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Price Of Love (Written In the Stars Book 4)

Page 12

by Erica Marselas

  My phone trills bringing me out of the pleasant daydream. Grams’ number lights up the screen. I've been trying to reach her since yesterday and she’s just now calling me back?

  I slide the accept call button and put the device to my ear. "Grams? Where have you been? Why haven't you've been answering your phone?"

  "I've been busy, little one, as I’m sure you have. Where’s the fire?"

  "Doesn't mean you can't answer the phone and tell me why my room got canceled."

  "Your room got canceled?" She gasps in shock, but I'm not falling for it even if it was in error.

  "Come on, Grams, I know it was you who did it. What I don't get is why. It wouldn't be like you to mix up flight and room. So, I'm thinking you have something else up your sleeve."

  "Child, I didn't do such a thing,” she snaps. “Now, what's important is, do you have a room to stay in?"

  "I do. I'm staying with Leo, but what about when you get here?"

  "I'll figure it out, don't you worry. I'll talk to Allison or Chris. I’m sure I can cozy with them. Now how is it going with Leo?"

  I sigh and my hand flops back down onto the soft sheets. I'm tempted to ask her about her crazy vision. If this thing with Izzy is what she could've been talking about, but I don’t need a whole ‘I told you so’ moment, so I pass. Also, I’m working on that trust thing.

  "It's fine."

  "Fine? That doesn't seem convincing."

  "I'm just a little frazzled. I just ran into Tim"

  Grams straight up growls into the phone. "You can't let that boy get to you. He's not worth your energy.”

  "I know. I’ll be alright." I hope. "When are you getting in?" I change direction, no longer wanting to get into it with her.

  "Tomorrow. Allison is picking me up in the morning, so I don’t have to worry about all that Uber nonsense."

  "Good. Will you call me when you get in? Are you feeling okay?"

  "Of course I will, and I'm feeling good as new. Now, will you tell me what's really wrong with you?"

  Curse her and her ability to read me. "I told you it's just Tim and his damn mouth."

  "And I'm telling you I'm not falling for it. There's more."

  The room door clicks open, and I shoot up in the bed. The smell of Leo's aftershave instantly fills the room. It’s not more than a second before he’s around the corner filling the room with his entire presence.

  "I’m gonna need to call you back," I say quickly into the phone as I watch Leo walk in, my mind racing with a million thoughts, and I have no idea what it is I want to say to him. If I want to say anything at all.

  "Claire?" Grams’ voice echoes through the speaker, and I keep my eyes on Leo as he drops his key card to the dresser and holds up a cup of coffee to shows it to me. Mouthing the words ‘for you.’ At least he thought about me while he was with her.

  "Grams, I'm gonna call you back,” I mumble into the phone

  “Just tell me you are okay, young lady."

  "I'm okay."

  "Alright.” She sighs, knowing she isn’t going to get anything else out of me. “I'll see you tomorrow."

  "I love you,” I tell her.

  "I love you too, you stubborn bull." I giggle and hang up the phone, throwing it to the bed.

  "I brought you a coffee." He hands me the Starbucks coffee cup and slides next to me on the bed, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  "Thanks." I give him a weak smile. I press my lips to the plastic lid and take a sip of the steaming coffee. Mocha with a hint of vanilla. The jolt of caffeine is just what I need.

  "Did I make it right?"

  "You did." I give him a tiny smile and stare down at the white and green cup as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world.

  "What's wrong?" He twirls one of my brown curls around his finger.

  "Nothing." I take another sip of the sweet chocolate flavored coffee to cover up my lie.

  "You sure?"

  Am I really that predictable?

  "I was hoping to wake up with you." I bite my lip and run my hand down his chest, hoping to seduce some answers out of him.

  "Sorry. I had gone downstairs to get us some coffee and then got sidetracked. I didn't mean to be gone for so long. How long have you've been up?"

  "Oh, not long," I say casually, drawing my finger around the curve of his ear. "How did you get sidetracked?"

  He grins. "I have something planned for us today."

  "Huh?" I drop my hands. "That's what had you sidetracked? I'm confused."

  "Yeah. I had to make some arrangements for us. I have a whole day planned."

  He was making arrangements with Izzy? My inner voice hisses loudly, wanting to explode through, but the way he's smiling at me keeps her down.

  What is going on?

  "I'm not sure if I can get away for the whole day."

  "I've talked it over with Jo and Christiana. They're letting me steal you for the day." He grins bigger and runs his hand down my arm.

  His enthusiasm is contagious and helps to burn away the bad images I saw this morning.

  "I don't know, Leo. I feel bad bailing on my best friends."

  "Jo and Chris swear everything is under control. And Jo is sorta wrestling a hangover of death, her words from Nate's mouth, so he's banned her from anything wild till the rehearsal dinner. We will meet them on the rooftop for drinks later tonight.”

  I don’t say anything right away, and he wiggles my leg. "Come on, it'll be fun. We'll start with food to help with your hangover." He laughs and leans over to kiss my forehead.

  If only a hangover was my problem.

  I bet he doesn't tell you about his breakfast meeting, Tim's voice snarks through, and I bat that one away.

  "Can I take a shower first?"

  "I don't know." He leans in and sucks on my earlobe making me moan. "Can I join you?"

  The morning is quickly forgotten as Leo spends the day making me feel like the only girl in the world. After a steaming shower, where I scream his name loud enough that our room neighbors call in a complaint, we set out to have a lavish brunch. Once our appetites have been sated, we play tourists, crossing one big thing off my bucket list: A limo ride that takes us everywhere we want to go while drinking champagne. We first visit the Everglades in hopes of seeing some alligators up close, then we go for a swim at the Venetian Pool, which is something I’ve been dying to do since I found out I was coming to Florida.

  This time, when I ask Leo who he received his information from, he tells me he collected it from Grams over the weeks he had gone to see her before we arrived, but Grams is not his informant on the other leaks.

  By the time we get to the rooftop for drinks, I’m exhausted, but I feel a whole new bond with Leo. He really has gone and stolen my whole heart.

  I’m counting myself blessed, though I wish we could’ve skipped this part of the night. If only because since Leo and I have walked onto the rooftop, Tim and Monica have both been staring at me with their bitter scowls. I swear it makes my skin crawl. There’s no amount of liquor to help, and anytime Leo touches me, Tim makes some obnoxious noise or glares at us so hard, I swear he is trying to make us both combust.

  At least Izzy isn't around, so there is one less person to add to the drama for the night.

  Nate, Jo’s fiancé, puts his arm around my shoulder. “I’ve never seen my cousin happier.” He points over to Leo who is talking to Jo. She stole my man away five minutes ago, I’m sure to dig dirt out of him about our day. I’m surprised Christiana isn’t with her to help.

  “Yeah?” He nods. “I don’t think I have been either,” I admit and he nudges my shoulder.

  “I’m glad to hear.”

  My eyes drift over to Tim and Monica and I’m reminded of what they said about Izzy being with the guys last night. The words suddenly nag at me and the one person that I can ask honestly, who might be the only person to tell me the truth, is at my side.

  “Hey, can I ask you something?”

ot,” Nate says before taking a long pull from his beer.

  “Was Izzy with you last night?”

  Nate rubs his chin and looks over at Leo. “Claire.” He drawls out my name, and I already know it’s bad news.

  “Just be honest because I don't want to believe what Monica is telling me, but she was pretty convincing that Izzy was there hanging out and trying to get with Leo.”

  He sighs and picks at the sticker of his glass bottle. “Izzy was there.” My heart jumps to my throat. “But she had one drink with us. They didn’t even go off alone, and afterward, she left. I swear. I won't lie to you.”

  “Not even for Leo?”

  “No, and you want to know why? Because Jo would kill me and what’s that phrase? Happy wife, ball sack in place.”

  “That's not how it goes.” I laugh and smack him playfully in the chest.

  “It would be in my case. You've met Jolene, right?” He points over to his future bride who is now talking with her sister, and his whole face lights up the second they make eye connect.

  I couldn't be happier that they found each other. There's nothing more I want than to have that same hopeless in love look as I stare at my partner and him at me.

  Maybe if you look closely you can see what you already have. Gram's voice echoes in my mind and just as I'm about to say something to Nate, he's gone, replaced with the blue-eyed, sandy-haired man cupping my face in his hands to kiss me.

  I see it.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Leo mumbles against my lips. “I want to hog you a little longer before I don't see you for most of the day tomorrow.”

  “That sounds like my kind of plan.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Last night was amazing and the last thing I want to do this morning is leave the comfort of Leo’s arms. Being with him is beginning to feel more and more like home, where I belong.

  Leo is the first to break from our embrace when Nate calls, wanting to pre-game their day. My stomach cringes at the thought. Nine is too early for me to even start thinking about drinking again. On the other hand, I get a few more z’s before I have to meet the girls down at the spa to celebrate Jo’s last official day as a free woman.

  I’m standing looking at a brochure trying to decide what I want to get done first. I know I want a massage, but there’s a thirty-minute wait before a table is available. Chris and Jo are getting some face mask and hot stone massages, and I’m not feeling that, so I’m left trying to pick.

  “Claire Malone. It’s so good to see you.” Sonya Price, Leo’s mom, wraps me in her arms. “How are you doing? You look so beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Sonya.”

  “You know, I had hoped one day you would be my future daughter-in-law.” I bow my head. “Hey.” She lifts my head up. “Leo tells me you and him are an item now, so I might have a chance after all." She smiles brightly and it isn’t the reaction I was expecting.

  “I mean, we only just started dating…” I fumble with my words. It’s way too early to even think about all that.

  “Oh, I always think there's a chance. Leo has always had a special place for you."

  "What?" I choke. Why does everyone say that?

  She grins bigger. "You don't know?" I shake my head and she places her hand on my cheek. “Oh, sweetie. How could you not have known?”

  My brain starts to go haywire and my mouth drops open, wanting to question her further when Grams steps in behind her, placing a hand on Sonya’s shoulder.

  "Sonya, I see you found my granddaughter. I've been looking for you," she says pointedly at me, and I look at her like she’s crazy.

  "Here I am. Where have you been?” I pull Grams into a tight hug and inhale her. She smells of white sage, her favorite incense. I’ve missed her. “You promised to call when your plane landed. Where’s Allison?” I step back and look behind her to seek out my long-lost bestie.

  “Up in our room, getting changed. She’ll be down in a minute. We are going to stay in Christiana’s room.” Grams turns to Sonya. “It is so good to see you again, Sonya. It’s been forever. You look lovely, by the way.”

  “You too, Val. We have some catching up to do.” Sonya glances at me and smiles. “I think we need to have a glass of champagne and share some stories about our younguns and catch up.”

  “Oh, not this again.” I groan as I rub my temple. These two could talk for days.

  “At least now the stories will be better,” Grams says with a light giggle.

  “You going to tell her about me staying away from Le—" Grams nudges me in the side, eyeing me.

  “Hush child.”

  “I know all about the personal ad.” Sonya winks. “No worries. I was thinking of getting a face wrap. Do you two want to join me?”

  “You two go have fun. I’m actually going to go take a walk outside.” Anything to get away from these ladies.

  “Don’t you want to get something done?”

  “I will. I’m going to get a massage. But there’s a wait. All of Jo’s sisters are getting one.”

  I dare not say all my muscles are sore after what your son has done to me the last few nights. That’s for sure.

  “Alright, hun. We will see you in there.”

  “Don’t talk about me too much. I’ll know because my ears will burn.” I point at my grandmother and then make my way to the door.

  After taking a stroll around the pool just enjoying the peace and quiet and the warmth of the Florida air in October, I head back inside. I think just being on my own for a little bit was what I needed more than the spa day to help clear my mind.

  “Don’t you look cute.” My body freezes at the sound of Tim’s growly voice. Why? Why can’t I just escape this man? I spin around to face him and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m so glad I ran into you again.” Unease bubbles in my stomach and the hairs stand on the back of my neck as Tim’s eyes narrow into mine. My heart thuds in my chest as all circuits in my brain warn me something isn’t right. The warnings I told myself I wouldn’t ignore again after Colt.

  But I do and push my shoulders back and try to stand strong. “Oh my god. Are you stalking me? What do you want?” I bark.

  “No, I saw you come back from outside the sauna area. That’s where the guys are. I thought me and you have so much to talk about still. You ran off so fast yesterday.”

  “We have nothing left to say.”

  “I don’t know about that.” His lips curl into a cocky smile and he steps in closer to me. “Did Leo ever tell you about his little breakfast meeting?”


  “I told you—”

  I hold up my hand to stop him, and I’m grateful when his ignorant lips snap shut. I grin, feeling my chest inflate with pride, knowing the next words from my mouth are going to feel so good. “He didn’t get a chance to because we got sidetracked. First, he spent the day treating me like a queen, and then later we were busy fucking each other’s brains out, so it didn’t seem important.”

  “I know about the personal ad, Claire.”

  My heart thumps hard in my chest, and it almost knocks me down. “So what?”

  “He was talking to Nate all about it this morning. Something along the lines of a fake date and that Nate and Jo have been trying to push you on him for months, but now that Izzy is back, he wants nothing to do with you.”

  “The thing is, Tim, I don’t believe you.”

  I won't. I can't, not after the day we had yesterday. Not after Nate told me he had never seen his cousin so happy.

  “Why don’t I show you?”

  “Show me what?”

  “It’s why I wanted to find you so you could see for yourself.” He grabs my hand, and it’s as if his touch burns, so I try to snatch it out of his hold, but he only grips me tighter as he leads me down the hallway. There’s a window that looks out to another hallway that breaks up the spa area and there’s Leo with Izzy again. “He sure spends a lot of time alone with her when you’re not around.”

guess you would know something about that, huh?” I hiss and finally manage to release my hand from his and rub my palm down my shirt trying to get rid of the tingling feeling.

  “Claire. He wants her back.”

  “Or they’re just talking like me and you—unfortunately.”

  When I’m about to push away, Izzy reaches up and kisses Leo on the lips. The seconds Izzy’s lips are on Leo’s feels like hours and my heart leaps out of my throat. Tears prickle in the corners of my eyes and the world around me crashes down.

  Standing next to me is the man who cheated on me before and in front of me is the stepbrother who I wanted to give my heart to, kissing someone else.

  Tim bangs on the glass and both heads turn to us. The color from Leo’s face drains, and I don’t even take a moment to look at Izzy’s before I’m pushing Tim away, needing to get out of the situation.

  “I tried to warn you, Claire,” Tim yells after me.

  I stop in my tracks and spin back to him. “Are you happy now though?”

  “Of course not, Claire.” He walks up to me and brushes his hand down my arm. “I didn’t know that was going to happen, but you had to see they’ve been so cozy together behind your back. And most of all, you’re mine Claire, not my brother’s.”

  “Yours?” I choke out. Is he fucking insane?

  “Yes. Mine. He can’t have you.”

  My anger spurs, and I see nothing but red as my hand makes contact with his face. “I’m not yours. Not now and never again.” I seethe and rub my stinging hand. “I don’t understand why you can’t let me be happy or move on, Tim. Why do you want me miserable? What did I ever do to you that was so wrong besides not keeping your dick happy?”

  “Your mistake was showing up here with my brother,” he hollers, touching his now sore cheek.

  “My mistake was you. It was always you," I shout, and it feels so good to release the words I've been holding inside for so long. “I want nothing more to do with you ever again.”


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