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Crave To Capture (Myth of Omega Book 2)

Page 4

by Zoey Ellis

  She stepped carefully along the bridge that took her back to land, sighing deeply as soon as her feet hit the solid stone. Before her, an expansive port stretched along the coastline for as far as she could see in both directions. Many ships were docked, and an enormous amount of people milled around, all dressed in robes with elaborate patterns and colors. The city that rose up in front of the port had a unique skyline, with buildings that curved and twisted into the air. Their bold colors blared vibrant, harsh, and coordinated, similar to the clothing of most of the people around the port. The salty air seemed more perfumed than the Eastern Lands, but Cailyn took several deep breaths, glad to have unlimited access to fresh air again.

  "Follow me," Emric called out to her in a singsong voice. He led her through the busy port and into a cobbled road.

  Cailyn became aware of a tight formation of men surrounding her. They dressed in the style of citizens of the Western Lands and didn't look like guards, although the way they carried themselves suggested that they were. Emric led her through winding streets and then into a quieter square.

  At its center, a number of uniformed guards stood surrounding a large Alpha. Based on his elaborate robes and clothing, he was clearly King Malloron. He stood, his feet wide, at the center of the square staring in her direction and grasping a large, thick, golden staff. As Emric led her directly toward him, Cailyn tensed. She tried to draw on magic again, to provide her with some security, but once again it didn't work. She kept her eyes low and tried to think logically. He hadn’t hurt her yet, and she had to do what she could to appease him until she could escape. However, now was the moment she would find out if her blocks truly remained in place.

  Emric paused at the edge of the square and gestured for Cailyn to continue forward toward Malloron. She took a few steps forward, closer to the Alpha, taking him in as she approached.

  King Malloron was indeed large, possibly as large as Drocco. An elaborate indigo robe with gold stitching adorned his shoulders, and underneath, his vibrant clothing looked like it was made from silk. His bronze hair was neater than Drocco's and his brown eyes not as dark. His slightly deeper skin shade made him more tan like Cailyn. His statuesque features were less rugged, and his royal appearance was certainly a contrast to Drocco’s rugged one. The overall effect made him appear more refined.

  His guards parted to let her through, and as she slowed to a stop before him, he smiled, a dimple appearing deep in his right cheek. "Greetings, Miss…?"

  Cailyn flushed. He was indeed handsome. "Cailyn. Greetings, your Majesty."

  King Malloron slowly moved his arm and took her hand. Without breaking eye contact he pressed his lips against the back of her fingers. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Cailyn. I’ve been extremely eager to make your acquaintance since I heard of your existence."

  "I guessed that," Cailyn replied, somewhat dryly. "The way I was taken suggested you were eager."

  King Malloron's smile turned rueful. "Yes, I apologize for the dramatics. However, I couldn't risk that brute getting hold of you again. But I must ask, after I spent so long trying to find a way out for you, how did you manage to get yourself out of his prison?"

  Cailyn held his eye. "I escaped through the window," she said. "I guess I was lucky that you were able to distract him."

  King Malloron chuckled. "A window? What an amateur that Drocco is."

  "How exactly did you find a way out for me?"

  "It is nothing you would understand, Cailyn," Malloron said, lowering his hand, although keeping hold of hers. "I mean no disrespect, of course, however it has to do with the Talent, and I'm sure it would simply bore you to discuss that."

  Cailyn's heartbeat increased. "Why would you think that?"

  "Those who don’t understand the Talent usually have no patience for it. I tend to use that to my advantage most of the time, but I don't want to bore you." He smiled at her again. “Or embarrass you.”

  “Now I’m really intrigued,” Cailyn teased, hoping to hide her shock with a wide smile. He didn't know that she could use the Talent!

  The corner of Malloron’s mouth quirked. “All right,” he said. “The Emperor conducted a meeting with me through a portal and at the time he was saturated with your… intimate scent. I took hold of the portal and managed to get a sample to find you with.”

  Cailyn didn’t have to fake the embarrassment. Her face dropped and she froze, her neck beginning to burn.

  “Come now, no need to be embarrassed,” the king said, squeezing her hand. “We are friends and you are my guest, yes? Let's go to my castle."

  Cailyn let him lead her out of the square by her hand as she recovered from her discomfort. She hadn’t been expecting that at all. Malloron had been able to get a sample of her scent on Drocco? That took significant skill. If that was true, how had he not known she was a Talent-crafter? Surely if he had spies in and around the Lox Palace, he would know that she had used the Talent when she went into her Haze. But as she moved through the square, she considered who would even know that. Who would Drocco let know that she had used the Talent against him? He had kept her locked in that bedroom—no one needed to be aware that she could use the Talent.

  Clearly, King Malloron had done something that allowed magic to become available within the room she was held in, but he hadn’t expected her to use it to escape. If she had stayed, she would have found herself being abducted from Drocco's own bedroom. The idea sent a shiver down her spine for a reason she couldn’t place, but she tried to keep her expression and body language neutral as she climbed into his carriage.

  She sat opposite him on the cushioned bench, feigning interest while he explained how Eiros was the dominant territory in the Western Lands, with its own army and superior trade, but behind her nods and fake exclaims of interest, her mind raced. If he didn't know she could use the Talent, then there was the chance of escaping. She had been situated in the Eastern Lands to do all of her jobs, she never had any training on the Western Lands and therefore didn't know much about how to navigate them, but she would find a way. The only thing she had to figure out was how he was preventing magic from being accessible. There was no way to ask without alerting him that she was a Talent-crafter, but she took comfort that her blocks still existed, since she couldn't smell any defining scent coming from him. As she relaxed into her seat, she suppressed a small smile—there was still hope for a way out.

  "There are many languages spoken in the Western Lands," King Malloron said. "Many of them are much more eloquent than the base tongue used all over the Eastern Lands. However, the muddle of languages does make trading more difficult and increases the chance of aggravation between territories. Of course, as the dominant territory, many of the territories in the Western Lands cower to me, so if you like to visit any of them you are welcome to."

  "How long am I to be a visitor here?" Cailyn asked, tentatively.

  King Malloron hesitated before he answered. He leaned forward toward her. “You’re not a prisoner here, Cailyn, but I would like you to stay for a little while, at least.”


  Malloron kept his eyes on her and pursed his lips. “You’re an Omega. When I heard that Drocco had an Omega and was keeping her imprisoned, I knew I had to at least set you free. Of course, I also wanted to meet you."

  "Emperor Drocco did indeed keep me prisoner," Cailyn said evenly. “But you went through considerable lengths to get me here, including drugging me and forcing me to travel here. I'm not sure how much different this is."

  King Malloron frowned. "It is very different," he said, his deep voice stern. "Had I not been swift, you would have been captured Cailyn, make no mistake. The Lox penetrate every area of the Eastern Lands, you wouldn’t have been able to disappear very easily. I had to use drastic measures to get you here, of course, but you are free to go whenever you wish. I am not Drocco. And I hope you understand that not all Alphas are like him."

  Cailyn nodded, watching him closely. He seemed affronted by her
subtle accusation.

  King Malloron relaxed. "Now, although you are my guest, I would like you to stay awhile and get to know the Western Lands." He paused, the corner of his mouth curling. "And get to know me.”

  Cailyn's eyes widened a little, but she inclined her head and smiled back at him, pushing away her surprise. Of course he would want that—any Alpha would, even if there was no physical attraction. She stilled, realizing the truth of her thought—there was indeed nothing about Malloron that attracted her deeper than an appreciation of his looks… completely different from her initial reaction to Drocco.

  King Malloron chuckled and leaned back in his seat.

  Eiros Castle, King Malloron’s home, spread across an enormous area of raised land—it could even be as big as Drocco’s Palace. It consisted of numerous buildings and towers of all sizes and heights, with sharp spires and turrets that ascended high into the sky. It’s creamy brown walls complemented the smaller, less sophisticated, darker buildings that pressed into the sunken land below it—a village or city of some sort that bustled with activity. Cailyn couldn’t even see the whole thing as the carriage entered the royal sector, but the whole unusual style of it captivated her. The castle had a charm that sparked an excitement to explore.

  When they exited the carriage, King Malloron escorted her to her quarters. He explained that she had free rein of the castle, but that it was in her best interest to stay within its walls. Her spacious quarters had a gorgeous curved white-stone wall on one side, with a large bed and beautiful simple furnishings. Its window overlooked a sparkling turquoise lake surrounded by a large garden that spread generously on that side of the castle.

  "Please take your time to settle in," King Malloron said from the doorway. "You’ll find your closet filled with clothing typical of the feminine style in the Western Lands; however, if anything isn't to your liking, let me know. Take some time to rest a little while, the journey couldn’t have been pleasant for you."

  Cailyn found it reassuring that he hadn’t entered the room. She inclined her head. "Emric made an effort to keep me appeased."

  The king grinned. "Excellent. If you have any concerns, please feel free to talk to me about them."

  Cailyn hesitated. "Are you not worried about Emperor Drocco? I assume he will try to find me."

  King Malloron's expression changed, although Cailyn couldn’t exactly define the look that entered his eyes. "I'm not particularly worried about that savage," he said, a little too casually. "Of course he is a formidable Alpha who has achieved much, but men like him tend to have short lives. I assume you weren’t fond of him?"

  Cailyn stilled, surprised by the question. "No,” she replied.

  King Malloron’s gaze intensified. "The hesitation before you answered tells me you’re not sure," he said. "That is expected considering he mated you numerous times."

  Cailyn's face tingled as it warmed but she held his gaze. "I have no loyalty to him, if that's what you’re concerned about."

  "I'm not concerned about that at all," Malloron said, his brown eyes glittering and his voice soft. "And I apologize if I’ve embarrassed you yet again. I just want you to know that you’re safe here. I'm not concerned about Drocco, or anyone else, coming here to hurt you. You may stay as long as you like."

  Cailyn nodded.

  "Now, tell me what you like to eat, Cailyn," he said, his dimple appearing. "I want your first meal here to be extraordinary."


  For the first two weeks, Malloron gave her daily tours of his castle. It was even bigger than she first thought and it took a while before they covered all the various areas. Flickering candle lamps and the occasional portrait decorated the stone interior corridors, giving the whole castle an old-fashioned, rustic feel that was a stark difference to the intricate colors and detail of Drocco’s Palace. As they strolled through the various rooms and areas, Malloron explained their uses, which resulted in explaining much of the culture of the Western Lands. It was a fascinating place—one where many diverse people both thrived and clashed. The most interesting room to Cailyn was the weapons room—it displayed interesting and unique weaponry that she had never seen before and reminded her of the fact that she had no weapons or protection of her own. Though when Malloron asked her what her favorite room was, she said she loved the library, which was conveniently situated near the weapon’s room. Delighted, he encouraged her to use the library whenever she was in the mood.

  Over the following week, Cailyn visited the library every day. Malloron would frequently visit at lunchtime to eat with her and then they would spend the afternoon in discussion about some of the texts she had read. Then they would go for a walk around the lake before dinner. Cailyn used the mornings, when she was alone, to try to scout out the weapons room. Two guards manned the entrance, though she was unable to determine when they changed shifts or how to get past them.

  After the first month, Malloron started taking her out in his carriage to visit various places in Eiros. The one territory was made up of eight cities, three villages, five large farming plots, and the royal sector where the king’s castle and connected buildings were situated. Each area had a distinct personality or culture separate from the others and Cailyn enjoyed visiting and learning about them. The Mothers had never sent her on any missions that required her to visit the Western Lands or the need to learn any new languages. Hearing different tongues bartering in a bustling city market absorbed her into the strange and unique world of the Western Lands.

  Every evening in her quarters, she would read, or practice her mental control exercises. Even though she still couldn’t access the Talent, she couldn’t allow her mental strength to weaken. She hadn’t done any while with Drocco—he seemed to impede her ability to even think clearly. Even after weeks of being in the Western Lands, there was a part of her that missed him, a part of her that missed the intense feelings of belonging that had blossomed when she was with him. She tried to ignore it, thinking that it would disappear after the distress of her travel on the boat, but it never went away. It was like something had been awakened in her and wouldn’t let itself fade. She craved her nest. She craved that purr that soothed her so well. She craved Drocco.

  Some evenings she simply sat at the window and watched the lake, considering her situation. The Mothers wouldn’t take her back and she was undecided if she could really return to Drocco. The more time went on, the more she questioned whether the Mothers had been right about her and Drocco’s connection. Even though there was something about him a part of her wanted, Drocco made her a shadow of herself. He erased her willpower and reduced her to the very basic core of what she was; she became a bundle of needs and impulses reliant on him to survive, and he had used that to make her believe he owned her. Clearly, it was an attempt to make her claim him as her Alpha. She knew for certain she didn’t want to become a slave to her own impulses for him, even if he was her true mate. There wasn’t anything about his personality that she liked, and yet she was supposed to be happy and willing to spend the rest of her life with him simply because they were genetically compatible. It seemed like a cruel joke.

  As another month passed, she began to wonder if it might actually be more beneficial for her to stay in the Western Lands. The atmosphere was indeed different; the people, and food, took some getting used to, but that didn't mean she couldn't carve out a life for herself. The main thing that softened her to the idea was King Malloron’s behavior toward her. He appeared to be a very calm and reasonable Alpha, and that went against everything that she knew about Alphas. She had never met one as even-tempered as him. She kept a close eye on him trying to determine his real personality, looking for signs or tells of a hidden nature, but there never seemed to be any indication that his persona was false. He behaved respectfully toward her at all times, ensuring to compliment and praise her constantly. He never drifted too close to her or touched her inappropriately. He never demanded anything from her, ordered her to do anything, or conveyed displeasure w
hen she disagreed with him. At first, his pleasantness seemed too smooth, too mild, for an Alpha. Surely Alphas couldn't be that different between the two Lands? But then she realized she had no idea what Alphas in the Western Lands were like. Maybe his mild manner was why he was king. She began to simply enjoy his company.

  Once she had determined that she would not be able to get access to the weapons room, she started taking walks around the lake in the morning instead of heading straight to the library. She enjoyed breathing the light, fresh air of the garden and seeing the various colors that bloomed around her in the unique flowers and plants. She did feel content in her current situation. It wasn't quite the intense, soul-soothing bliss of completeness she had experienced in Drocco's arms, but she suffered no fear or worry or distress with King Malloron. That surely counted for something.

  One morning, a flutter at the corner of her eye drew her attention to a cluster of trees in the corner of the garden. Peering closer, she realized someone stood behind one of the thick tree trunks, peeking at her with only the top part of their head visible. Cailyn slowed to a stop, glancing around at the rest of the garden. She had never noticed anyone else in the garden before while she strolled in there. In fact, King Malloron had commented that whenever she needed to use the garden he would make sure that nobody else was in it to ensure her safety. She looked back at the person peeking at her. It looked like a girl. What was she doing?

  As Cailyn continued to watch her, the girl waved and then wriggled her fingers and then beckoned. Cailyn stayed where she was, wondering why the girl didn’t just reveal herself. Then the girl raised her hand, and starting with the little finger, she curled her hand into a fist and flashed her palm before she lowered it again. Cailyn's heart jumped into her mouth. That was an Omega signal.


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