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The Vampire Next Door

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  Iker laid the two reports back down on his desk and slid them over to Anthony. “Whatever he was on probably wasn’t tagged in the analysis, nothing out of the ordinary here. We've seen stuff like this before, and you never got all conspiratorial about it. What are you trying to prove?"

  Anthony got up and grabbed the reports. “I’m going to talk to him again.” He said and turned towards the back of the station.

  "He's just a street thug Anthony, let it go, we got him, it's over." Iker tried to reason, but Anthony waved at him over his shoulder and kept walking. Iker hadn't a clue as to why Anthony was so hung up on this case apart from the fact that it involved Stanley.

  Iker spent the next hour researching Nikolas Hadden, the husband of Stanley's best friend, Walker Hall. The Lexus and driver were a tip-off to wealth and status, but he didn't realize Walker was married to one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the city not to mention the most secretive. He decided he needed to take his own advice and let it go. He closed his computer and headed out on a call.

  Stanley spent the day getting his house in order and preparing finger foods and refreshments for when Iker arrived. He knew it was just a courtesy call on Iker's part, but Stanley wanted to put his best foot forward.

  Last night had been a shock first to be burgled and to find out that the detective next door was his beloved. He really did not present himself well considering the circumstances. Tonight, he would have prepared, and he would show Iker that he was a normal guy with a normal life and that he was worth a second look.

  The door had been fixed thanks to Walker and the maintenance crew at the Club, and they completed the job with minimum stress and mess. After a light dinner and the twelve ounces of bagged blood that Walker brought him, he felt strong and prepared. The blood would help him resist the call of his beloveds' blood and aid him in keeping a cool head.

  Stanley never kept blood in his home, the possibility of it being found had always kept him from storing any. He went to the club when he needed to feed and either found a willing partner or made use of the bagged variety. Now that he found his beloved, he would never again be able to feed from the source unless that source was Iker. It would be nothing but bagged blood from now on until he claimed and bonded with his beloved.

  He still had several hours before Iker said he would arrive, so Stanley went to his office to work. His writing had always been his solace, and he hoped that it remained so during his time of emotional upheaval and life changes. He stayed in his office working until just before nine when he went to the kitchen to start the coffee.

  He wasn't sure if Iker would want coffee this late, so he also had hot chocolate ready. He could offer him some wine, he thought and pulled out a bottle and uncorked it to let it breathe. He poured himself a glass and sat down in the living room to wait and see if Detective Iker showed up.

  It was approximately nine fifteen when he heard the knock on his front door and went to answer it with a smile and the hope that he wouldn’t screw this up. He checked his look in the mirror before opening the door.

  Iker was busy all day, but he managed to spend a few hours going over the burglary reports because he just couldn't let it go. He knew he was missing something, and it had nothing to do with Stanley. Whether he scared the guy, or the guy was high, it didn't really change the facts of the case. What he was looking for was a connection.

  He hoped that Stanley remembered that he was coming. This morning he seemed eager. Iker knocked on the door and waited. It wasn't long before Stanley answered looking absolutely gorgeous. His light blue pullover was a perfect match to his eyes, and the black pants were just snug enough to be mouthwatering. But none of it compared to the genuine smile that greeted him. Stanley was pleased he was there, and that was an ego boost for sure.

  “Come in.” He said and stepped back for Iker to walk past. He closed the door and headed for the living room. Iker was close behind as close as was acceptable. Stanley smelled good. Iker couldn’t get enough of the amazing scent. “Please sit, can I get you something to drink?” He was acting the perfect host, but Iker just wanted him to relax.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” Iker gestured to the wine glass on the coffee table.

  “Be right back, make yourself comfortable.” He quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

  Iker took a moment to look around before taking a seat on the sofa next to where Stanley had been seated. When Stanley returned to the room, he set the wine down on the coffee table and sat next to Iker. There was about six inches separating them, and Iker couldn't get the urge to move closer out of his mind, so he did and lessened it to two inches. Stanley didn't seem to object.

  Iker reached for the wine and took a small sip not wanting to drink to fast and end their evening too quickly. He wanted to take his time in everything he did so as to draw out this visit and at some point, suggest dinner this Saturday at his place. Grant had brought it up, and after a little thought, it seemed like a good idea.

  “Have a hard day?” Stanley asked, and it sounded so sincere that Iker paused for a moment before answering. Usually, it would be a canned answer whether true or not, but he wanted to be truthful with Stanley, at least to a point.

  “Not a hard day but it was busy. Assaults, a little blue-collar crime mixed with a little white-collar crime and the burglaries.” Iker mentioned the last in hopes of discussing the incident one more time without it looking like he was interrogating him.

  “I thought you caught the burglar?” Stanley leaned back against the sofa cushions and took a sultry sip from his wine glass that had Iker wishing he were the wine glass. His eyes followed his every move, it was nearly hypnotic.

  "We did, but I think there's more here than simple burglary." Iker kept his eyes on Stanley as he leaned forward and set his glass back on the table.

  “In what way?” Stanley asked, clearly not bothered by the subject which was a relief.

  Iker explained the case thoroughly, he didn't see any reason to hold back and also brought up the fact that the suspect had changed his statement overnight. He watched him closely, and Stanley appeared to be taking it all in. When he finished, Iker took another sip of his wine and leaned closer to Stanley eating up the few inches between them, but Stanley did not back away.

  "I've gone over the information several times, and I just get the feeling that I'm missing something," Iker confessed.

  "I'm not part of a burglary ring, and I don't scare people with guns. I just thought I'd put that out there right off in case you were still trying to tie me to something." Stanley stated honestly. Iker was taken aback by the pronouncement he hadn't thought Stanley a part of anything, and he really didn't care at this point if he scared him with a gun or not.

  "I don't believe you're connected to any of this, and I apologize for the way I treated you last night. When things don't add up, I get pushy and often unpleasant, but it was pretty clear the guy was high on something." Iker gave his best most contrite expression, and after a moment of hesitation Stanley smiled, and it was worth everything Iker had to give. No smile had ever touched him or made him feel special to receive it, but Stanley could lighten his day with just a look. Iker glanced away quickly feeling foolish for his simpering thoughts.

  "The houses that were broken in to in this neighborhood were all homes privately owned. The burglar didn't steal from any of the rented properties, I wonder why?" Stanley commented as he took the wine bottle and refilled their glasses.

  "The Goldstein's across the street are away for the week, and their home is rather hidden. It would have been easy for him to break in through their back door since they have no neighbors behind. But instead, he breaks in here, with me home and neighbors all around. Why take such a risk and leave the cherry across the street untouched?" Stanley finished and turned to look at Iker.

  “All the places I mentioned are privately owned?” Iker clarified, and Stanley nodded. "That is interesting, I'll see about the other neighborhood to the n
orth that has also been hit repeatedly. Not sure what it means but it warrants investigation." Iker made a mental note to find all he can on the rental conglomerate that owns his place and see how many other homes in the area they own.

  Stanley got up and went the kitchen and returned with a platter of meats, cheeses, and crackers, again all high end and delicious. Iker didn't realize how hungry he was until Stanley kept offering him more and more food.

  "This is really nice, Stanley, thank you." He moved his head the short distance to Stanley's and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek. It was a bold move, but nothing ventured nothing gained. He was awarded another heart-stopping smile for his effort.

  “You’re welcome.” He said with just a touch of shy sweetness. He moved closer still and returned the gesture placing a soft kiss to Iker’s jaw. Iker glanced down into Stanley’s clear blue eyes and knew he had to have him. He raised his hand and gently placed it at the back of Stanley’s head and held him in place while Iker took his lips in a warm, searching embrace.

  The contact was electric sending sensations rocketing through him, heightening his awareness and need for this man. He felt Stanley’s hand gripping his thigh while his other held his shoulder. They were tentative touches slowly searching with an eagerness that was held back only by his uncertainty.

  Stanley was in the middle of something he had no idea how to handle and no desire to resist. This was so far outside what he'd expected for this evening, that his mind was still trying to catch up. Iker's lips claimed his in a kiss that was gentle at first and gradually built in intensity. This was the best he'd ever had. Kissing like this so loving and possessive was the territory of lovers.

  He moved his hands carefully up Iker’s thigh feeling the hard muscle beneath the tight worn jeans. He wanted to go higher but uncertain how much familiarity was too much. His experience with Adan taught him that if you go too far, you can get slapped down pretty hard, but this wasn't just a man, this was his beloved. They were destined to be together, Fate deemed it so. With that in mind, he raised his hand and slid his fingers across the hard ridge in the front of Iker's jeans just grazing the head ever so slightly.

  He felt rather than heard Iker's sharp intake of breath, and then a sudden hunger entered the kiss, and he was pushed hard against the back of the sofa as Iker took what he wanted. The feel of his hard body against him and the feel of his hard lips devouring him was deliciously erotic. This was what it felt like to be with your beloved, now he understood the driving need to be near them because it was burning him up.

  Iker wanted to take him right there on the sofa, but would Stanley allow it, or would he pull back bringing things to an end? He was responding beautifully, and the hand on his cock was like pure fire and he ached for Stanley to do more, be adventurous and take the chance. He could feel his need in the air and in his kiss, but he was still holding back. Iker wanted all of him, he wanted that fire he could feel simmering below the surface to ignite and consume them both.

  He pushed up the soft sweater and touched the ridges and valleys of Stanley’s firm middle. ‘He is very fit for an author’ Iker thought for a moment, but that thought was gone fast, and it was followed by, ‘fuck his body is fantastic,' and he wanted more.

  Suddenly the sweater was up and over Stanley's head, and Iker was running his hands over the perfectly silken flesh. The kiss became more ravenous until he released him and kissed his way down to the hard, pink nipples begging for attention.

  Stanley was panting hard and holding on for dear life. Iker dropped his head and ran his rough tongue across Stanley’s sensitive nub and a full body tremble covered him. Then he took it into his mouth and continued to tease and excite before moving to the other and giving it the same treatment. Stanley suddenly sat up and startled Iker who sat back on his haunches and waited, watching Stanley with hunger still in his eyes.

  Stanley stared at him for a moment and then stood and took his hand and led him to the stairs. He stopped again and looked back over his shoulder at Iker just to make sure he was on board and he was right there with him. So, with a nod and no words he raced up the stairs pulling Iker behind him. His bedroom was at the far end on the right, he rushed inside and closed the door behind them. They were alone but Stanley liked his privacy and that meant closed doors.

  They continued to stare at one another silently as they both began to disrobe. The intensity of the temperature in the room was building by the second and their clothes began to come off in a heated rush.

  Stanley left his briefs on and crawled up to lay out on the bed and watched as Iker finished with his boots and then jeans. He stood and held Stanley’s gaze for a moment before dropping his box briefs and jumping naked up onto the bed beside him. Stanley was awestruck by the masculine beauty and rugged handsomeness that was his beloved.

  "These got to go," Iker said and looped his thumb in the waistband of Stanley's briefs and pulled them down and off in one move. Finding himself completely naked in front of a man like Iker Dawson was at first difficult, but the way his eyes ate him up gave Stanley the confidence he needed.

  Stanley rolled against him and felt Iker's firm cock pressed against his thigh and just that fast Iker began to ride him. Grabbing his leg from behind and pressing firmly, the friction and excitement were making Stanley so hard he knew he wasn't going to last long. He tried to calm his raging thoughts and focus on the touch, but that was making him even harder.

  Iker wasn't a talker, but his feelings and intent were made clear in his eyes so dark now as desire seemed to be swamping him as well. His hands were so masterful as his mouth took Stanley's again and again.

  Iker was well beyond being able to stop at this point unless Stanley outright denied him, he could not pull himself back from taking what was being offered. A part of his brain was telling him to be careful; this was his neighbor. If things went terribly south, he still had to live next to the guy. But his heart and his body were telling him this was the guy he had been waiting for, it was a startling thought but strangely not unwelcome.

  The feel of Stanley, so pliant and willing beneath him urged him on with a dominance and force he reserved for men much larger than Stanley, but Stanley had no difficulty meeting him head-on. The man was much more than he appeared and that excited Iker to discover. He wanted to know everything there was to know.

  Stanley reached to his bedside table and extracted condoms and lube from the drawer. Iker looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow and slight side eye, but Stanley just smiled sweetly. He placed the items next to Iker's hand and waited, the invitation was complete.

  He was immediately kissed and flipped to his stomach with his left leg hiked up on the bed. Iker was wasting no time as he quickly covered his fingers in lube and pressed his thumb against Stanley’s sensitive opening. He rained kisses up and down Stanley’s back as he worked to loosen and prepare him. Stanley was near climbing the walls in anticipation waiting for the moment he breached him.

  Having his mate inside him even though he would be sheathed would be fantastic and one more step towards their forever bond. Feeling Iker stretching and filling him as he owned him with every thrust and every caress was sending Stanley to a place that was pure satisfaction.

  Iker held Stanley's leg high stretching him wide while he entered him slow and tantalizing. The condom was a necessity, but he wished the experience was skin against skin. As it was the sensitivity was off the charts, and his reactions to a mere kiss were lighting him up.

  He moved slowly until he was completely seated inside the most beautiful little man he'd ever known. The moans and thrusts from Stanley urging him on were doing just that, and he began a rapid cadence slamming his hips against Stanley's ass over and over bouncing him in place because Iker was holding him firmly. The feelings were swamping him both carnal and emotional, loving and needing as they invaded his heart and mind.

  Iker dropped down on top of Stanley wrapping him in his arms and pulling him close as he thrust his cock deeper and
deeper. With his face tucked against Stanley's neck, he kissed the tender flesh there and sucked up a tiny bit and held it in his mouth. He felt Stanley wrap his lips around his index finger and bit down, it felt like a pin prick, but it had the power to unleash it all everything he had and everything he was feeling.

  The orgasm was unlike any he'd had in terms of intensity and the satisfaction. He felt like his insides were torn out but in the most delicious way possible. Stars swam behind his eyelids and his breath caught in his throat, and that never happens. This little man had the power to tear him up emotionally and physically, and that thought brought a slight sobering to his blissed-out consciousness.

  Stanley continued to suck on the tiny wound, the taste of his beloved so calming and so energizing. He came hard when Iker did, losing his own hold on the edge and tumbling over with him. It was a feeling that he would hold in his heart forever. He could feel Iker's heart beat against his back and his hot breath on his shoulder; they were both coming down from a union that was epic as far as Stanley was concerned. He licked the little wound on Iker's finger closed and kissed it softly.


  Iker carefully moved to the side and slid out of Stanley, hating having to move. The silence was peaceful and not in the least awkward and that had never happened with anyone. Iker preferred silence and to simply show his wants and feelings but most wanted to discuss and question everything they were experiencing ad nauseum. He’d assumed Stanley would be a noisy lover, but he was wrong. Stanley was deep and thoughtful, and he didn’t need to hang words on everything.

  He removed the condom and tied it off before placing it in the trash by the side table. His neighbor was now officially his lover, and that thought brought a smile. Stanley was breathing heavily, and Iker began to rub circles on his back easing the muscles and providing comfort to the little man who successfully just turned him inside out.

  After a couple of groans, Stanley rolled to his back and stared up at Iker with eyes that seemed to glow. The blue had become more vivid, and his complexion paled to alabaster, and the contrast was breathtaking.


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