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Bank On Love

Page 30

by Iris Bolling

  “You are staring, Mother. I promise you, I am fine,” Grace said again. “Jonathan is not going to let anything happen to me.”

  “No, I am not,” Jonathan replied as he gently kissed Grace on the forehead. “Until all the pieces come together she is not leaving my sight.”

  “What about your mother?” Winnie asked. “I enjoyed meeting her.”

  “Sydney is there with her,” Jonathan replied. “When she is dismissed from the hospital, I will make sure she stays put long enough for you two to spend some time to get to know each other.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Grace added. “Winnie needs to get out of the house and enjoy life.”

  “I enjoy life with my children.” Winnie’s cell phone rang. “I get a little restless when bad things keep happening to my family,” Winnie replied as she answered her phone.

  “Hello?” She listened.

  “It is wonderful to hear from you.” She listened more then looked at Grace. “I would love to, but there is no way I can get away right now.” Winnie shook her head.

  “Yes, you can,” Grace moaned. “You have been with me all morning.”

  “She is about to sleep for the next few hours,” Jonathan added. “And I need a few hours as well.”

  “Go take a little time to wind down,” Grace ordered.

  “I think my daughter is trying to push me away.” She smiled. “Is everything all right? You sound upset.

  “No, it’s not a problem. You listened to me, it’s only fair that I do the same for you.” Winnie glanced at her watch then sighed. “How does four o’clock sound?” She nodded. “Okay I will meet you there.” Winnie disconnected the call. “Grace, are you sure?”

  “Mother, I love you so much, but you are smothering me.”

  “I don’t see you saying that to Jonathan.” Winnie put her hands on her hips. “He hasn’t left your side other than to check on his mother since this morning.”

  “He has a special blend to his smothering.” Grace smiled. “Besides, AnnieMarie is on her way over too.”

  “Is she?”

  “Yes, she’s bringing some things from work for me.”

  Winnie glanced at Jonathan, then back at Grace. “If you are sure?”

  “I am.” Grace kissed her mother’s hand. “Go have tea with your friend. Afterwards go home. Relax and get a good night’s sleep. I know I will.”

  Jonathan stood to walk Winnie to the door. “That is an order, Mrs. Dunning.”

  Winnie picked up her purse and sweater, then looked around to see if she was leaving anything. “All right. I will call you before I go to sleep.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek, held her eyes for a long moment. “I love you, Grace.”

  Jonathan walked back into the room after showing Winnie out the door. He slid into bed next to Grace.

  “What was that you said about my special blend of smothering?”


  Twenty minutes later Winnie ran in the back door, through the kitchen and up the back staircase. Daisy was pulling items out the pantry as she saw the blur go by.

  “Winnie?” She called out.

  “Yes?” Winnie stopped halfway up the stairs.

  “Where are you rushing to?”

  “I’m meeting my friend for tea,” Winnie explained. “Did you need something?”

  “No. How is Grace?”

  Winnie stepped down one stair. “She is doing well. Jonathan is really good with her. I wish you could have seen it, Daisy. He was so gentle with her. Just watching the two of them together you can feel the love they have for each other.” She touched her heart.

  “Any bruises, or …” Daisy hesitated. “Did they break her spirit at all?”

  Winnie smiled. “Not one little bit,” she laughed. “I guarantee you Grace Heather Dunning is going to be giving people in the office hell in the next forty-eight hours, if it takes that long.”

  “Aww, that is good to hear, Winnie.” Daisy smiled. “I can’t tell you how scared I was for that child.”

  Winnie sat on the step and exhaled. “I know. My heart was breaking into small pieces with every detail. But I had faith that Hepburn was looking out for our daughter.” She hesitated, then began walking back up the stairs. “And HE brought my child home…yes, HE did.”

  “Yes, HE did,” Daisy repeated Winnie’s words. “And it came by way of Jonathan Michael.”

  A few minutes later Winnie came back downstairs, clothes changed and a little color to her face.

  “Nice outfit,” Daisy said of the jeans, tank top and cashmere sweater set Winnie was wearing. “Now, where are you going?”

  “I told you I’m going to have tea with my friend, Angelina,” Winnie said as she strolled towards the door. “I should be back in time for dinner. But don’t hold it up, just in case I’m late. The tea shop is near Williamsburg and you know how traffic can be coming down interstate 64 that time of evening.”

  “You be careful out there,” Daisy called out to her as she walked out the door. “Limit the bourbon in those drinks.”

  She could hear Winnie’s laughter as she closed the door. Daisy smiled. It was good to hear genuine laughter in the house again. Too much had happened with this family. Too much, she thought as she went about making dinner.

  The house phone rang just as she as was about to put the meat in the oven.

  “Dunning residence.”

  “Hi, Daisy, is Winnie in?”

  “Hi, Ms. Vivian. How are you?”

  “Doing okay now,” Viv replied. “I don’t think I can take any more of the craziness that’s been happening with this family. Can you believe an organization as prestigious as Phase International would be involved in a kidnapping?”

  Daisy shook her head. “I don’t put nothing past anybody these days. We got a crook in the White House, fools running Congress and about to have a Black bank controlling the economy.”

  Viv laughed. “Well, all we can do on the first part is get our behinds out there and vote. As for the last part, well, all I can say to the last part is that it is about time. We have been pushed back in this country for generations. It’s nice to know Dunning is leading the way to show the world just what people of color can do, just like we have for centuries.”

  “You got that right.” Daisy laughed.

  “How is Winnie?” Viv asked.

  “She’s doing a lot better now that Grace Heather is safe.”

  “Jonathan is the blessing this family needs. Can I speak with Winnie?”

  “She just left about thirty minutes ago to meet her friend for tea.”

  “Angelina,” Viv said. “They have been talking quite a bit and it’s been good for Winnie to have someone outside of the family to talk to about Hep’s death.”

  “I tell you, it’s just been good to see her smiling again,” Daisy said. “She spends so much time worrying about the children. These kids are grown and well on their way to being married and happy.”

  “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have back to back weddings,” Viv boasted. “Myles will have to get married first, then Grace Heather and then AnnieMarie. I’m afraid Michael and Gary have a little bit of Walker’s blood in them when it comes to getting married. They are what my father used to call allergic to settling down.”

  Daisy literally froze as she reached under the cabinet for a pot. “Did you say allergic to…..”

  “Yes, my father used to say Walker was just allergic to doing what’s right.” She went on laughing.

  “God damn it….damn it….damn it….damn it to hell. “

  “Daisy, are you all right.”

  “I missed it, Viv. God damn it. I missed it.” Daisy was pulling off her apron. “Viv, can I call you back?”

  “Is everything okay?” Viv asked.

  “I’ll let you know when I call you back.”

  Daisy hung up the phone then rushed to Hepburn’s office, cursing along the way. “How in the hell could I have missed that?” She fussed as she opened the door. “I could be wro
ng,” she told herself as she pulled the red dictionary down. A chill ran down her spine. “But I’m not,” she said as she placed her palm on the safe door. The lock clicked then sprang open. She pulled out the copy of the documents she had passed on to Agent Roark. She quickly flipped through the pages. Her eyes skimmed the pages as she turned. There it was on page five. The interview with the investigator and Walker Sr. had stated, ‘Jr. acts as if he is allergic to doing what is right. Just like when he refused to accept responsibility for fathering a child with Angelina Caputo.’

  “Damn it, damn it, damn it.” Daisy pulled out her phone and called Jerome. He answered on the second ring. “Where are you?”

  “At the office.” Jerome asked, “What’s wrong, Daisy?”

  “I need to get into your computer system to do a search on an address,” Daisy said as she rushed from the office, through the kitchen then down the stairs to the basement of the house.

  “Who are you looking for?” Jerome asked.

  “Angelina Caputo, she was an employee who was involved in the embezzlement case with Walker Jr.”

  “Go into to my office, I’ve unlocked the computer for you. It should be running when you get there. Now what about this Angelina woman?”

  “The friend Winnie has been having tea with. Her name is Angelina too.”

  “So?” Jerome asked.

  Daisy stopped in front of the control room door. “Angelina Caputo was involved with Walker Jr.”

  “Daisy, slow down. I’m missing something here.”

  “Do you believe in coincidences?”

  “No,” Jerome replied without hesitation.

  “Neither do I. I’m at your computer. What do I do?”

  “Just wait. I’m doing a complete name search for Virginia. Tell me what you see?”

  “Shit, this thing has 2,634 names that popped up,” Daisy screamed. “Narrow it down. Do….” She thought for a minute. “Come on, come on….okay, check Dunning’s employee data base. Maybe we can get a birthday or something in there.”

  “Hold on.”

  “Come on, Jerome, she is with this woman right now and I don’t feel good about it.”


  “All I know is some tea shop in Williamsburg,” Daisy said. “That’s it.” She began reading information on the computer screen.

  “I see it,” Jerome said. “I’m redefining the search. Check the screen.”

  Daisy watched the screen. “I really have to learn how to use a computer. This is just taking too long.”

  “It’s coming, Daisy, give it a minute.”

  “I don’t think we have a minute to waste, Jerome.” Daisy shook her head back and forth. “Something is not right. I feel it in my bones.” The computer beeped. “That’s not her. That says Angelina Long.”

  “Did you say Angelina Long?” Jerome asked.

  “Yes, why? What is it, Jerome? Who is Angelina Long?”

  “She is Preston Long’s mother,” Jerome replied.

  “Jerome, Walker Jr. fathered a child with Angelina Caputo. If this is the same woman, that means Preston Long could be Walker Jr.’s son.”

  There was no reply.

  “Jerome, did you hear me.”

  “I heard you. Get in your car, Daisy, now. Start driving towards Williamsburg. I’ll send the directions to the GPS in your car.”

  Daisy was moving back up the steps. “I don’t like that sound in your voice, Jerome. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking I need to start listening to those feelings in your bones. I’m going to fill Myles in. Daisy…”

  The tone in his voice caused her to stop just as she reached the kitchen. “What?”

  “It may take me a minute to find Myles then get to Williamsburg. Take a weapon with you. Be ready to fight if you have to.”

  Daisy began purposefully walking into the kitchen. “I’m always ready to fight.” She disconnected the call then pulled down her cast iron frying pan. She twisted it back and forth in her hand as she grabbed her car keys. The back door opened. Daisy swung around and raised her pan.

  “Daisy, what on earth are you doing with that pan?”

  “Vivian.” Daisy lowered the pan. “You almost lost your life.” She ran out the door.

  “What is going on? Where are you going?” Vivian ran behind her.

  “I’m going to get Winnie and I don’t have time to explain. If you are coming get in the car.”

  Daisy was inside, putting the vehicle in reverse when Vivian jumped in. She barely had the door closed when Daisy shot out of the garage opening, slammed on the brakes, then pulled out going full speed towards the front gate.


  Myles took a deep breath, then tapped on Preston’s door. He stepped inside. “Take a walk with me.”

  “Myles.” Preston stood.

  “You look like you had a hell of a day. So did I.” Myles tilted his head. “I could sure use someone to talk to.”

  Preston reached for his suit jacket. “I do need to speak with you, Myles.”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  Preston hung his head. “I have.”

  “Got any left?” Myles smiled.

  Preston smiled. “I downed the whole bottle.”

  “I did that once,” Myles said as they walked towards the elevator. “The night before my father’s funeral. It turned out to be the best damn night of my life.”


  The elevator closed just as Myles stated, “Dunning men have the ability to drown their sorrows without allowing them to rule our lives.”

  Preston stared at Myles as the elevator traveled up to the solarium. Neither said a word until they stepped off the elevator then took a seat by the window.

  “Walker Dunning is not a good man,” Myles began. “He is not the best representation of who we are and what our family stands for.”

  “You know.”

  “I just read it in a file.” Myles exhaled. “When did you find out?”

  “This morning.” Preston shook his head, then swallowed. “My mother had some pictures lying around. I saw one and I knew.”

  “How do you feel about it?”

  “I’m pissed that I’ve been lied to all my life,” Preston exclaimed.

  “I can understand that,” Myles acknowledged. “My father once told me it’s not the discovery of lies that defines a man. It is his actions after the lie is disclosed. Will it destroy everything you have accomplished up to that point in your life? Or will you continue to grow in spite of it.” Myles sat forward. “I do not know the reasons why your mother took the path she did. That is for you to discover and then find a way to forgive her.”

  “Forgive her?”

  “Yes.” Myles nodded. “It is the first step in healing.”


  “There are a hundred tea shops in Williamsburg, Daisy. You’ve got to give me something more to narrow it down,” Jerome insisted.

  “It’s near the place where Jr. is,” Vivian said out loud. “She told me she was just leaving the facility after seeing Jr. and she pulled over to a little strip mall and the tea place was inside there.”

  “Good information,” Jerome replied. “That cuts it down to three, two are in strip malls. I’m sending them to your GPS system, Daisy. Go there first. I will find Myles.”

  “Mrs. Vazquez, is Myles still in the office?” Jerome asked.

  “No, I believe he went to Preston’s office.”

  Jerome cursed under his breath then walked quickly across the hallway to Preston’s office. He opened the door, but the office was empty. He ran to Chrystina’s office, knocked then barged in.


  “My apologies, Chrystina.” Jerome walked over to the monitors on the wall. “I need to find Myles and Preston.”

  “They are together, talking.”

  “Do you know where?”

  “No. What’s going on, Jerome. Is Myles okay?”

  “There they are.” Jerome pointed then
ran out of the office.

  Chrystina watched as Myles and Preston sat at a table.

  “Hey,” Gina said from the doorway. “It has been a crazy ass day. Do you know my bosses never came in the office today?”

  “Yes, I know.” Chrystina continued watching the monitors. “There’s been a lot happening around here.”

  “More, than you know.” Gina walked over to where Chrystina was standing. She saw what was on the monitor. “Girl…..that right there is more drama than the Atlanta Housewives. You should have told me working here was like this.”

  “Gina, what are you talking about?”

  She pointed to the monitor. “That right there, Myles and Preston are about to set off a shit storm up in here.”

  Chrystina watched as Jerome approached Myles, then watched as the two men ran out. Myles said something to Preston as the elevator doors closed.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Chrystina huffed.

  “Sit down, girl, let me tell you.”


  “Jerome sent the directions to the GPS.” Daisy said. “But I have never used my GPS. Hell I don’t even know how to turn it on.”

  Vivian stared at her first, then looked at the console. “Navigational system, right here.” She pushed the button to engage the system.

  Destination one. Turn left at the next light.

  “Get in your left lane, Daisy,” Vivian ordered.

  “This traffic is heavy,” Daisy said as she put on her signal.

  “Bogart your way over. We have to turn left at that light.”

  Daisy turned the wheel. Car horns sounded behind her.

  Vivian looked back then up to the heavens. “Lord take the wheel.”

  Your destination is 200 hundred feet on the left.

  “There it is, there it is.” Vivian frantically pointed. Daisy put on her signal. The cars weren’t letting her over. She stopped in the middle of the street. Car horns behind her were blaring. She rolled down the window. “Let me the hell over,” she yelled at the car next to her. The shocked woman waved her over. Daisy pulled in front of her then turned into the strip mall.


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