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Mahogany Tales

Page 1

by Chanel Hardy

  Mahogany Tales

  Modern Urban Retellings

  of Classic Tales

  By Chanel Hardy

  I. Ciara

  II. Porsha

  III. Andrea

  IV. Briana

  I. Ciara

  “Hurry up and finish cutting that grass girl!” Wanda yelled from inside the house. She stood in the doorway, with one hand on her hip, and the other fanning herself trying to get some relief from the smoldering heat. She slammed the screen door as she went back inside, frustrated that Ciara was taking too long to mow the lawn.

  Ciara took her sweet time cutting the grass, even if it meant suffering in 90-degree temps with awful humidity adding to her misery. Anything was better than being in that house with her step-mother and annoying step sisters. Two years ago, Ciara moved from Chicago to Georgia when her father passed away. Having no other living relatives, his ex-wife Wanda was the only one who could take Ciara in. It was either Wanda, or foster care. Ciara hated Wanda and her two twin daughters Jasmine and Jamilla. From the minute Ciara set foot in their home, they treated her like a slave. Making her do all the housework, cleaning up after all three of them, day and night. They also made her sleep in the attic, which was dark and dusty. All Ciara had to do, was last another few weeks until her eighteenth birthday, which was also her graduation day, when she could finally be on her own. What Wanda and her daughters didn’t know, was that Ciara’s father had left money in a secret account for Ciara, in her name to receive when she became a legal adult.

  Ciara wiped the sweat from her forehead, as she turned off the lawn mower and dragged it over to the shed to put away. She walked back inside the house, where Jasmine and Jamilla sat lazily on the sofa watching TV.

  “About time! The laundry needs to be done. We have nothing to wear to school tomorrow.” Jasmine screeched at Ciara.

  “I’ve never seen someone take so long to do simple chores.” Jamilla chimed in, swinging her foot back and forth on the arm of the sofa.

  Ciara rolled her eyes. “How would you know? You don’t do anything but sit in front of the TV all day long.”

  Wanda walked in to the living room from the kitchen, overhearing Ciara’s remark. “What did I tell you about talking to my girls like that? You’ve been in this house for two years now, and you still haven’t learned any respect.”

  “Respect? They don’t respect anybody!” Ciara shouted.

  “Who do you think you’re talking to?” Jasmine jumped in to defend her mother.

  “Shut up! I wasn’t talking to you!” Ciara shot back.

  “Watch your mouth! Don’t you have chores to do? I think you need to go do them before I smack you!” A vein emerged from Wanda’s forehead.

  Jasmine and Jamilla laughed as Ciara stormed off, running up to the attic where she could be alone. Once she got up there, she threw herself on her bed and started crying, her face shoved into her pillows. So many times, she thought about running away, but being a minor on her own with nowhere to go, wasn’t a smart idea. A few weeks felt like a million years living under the roof of a vile woman like Wanda. She made Ciara’s life a living nightmare, all out of spite because her and Ciara’s father divorced on bad terms. But it would all be over soon, and Ciara would finally be free.

  * * *

  Ciara was startled out of her sleep as Wanda used a broom to bang against the ceiling to wake her up for school. She rolled over, turning off her alarm clock before it buzzed.

  “I’M UP!” She yelled back so Wanda could stop banging like a crazy woman. She pulled the covers off of her and made her way to the downstairs bathroom to shower. She was exhausted, having spent the entire night doing the family’s laundry, washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen after dinner. After her shower, as she was getting dressed Wanda yelled again for her to hurry outside before the school bus arrived. Ciara had almost forgot to grab her gold charm bracelet. It was given to her by her father as a Christmas gift when she was fourteen. It was one of the only things she had left that reminded her of him, and of the great life she had before his death. She quickly grabbed it from her nightstand and clamped it onto her wrist before grabbing her backpack and heading downstairs.

  As soon as the bus arrived, Jasmine and Jamilla got on first, shoving Ciara out of their way. Jasmine and Jamilla took their usual seats in the front with their friends, and Ciara walked toward the back, sitting by herself as usual. She was a quiet girl, who never took the time to make any friends and often kept to herself. Being a city girl, Ciara didn’t really blend in with the southern folks and their ho-hum culture.

  The bell rang for first period as Ciara grabbed her books for Science class. The morning announcements started as the principal gave his usual speech.

  “…also, seniors don’t forget ladies and gentlemen to put in your picks for prom king and queen by this afternoon! I hope you’re all looking forward to prom this Saturday night!”

  Ciara wasn’t looking forward to it. She wanted to go, but Wanda wouldn’t allow it. Even if she could, she had no date, so it was a pointless fancy anyway. Just as she closed her locker, she noticed from the corner of her eye, Brandon Charles walking toward her. He was one of the popular boys. Rich, attractive, and well-mannered. But unlike the other boys, he stood out. Brandon Charles was different, he was polite, and treated everyone he encountered with the upmost respect. There wasn’t a student or school staff member that didn’t love him. Which is why Ciara could never understand how a guy like him was still single. She stood there, awkward, with her book in hand as he walked up to her.

  “Hey Ciara!” Brandon approached her, and she became distracted by his pearly white smile and his dimples, almost forgetting to say hello back. His brown skin always looked so smooth and creamy, like peanut butter.

  “Oh, Hi.” She replied, snapping back to reality.

  “You look nice today. That hairstyle really fits you.” He said, pointing to her bantu knots.

  “Oh, thank you Brandon.” She didn’t think too much of his compliment, as it was a part of his personality to be charming. But it still made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, as she grinned.

  “Since you’re on your way to science, as well as I, I just wanted to ask if you took any notes from yesterday? I think we’re gonna have a pop quiz today.”

  “Yes, I did.” Ciara opened her science notebook and flipped to the page containing notes from the day before, and handed it to him. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks. Well, let’s go. We should be getting to class don’t you think?”

  Ciara cleared her throat. “Umm, we?”

  “Yes. We have the same first period science class, remember?” He shook his head, amused by her awkwardness.

  “Oh yeah.”

  He walked ahead as Ciara trailed behind. Admiring him as he led them to class.

  As they walked in, the class was preparing to dissect baby pigs. Brandon took a seat near the back, and Ciara sat in her usual seat in the front row.

  “Alright now, there is no time to waste. Pick a partner and prepare your stations.” The teacher demanded. Everyone started partnering with their friends, most of the girls eyeing Brandon to see who he would pick as his partner. He chose the girl that was already sitting next to him, Amanda. Ciara just sat there, waiting for the last student to be paired with her by default. Nearly the entire class was paired up, except Ciara. One of the students was out sick, so that left Ciara as the odd one out.

  “Ciara, looks like you don’t have a partner.” The teacher gazed around at everyone to find a pair to stick Ciara with. “Why don’t you go work with Brandon and Amanda?”

  Ciara’s heart started pounding as she turned around, looking back at Brandon, who was waving in her direction, and Amanda, who didn’t look too
pleased to have to share. She got up and walked to the last row, sitting on Brandon’s left. Amanda looked at her, swinging her long braids and rolling her eyes.

  “Hey friend! Looks like there’s three of us today.” Brandon said enthusiastically.

  “ha-ha, yeah, looks to be so.” Ciara scratched her head and fiddled with a loose curl that hung freely in the back of her head, trying not to make eye contact. Every time she did, nervousness snuck its way up her spine and her palms got sweaty.

  The entire time they worked on the baby pig, Ciara couldn’t help but stare at the smooth skin on his arms. She was too distracted by his good looks to focus on the assignment.

  After class had dismissed, she grabbed her books and hurried to her locker. Brandon ran after her, catching up to her as she opened it.

  “Hey, you left so fast, I forgot to give you your notebook back.” He held out his hand, handing it back to her.


  “You’re welcome.”

  Jasmine strutted by, on her way to her next period class, taking a quick pause to talk to Brandon. “Hey Brandon, still no date for the prom this weekend?” She twirled her hair, smacking on her bubblegum. “Ugh.” She looked at Ciara in disgust, who just turned to face her locker in embarrassment.

  “No, not yet.” He replied.

  “Well, I’m still available.” She caressed his arm, giving him a wink before prancing off to catch up with her friends.

  “That’s your sister, right?” He asked Ciara.

  “Stepsister, yes. I hate her.”

  “Wow, I can’t possibly imagine why. She’s so… nice.” They both laughed at his sarcasm. The bell rang, and their moment ceased.

  “I’ll see ya.” He walked off, heading to his next class.

  “Bye.” Ciara said softly under her breath, as she watched him leave. Brandon was every girls dream, but for a girl like Ciara, a dream was all she had.

  * * *

  “Ya’ll look so good! I love it!” Wanda cheered with excitement as she watched Jasmine and Jamilla twirl, and pose in their elegant gowns while she took pictures. “Those other girls better watch out!” She laughed, snapping her finger and hugging her daughters.

  It was Saturday night, Prom night. Ciara watched from the kitchen as she swept the floor. Looking at the girls’ model in front of their mother in their bright blue and orange dresses. Ciara thought the dresses were hideous, but she knew better than to say anything out loud.

  “Brandon won’t be able to resist all this tonight!” Jasmine said with confidence, with her hands on her hips. Ciara snorted, trying to hold in her laughter from overhearing Jasmine’s comment. All three of them paused, and turned around looking at Ciara.

  “What’s so funny?” Wanda asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Ciara instantly regretted her outburst, wishing she could take it back. The last thing she wanted to deal with, was a fight with them.

  “Nothing.” She replied, still sweeping.

  “It didn’t sound like nothing!” Wanda snapped.

  Jasmine walked closer toward the kitchen. “She’s just jealous because Brandon wants me.” Her eyes glared at Ciara.

  “Jealous? I’d never be jealous of you! You’re delusional, Brandon would never like a girl like you.”

  Jasmine’s eyes widened. “Oh, let me guess, he goes for girls like you? Ugly, nappy headed skinny girls with flat butts.” Jasmine, Jamilla and Wanda broke out in laughter. Ciara clenched the broom handle, furious, but there was nothing she could do. This moment just added itself to her long list of reasons why she loathed them all, and hated every second of living in that house.

  “Hurry up in that kitchen, you’ve got other stuff to do.” Wanda told Ciara.

  Jasmine and Jamilla grabbed their purses and headed toward the door, as their limo waited outside. Once the girls were out the door, Wanda walked into the kitchen, slowly approaching Ciara as she put the broom and dustpan away in the corner. Ciara turned around, her and Wanda standing eye to eye.

  “What now? I’m done with the kitchen.” Ciara backed away slowly.

  “You’re just like your father. A loser, a nobody.” Wanda looked her up and down, before turning around and leaving the kitchen. Ciara didn’t even have it in her to be angry at this point. All she felt was pain. She ran up to the attic, not even caring about the rest of the housework. She plopped down on the floor next to her bed, with her face buried into her hands, crying.

  “Dad, I wish you were here.”

  She then felt cold, scrawny hands clench her arms. She screamed, jumping in fear, and leaping backwards on to her bed, falling to the floor on the opposite side. She sprang up, looking to see who else was there. “WHO WAS THAT?” she looked around frantically, not seeing anyone.

  “Calm down child, I’m right here.” A female voice said from behind her. The woman placed her hand on Ciara’s shoulder. Ciara turned around, screaming.


  “I’m your spirit mother. You can call me, Adah.”

  The woman was short, dark, and very thin. She had long, white wild, thick hair that bounced as she moved. Her skin was wrinkly, and her eyes were light brown, like honey. She was dressed in all white, her dress torn at the hem, and sleeveless. She was barefoot, which made Ciara think she was a crazy homeless woman who had snuck into her house somehow.

  “How did you get in here?!” Ciara began to back away.

  “Don’t worry about that, it’s not important. What’s important, is you.”

  Ciara was confused. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I was sent here by the Gods to grant your request.” Adah walked slowly toward Ciara, with a tranquil smile, and her hand extended, showing that she meant no harm.

  “My request? About my father?”

  Adah laughed. “Silly girl, I am a spirit mother, Not a God. Even Gods themselves could not bring a man back from the dead.”

  Ciara couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on. “Look lady, I don’t know how you got in here, but you need to leave. Now.”

  Adah was standing a few inches away from Ciara. She placed her cold, skinny hands on Ciara’s face, moving her head from left to right, examining her closely. “Pretty girl, strong face, like a warrior!” She smiled, looking Ciara dead in the eyes. “But I can tell, that there is hate in your heart. Fire in your soul, we must put out that fire.”

  “Huh? What are you talking-” Before Ciara could finish, she looked down, and was covered in Turquoise from head to toe. Her jaw dropped, as she jumped out of the grasp of Adah, and stumbled backwards from the sequin covered heels that were on her feet. She sat on the floor, grabbing the sides of her dress. It was a long silk gown, smooth like the clear blue waters of the ocean that surrounded a tropical island. It had long sleeves, with a wide V-neck shape revealing her shoulders. She touched her ears, where diamond chandelier earrings hung from her lobes. Her hair, was pulled back in an elegant braided bun.

  “Magnificent!” Adah yelled, with her arms in the air.

  Ciara got up from the floor. “How did you... I look… But I don’t understand.” Ciara was in awe.

  “You don’t have to understand.” Adah smiled. “Oh, don’t forget about this!” She snapped her finger, and Ciara’s charm bracelet appeared on her left wrist.

  “What about Wanda? She’ll kill me if I leave!”

  “Don’t worry about her. I’ve got her under a sleeping spell. It’ll hold until midnight. Not even Armageddon could wake that woman.”

  Ciara then remembered about Jasmine and Jamilla. There was no way she could show up at prom without them noticing.

  “Oh, and don’t worry about those step sisters of yours either. They won’t be making it there. Unfortunately for them, their driver caught a flat!” Adah laughed, grinning from ear to ear. Ciara laughed along with her, covering her mouth trying not to be too loud. The thought of Jasmine and Jamilla missing the prom was hilarious.

  “Oh, and I must tell you, there is onl
y one condition.”

  Ciara stopped giggling, as Adah’s facial expression turned serious.

  “No one at Prom will have any memory of this after tonight. Except you of course. They will remember prom, but a different version of it. One where you weren’t there.”

  “Wait, why?”

  “That’s just how it must be, my child.”

  “But I don’t understand, how is that possible?”

  Adah walked toward her, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly. “Anything is possible with the power of love. Now go, he’s waiting for you.”

  Ciara hugged her back. “How can I ever repay you?” She asked softly. Within the blink of an eye, Adah was gone, and so was the attic.

  * * *

  Ciara looked around and realized that she was at the Chestnut Grand Hotel, where the prom was being held. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed her sudden entrance, but the coast was clear. She looked at her reflection through one of the glass doors and couldn’t believe how beautiful she really looked. She had never been this dressed up before.

  Straight down the hall, was the entrance to the ballroom. Nervous, she walked toward the double doors not knowing what to expect, or how her classmates would react once they saw her inside. She approached the doors, took a deep breath, and as she reached out to open them, someone called her name from behind.


  She turned around, and it was Brandon. Her eyes lit up, and she froze in place.

  He walked closer toward her. “Ciara, you… you look beautiful.” He stood in front of her, gazing her up and down. His bright white teeth shined through as he smiled at her, wearing an all-white tux.

  “Brandon! Hello… Umm… it’s nice to s- see you.” Ciara said, stumbling over her words.

  “I’m surprised to see you here. Are you alone?” He asked.

  “Who me? Oh, yes. I came alone.” She replied, with her head down.

  “Oh, cool. I didn’t bring a date either.” He buttoned the top of his shirt, adjusting his vest. Ciara looked up at him, and his eyes were still set on her. “Well, here I am, and here you are. No pressure, but would you like to be my date Ciara?” He extended his arm out to her.


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