Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 29

by Iris Bolling

  “The goal was to block the BIT acquisition to prevent Dunning from moving further up the rankings.”


  “It’s easier to take over a weak bank than a strong one.” Elaine smirked. “Your Family Integrity First moto isn’t supported by all members of your family. Walker has been doing everything he can to take over for years. Now he has help.”


  “Your boy, Jonathan Michael did not inform you that he was my contact at Phase International.” She smiled. “If I go down, he’s going down too.”

  “Not so much,” Mike spoke up. “Jonathan did share his conversation and transmissions between the two of you with us.”

  Myles raised an eyebrow as he slowly turned to glare at Mike.

  “Plausible deniability,” he explained.

  “All right,” Myles said slowly then turned back to Elaine. “How did Walker intend to take over the bank?”

  “The emergency meeting this afternoon. I was to place his name in nomination to become a part of the Board.”

  “The votes from the family alone would have prevented that from happening,” Mike stated.

  “Not if Jonathan and Grace were missing from the meeting,” Chrystina suggested. “Currently the Board has five family members and five non-family members. If two family members are absent and the majority of the non-family members vote in favor, it could be done.”

  “That would get him on the Board,” Myles acknowledged. “But not in charge of the bank. You still would have to eliminate me and Grace….” It hit him. His head snapped around to Elaine. “He planned on killing Grace.”

  “That would still leave you,” Mike stated. “How did he plan on eliminating Myles?”

  “I don’t know,” Elaine replied. “I had only one contact, that was Angelina. I did not know all the ins and outs of the plan. I’m telling you I did not know Hepburn was killed. Until you said it in this room, I thought he died of a heart attack. I swear, Myles, I did not know about Grace.”


  Gina wondered where her new boss was. Neither Sydney nor Jonathan had made it to the office yet. It was well after ten in the morning. She decided to take a break to check on Preston. She made a fresh pot of coffee, then carried a cup to his office. After a light tap on the door she peeked inside.

  “Preston,” she called out when she saw he was still on the sofa.

  “Yes,” he replied as he sat up. Resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands he exhaled.

  “Don’t feel too great, huh…?”

  “You could say that,” he huffed.

  “This might help.” Gina walked over and handed him the cup of coffee, then sat next to him. “You were pretty wasted this morning.”

  Preston ran his hand through his hair then slowly stood. “Thank you for this.”

  “You’re welcome. You should drink some, you know.”

  Preston walked behind his desk, then placed the cup on top. Sitting in his chair, he exhaled again. “I need to write my resignation.”

  “You’re quitting? After all I did to save your job this morning, you are going to quit?”

  Preston slowly looked up with hooded eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “You don’t remember?” She raised an eyebrow. “How do you think you got into this office, or on that sofa? I brought your ass in here before anyone could see you.” She sat in front of his desk. “So before you up and quit on me, I think it’s only fair that you fill me in on what happened.”

  Preston sat back and stared at her. Hell he needed to talk to somebody; the damn bottle sure did not help with his problem. He picked up the empty bottle then tossed it in the trash. Then he told Gina everything he had discovered that morning and how he ended up in this sorry state of affairs.

  “Shut the front door. You are a Dunning,” she exclaimed.

  “Yes. Now I need to tell Myles.”

  Gina nodded. “You probably do. But why do you think you have to quit? From what I’ve seen this week, you are an important part of this bank. You landed that BIT account everybody is talking about. It sounds like a pretty big deal.” She shrugged. “They depend on and respect the hell out of you here. And if anyone is a victim, it’s you. Not Myles, not your mother, not the bank, but you. You didn’t lie. Your mother did. As for how the Dunnings are going to take having a new family member is for them to decide. But frankly, I think it would be a blessing to have someone who is loyal like a family member. I don’t know this Walker person, but from what I hear, the Dunnings would welcome trading him in for you.” She stood. “As for your mother…” She shrugged. “She is still your mother. She lied, yes. But I look at you and I see a good man. A caring man. A pretty honest man. So what did she do wrong when it came to you?” She sighed. “And I have to wonder why. What was happening in her life that made her decide to withhold the truth of your parentage from you?” She walked to the door. “Before you start uprooting your life, find some real answers. Talk to your mother, then to Myles. Now, I have to go back to work.”

  “Hey,” Preston called out. “You are pretty easy to talk to.”

  “I know. Damn I’m just all of that and more.” She smiled then walked out the door.


  Walker, I have to see you. It’s urgent.

  Walker was sitting at the dining table in his room finishing his breakfast. He requested to have his meals in his room today and asked for a pass from his early session. There was no way he could explain the mark on his face without a lot of questions being asked. That bitch had the nerve to mark him. He sneered. But that one brief moment of surprise on her face when he walked into that container was worth it. The plan had worked. Having the employees’ entrance at the end of the corridor wasn’t a part of the plan but a stroke of luck. The rest, the employee badge he stole off one of the nurses, taking the shortcut the nurses used to get to the strip mall for lunch, then having his man pick him up, all worked just like he knew it would. If anyone was to question his whereabouts at the time of Grace’s death, his alibi was perfect. No one could prove he was anywhere near Grace when she died. That is, if they ever discovered her body in the container. The thought of her rotting in there made him smile.

  There was a light knock then the door opened.

  He frowned at the interruption, then turned his face so whoever it was could not see the bruise.

  “Walker, it’s me.”

  His head snapped around at the voice. “What are you doing, Angelina? You being here could jeopardize everything.”

  “Oh, Walker.” Angelina ran into his arms, then touched his face. “What happened to your face?”

  “It’s nothing. Why are you here?”

  “It was important or I would not have come.”

  “Nothing is more important than me getting back on that Board, Angelina, nothing.” He shook her shoulders. “Grace is gone.” He chuckled. “Is Jonathan still in England?”

  “Yes, as far as I know, but….”

  “No buts. That leaves AnnieMarie and Gary both of whom will vote for me. We got Elaine, Lynn and Preston. Angelina, this is it. This is what we have been working for.”

  “I know, Walker, but listen we have a problem with Preston.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean, we have a problem with Preston.” His voice turned cold.

  “He’s upset with me right now and I don’t know what he’s going to do.”

  Walker ran the count through again. “Elaine, Lynn, AnnieMarie, Gary, are with us; that leave Myles, Mike and Cainan. We need Preston. Fix whatever the hell you did.”

  Angelina struggled for the words. “I don’t think I can.” She swallowed because she knew what she had to say was going to make him angry. Over the years she had learned to handle the cruel words, even a smack or two, but when he would walk out of her life sometimes for months on end, that she couldn’t stand. Her heart couldn’t take him leaving like he did when she refused to kill Hepburn the first time. It took months,
almost a full year before he came back to her. But since then, he had stayed, right by her side. He even allowed her to help with his plans. They were down to the last steps, in a day or two this would all be over and Walker would be in his rightful place, on the Board of Dunning. She had every faith that it would not take him long to become the CEO. And then, she knew they would finally be together. It’d been a thirty-two year uphill battle, but they were about to win. Yes, he was going to be angry, but as soon as she killed Winnie and he got back on the Board they could live happily ever after. All she had to do was keep him calm and focused on the big picture. But she knew just like before, with time he would always come back to her.

  “This is the best chance we have.”

  She had gotten lost in her thoughts and wasn’t listening to what he was saying. His hand came across her cheek.

  “Are you listening to me? Did Elaine get Lynn to vote with her?”

  Angelina’s hand flew to her injured cheek. “I’m sorry, Walker.” She quietly cried. “Yes. Elaine has convinced the new guy Lynn to vote with her. I don’t know him. He came after I left, but she is certain he will vote with her.”

  “All right.” He seemed to calm down a little. “I’m sorry I had to do that, Angelina. But it is important that we stay focused. We are so close to having everything.”

  “I know,” Angelina said as she reached out to him with shaky hands. “It’s not as simple as just the vote any more. Walker, he knows. Preston knows, and he said he was going to tell Myles.”

  “Knows what?”

  She had never seen him this angry, she thought as his eyes flared. But she had to warn him. Had to help him figure this all out. “That you are his father.”

  “How in the hell would he know that, Angelina?” He grabbed her hair so hard it caused her to fall to her knees.

  “Walker,” she cried. “I had our photo album out. I was so happy that we were coming to an end of all of this. I wanted to see us, happy like before.” She felt his hands loosen some on her hair. “Those pictures always make me feel closer to you. We were so in love back then. I can see us like that again, now. With Hepburn out of the way and the bank within our grasp, we can…we can have it all now, Walker. You, me and Preston, can be that family we always wanted.”

  “I’m on the verge of getting everything that is rightfully mine and you do something so inconceivably stupid.” He released her hair with a shove causing her to fall to the floor.

  “How could you leave anything around the house that your son has a key to?”

  “Our son,” she whispered, but Walker was so caught up in his rage that he didn’t hear her.

  “That’s why I never married you. It was your stupidity that got us caught in the first place. You were stupid then and you are stupid now. You put everything I have worked for for the last two years in jeopardy with your petty happily ever after dreams. That’s only in fairytales, Angelina, they don’t come true without paying a price. And you dare to think I would want you and your bastard son as a family.” He laughed. “Please, once I get back on that Board, I can finally get you out of my life. And that son of yours, he’s going to be the first one I get rid of.”

  “Our son,” she whispered again.

  This time he heard her. He bent down over her and spat in her face. “He is a bastard child. God only knows who his true father is. It damn well isn’t me,” he growled. “Now, if you ever want to be near me again.” His eyes flamed with anger. “Get that son of yours on the phone. Now!” He yelled. “You better convince him that it is not only in your best interests but his as well.” He glowered at her. “I know how to make people disappear, Angelina.” He spoke softly. “You know I do.” He ran his hands lovingly over her cheek. “Get Preston to keep his mouth shut and follow our plan or” -he smirked- “I will make him disappear.” He pulled her up by her arm. “Now, get out. I am losing my patience with you.”

  Walker turned his back on her. Angelina started to walk out, but stopped. She couldn’t leave. If she did, she knew he would do just what he said. How dare he? How dare he threaten to take his own son’s life? Her son that she cherished from the moment she knew he was inside of her. The son that she raised to become the man his own father couldn’t be. “That’s why you hate him.” It finally dawned on her. “Preston is on the Board of Dunning and you’re not.”

  “I told you to leave me.” Walker turned on her with a vengeance, but he was met, with the base of the lamp from his nightstand. He fell across the bed from the blow to his head.

  “Oh, I’m going to leave you, Walker. Just the way you taught me.” She smirked as she loomed over his still body. “You’re still breathing. Hmmm…I’ll have to fix that,” she said as she calmly put the lamp back on the nightstand. “You forgot what you taught me, Walker. Never turn your back on an angry person. Oh, that’s right you never hung around long enough to see me angry.” She sighed as she pulled the covers on the bed down. “No, I never showed you that side of me. Few people can bring it out.” She tilted her head and thought as she pulled his shoes off. “No, only one person. You, Walker. Only you can bring out the crazy in people.” She sighed then dropped his shoes to the floor. She moved his body, positioning it as if he was in bed asleep. She pulled the covers over him, then bent over and gently kissed him on the lips. “Now I have to show you what crazy really is.” She picked up the pillow. Placed it over his face, then held it in place with all the strength she had. Visions of Preston running Dunning Bank and Trust one day flowed through her mind. She pusher harder, making sure the pressure was over his mouth and nose. After a few moments, she checked his pulse, then smiled. Yes, she knew her life was over, but so was his. Preston would live on.

  The pillow had just hit the bed when another nurse walked in the door.

  “Oh, I didn’t know the next shift was in.” The nurse walked in the room. “Thank you, one less patient I have to check on before I leave.”

  “He is having a morning,” Angelina replied. “I think it’s best that he sleep it off.”

  “You checked his vitals?”

  “I did. Everything is normal,” Angelina replied without facing the woman.

  “No problem,” the nurse replied as she wrote on the chart. “I’ll put a do not disturb order in the chart.”

  “Sounds good.” Angelina waved as the nurse left.

  “My darling, Walker. It’s now time for me to go. But have no fear. Your plans will be carried forward. Only”- she shook her head - “it will be my Preston taking his rightful place at Dunning.” She kissed her fingers then pressed them to his lips. “Sleep well, my love.”

  Angelina looked around to make certain nothing was out of place. She walked out the door, turned to the left and walked out of the employee entrance door the same way she had walked in.


  After they had gotten all the information they could from Elaine, Myles stood, exhausted. He watched as she was escorted out of the building then turned to Mrs. Vazquez.

  “Are we sure she will not be able to contact Walker or this Angelina person to tip them off that we know what’s happening?” Chrystina asked.

  “Not if Roark does his job.” Mike exhaled. “In case no one has noticed, we still don’t know who killed Daddy or for certain who took Grace.”

  Myles nodded. “Grace will tell us what happened and I guarantee you Walker was behind it.”

  “What are you going to do about him?” Chrystina asked.

  “I want him locked up for life,” Myles stated.

  “I want his life, if he had anything to do with Mr. Dunning’s death.”

  That quiet admission from Mrs. Vazquez summed it up for everyone.

  “It’s been a long day and we have the BIT presentation to prepare for.” Myles sat behind his desk.

  “Gary has been putting the figures together,” Chrystina stated, “and I’m certain Preston has been working non-stop on it.”

  “Oh hell,” Myles exclaimed. “I was supposed to meet with him
this morning. Chrystina, will you check on him and make my apologies?”

  “I’ll handle it now,” she said then left the office.

  “I’m going to check on Cainan and Jerome,” Mike said. “Let’s see if they were able to find anything that can answer some of these questions for us.”

  “Keep me posted on what you discover.” Myles turned to Mrs. Vazquez and asked, “What do you know about this Angelina Caputo?”

  “I was afraid you were going to ask me that.” She smiled. “Do you remember the file cabinet I mentioned when you moved into this office?”

  “I do.”

  “You said you would get to it when you needed to. Well.” She walked over to the file cabinet, unlocked it then opened it. Pulling out a file she placed it on his desk. “It’s time.”

  Myles reached for the file. She placed her hand on top of it to stop him. “Keep this in mind. A child is not responsible for their parents’ actions.”

  The statement confused Myles. But he knew Mrs. Vazquez always had a reason for her statements. “I will.”

  She smiled. “Do you remember me telling you I would be leaving once you settled in?”

  “Not now.” Myles shook his head. “The world here at Dunning is on an axle and I have no idea which way it is going to tilt.”

  “I do.” She smiled. “Elaine was the last snake you had in your backyard. You now have a new crew…a good team to help move you and Dunning to the next level. Don’t worry, I am not leaving today. However, I will begin training Annatasha to take my position. She will take good care of you.” She walked towards the door. “Read the file, you are in better shape than you think.”

  Myles exhaled. How could he concentrate on a file when the person who had been encouraging him just said she was leaving soon.

  “Read the file,” she called out. “I’ve not gone anywhere…yet.”

  Myles smiled, it was as if she could read his mind. He opened the file and began reading.


  Jonathan had Grace settled in bed by three. Winnie watched as he gently cared for her daughter like a man truly in love. The last few hours, learning all that had happened made her feel as if her heart had left her chest. She knew she was overbearing but Winnie’s eyes stayed on her daughter as Jonathan checked on her ankle and watched over her as she took the pain killers.


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