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Margaret Tudor: A Romance of Old St. Augustine

Page 18

by Annie T. Colcock


  After writing these words I cast aside my pen, and, throwing myself uponthe bed, buried my face in the pillow. I could feel the drumming pulsesin my ears, and my heart swelled till it was like to burst within mybosom. Though I pressed my hot fingers against my close-shut eyes, Istill could see my poor love's white, set face, the great hollows in hisbearded cheeks, the blue veins on his thin temples, and the large eyes,one moment all love-lighted, the next, stricken with horror at the sightof my unfaith.

  How long I lay there I can scarcely tell. It was many hours after noonwhen I heard heavy steps without my door, which suddenly began to shakeas though one beat upon it with frantic hands.

  "Who is there?" I cried, lifting my head.

  "Oh! Mistress Margaret! a God's mercy--undo the door!"

  I drew the bolt in haste, and Dame Barbara burst in and dropped down,weeping, at my feet.

  "Lord love ye, Mistress Margaret! Lord help us both this day! They havesent off all our men to meet the blessed English ship--and we two poorwomen left behind!"

  I could not think it true. I seized the weeping dame by her heavingshoulders and fairly dragged her to her feet, demanding what proof shehad that this was so. She pointed dumbly to the window, and fella-sobbing louder than before.

  Then I looked out.

  The _Carolina_ frigate stood off the bar of Matanzas Bay, and over thewaves, in the direction of the frigate, went a small boat impelled bythe brawny arms of six swarthy Spaniards. With them were the Englishprisoners: I saw the honest face of Captain Baulk, and next him worthyMaster Collins; also the three seamen of the Barbadian sloop; andanother, whom I did not know, but guessed to be the second of the twounlucky messengers; and--in the midst of all--my dear love.

  He lay full length, his white face resting against the good captain'sknees; and my first thought was one of terror lest he was dead: but Isaw him lift himself, and give one long look at the castle walls, thenfall back as before--and I knew, in that moment, he put me from hisheart for ever.

  They were gone, all gone. Dona Orosia had played me false--God hadturned His face from me--and the man I loved would never love me more.

  I turned away from the window to the weeping dame, and I laughed,laughed again as I had done in the face of my dear love that very morn.

  "The piece is near ended, dame," I said. "'Tis almost time to pray _Godsave His Majesty_ and draw the curtain. But what strange tricks doesFate play sometimes with her helpless puppets! She did cast us, longago, for a lightsome comedy, and lo! 'tis to be a tragedy instead! Thinkyou, dear Barbara, that death would come easier by means of yonderbed-cord, or of those great scissors dangling at thy waist? Or, perhaps,if thou couldst play Othello to my Desdemona, it might seem a gentlerprelude to the grave. How heavy is a lie, good dame? Think you it woulddrag a soul to hell? If so, I need not to go alone; for if I lied toMelinza, he also lied to me--and Dona Orosia also"--then a strongshudder shook my frame. "Barbara, Barbara, must I e'en have theircompany for all eternity?"

  She ran to me, good soul, and hushed me like a child to her ample bosom.

  "Lord help ye, dear lamb! And He will--He will!" I heard her say overand over; then everything turned dark before my eyes, and I thoughtdeath had come to me indeed.

  When consciousness returned I lay upon my bed in a gray twilight, andbeside me were Dame Barbara and the Governor's wife.

  As my eyes fell upon Dona Orosia, I cried out bitterly that I had been afool to trust even to her hate; for now she had grown weary of herrevenge, and would discard her tool without paying the price for it.

  She covered my mouth with her hand, laughing shortly.

  "Melinza thinks he has been too sharp for me. He despatched theprisoners in great haste to the English ship without my knowledge. Iwent to him just now and demanded to know if he dared to send away SenorRivers without leave from me.

  "'Aye,' he said, and bowed to me. 'Since Dona Orosia desired for somereason to detain him here, I thought it best to be rid of him at once;but the girl remains.'

  "'The girl remains in my guardianship,' said I.

  "'Until to-morrow,' Melinza answered. 'To-morrow the _Virgen de la Mar_returns to Habana, and with her go the English girl and your humbleservant.'

  "'The Governor,' I cried, 'will not permit it!'

  "'Will he not? Ask him,' said Melinza, 'ask his Excellency the Governorof San Augustin!' Then he laughed at me--_Dios!_ he laughed at me!"

  She bit her red lip at the remembrance, and clenched her white hands.

  "And did you ask the Governor, senora?"

  She nodded fiercely. "The old dotard! He did but shrug his shoulders andoffer me a diamond necklace in exchange for my pretty puppet of aplaything. It is plain Melinza has some hold upon him, what it is Icannot guess; but it is stronger than my wishes. He would sooner bravemy anger than oppose his nephew's schemes."

  I watched the dark shadow settling on her brow, and I thought all hopewas over.

  "Dona Orosia," I said at last, "will you lend me your dagger?"

  "Not yet, child--not unless there is no other way to thwart them both.Look--" she said, and threw a purse of gold pieces on the bed beside me."This is your purchase money, and 'twill serve to buy assistance. When Icould make no better terms, I was forced to take this and a kiss toboot--Pah!" and she rubbed her cheek. "To-morrow, when the tide isfull, the _Virgen de la Mar_ will leave the harbour. Before then I mustcontrive your escape."

  "And Barbara's," I added, for I could see the poor dame was in deepanxiety.

  Dona Orosia stared. "Upon my soul, we had all forgotten the old woman.She might have gone well enough with the other prisoners; but how am Ito smuggle _two_ women from the town?"

  Then I besought her not to separate me from the dame, to whom I clung asmy last friend; and after a time she yielded me a grudging promise andleft me, bidding me make ready for the evening meal, at which I mustappear in order not to arouse the Governor's suspicions.

  My hands were cold and trembling; but with Barbara's aid I decked me outin one of the gay gowns which had been given me by my protectress, and,taking up a fan--with which I had learned the Spanish trick of screeningmy face upon occasion--I joined the Governor and his beautiful spouse inthe brightly lighted _comedor_, where covers at table were laid forthree. I was thankful for Melinza's absence, for to play at love-makingthat night would have been beyond my powers.

  At first I could eat nothing; but an urgent glance from Dona Orosia,and the thought of what need there would be for all my strength promptedme to force some morsels, in spite of the convulsive swelling of mythroat. I made shift, also, to answer when addressed by either host orhostess; but the Governor was in no great spirits himself and seemed tostand in some awe of his lady's frown.

  Suddenly, without the door, sounded voices in altercation, and a servantentered, protesting with many apologies that there was a reverend fatherwithout who demanded to see his Excellency at once on a matter thatwould brook no delay.

  The Governor leaned back in his chair with an air of great annoyance;but Dona Orosia said quickly, "Bid the father enter."

  A tall form in a friar's dark habit appeared on the threshold. Irecognized, under the cowl, the thin, sallow face and the sombre eyes. Ihad seen them at the door of the chapel in the castle courtyard on thenight of our arrival, and many times since. They belonged to PadreFelipe, the confessor of the Governor's wife, and her adviser, Ibelieved, in affairs temporal as well as spiritual. Something told me hehad come hither at her bidding, and I glanced at her for confirmation;but Dona Orosia leaned with one elbow on the table, her chin upon herwhite hand, the other rounded arm outstretched with an almond in theslim fingers for the delectation of the green parrot on his perch besideher. Not a flicker of interest was visible on her beautiful, sullenface; so I turned away with some disappointment to hear what the padrewas saying.

  His voice was low-pitched and husky, and I could scarce distinguish whathe said, save that it concerned someone who was ill--nay,
_dead_, itseemed, and needing instant burial.

  The Governor listened with a gathering scowl upon his face, tillsuddenly he started up with such haste that his chair fell backward witha noisy clatter.

  "_Santa Maria!_ Dead of the black vomit? And you come hither with thevile contagion clinging to your very garments!"

  "Nay," said the friar's deep, hollow voice, as he lifted a reassuringhand. "I have changed my robes. You and yours are in no danger, my son."

  "In no danger!" repeated the Governor, his face becoming purple and hisvoice choked; "no danger, when the foul carcass lies unburied, taintingthe very air with death! Throw it over in the sea--nay, set fire to themiserable hut in which it lies, and let all be consumed together!"

  "Who is it that is dead?" asked Dona Orosia. She had risen, and stoodwith one hand holding back her skirts, her full, red upper lip slightlydrawn, and her delicate nostrils dilated, as though the very mention ofthe loathed disease filled her with disgust.

  "A wretched half-breed boy, some thieving member of the padre's flock,"exclaimed the Governor impatiently. "Set fire to the hut, I say!"

  But Dona Orosia interrupted once again. "Padre, what is it that youdesire?"

  The sombre eyes were turned on her for the first time. "The boy was aChristian, my daughter, and I would give him Christian burial."

  "Surely," said Dona Orosia. "What is to prevent?"

  "Would you spread the infection through the town?" exclaimed theGovernor, white with fear.

  "Nay," said the friar, "I ask but a permit to take the body without thegates. None but I and a few of my followers need be exposed to danger.Let a bell be rung before us, to warn all in the streets to stand away;and we will carry a vessel of strong incense before the bier. Those whogo out with me, I pledge you my word, shall not return for some daystill they are free of all taint themselves."

  "My plan is better,--to burn hut, corpse, and all," replied theGovernor. But Padre Felipe turned on him fiercely.

  "How shall I keep my hold upon my people, and they retain their faith inconsecrated things, if you treat a Christian's body as you would thecarcass of a dog?"

  "As you will," the Governor exclaimed; and, throwing himself into achair, he called for pen and paper. "Here," he added presently, "deliverthis to Don Pedro de Melinza, and bid him warn the sentries at the gate.Say, furthermore, that if any one in the town comes within twenty pacesof the bier, out of the gate he shall go also."

  The friar received the permit silently, lifted his hand in benediction,and left the apartment.

  As my glance returned from the doorway it met that of Dona Orosia, andin hers there was a passing flash of triumph. Soon after, she rose, andtogether we withdrew. I felt her hand upon my arm tighten convulsively;but I walked on with the same sense of unreality that had oppressed meall the day.

  When we reached my chamber she bade me change my dress again forsomething dark and warm; for the night air was damp and chill. As I didso I slipped within my bosom the roll of closely written pagescontaining these annals of my prisonment. Then I asked for Barbara, andDona Orosia quietly replied,--

  "She has gone upon an errand and will join us in due time." Then shethrew a mantle over my head, wrapped herself in another, and led me outinto the garden.


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