read the memo about Grace?”

  “I did.” She nodded with concern. “Is everything okay with her?”

  “To be honest, Elaine, I don’t know. It’s the reason Myles asked me to bring you to the office so we can discuss the next steps. Are you free, right now?”

  “Yes, of course,” Elaine said as she turned off her computer and picked up her tablet.

  “You’re not going to need that. Myles just wants to get your input before he makes definite plans.”

  “Anything I can do to help.” She left the tablet then walked out the door.

  As they walked across the hallway to the executive office, Jerome and Cainan walked into Elaine’s office.

  “Tell Cainan there was information downloaded from her computer less than ten minutes ago,” Jonathan said into the earwig Jerome was wearing.

  “Look for a thumb drive or disc,” Jerome relayed. “Jonathan said information from the computer was downloaded.”

  Cainan turned her computer on. “Well, she has her retirement papers up.”

  “She’s not going to need those,” Jerome said as he packed her laptop and other items from the office.

  “Tell Jonathan, the BIT information is password protected. Can he get me in?”

  “Done,” Jerome relayed.

  Cainan looked at the screen. “I’m in.” He nodded. “She downloaded this entire file.” Cainan searched the computer drives. “It’s been removed.”

  “We need to locate that drive,” Jonathan said to Jerome.

  Jerome pulled out a small scanner. He waved it across the desk. “Nothing.” He paused. “Where is her purse?”

  Cainan pulled out the bottom desk drawer, then pulled out the purse. “I saw her put this away earlier.” He reached inside, pulling out items one at a time.

  Jerome cleared his throat. “Really?”

  “You have to be careful. You don’t want her to know we were in here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Illegal search,” Cainan explained. “We do not have a search warrant.”

  “We aren’t taking this to court, Cainan. We are retrieving proprietary information that she stole from us.”

  “Valid point,” Cainan said as he emptied the contents of the purse on top of the desk.

  Jerome scanned the items, then smiled when a red light illuminated on the device. He picked up the tube. “Bingo. We got it.”

  “Good work, Mate,” Jonathan cheered. “Check everything else, secure all technology, including her cell phone. Mike, let Myles know he is free to proceed.”

  “Ms. Jacobson, Mike.” Mrs. Vazquez nodded. “Mr. Dunning is expecting you. Go right in.”

  Mike opened the door then nodded at Myles. “You are free to proceed.”

  Mrs. Vasquez stepped in behind them and closed the door.

  “Thank you, Mike.” Myles exhaled as he stood. “Why don’t we take a seat at the conference table?”

  “Sure,” Elaine replied.

  “Mrs. Vasquez, Chrystina and Mike are going to remain as witnesses to our conversation.”

  “Witnesses? Why would we need witnesses to discuss what’s happening to Grace?”

  “Witnesses may be the wrong word. Protector is a better word.”

  Elaine looked confused. “For you?”

  “No, for you,” Myles declared. “Effective immediately you are terminated from your position with Dunning Bank and Trust. As we speak your office has been secured, your personal items removed and your technical devices confiscated.”

  “What?” Elaine jumped up. “Why? What are you doing, Myles?”

  Mike put a hand on her shoulder then eased her back into the chair.

  “I wasn’t clear? I’m firing you.” Myles pulled out a chair and sat. “You have one opportunity here, Elaine. What you say in the next ten minutes will determine if you receive the retirement package Mrs. Vazquez has in her hand or walk out in handcuffs. So, I want you to think carefully before you speak.”

  Elaine glanced around at the people in the room. The expressions on their faces told her all she needed to know.

  She exhaled, then smirked. “So…this is how it ends.” She sat back as if relaxing. “Let me tell you, Myles, I was really getting tired of the cha
rade. It was wearing me the hell out. I have been with this bank for twenty-five years of my life. And what do I have to show for it?” She laughed. “Not a damn thing.”

  “Tell it to somebody who gives a damn. Because I don’t,” Myles interrupted her tirade. “It could be that I am tired. Searching for my sister all night long has a tendency to strip me of any patience for bullshit. The next words out of your mouth better be the name of the person you are working with. Who kidnapped my sister? And who killed my father?”

  Elaine sat up. “Hold on, Myles. I honestly do not know anything about a kidnapping and Hepburn died of a heart attack.”

  Myles exhaled. “Tell me what you do know.”

  She fidgeted in the chair. “I am not going out like Mitchell did. That’s not going to happen to me. You want to know what I know, okay.” She shrugged. “I want to walk out of this building with my retirement package and my pride intact. Give me that in writing and I will spill my guts and be out.”

  Myles glared at her. “I expected no less, Elaine.” He nodded to Mrs. Vazquez. She placed the folder in front of Elaine.

  Elaine read over the document. “It says here that you have the right to prosecute me if anything I reveal is determined to be untruthful. That is unacceptable.”

  “Chrystina, would you bring in Agent Roark?”

  “Yes, sir.” Chrystina walked towards her office.

  “Wait….Myles I can’t go to jail. I accept being fired, but jail? I did nothing to warrant jail time.”

  “My father is dead. My sister is in the hospital recovering from being abducted. You may not have done the deed yourself, but you were damn sure complicit, therefore, held responsible for the actions of your cohorts.”

  Elaine ran her hand through her hair. “I swear to you, Myles, I had nothing to do with Hepburn’s death. That is the truth.”

  “Then who did?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Who are you working with?” Mike asked.

  Elaine glanced over her shoulder at him then back at Myles. “Angelina Caputo.”

  “Who is she and what exactly were you trying to do?” Myles asked.


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