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The Moon Shadow : The Wolfrik Trilogy | Book 1

Page 20

by K. Rea

  Baby Romulus was born with the sunrise. Mistress Tessa arrived in time to assist with the birth. Jude brought him out to us on the porch to see him. The boy’s copper hair, a token from his father, shone in the morning light. His green eyes blinked at the sunlight before he mewled his displeasure. Jude placed him into Aiden’s arms.

  “Hello, little man,” Aiden whispered to the little fae boy. The baby fussed a moment, and Aiden adjusted him, nuzzling him close. The baby quickly quieted with a soft little coo. The Dark Prince was no stranger to babies. Romulus blinked up at Aiden and fussed.

  “May the Goddess bless you and the forest watch over you, little one,” Aiden said before handing Romulus back to Jude.

  “I best get him back to Jolie,” Jude said, holding the squirming bundle gently.

  “The bassinet is by the fireplace if you want to use it, Jude. There’s not much else here unless you use the dresser as a bed for him,” Aiden said.

  “I’ll get it, thank you,” Jude said as he walked back inside. Mistress Tessa held the door open for him and joined us on the porch.

  “Jude has quite the task ahead of him. That baby will change the future as we know it,” Mistress Tessa claimed.

  “He may be a fae king one day,” Aiden whispered.

  “So could you if you chose it. They sent me to get you. The current king demands you and your wife return to Court immediately and not wait for the gala tonight. You both look a sorry state. You best clean up my prince,” Mistress Tessa recommended. Aiden looked down at his appearance; he was covered in streaks of mud and torn clothes. Through a tear in his shirt, I could see the purple-black bruising that had yet to fade.

  “Quite right, Mistress Tessa. Thank you,” Aiden mumbled. As he stood, the weary vampire before me hardened into the stoic Court demeanor he wore before we first arrived at the cottage. He strode into the cottage past the happy new parents tending to their little one in his bedroom. Mistress Tessa and I watched him leave before she turned her gaze to me. She frowned.

  “You’re not much better dear, I expected Aiden to take better care of you. Is this all from last night?” Mistress Tessa asked, waving her hands at me. With her blatant perusal of my body, it was hard to put the aches and pains out of my mind. The gash on my cheek wasn’t the only part of my body that throbbed in pain, my bruised and battered body too exhausted from last night’s events to properly heal. I needed rest, and a lot of it or an intervention.

  “He didn’t do this. Well, not directly. The river did most of it. He compelled me to run from the wolves that arrived to rescue me,” I explained.

  “Most of them weren’t there to rescue you. Still, I expected Aiden to protect you better than this. They were there to kidnap you for the Court of Light. The Court of Light supports the moon shadow rebellion as long the moon shadows submit to their rule and deliver Prince Aiden.”

  “Why do they want Prince Aiden?” I asked.

  “Who wouldn’t want me?” Prince Aiden joked from the doorway. He was still wet from his shower but already dressed in fresh clothes and towel drying his hair. I wanted him; if only I didn’t hurt in more places than I cared to count. I felt the blush in my cheeks, and my desire grow. “There’s warm water left and clean clothes in the bathroom for you. We’ll have tea waiting for when you get out. Go clean up, little wolf.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice; I rose from the chair as fast as I could, which wasn’t fast at all, and lumbered to the bathroom. I peeked into the bedroom on my way. Jolie was fast asleep. Jude paced with little Romulus in his arms. He sang quietly to the babe, a lullaby I did not recognize. Joy, love, and exhaustion radiated off him. It was the most endearing sight I had ever seen. The woodsman had met his match. I tiptoed away to the bathroom.

  After a painstakingly slow but delicious hot shower, I was free of mud and debris. I put on the flowing dress Aiden set aside for me; it exposed many of my bruises and marks. I twisted a towel around my head and walked back to the porch. As I passed through the door, Aiden handed me a steaming cup of tea.

  “We’ve been talking. Mistress Tessa has some suggestions,” Aiden said.

  “First, Prince Aiden needs to feed from you before he returns to Court. It will help him heal; he can’t arrive looking like this without starting a war. It would be best if he feeds from you. Your blood echoing in his veins is expected. Second, I can take away your pain, but I will not take away your bruising. Frankly, I don’t have the strength after helping Jolie, but marks will help Aiden craft a story to protect you. You will need to return to Court immediately; the king is expecting an audience this afternoon,” Mistress Tessa said as she placed her hand on my arm. I felt the pain slip away.

  “What does he know, Tessa?” Aiden asked.

  “He knows that the Court of Light raided a fae township. He did not know when I left that you were there at the start. He thinks it was a random Court of Light violence,” Tessa explained.

  “Then we keep it that way,” Aiden asserted.

  “How do you feel, Evelyn?” Miss Tessa asked.

  “Pain-free, what will you say about my appearance?” I asked, looking to Aiden as I stretched my shoulders.

  “That you’re a hellcat, but I have claimed you. You’re my wife, and your appearance is no one else’s concern,” Aiden said coolly. Tessa huffed in response. “As long as you continue the appearance of an obedient wife, they won’t question it.”

  “It will raise questions, but the right people will know the truth. I’ll see to it. I need to go check on the Beecham’s and see to the town myself,” Mistress Tessa said as she rose from my chair. She patted my hand and walked into the house. “Ruby returned your car this morning. Best of luck to you, dears.”

  “Dears?” I mouthed to Aiden, he smiled.

  “She’s my godmother. She was there when I was born, less than a stone’s throw from this cabin. She can get away with anything she wants. Even terms of endearments and causing general havoc,” Aiden explained. “She is right, though; I need to feed.”

  “Would you prefer I fed off one of the Rose girls once we get to Court?” Aiden asked.

  The very idea of his lips on someone else, his body pushed up against theirs, and the pleasure they would get from the experience made my blood roil as a wave of jealousy erupted from my chest. A small growl slipped from my lips. He smiled, and his eyes twinkled in the morning light as he walked closer to me.

  “I take it that’s a no then,” he whispered as he came closer, his intent clear as he bent his head toward mine and fiercely kissed me. His kisses trailed down my neck, down my arm, careful of the bruises until he reached my wrist, which he kissed gently and pressed his fangs against lightly.

  “You know, I can feed with others without it being a sexual exchange. May I?” he asked. The yes barely slipped through my lips before he was kissing me again, back up my arm to my neck. My body on fire with desire before his fangs sunk into my neck. Pleasure rippled through me as he drank my blood. Our emotions flowing freely along the bond, bringing me to the edge of pleasure before I felt weak. He pulled away and gently kissed the two wounds in my neck. The touch pushed me over the edge in his arms with a soft sigh. Damn vampire.

  “We should go soon. If there’s anything you want to take back to Court, better go inside and pack it. I’m going to go say goodbye to Jude and Jolie. I’ll meet you back on the porch,” Aiden said as he helped me rise from the chair on slightly unsteady legs.

  Within the hour, we packed, walked back to the car, and were on the road back to court. A gentle breeze wafted through the open car windows. The further we drove away from the cottage, the more dread that was not mine weighed me down. I hadn’t realized how relaxed Aiden had become until I saw how rigid and tense he became in front of me, the closer we got to Court. The only outward sign of the roiling emotions I could feel in the bond were his clenched hands on the steering wheel.

  “When we get to Court, I will have to treat you differently. I cannot be flexible, or it will undermine my authority. You will need to act submissive at all times, no matter what I do or say,” Aiden said coldly. “I promise you can do whatever you like in private.”

  “I’ll try,” I said, doubtful I could. Aiden nodded in acknowledgment.

  Aiden drove in silence. I fell asleep only to wake when the car abruptly stopped. The mansion stood before us on the horizon. He reached behind my chair to grab his worn canvas duffel. From the bag, he pulled something silver that glittered and reflected the noonday sun between his clenched fingers.

  “Hear me out,” Aiden started.

  “No. I don’t want to hear it,” I said adamantly.

  “It’s a necklace. Mistress Tessa charmed it -” Aiden said calmly.

  “Tessa charmed it, so that makes it better? What did she do to it? Whose’s side is she on?” I asked angrily.

  “Ours! She’s on our side and always will be unless I screw up. Just listen to me for a second. It’s a necklace; it’s been charmed to protect you against vampires. No one can bite or compel you except me if you’re wearing this. As long as I’m alive, no one can remove this necklace. It is a sign that you are mine, and I do not share,” Aiden explained calmly.

  “It’s a fucking collar!” I yelled, the wolf within snarled at the idea.

  “I’m twenty-five now. Vampires can’t compel me!” I argued, he groaned.

  “I can, so can others if they are strong enough or if you are weakened. This is jewelry, camouflage, protection, and a token. Same as the ring on your finger, except it will do more. It’s a tool, armor even, but it is not a collar. There is very little silver in it, it will not hurt you, but no one else will know that. They will see this and assume that I control you, and you are subservient and nonthreatening. It’s all I can do to protect you from King Gaius and others if I’m not by your side,” Aiden said.

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it,” I retorted, trying to open the car door only to find it locked.

  “You will do this, Evelyn, put the necklace on. It’s for your protection,” Aiden ordered coldly, proving his point about vampire compulsion.

  The wolf wanted to claw his face for such a command. Immediately nausea rose in my stomach at the thought of a collar, even if the damn thing was beautiful. It only grew worse as I refused to take the necklace he held out to me. The command forced my hand. I jerked my hand out and took the cool silver necklace into my palm. I rubbed my thumb against it; it didn’t burn. In the center of the thick plaited necklace was an opal. The blade was lost to the river. It matched the bracelet and ring he had given me earlier. I slipped the ends of the necklace around my neck and connected them beneath my hair.

  The moment the weight of the necklace settled against my collarbone, the nausea dissipated, making room for my rage. He looked at me, anger and sadness in those cool ember eyes. He fixed my hair so that the fresh bite mark showed prominently before turning back to the steering wheel.

  Aiden turned the car toward the mansion. It loomed over us like a black tombstone ahead of us. We didn’t say a word the rest of the way. Ruben waited at the edge of the driveway to take the car and our luggage when Aiden parked.

  “Welcome back, my prince and princess,” Ruben said with a nod as he took the keys from Aiden. “There is no time to prepare; the king already waits for you in the throne room.”

  Aiden took my hand in his and guided us down the black hallways. This time there were other people around. Humans, fae, werewolf, and vampire alike. Some were dressed casually, others in full court attire—they all made way for us with a nod, bow, or curtsy. Hushed whispers echoed behind us. Sooner than I’d like, the black throne room doors with the roses carved deep stood before us.

  Aiden paused; he took a breath before looking at me. I watched as he reviewed my appearance from my head, down my blue dress to my borrowed silken slippers. He darted in to kiss me quickly on the lips; I raised my hands to push him away even as I wanted to kiss him. He smiled gently, a tiny crack in his hard exterior.

  “Perfect, little wolf,” he whispered against my ear even as the doors opened before us. We had an audience; to them, I suspected we made the perfect picture—my hands on him and freshly kissed. My anger caused a blush to creep across my cheeks. At least I told myself it was anger.

  “Aiden, boy, quit your dallying and get up here!” King Gaius bellowed. “Bring the girl.”

  “You heard the king, walk little wolf,” Aiden drawled. He shoved his hands in his black denim pockets. His crisp blue dress shirt was barely wrinkled from the drive over. The rough outdoorsman was gone; in his place, a prince. The Dark Prince, the one they whispered about behind his back. I wondered if he really was a monster in the dark that the Court feared, or if it was only the bloodthirsty king.

  “You can daydream later,” Aiden said harshly as if he heard my thoughts. Anguish rippled down the bond as he not so gently shoved me forward, pushing on the one spot I wasn’t bruised. He remembered. I stumbled a step but walked toward the king; the king smiled at my approach.

  “Princess Evelyn Kensley, welcome home,” King Gaius said with a cruel smile. He waited; I swallowed my contempt at the name. This would never be home. I curtsied as best I could and kept my mouth shut.

  “She looks to be behaving herself, or at least she’s learning. Good. The rest of you lurkers can leave us,” King Gaius ordered. The audience disappeared. I wondered if they were here only to report my appearance to the rest of the Court. “I heard you had some trouble. Tell me about it.”

  “She was no trouble. Fun, feisty—but good. She’ll behave when I tell her too. Won’t you, little wolf?” Aiden taunted, running a hand down my bruised arm, barely even touching me. I flinched away. He laughed and smacked my bottom. Heat flooded my face as shame and regret pulsed down the bond from him—an apology, but also a hint of playfulness. I bit my tongue and looked to the ground.

  “That I can see—what I want to know is why you didn’t bring me the heads of the wolves that razed a fae town in Beecham’s woods.”


  Aiden didn’t even flinch, whereas I felt like my heart was in my throat. The king looked between the two of us, watching for a reaction. I swallowed and forced myself to calm down. The bond between Aiden and I had gone silent. Not a whisper of emotion came from his side. I tried to rein in my fear for my fellow wolves and myself.

  Steady, little wolf, Aiden said through the bond.

  “It was nothing. The fae left themselves vulnerable during a festival. Some rogues took advantage. I assisted Beecham with his problem,” Aiden said casually as he approached the table where the king sat. He picked up a blood orange and peeled it before offering it to me. The smell bright and sweet in the room to mask my fear.

  “You call it a problem; I call it an act of war. I have my own spies, boy. Those were moon shadows in those woods with Court of Light fae. They even tell me your little wife ran from you,” Gaius bellowed; Aiden laughed.

  “My little wife ran only because I told her to. I had other concerns to deal with. I didn’t want her in the way. We’re bonded. She can never run from me. I will always know where she is, even when she sleeps,” Aiden said wickedly, looking at me like he wanted to devour me. If we were anywhere else, and the weight of the necklace wasn’t hanging around my shoulders, I’d probably want him to with a look like that. I picked at the orange slowly, any excuse to keep my mouth shut.

  “We need to discuss how to retaliate against the wolves. They need to understand they are not in control, and we will not tolerate disobedience and anarchy,” Gaius said, glaring at me.

  “What are you thinking?” Aiden asked as he ran a hand down my hair. He wrapped a piece around his finger and gently tugged on it. I looked at him, and he frowned. I realize I had been glaring back at Gaius. I looked back at the grou

  “Are you willing to share her?” the king asked quietly, without emotion. I choked on the piece of orange in my mouth. The silent bond between us lit up with white-hot rage even as Aiden’s curt laugh echoed around us.

  “No. If you’re thirsty, I can get someone for you?” Aiden asked without a trace of his anger. The king looked at me again in interest before sighing.

  “Do it. Take the girl with you. I don’t want to see her again until the gala. We need another wolf to make an example of,” Gaius said as he waved us off in dismissal. Aiden grabbed the back of my arm and guided me to the doors. He reached to pull one open.

  “If we do not have another moon shadow by the end of the gala tonight, you will give her to me. I will make an example of these damn wolves,” Gaius threatened. Aiden grunted, yanked open the door, and pushed me into the hallway. He shut the door behind him with a click.

  “You’re not going to find another wolf to give him, are you?” I asked.

  “Not another word, not here, follow me,” Aiden ordered. His eyes glittered darkly before striding down the black marble hall. The surrounding power pulsed, even the air around him seemed hot with his rage. We walked in a direction I had never been. The subjects around us moved out of his way without a word or bow. We stopped before a set of red double doors, roses carved into them. He pushed them open and gestured for me to go in. He followed behind, closing the doors behind us.

  In front of us was a foyer with a small table adorned with a white tablecloth, a bell, and a bowl of red roses. The smell instantly made me queasy. The walls were covered in burgundy paint, gold curtains, and gold-rimmed mirrors. Three doors branched off from the foyer. Aiden stepped forward and rang the bell. He set the bell back on the table, its handle made of black wood. He waited. He didn’t have to wait long; the door swung open in front of us, and a woman walked out to greet us. A predatory smile graced her face. Her platinum blonde locks straight, the ends dyed red to match her dress. Her brown eyes took in Aiden’s body, her gaze sliding across him before cutting to me. She sneered. She approached Aiden and put her hand on his shoulder. I growled.


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