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Fake Summer Boyfriend: Age Gap Instalove Romance

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by Haley Travis

  Fake Summer Boyfriend

  Age Gap Instalove Romance

  By Haley Travis

  Copyright 2021 Haley Travis. All rights reserved. Edited by Rosemary Stewart. Cover Design by Lexie Renard.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted or duplicated in any form whatsoever without express written permission of the author. This book is intended for sale to adults. All main characters are over 18. This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual people or specific locations or details is completely coincidental, or intended fictitiously.

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  Chapter 1 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 2 ~ Leif

  Chapter 3 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 4 ~ Leif

  Chapter 5 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 6 ~ Leif

  Chapter 7 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 8 ~ Leif

  Chapter 9 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 10 ~ Leif

  Chapter 11 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 12 ~ Leif

  Chapter 13 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 14 ~ Leif

  Chapter 15 ~ Hayden

  Chapter 16 ~ Leif

  Chapter 17 ~ Hayden

  Epilogue ~ Hayden

  Other Stories and About the Author

  Chapter 1



  He was staring at me. I could feel it. My skin actually crawled from the thought of his eyes on me.

  It was getting worse every day, and I knew that letting my mind spin out of control with worry wasn’t helpful, but I couldn’t stop myself.

  Glancing around the diner, I refused to let my eyes drift anywhere near the window, for fear of seeing that dusty old black car.

  I’d been reading up on techniques to calm anxiety. Engaging all of the senses apparently helped. Pressing my feet into the floor, I inhaled slowly, smelling the cup of decaf earl grey tea in front of me. I could hear the clink of the dishes through the kitchen pass-through, and Claudia joking with the cook.

  Looking around at the other customers at Ray's Diner, it was almost the same group that was always here on a Wednesday night. The timeless blue and white decor was calming when I really needed it.

  I came here Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, since those were the nights my friend Janice, who lived in the apartment across from mine, worked late. It was bad enough living alone. I couldn’t stand it when she wasn’t home either.

  There was a slightly disheveled guy in the corner who was usually here, alternating between typing quickly and staring out the window. One of these days I wanted to get up the courage to ask him what he was writing.

  Jerry, the older man sitting at the counter, read three newspapers every night, then did the cross words. He always turned to me if there were questions about France or Spain, since he’d seen me with my language homework and decided that I was the resident expert.

  Claudia, the perky server with the dark ponytail that bounced against her back, was a student at Huntley as well. She was very sweet, and we often chatted a bit when she wasn't too busy. She was also focussed on finishing two last classes online before starting a new job in the fall.

  I'd actually helped her proofread an essay last week, and was rewarded with a slice of apple pie.

  The two middle-aged women that were here once a week were just picking up their things and leaving.

  Then there was the guy two tables away, facing me. I’d seen him here now and then, but forced myself not to glance at him too often. Once I took the tiniest peek, it was nearly impossible to look away.

  I’d never seen a more beautiful man. I almost wished he was my type. Not that I really knew what my type was. But he was just far too big. Burly. I was barely five foot three, and guessing from the way he almost had to duck to come in the door, he was around six foot three or more.

  That didn’t necessarily mean that he was aggressive, but I just…he was a bit much.

  Although he would give me a polite half smile and nod as we passed each other, he didn’t seem to speak very often.

  There was something solid about him that I found comforting, though. He sprang to his feet to get the door any time a person was carrying packages. I once saw him jump up and help Claudia clear the tables when a sudden group of college kids came in.

  There were likely very few all-around good guys left in the world. Someday, when I began to trust again, I was going to look for one of them. Kingsville wasn't a huge city, but there must be someone for me here.

  Trying to relax and look around, I made the terrible mistake of glancing out the window at the old black car parked right out front. A shudder ran through me as I jerked my head back to face the interior of the diner.

  My eyes landed squarely on the good guy. The huge guy. The one who was now smiling and slowly coming toward me. He stood beside me without getting too close, holding out his hand.

  “Hi. Leif Martin.”

  I hesitated. But I'd seen him around, and Claudia seemed to like joking around with him. “Hayden .”

  “Keep smiling politely, and don’t look outside again,” he said gently. “There’s someone out there you’re avoiding, isn’t there?”

  Nodding, I tried to keep a neutral expression, as if we were discussing the weather. “Yes. How did you know?”

  “May I join you?”

  I waved to the other side of the booth. “Sure.”

  He slid gracefully along the navy vinyl, then rested his hands on the formica between us. “I work in security,” he said, keeping that same neutral expression. “It’s none of my business, but if there’s a problem, I’d like to help.”

  He placed a business card on the table between us, and I picked it up. MarTech Securities, it said, and there was his contact info. I glanced over to see Claudia mouth the words, "He's cool."

  Even though he was a complete stranger, I felt my body sigh with relief. “Thank you.”

  Leif nodded, the slight smile bringing far too much attention to his mouth, then every detail of that tough but handsome face. “Now, again, without looking, who is out there?”

  “Craig Landers.”

  “Is he armed? Dangerous? Any military training?”

  I held back a snort, not wanting to appear unladylike. “Not in the slightest. He’s just a very aggressive creep.”

  “Other than the fact that you are absolutely heart-wrenchingly beautiful, why is he fixated on you?”

  Blinking hard, I stared into those striking blue eyes. How could he say that in such a matter of fact tone of voice?

  “Oh, um. We were in an improv class a month ago, and in the spirit of meeting new people, I had a coffee with him afterward.”

  “And then?”

  “And since then, he won’t stop. He’s always lurking everywhere I go.”

  Leif shook his head. “That’s awful. I’m so sorry, Hayden. Have you confronted him about it?”

  I shook my head quickly. “No. I’m not good with that sort of thing. I just… I get flustered easily and he gives me the creeps now.”

  “Okay. Let’s think this through.”

  I realized I was staring at his perfect lips, unable to tear my eyes away as he spoke. He really was too gorgeous for words, and it was almost hard to concentrate on what he was saying.

  “We could do absolutely nothing, and you could continue to hide out here at the diner,” he said with a gentle smile.


  “Or I
could go out there and scare him off—”

  “No, please,” I said, cutting him off. “His father is a professor at the language studies department at Huntley. I’m taking two of their online courses right now. I absolutely have to get those finished so that I can keep my job in the fall. I can’t have him messing up my plans.”

  Leif frowned. “Is this a job where Craig will be able to keep bothering you?”

  “No. He’s going to university in California, so he’ll be leaving a few days before Labor Day weekend.”

  “You’re sure about this?” Leif asked.

  I had to admire his attention to detail. “Pretty sure. At our coffee chat, he was showing me photos of the campus, and telling me that his dad had to pull all sorts of strings to get him in or something.”

  “So you just have to keep him at bay for four more weeks.”

  I nodded. “Pretty much. I’ve been hiding out at work, at home, and at a friend’s place. Well, and here at the diner. It’ll be nice to be able to go out to a park or something before the weather turns cold.”

  Leif held out his hand across the table, and I took it without thinking. He was so warm, and the connection was so comforting, even if the electric tingle might have just been in my mind.

  “I don’t like that you’ve missed your summer because of this jerk, Hayden,” he said. “Listen, I’ve been working like crazy, and I’m taking some time off for August. What if we did some summer things together?”

  “Like what?”

  He gave me a full wattage smile that managed to show off his perfect teeth, high cheekbones, and those sexy eyes all at once.

  “Easy hikes. Ice creams on patios. The beach. The outdoor sculpture museum. You know – just wandering around being a tourist in your own city.”

  “Craig will be lurking everywhere and I’ll get all freaked out.”

  “Do you think he’ll still hang around if he thinks you have a boyfriend? Or would he maybe give up and go away?”

  It only took one blink to realize what he was saying. This gorgeous, sweet stranger was offering to play the part of my boyfriend, just to give me a little bit of my summer back.

  “You’d do that? Really?”

  “Absolutely. I don’t have much of a social life, so playing your fake boyfriend will give me an excuse to get out there,” he chuckled, stroking my hand.

  “I wouldn’t want to cause you any trouble,” I said.

  “Listen, I don’t mean to be blunt, but am I bigger than he is? In better shape?”

  Maybe it was rude to use it as an excuse to stare at his unbelievably sculpted shoulders through that fitted dark gray long sleeve t-shirt. But, wow. “Definitely.”

  “Then, with your permission, I’m going to take it upon myself to walk my girlfriend home, and make sure she gets there safely.”

  For a second, I froze like a deer in the headlights. How could the perfect answer to my problem just appear out of the blue? Yet my bullshit radar wasn’t going off, and Claudia said he was cool. He was being sweet, but not directly hitting on me. He seemed so genuine. I really wanted to trust him.

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  He waved for Claudia, and paid both of our bills before I could stop him. She gave me a sly wink when Leif wasn't looking, but I wasn't sure what it meant.

  As we walked to the door, Leif tentatively slipped an arm around me, watching for my reaction. “I’m not going to use this as an excuse to touch you too much or steal a kiss, Haley. But if I have an arm around you, or hold your hand, is that all right?”

  “Sure.” The warmth of his arm around me felt truly amazing.

  As he held the door for me, I could almost feel Craig’s eyes burning into me. Before I had trained myself to avoid looking at his car, I found out that he almost always had the window open, just gawking silently. Sometimes he was even taking photos. But now Leif shielded me so I couldn’t have looked if I tried.

  “Lead the way,” he said.

  “It’s only a few blocks west,” I said, as we began walking down the street.

  I could hear a car engine start, but with Leif’s arm tightly around me, I didn’t feel nervous in the slightest.

  Normally, I wasn’t good with strangers, which is why I took an improv class in the first place. Yet for some reason I trusted Leif instantly. His energy felt so open, and there was something extremely direct about his eyes.

  “Don’t look back,” Leif said smoothly. “I’m watching him in the reflection in the windows. He’s keeping his distance.”

  When we were almost there, I said, “It’s the beige six-plex on the corner.”

  I looked up to see Leif frown. “Tell me you’re on the top floor.”

  “I am! How did you know?”

  He smiled. “I was just hoping. That way it’s harder for him to peek in your windows.”

  As we got to the door of my building, we paused, and for one strange, delirious second, I wished that this were a real date so that he would kiss me good night.

  “He saw us shake hands and meet,” Leif said, reaching in to tuck my hair back over my ear. “It would possibly make him give up if he knew that I got farther in twenty minutes than he ever had.”

  My breath stopped. “What are you saying?”

  He turned us so that his back was toward Craig’s car. “Put your arms around my neck for a second, and he’ll think we’re kissing good night.”

  I did as he asked, accidentally running my hands along the thick muscles of the backs of the shoulders. He leaned in to give me a kiss on the forehead, then grinned. “Close enough.”

  Suddenly Leif didn’t seem nearly as intimidating as he had at the diner. He was so careful not to cross any lines that it actually made him even se xier.

  The long-neglected sex drive at the back of my mind was suddenly standing up and waving hello, trying to get my attention. I’d have to find a way to keep that in check, while playing the part of someone newly dating a complete stranger.

  It was completely bizarre, but perhaps this was the kick in the pants I needed to actually get a tiny bit of summer fun into the next few weeks.

  Here I thought I was going to have to hide away indoors the entire time. Turned out that all I needed was a fake summer boyfriend.


  Chapter 2



  I was about to urge Hayden to go inside, then heard the car engine. That Craig jackass might not have even realized that his old Chevy had a distinctive rumble that was easy to spot.

  “He’s still there, Hayden. Shall I walk you inside? It would make me feel better to—”

  Hayden’s eyes were growing wide with fright.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve worked security for so long that I’m paranoid. If you were my client, I’d insist on coming in right now to check the locks and windows. If he hasn’t tried to come in by now, he’s not going to.”

  Her perfect full lips pressed together as she thought. Damn, she was so beautiful. Yet it wasn’t just the big, innocent brown eyes, the dark hair that swished around her shoulders, and the adorable way she could never quite stay still. These are all things I’d noticed while trying not to ogle her in the diner over the past few weeks.

  It was her sweetness. There was just something about her that made me need to step in and protect her.

  I’d been a bouncer, a bodyguard, and formal security over the years. I’d never felt anything close to this level of overprotectiveness before.

  “Hayden, I don’t want to invite myself in if that makes you uncomfortable. If you prefer, just go inside and text me when the door locks behind you. May I see your phone?”

  She fished it out of her purse, unlocked it, and handed it to me. I entered myself as a contact, then sent a text immediately.

  “Has Craig ever been inside your apartment?”


  “Do you want me to say goodnight here, or come in and check it out?”

  She hesitated. I hated seeing this fragile
girl looking so lost.

  “If you’re thinking you don’t want to bother me, please, it’s not a bother. Put me to good use. I love feeling helpful,” I smiled.

  Hayden nodded. “If you don’t mind, that would be great, thanks.”

  I followed her in, my eyes riveted to the luscious round ass walking up the stairs in front of me. Then I reminded myself to stay in work mode.

  The lobby had a flimsy lock, but was clean and well lit, as were the stairwells. I wished they had mirrors so you could see who was around the corner, but I didn’t mention that. I was trying to calm Hayden down, not worry her any more than she already was.


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