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The Moon Shadow : The Wolfrik Trilogy | Book 1

Page 12

by K. Rea


  Six choices, five men. How to choose? They were scattered around the room; masks obscured their faces, and their black suits made them all appear equal to a degree. I suspected the masquerade was meant to give them anonymity when I rejected them. I turned to look at the tallest man in the room. He stood dominating the center, blond hair loose around his shoulders but for a few braids and black feathers. His mask a collection of black feathers shaped to reflect a black falcon—the druid.

  “Can I ask them questions?” I asked. I looked at the cluster of council members at my side.

  “What would you want to know?” Lady Cleo asked, a small, sad smile upon her face.

  “If they want a wife, for starters. What they expect of a wife? How I can expect to be treated? What if they have questions?” I asked, and Gaius laughed.

  “No questions are necessary. They expect you to obey; I expect them to bring you to heel. They have much to gain by obtaining a bride. If they didn’t want you for a wife, they wouldn’t be here. You will learn your place soon enough; as a wife or a concubine, it matters not, they’ll teach you or I will. Remove the mask of the suitor you choose or pick up the brand,” Gaius ordered. The druid smiled in response. He clearly agreed with Gaius’ point of view. I turned away from the druid. He snarled at the dismissal: one down, four to go.

  The next suitor wore a black amethyst mask. He sat with an open book in his tattoo-covered hands. I approached him to get a better look, only to be overwhelmed by a putrid smell of chemicals, death, and fear. Not his fear, though. His slender hands snapped the book closed. He frowned at me, his violet eyes striking. I quickly backed away from the silent predator. Vampire? Witch? I wasn’t sure what he was, but I knew I didn’t want to find out personally.

  The remaining suitors were similar in stature, though one seemed more rugged, another annoyed, and the last reserved. One leaned against the fireplace as if frozen, feigning interest in the flames but watching my every move. The other man wore a glittering ebony snake mask. He restlessly shifted his feet and stretched. The third man wore a simple black mask with leaves carved into the surface.

  “How do you expect me to choose if I can’t ask questions?” I asked the Council angrily.

  “Body language?” Lady Cleo suggested.

  “Attraction,” Lady Abigail purred as she trailed her fingers along Gaius’ shoulder. I wondered if she was truly so power hungry or if he compelled her to be a companion. I suppose if she was compelled, the wood smoke would have released her.

  “Listen to your wolf,” Sir Michael recommended. Listen to my wolf. I was the wolf, and the wolf was me. The wolf was silent. The fidgeting suitor pulled an object from his pockets and tossed it back and forth between his hands. The embroidery on the inside of his wrists caught the light. I stepped closer, only to realize he tossed a green apple between his hands. He slowed his movements, and the flames caused the threads in his sleeve to catch the light, revealing embroidered roses. Alex. Even though the mask covered most of his face, I could still see his arrogant smile. He knew, I knew. He wanted me to know. My wolf bristled at the idea of being his mate.

  “Prince Alex,” I murmured out loud and nodded at him. He laughed and bowed before biting into his apple. Beyond his flare and vampire nature, there was no connection there. Marriage with him could be disastrous; I already tried to kill him once. He had nearly killed me in the alleyway.

  “Happy Birthday, Lady Evelyn,” Alex acknowledged before biting into the apple with a smile and wink. My wolf wanted to take a bite out of him, and not in a sexy way.

  The last two suitors were close to each other, ignoring the other as if they’d rather not be in the same room. Both similar in stature, tall and muscular. Both in simple black suits with their hair styled back. The one with lighter hair had a simple chain around his neck; on that chain was a tree pendant. The lighter haired suitor with the leaf mask stared at me with emerald green eyes. He smiled. The emerald-eyed suitor didn’t have fangs; he wasn’t a vampire. His eyes flashed with mischief as he winked at me. My wolf didn’t stir.

  The other suitor still lounged next to the fireplace; his suit molded to his muscular form. Next to him, the red-fiery brand rested on crackling embers. His hands disappeared into his pockets at his sides. I stepped closer to him. The heat of the fire kissed my skin, the wood smoke intense. Standing in the hottest spot in the room, flames reflected on the perfectly smooth surface of his mask, and in those shadowed steely eyes was an emotion I couldn’t name. A dismissal, a challenge, an invitation? To hell with it; they drew me in. I stepped closer to the flames. The man and the brand both within arm’s reach. His eyes widen before darting to the man beside him.

  “Decide, girl, before I make it for you,” Gaius threatened, stepping up next to the brand. His hand twitched; he was ready to brand me. I looked to the king once, then back to the two men in black. Both were tense, the green-eyed man staring me down. The other avoided my gaze, but for a brief second, his eyes looked into mine.


  My wolf growled, I decided. Those fiery eyes called to me. Without a second thought, I reached out and pulled the mask away from the groom’s face.

  I realized it was a trap when Gaius laughed and clapped beside me. Aiden stared intensely back at me. A Kensley wife, or a Kensley concubine? Would there be a difference? Better marriage to one than be a member of their harem shared by all, right? Heat radiated off the brooding vampire, along with a dark, fierce power. What had I done? The druid and bookish predator left the room with a nod to the king. The fourth suitor stepped forward and bowed before removing his mask.

  “Lady Evelyn, Happy Birthday, and may the Goddess of Night watch over you until we meet again. Council members, grandmother,” the green-eyed man said before bowing.

  “Thank you for your participation, Lord Quinn. Good evening,” Lady Cleo said with a smile as he replaced his mask and left the room.

  “Council members, as you can see, her decision was made of her own choosing. She was not compelled. We now have a wedding to conclude. I excuse you from all further proceedings,” King Gaius dismissed them and left the room. The Council members exited quickly, cowards, the lot of them. They could have changed this if they stood together against the king. Sir Michael hesitated at the door.

  “Congratulations are in order, Prince Aiden. I hope that you handle her with care. She is a rare creature. My sincerest hopes for you, Lady Evelyn,” Sir Michael stated before leaving.

  “You were supposed to pick Quinn. He would have gotten you away from Court. Gaius cannot control the witches and fae as easily as the rest of us.” Aiden’s hand gently gripped my shoulder, keeping me from following everyone else out of the room.

  “You shouldn’t have picked me; I shouldn’t have participated. Know that who I am in private is not who I am at Court. I can only promise you I will not be unduly cruel unless it is to keep you from a worse fate,” Aiden promised.

  “This night will be difficult on us both. Did anyone tell you what happens next?” he asked sternly.

  “I didn’t ask,” I admitted, focusing on the ebony button at his collar while I tried to still my mounting panic; Aiden cursed.

  “They should have warned you. The marriage ceremony is a ritual that traditionally tests a bride’s commitment, loyalty, and virtuous nature. Stay close to me. The crowd will try to separate us. If the crowd separates us, it is your job as the bride to make it back to me. I cannot come to you. They will try to stop you by any means, do not let them. I’m prohibited from helping you until you reach my side,” Aiden explained and turned to enter the hall. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “What happens if I can’t get to you?” I asked and followed him. He stopped in the doorway.

  “You will,” he said sharply. “Do whatever is necessary to overcome the crowd. Desire and bloodlust are already thick in the air. If they get to you, yo
u will fail. This is a vampire ceremony; the crowd can do whatever they want to you. It’s mostly vampires out there tonight. If you fail and survive, marriage will no longer be an option. Do you understand?” he asked regretfully. I nodded grimly as we stepped through the black oak doorway.

  “Do you have a groom’s test?” I asked as I hesitated at the door. Aiden paused and looked back at me, only slightly annoyed before the expression faded.

  “My test starts after the ceremony—to keep you safe from those that would take you from me,” Aiden whispered. He turned back in the throne’s direction and walked. The crowd pushed him along and tried to obscure him from view. It was clear he slowed his pace for my benefit.

  I hurried out the door into a wall of hands and taunts. Around me, people whispered threats, lewd remarks, and promises of freedom. The comments and promises never stopped; they only got more insistent, turning into a dull roar in my ears.

  “—Who do you think you are to marry a man like him?”

  “… wolves, spread their legs for anyone…”

  “… Run. Run while you have a chance. The doors are open…”

  “… vampires are cold-blooded creatures; I can keep you warm…”

  “… would love to sink my fangs into…”

  “… death would be better; we can make it quick…”

  “… trust me, Aiden arranged a way out follow me…”

  “Run wolf-girl, catch me if you can,” Ciara whispered. I saw her blonde hair and a flash of her dress before she disappeared behind me. I looked back to follow her. A hand on my wrist stopped me; the smell of apples distracted me. A finger trailed down my arm before Alex pushed me back toward Aiden. Alex melted into the crowd in the direction of his twin.

  I struggled to move forward now and follow Aiden. Emboldened by Alex’s actions, spectators grabbed at my arms and body. I kept moving. No one had hurt me yet. The closer to Aiden I got, the more they pulled at me. The more they promised freedom and death. The assault of charming, calming voices became worse with each step as my pace slowed. Maybe there were allies in the crowd to help me, to save me from the fate I accepted. People had stopped pulling at me. Someone ran their hands along my arms and through my hair. I almost stopped walking. A hand caressed my neck.

  “Fight it, little wolf,” the soft whisper floated through the air, followed by the wolf’s order.

  Run to him. He is ours.

  I pulled away from the vampire whose hand was around my neck, Gerald. He bared his fangs. I ran forward and grabbed an outreached hand, hoping it belonged to Aiden. As one, the voices quieted, and hands fell away as Aiden pulled me up onto the dais.

  “Lady Evelyn,” Aiden said, greeting me coldly before dropping my hand. Was he hoping that I would fail, or was this the Court facade?

  “Prince Aiden, do you accept this woman unto you as your consort and wife?” Gaius asked, his voice boomed from the dais. Beside him stood Lady Abigail.

  “I do,” Aiden answered.

  “Evelyn Adeline Wolfrik, do you accept this man’s bond? Will you take him as your husband, and give him your body, obedience, and soul?” Gaius questioned. Aiden growled beside me in response.

  “I do,” I answered even as Aiden tensed next to me. Gaius smiled wickedly, and the crowd murmured. Dread settled over me. Something was wrong.

  “By the Goddess, we accept these vows. Let the bonding begin,” Gaius declared with a savage smile, his fangs on display. Before I could figure out why, Aiden was furious, and the crowd murmured.

  “What does he mean?” I whispered quickly. If it was possible, Aiden’s frown grew.

  “There’s no time to explain. Trust me, forgive me,” Aiden whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear as he looked to Gaius sharply. Around us, the crowd roared. I was a fool; I should have asked Lady Cleo and Becca more questions. Becca had told me she had never been to a bonding ceremony outside the coven, that they were typically private clan and coven specific events. Mine was an exception.

  Aiden seized me fiercely in his hands and turned me to face out toward the crowd. One arm around my waist kept me tight against his body. His other hand gently pulled my hair away to expose my neck. I barely had time to scream before he bit into my neck. My heart raced. I cried out while Gaius looked on. He smiled darkly. Immediately the pain melted into pleasure, and warmth radiated from the bite through my body. I moaned, and the crowd roared. I leaned back into Aiden’s chest; he loosened his hold.

  Aiden removed his fangs from my throat. Before I could take another steadying breath, Aiden brought his wrist up to my mouth. I could smell blood. He had bitten his own wrist and now held it up to my lips.

  “Trust me, mo ghràdh. Drink, then we can go,” Aiden promised. I rebelled and pushed against his arm to move his wrist from my face.

  “Before I heal, little wolf,” Aiden growled fiercely into my ear and gently nipped at my neck, causing me to gasp. He used the moment to put his wrist up to my lips and waited. I pressed my lips against his wrist. The metallic coppery tang of blood hit my tongue first. For a moment, it was all I could do not to choke on it. Then the taste transformed. It felt like it burned me from the inside out. A delicious heat warmed me from my lips to my fingers and toes. I groaned; I wanted more.

  Aiden’s surprised laugh shook me, and I realized I still clutched his wrist to my mouth. I let it go, desperately wanting to undo what I had done. Being a slave would have been a better choice. What had he done to me, what had I done? The crowd was yelling, and some vampires cheered. I looked up at Aiden. He looked surprised for a moment, then gently smiled and handed me a handkerchief. I quickly wiped the blood from my lips.

  “Come on, it’s time we left,” Aiden gently took one of my hands in his and led me off the platform.

  “Aiden! Where do you think you’re going? Just like Lara, Evelyn isn’t your wife yet. Don’t you want to stake your claim where all can see and know she is yours? You wouldn’t want someone to come along and steal another bride?” Gaius asked. The soft look on Aiden’s face hardened. I felt the fury rippling off him; a soft snarl came from him as he stopped. He took me in his arms. For a moment, I was afraid he would bite me again. He firmly pinned me against his hard body in his embrace.

  “I’d never harm you intentionally,” Aiden promised, whispering softly into my ear so only I would hear. His voice calm and stern right before he kissed me. The kiss was both a firestorm and snowfall, dawn and night. It was everything pure, born of stars and shadows. The mix of cheers and boos from the crowd corrupted it. I was breathless when he pulled away to face the king.

  “I am the Dark Prince. This wolf is mine. Any who dare lay a hand on her without my permission will regret the day they thought to toy with my woman,” Aiden threatened. Dark, furious power flowed from him. I could feel his emotions, feel his blood in my system echoing the promise.

  “Lady Evelyn Kensley and I leave you to your celebrations. Good evening to you, heathens!” Aiden declared into the room, power emanating from his eyes as he stared the crowd down. He abruptly hoisted me into his arms and strode out of the room as the party carried on.


  Aiden carried me out of the majestic hall to a side room and placed me down in an armchair across from a desk. The room was simply furnished with a table, desk, and an assortment of chairs. The window to the chilly night outside was shut. Aiden paced angrily between me and the door. His anger flooded the room. It was contagious. I could feel the fury building in my veins, the rage—his rage.

  I needed fresh air; I stood and walked to the window to open it. He glanced my way but continued to pace in silence, glaring at the door periodically as if waiting. As I reached to unlock the window, Gaius came through the door, causing me to startle. Aiden must have known he was coming. He positioned himself directly between the king and me.

  “You should have staked your claim in front of
them all to remove any doubts as to her submission and the power of the Kensley house. Your brother would have, the druid would have, any of those suitors would have.” Gaius chastised. The look of undisguised fury and disgust on Aiden’s face took me by surprise.

  “You underestimate Alex and the others. As for staking my claim, no one would dare take her from me. I do not need to bed my wife in front of the Court to claim her,” Aiden said bitterly. The color drained from my face.

  “It surprised me you didn’t. Most men would have. She is becoming more intoxicating by the minute. I see why she chose you; she’s already gotten under your skin,” Gaius murmured.

  “I said your vows. We’re bound in marriage like you wanted. Why won’t you leave me alone!” I protested, balling my fists tight as Gaius chuckled. Aiden looked stoic again, fury easing from his face.

  “Lady Evelyn, you are married, but until he beds you, the bond is incomplete. His blood is powerful enough to mask yours for a short time. No witch, mermaid, or moon shadow is ever bonded until their power has matured. You’ll be bonded to the next man who shares your bed; until then, your power and blood will call for a worthy mate,” Gaius stated, smiling. “You will consummate this marriage.”

  “The sooner it’s done, the better. Boy, if you want privacy, I suggest you leave now, or I will lock you both in this room until the bond is formed. The desk looks sturdy enough. Either way, the number of unwanted suitors is growing with each hour that passes. Get it done or leave now,” Gaius threatened as he opened the door for us to leave.

  Aiden took my hand. He stayed between Gaius and myself as we left the office. He led me down the hall to his quarters. After opening the door, he grabbed a packed bag from his hallway and a blanket. The same bag he had packed and left earlier in the day. After locking the door behind him, he set a brisk pace down the hall, my hand firmly in his.


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