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The Lady and Her Pirate Duke

Page 9

by Jilian Rouge

  Georgie took one look at the smoldering heat blazing from Rafe’s gaze and trembled slightly. He looked very much like a wolf starved too long, eager, but slow to pounce. And when he did pounce, Georgie was sure it would be when she least expected it. Looking beyond his shoulder towards the door, she breathily commanded, “Shut the door, Rafe.”

  Lazily, he spared a glance for the door. Wickedly, he smiled a wolfish smile as he treated Georgie with a mind-boggling, slow contemplation of her body. Starting from her smooth thighs, he let his gaze travel upwards to linger at her rounded hips, then the small of her stomach. Under his stare, Georgie squirmed as liquid heat pooled from her feminine core, and she couldn’t contain the slight shiver when she noticed his eyes flare at the sight of her unrestrained breasts. Clearly, he liked what he saw.

  “Please, Rafe,” she pleaded, “the door. I wouldn’t want the servants to see.”

  “Oh?” he drawled. “Perhaps the thought of being seen as you are excites you, firecracker?” Then, he drew a hand between her legs only for it to come away wet and glistening. Showing her the evidence of her arousal there on his hand, he said, “See? Just the thought of it has made you so deliciously wet.”

  “No,” she protested. “You did that. You had only to look at me, touch me, and I become like this.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her mouth then pulled back just as quickly. “Ah, I like your honesty. For that I will reward you by doing as you’ve commanded.” Swiftly, he turned to slam the door shut and returned to face the delectable sight of his beautiful wife, ready and eager for him.

  Rafe confessed, “For as long as I’ve dreamed of you these past five years, never in my wild imaginings had I pictured this. And it couldn’t be more perfect.” He continued to eye her like the feast of sensual delight that she was, and he moved to get closer until he could feel the heat of her skin seeping through his rumpled clothing.

  Georgie’s heart fluttered wildly at his words, appealing heavily to the young romantic she once was, and apparently, still remained so. He touched a finger to her lips, feeling the plump, velvety softness there. Then, he traced a bisecting line down her chin, her collarbone, her breastbone, until finally he delved that roaming finger between her nether curls to circle her sensitive bud.

  “Oh,” she breathed, as sensation ripped through her at his simple touch. With strength, she gripped his shoulders as he continued to drive her mad with slow, sensual rotations of his finger between her legs. Soon, she was twisting about, wanting something more, something urgent, and she knew that only Rafe could give her what she needed.

  She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt at the waist and yanked upwards, freeing the hem from the waistband of his trousers. Rafe momentarily drew his hand away to divest himself of his shirt, and as he drew it over his head, Georgie went straight for the placket of his trousers, unfastening the buttons there.

  When he was finally bare, Georgie marveled at the lean, ropy muscles encased by his bronzed skin, scars scattered here and there in several alarming places. He was much larger all over since she last saw him thus, and she thought it was rather unfair that God would bestow so much beauty on one man alone. Even his erect cock seemed thicker, standing proudly against his flat, toned belly, but she could hardly wait to feel it between her hands or inside her.

  Even before this interlude began, Rafe had been hard just from merely thinking about her, and he eagerly anticipated having his cock buried deep within her body. But not before he could seduce her into begging him for what he alone could give her. If given his way, he would have an extended re-introduction to the delights of her body, while leisurely exploring and enjoying every single inch of her.

  But as all well-laid plans concerning his wife went, he had thrown his good intentions out the window in favor of seeking immediate relief and, ultimately, sweet release for his aching cock. By the copious emission from Georgie’s own body, he was also sure that she was more than ready to receive him.

  With a bit of a struggle with the last remaining button, Georgie had sprung his cock free and grabbed it with one fist to pull him nearer to her. With her knees spread wide, he settled himself between them, but kept himself just inches away, despite Georgie’s attempt to bring his cock straight to her wet, awaiting entrance. She grunted in frustration as he refused to budge the final step that would bring him inside her, and she shot him a look of irritation.

  “You aren’t moving fast enough for my liking,” she complained, her kiss-plumped mouth almost pouting.

  “If I did move any faster, we wouldn’t be talking,” he retorted with a smirk. “But I must see to your pleasure first.”

  “Now you play the gentleman?” she asked incredulously. She prepared to blast him with another complaint, but the displeased look on her face soon vanished as Rafe inserted a finger, then two, slowly inside her. She groaned once again at the feel of his digits sliding in and out of her, loving every moment he probed there between her legs. It was just enough to assuage the ache inside of her, the stimulation not quite comparable to having a warm, throbbing cock there, but she relished it just the same.

  Her breath came in little pants as he stroked that special place inside her, applying greater pressure to increase the wonderful sensation pulsing from there. While he worked her body skillfully, her own hand milked at his cock, grasping it tight from the base and slowly stroking it upwards within her grasp. He groaned as she picked up speed with that hand, and he pulled away from her questing hand.

  Looking puzzled, she asked, “Didn’t that feel good?”

  “It felt a great deal too good,” he said, panting. “If I let you continue, I would explode, and I would much rather have you go first.”

  “Oh?” she asked as she bit her lip, watching him lower himself to his knees. In that position, she could feel his breath hover just inside her thighs, already predicting his next move. When she felt the tip of his tongue delving between her nether lips, questing for the sensitive bud nestled there, she moaned in pure delight.

  Lowering her back onto the workbench, Rafe then placed her legs on either side of his ears and on top his shoulders for her comfort. He continued to swirl his tongue around that tiny nub above her entrance, and he watched as her body shook with tiny tremors, making her full breasts quiver enticingly. As he worked her nub, her hips tensed spasmodically while she lightly squeezed his head with her knees in rhythm with his licks.

  On the back end of a moan, she cried, “Rafe! Please! I need—I need something! I feel so empty inside.”

  Knowing that she ached for him to fill her, he had no intention of putting this interlude to a quick conclusion if he plunged in her now with his cock. Instead, he used two fingers to nudge inside and slowly thrust them in deep as he continued working at her nub with his tongue. As he tortured her with his licking, he renewed efforts with his fingers, caressing that special place inside her to bring her to new heights of pleasure.

  Hot waves of lust and desire rippled through Georgie as Rafe went on and on with his sensual treatment of her. Soon, she was begging him, pleading with him, “God! Rafe! Please I need you to go faster.”

  Hearing her plea and feeling the strength in her inner core squeezing at his fingers, he readily complied and scissored his fingers within her at such speed.

  “Ahhh!” she cried, ready to burst in one climactic, explosive moment.

  But just before the ultimate sensation could rocket through her, Rafe withdrew his fingers with a wet squelch and stood up. Feeling cheated, Georgie lifted her head to look at him and cried, “No, don’t stop!”

  However, the look on Rafe’s face radiated pure, unmitigated lust, and she need not have feared that he wouldn’t also see to her pleasure. She knew exactly what was to come next.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded with his jaw clenched. “Hold them wider for me.” Eagerly waiting for him to fill her once more, she hooked her hands behind her knees and held her legs, splayed wide.

  Powerful, hot lust shot
through her at his demands. Soon, the probing heat of his cock nudged at her entrance, but Rafe grabbed hold of himself to align himself perfectly before he thrust his full length deep inside her. She cried out at feeling so full with him there, his invasion being one of the sweetest sensations she had ever known.

  Rafe began thrusting heavily into her, dealing quite roughly with her, but she didn’t care that he caused her a bit of pain with his hold on her thighs. Nor did she care that he was giving her body-killing thrusts that made her howl each time he slammed his body against hers. All sensation centered at the apex of her legs where he plowed into her again and again.

  Having been close to her own climax earlier, it wasn’t long before the rhythmic sensation of Rafe’s groin pressing against her nub as he thrust into her had her close once more.

  With sweat on his brow and the ropes of his neck straining, he gritted out, “You make me so damned hard!” He thrust into her once more in one strong movement and she arched her back to better slam her nub against the base of his stomach. A few more intermittent tilts of her hips gave Georgie the final push to what she sought: the first wave of her orgasm. It hit her with such force, she had to close her eyes tight against screaming aloud and thereby alerting the servants to what they were doing.

  While still held in the throes of her internal muscles pulsing, Rafe demanded, “Don’t stop clenching on my cock, firecracker. Let me feel every damned ripple!” Vigorously thrusting, he ensured that the sensations ripping through her continued on and on.

  As she gasped through the tremors he was causing, he punctuated each thrust with a word, “I. Want. You. So. Damned. Badly.” Within her, she could feel him expanding, heralding his own moment of crisis. He now held her fast by the hips, holding her firmly in place as she could do no more than receive the brunt of his forceful thrusts. Her already sensitive tissues trembled around him as he gave one final shove inside her, plunging deep into her innermost recesses, and with a drawn-out groan he spent heavily inside her.

  As he spilled plentiful amounts of his seed within her, he resisted the urge to close his eyes against the severity of his orgasm roaring through him. Instead, he locked gazes with Georgie, who watched him with rapt fascination as he heaved over her.

  With difficulty, Georgie tore her gaze away, unable to face the gravity of his stare, as it was too raw, too emotional for her to handle. Neither could she face the fact that she had allowed her body’s needs to override her good sense, but she couldn’t regret the long overdue satiation of said needs. She had needed this, wanted this; only, she wished it was with someone far more suitable and acceptable than her soon-to-be ousted husband.

  Rafe must have sensed that she was no longer with him mentally, and he dropped his torso heavily onto hers while capturing her wrists in both hands to prevent her from slapping him away. He growled, “I promised myself I would never let you go again. Even if you would run from me, physically or mentally, I will always come after you.”

  Once more, his cock stirred to life, burgeoning inside her, and she gasped at his renewed size. Shoving himself deeper inside, she inhaled sharply at the movement. Rafe was pleased with himself for changing Georgie’s wary expression to one of liquid heat and feminine allure pooling in the depths of her eyes.

  “But I’ll be damned if we continue this here!” he exclaimed. He pulled away from her to help her up to a sitting position and promptly lifted her in his arms to place her on her feet. With wobbly limbs, she tried to keep balance, but Rafe warned, “Stay where you are.”

  Gathering one of the dustcovers, he wrapped Georgie in one, then proceeded to slip into his trousers and nothing else. Shirtless and barefoot, he swept Georgie into his arms as he made his way out of her studio.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, scandalized that someone would see them half-dressed, wandering the hallways.

  With his lips at her ear, he said seductively, “To my room—no, our room, where we can enjoy ourselves much more comfortably.”


  As Rafe lounged lazily in the great bed behind her, Georgie scrambled to adjust the belt of Rafe’s dressing gown around her waist. It was still the middle of the day, and it mortified her to no end that surely the servants knew what they had been up to in here. She couldn’t possibly face her satiated husband at the moment, not when she had never intended for this to happen. And certainly not when she intended to move on from her past and begin a future anew with someone who isn’t as virile or tempting as Rafe.

  Rafe watched as Georgie haphazardly avoided any eye contact with him as she fumbled about, trying to appear absorbed in the dressing gown she had found in his wardrobe. Godwin must have already swept through the master chamber while he had been closeted with Mr. Bancroft, since his things were already strewn about in strategic places around the room.

  Unfazed by his naked form, he rose from the bed and approached Georgie from behind, intending to engulf her within his embrace. But she stepped away from his questing arms and slowly turned to face him. High color darkened her cheeks the moment she found him unabashedly naked before her, and Rafe smiled a little at the evidence of her adorable innocence.

  “For God’s sake, please cover yourself,” she commanded him, while avoiding looking at him directly. She wrapped her own arms around herself in indignation, but Rafe thought the gesture looked more like she was shielding herself from him.

  However, he made no move to do as she bade, and instead said, “No, thank you. I think I enjoy making you squirm a little at the sight of what God has so deigned to bless me with.”

  Rolling her eyes first in response, Georgie gave him an exasperated look and replied, “Fine. I just wanted to talk to you in civil conversation without your little bit on display.”

  In mock horror, he gasped, “Oh, the shame! I’ll have you know that there is nothing little about it. It’s a veritable tree trunk as far as I’m concerned.”

  Georgie couldn’t help it; she swept a quick look down at his cock. He was right about it feeling like a tree trunk, as he had battered at her tender parts with it for a better part of the early afternoon. She blushed crimson to find that part of his anatomy swollen and standing proud once again—he had better not think about going another round! She was just too sore to go through that again.

  Georgie cried, “Oh, no! Keep that away from me! I couldn’t possibly endure another example of your lusty prowess.”

  Catching her to him before she could scurry to the opposite side of the room, Rafe laughed boisterously and said, “How can it help but react so when you are in its vicinity? I swear, it has a mind of its own, regardless of my intention to allow you to shore up your strength.”

  “Shore up my strength?” she echoed incredulously. Extracting herself from his arms, she stepped back a few steps to look him squarely in the face. “I can assure you that after this, I will not allow another chance for you to seduce me back into your bed. Today was a mistake, but one I’m not willing to chance again.”

  Scowling mightily, Rafe demanded, “What do you mean by that? You cannot tell me that you did not enjoy yourself with me. Not when I made you scream more than once with my touch.” Heedless of his nudity, Rafe brought himself to his full height, making his erection more unabashedly prominent. Georgie colored to the roots of her hair, still unaccustomed to Rafe’s lack of shame.

  Still blushing, Georgie huffily threw back at him, “Yes, I enjoyed myself, but that doesn’t mean we have a future together! Not when we have been estranged for as long as we have!”

  Rafe frowned, not liking what he was hearing. “And I had told you that my leaving you was not by choice!”

  “I know!” she exploded, her face even more mottled with her outburst. She had obviously startled him with her yell, given that he only blinked at her in response.

  In a quieter voice, she continued, “I know that it wasn’t your fault, Rafe. I know that you would have come back home if you could. But that doesn’t erase everything I had built up my lif
e to be. And I was happy. I am happy with what I have now.”

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he refused to take in what she was trying to tell him: that he was being rejected by her, yet again. He hadn’t fought tooth and nail for so long only to have her turn him away now, and he refused to be cast aside by her a second time.

  Silence filled the space between them for several heartbeats, both of them unmoving. In a low voice devoid of his usual good spirits, he whispered, “While I may understand that you have moved on without me, the fact remains that we are still husband and wife in the eyes of God and the law.”

  Grasping her shoulders to better angle her to face him fully, he stated, “Georgina, our marriage may have had an unconventional start, and I believed then we could make things work once I eventually told you my initial reasons for marrying you.” She huffed heavily, and he clutched her closer to him, so she could hopefully see his sincerity written on his face.

  Continuing, he said, “You and you alone have ruined me for anyone else, Georgie. You had been my friend first before I thought to become your husband and then your lover. In your current state, disheveled from our bedplay, you look as ravishing as the day I married you, and I want you all the more.”


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