Book Read Free

His Queen of Clubs

Page 16

by Rose, Renee

  He pulls up a chair and sits beside me.

  Damn. Here we go.

  “Tell me,” he says.

  I put down the book and lower my sunglasses. “What?”

  “What you’re thinking about? Vlad?”

  It’s the first time anyone’s mentioned his name since I got back. It’s always been the stronzo Russian or more colorful Italian obscenities.

  Tears pop in my eyes before I can even draw a breath.

  Nico’s face turns sympathetic. “You love him.”

  My chin wobbles. I nod.

  “He loves you, too.”

  I look away because it hurts too much to hear. If he loved me so much, why hasn’t he come for me? Why didn’t he even try to visit me in the hospital in Russia? Or communicate with me since I’ve been back?

  He may love me, but he’s definitely let me go.

  “I knew it from that first video call,” Nico says. “I saw the way he looked at you. And when you said he hadn’t hurt you, I knew I was right. If he wanted my money, he would’ve made it short and sweet. Collected the money and returned you. Or killed you. But he wouldn’t take you to Russia to be his bride. That was fascination on his part.”

  My nose stings. A tear leaks down my face.

  “You know about Stockholm Syndrome?”

  “Nico, shut up.” I glare at him, pulling off my Chanel sunglasses and wiping a tear.

  He holds his hands out in surrender. “I’m just saying—your attachment might be that. Or it could be love. Hard to say without seeing him again, I suppose.”

  My mouth drops open. Heart starts thumping hard.

  Is he suggesting what I think he’s suggesting? The idea revs every cell in my body back to life.

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled envelope. “He sent you a letter. I opened it first to be sure it wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “Asshole!” I snatch up the envelope. “You don’t get to read my mail.”

  Sondra looks over from the water, surprised at my raised voice. I’m sure she doesn’t often hear anyone speak that way to Nico. He’s the type who rules his casino with an iron fist, slaying errant employees with just a look.

  Right now he’s giving me the totally unapologetic, I do what I want because I’m in charge face.

  I glower at him, but it’s not really the fact that he read the letter. It’s the effect of holding a letter from Vlad in my hand that has my emotions swirling. I stand up and gather my things, shoving the letter in my purse. No way I’m reading it with him sitting there studying me, even if he already knows what it says.

  “Okay,” Nico says, also standing. “If you need to see him, we’ll arrange it. You know, for closure or whatever.”

  I go still, considering this offer.

  Closure. I’m definitely missing closure.

  But I’m not sure that’s even what I want.

  But yeah, the mere suggestion of seeing Vlad again has my heart racing.

  I swallow and nod. “Okay, thanks.” Suddenly sorry for my outburst, I lean over for a cheek kiss. “Good night, Nico.”

  “It’s not bedtime,” he observes.

  “I’m going to tutor Mika, he should just be waking up.” I look at my phone. “I’ll call down for dinner.”

  “All right. Make sure you do,” he calls to my retreating back. “I see you didn’t touch this salad.”

  I roll my eyes. “I already have one mother, don’t need another,” I call back.

  I take the elevator to my floor and let myself in the room. I pull out the letter and hold it with trembling fingers.

  But I’m not ready to open it. Because once I’ve read it, it will be over. My only contact with Vlad.

  And I don’t want it to be over.

  So I slip the unread letter under my pillow to read before I go to bed, then order a burger and fries from room service.

  Mika video calls me right at 7:30 p.m.—6:30 a.m. his time. He must set his alarm to wake up early enough for this. It’s very sweet.

  The whole time we’ve been talking, we’ve stuck to his studies. I don’t mention Vlad. He doesn’t mention Vlad. I guess I feel like hearing anything would kill me.

  Tonight, it feels different, though. Now that Nico opened the floodgates by bringing him up. Bringing me the letter.

  Now that Vlad is fresh in my mind and the idea of seeing him is dangling in front of me.

  “Hey, Mika,” I greet him, sitting down at my desk and adjusting the laptop screen to see him. His hair is rumpled and he still looks sleepy. “I graded your homework and sent it back to you. Open it up and we’ll go through it together.”

  He clicks around on the computer and then nods when he’s ready.

  I go through his English lesson, then math and science.

  “Mika?” I ask when we’re through.


  I rub my lips together, my heart starting to drum again. “How is Vlad?” My voice sounds strangled.

  To my horror, Mika’s face turns haunted. He shakes his head. “Not good.”

  I sit forward. “What do you mean not good?”

  He shrugs, like usual. “Not good. He…” He glances toward the door. When he turns back, he screws his face up. “He’s had trouble—since the surgery.” He motions to his back. “It didn’t heal right. He’s pretty sick.”

  “What? Christ, Mika, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” My blood slams through my veins double-time. “Oh my God, has he been to the doctors? What are they doing for him?”

  Mika appears slightly alarmed by my reaction. “Well… I don’t know exactly.”

  “Of course you don’t.” I tap my lips. “Where is he now? At home? Are you in Volgograd?” It’s a stupid question. I know they’re in Volgograd because I can see Mika’s room in the background. I’m just in panic mode now.

  “Yes. I think maybe you should come,” Mika says. “Take care of him until he gets better. I mean, if you are well now.”

  My nose burns. “Yeah, I’m better. I’m much better, actually.” I can’t believe Vlad is suffering because he gave his kidney to me. The thought horrifies me. All this time I thought he hadn’t contacted me because he was through with me. Like he always said he would be eventually. Or because he wanted to grant me the freedom I continuously demanded. Not because he was unwell. Because he had complications as a result of saving my life.


  “Okay, Mika. I’m going to look into coming out there. Don’t say anything to Vlad, okay?” I know all about alpha males not wanting to show weakness. He probably wouldn’t want me to see him like that.

  Mika appears greatly relieved. He nods quickly. “I won’t. Will you really come? When?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll look into it now and get back to you. Remember—don’t say anything.”

  “I won’t,” Mika swears.

  When I end the video call, I’m suddenly famished. When I got back to the States, my family insisted on putting me on an insulin pump which continuously delivers the medicine, so I don’t have to do shots anymore and my blood sugar remains steady. I hate it—it makes me feel weak and fragile and I can’t stand having something attached to my body.

  Maybe I just miss Vlad taking care of me.

  The whole time I eat my dinner and get ready for bed, I’m thinking about the letter under my pillow. Finally, when I can’t stand it a moment longer, I pull it out and read it.

  It’s written in longhand—funny that my tech-savvy Russian didn’t just send me an email. How very old-fashioned of him.

  Dear Alessia,

  I’m sorry.

  For everything. For abducting you and bringing you to Russia. Keeping you from your family, whom you love so dearly. For not being there to check your blood sugar the night your kidney failed.

  But especially for losing my temper outside Victor’s. Forgive me. I lumped you in with Sabina, but you two are nothing alike. She cares only for herself. You care for everyone around you. You bring love and joy ever
ywhere you go, and I miss your beautiful face every day.

  I make no claim on you. You are free, of course. I just wanted you to know I suffer everyday knowing I hurt you. If I could take it back, I would, zaika.

  Please take good care of yourself.

  You have my kidney, but also my heart.

  I only beg that you do not hate me.



  I wipe my wet cheeks. It’s perfect. Simple and direct. He said everything I needed to hear.

  And he’s unwell.

  I pick up my cell and call Nico.


  “I’m going to Russia.”

  I hear Nico sigh. “Not alone, you’re not.”

  “Actually, yes.” I’ve thought it over. I remember what Vlad said. And I don’t think he would purposely hurt my brothers if they showed up in Russia, but he may still have orders in place from before. And I’m not planning on telling him I’m coming. “It’s not safe for you.”

  “Oh, and it’s safe for you?” Nico demands.

  “Completely.” I’m not sure it’s true. I know I’m safe with Vlad. I don’t know about the rest of the brotherhood, but I’m willing to bank on Vlad’s power getting me safe passage to him.

  Nico curses in Italian—a long string of impressive profanity. Then he says, “Not without clearance from the nephrologist. You call him first. And if he does give you clearance, I need to hear from you twice a day or I’m coming out there to get you. Capiche?”

  “I’m booking a ticket to Volgograd now,” I tell him. “I’ll text you the details.”

  Chapter 20


  I have a million worries in my mind, but it’s like my body didn’t get the message. It’s celebrating the whole trip to Volgograd. I just feel light. Happy. Fluttery.

  Mika gave me the address and told me exactly what to say to the cab driver to get there. He also sent it in Russian text, and I printed it out to show the guy in case my accent sucked.

  I get there in the afternoon. There are fewer guards than he had when I was there—I guess they were to keep me prisoner. I just see one guy outside when I pull up and he nods, like he recognizes me.

  Mika comes running out, then stops and shoves his hands in his pockets, awkward-like.

  “Come here and give me a hug,” I demand, and he shoots forward. “You grew.” I laugh, ruffling his hair.

  It feels so good to be back. Everything about the estate feels good to me. Truthfully, I never felt like a prisoner here. Just a restricted guest. It’s even good to see Zoya’s dour face.

  “Where’s Vlad?” I ask. Oh God, is he completely laid up in bed? How long has he been this way?

  “He’s at the lake. You should go to him. Help him,” Mika says, taking my purse from me. Yegor has already taken my suitcase.

  Grazie a Madonna. At least he’s not bed-ridden. I head off down the path I took with him so many times. My favorite part of every day I was there. The park bench is still there at the halfway mark. I stop and rest. I may be back to exercising, but I’m still weak. Does Vlad have to use it now?

  I hurry forward, excitement and nervousness warring. When I get to the lake, I’m stunned to see Vlad’s muscled body cutting through the water.

  He’s swimming. In the cold lake.

  He’s beautiful. And perfectly healthy.

  He climbs out and picks up a towel from the grass, drying his face. His body is muscled and fit. When he lowers the towel from his face, he sees me.

  “Alessia!” His deep voice comes out as a shout.

  My heart jumps up into my throat.

  But then a leggy blonde stands up from the swing, and my stomach drops to my feet.

  No. No fucking way. I did not come all this way to be humiliated by Vlad’s new lover.

  I stumble back.

  “No.” Vlad starts running toward me.

  My brain has already shut off. I’m in flight or fight mode, I guess, because like a hunted prey animal, I turn and run.

  “Alessia! Stop. Wait!”

  If I had any doubt at all about his recovery from surgery, it disappears when he overtakes me in about five seconds flat.

  He catches me around my waist and lifts my feet from the ground. “Wait. Alessia. She’s the nanny. For Lara—the baby. She’s the nanny. Don’t run.”

  The fight goes out of me and I go limp in his arms. He lowers my feet to the ground and turns me to face him, still holding me up with an arm banded around my waist. “There’s no other woman, zaika.” He brushes my hair back, then cradles my face with both hands. “There will never be anyone but you.” He’s kissing me before I can answer. Like he can’t wait to taste me. Like we’re long lost lovers, dying to be in each other’s arms.

  Which I guess we are.

  My knees go weak as he tastes me, slanting his mouth over mine with more tenderness than he ever showed me before. He takes his time, too. Exploring my lips thoroughly before licking into them, his tongue stroking, probing.

  It’s the kiss of the century.

  “You came,” he says with wonder, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

  “Yeah, well—” I’m breathless. Still upset over the nanny, even though it’s been explained. “Mika said you hadn’t healed. But clearly he lied.”

  Vlad touches the scar on his abdomen, his face growing sober. “I haven’t healed,” he says.

  I get dizzy, realizing he’s not talking about the surgery.

  “Have you?”

  I shake my head.

  He kisses me again, like a question. Then he picks me up to straddle his waist and walks toward the house. Behind him, I see the nanny hurrying after us, carrying his baby.

  He has a baby.

  And he took responsibility for her.

  My chest fills with warmth. I wrap my arms around his neck.

  After a few moments, I realize he’s going to carry me the whole way back. “You can put me down.” I laugh. “I’m still recovering, but I don’t get so out of breath now. Thanks to you—thanks to your kidney.”

  “I’m not putting you down.” There’s a stubborn edge to his voice.

  I smile.

  “I’m sorry for how I treated you. At Victor’s.” He looks around me to see where he’s going.

  I weave my fingers into his hair. “I know. I got your letter. Thank you.”

  * * *


  I’ve never been a religious man. I’ve never put much stock in words like holy or sacred. But as I lay my beautiful bride out on our bed, it’s with a reverence beyond any spiritual realm.

  And she lets me.

  I undress her slowly, piece by piece, and she watches, lashes down, belly fluttering, lips parted.

  She came here of her own free will.

  That, to me, is a miracle worthy of bent knees.

  She’s not submitting to my will this time, she’s offering herself up. It’s different. And special and a moment I will never, ever forget.

  “What is this?” She’s wearing some kind of medical device that made her cringe and blush when I uncovered it.

  “Insulin pump. I’ll take it off. I hate it.”

  I tip my head, watching how she takes it off, noting everything so I can help her with it next time. “Seems like a good idea.”

  She shrugs. “I’d rather have you monitoring me.”

  And that’s when I do drop to my knees. Only on the bed, but still. The words inspire nothing short of a spiritual awakening.

  I kiss up her inner thighs, flick my tongue across the flat plane of her belly. I take one pebbled nipple into my mouth. She arches up, moaning softly.

  She’s a goddess.

  The divine feminine.

  She is woman the way I never saw females before. Pure and potent and life-giving.

  “You came,” I murmur in awe again. I still can’t believe this miracle.

  “I’m here,” she affirms.

  I cup her mons as I move to the other nipple. She�
��s wet and slick and ready for me.

  “Beautiful, beautiful woman,” I chant. It’s a holy rite. Me, worshipping her body.

  I scoot back down and push her knees open, feast between her legs. Her juices dribble onto my tongue as I trace her inner lips, suck her swollen clit.

  “Tell me something, zaika,” I murmur, cupping her ass with both hands to hold her in place as I lick more aggressively.

  She cries out, pumps her hips. “What is it, Vlad?”

  “Are you here to stay? Or is this just a visit?” I don’t know why I ask now. Why I would ruin such a beautiful moment.

  But I have to know. Will this be my last time with her? Or is this our new beginning?

  “Not to stay,” she pants and my heart sinks, even though I suspected that would be her answer.

  “I don’t want to be away from my family, Vlad. Two of my brothers are expecting babies this fall.”

  “I see.” My voice is strangled, but I’m not going to stop. Not going to give her any less than God and Mother Earth.

  “Come back to the States with me, Vlad,” she urges, using my hair to tug my face away from her beautiful pussy.

  I rise up over her and unzip my jeans, find a condom and roll it on. “I have Mika now,” I warn. “And Lara, the baby.” I rub the head of my cock over her entrance.

  She takes my cock and guides me in, moaning softly.

  I fill her, rocking slowly until I’m seated, then easing back.

  “I love Mika. And you know I love babies.”

  I brace my hands beside her head and pump slowly in and out. It’s still a religious experience for me, every sensation feeding the sense of oneness. My belief that all is right in the world.


  I lean my forehead against hers, thrusting a little harder now. “Alessia.”

  “You haven’t answered me.”

  “The answer is yes. Always. To anything you ask of me, zaika. I want to be yours. Any way you’ll have me.”

  Her head drops back, eyes close as the sweetest moans comes from her lips. Like she, too, is in ecstatic revelation.


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