The Vampire Next Door

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The Vampire Next Door Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  "We should clean you up." Iker smiled and took the edge of the comforter and wiped away the release that had pooled on Stanley's midsection and groin. He rolled him further and pulled the now totaled comforter out from under them and tossed it over by the window. Stanley glanced over at it. "Leave it, for now, baby. I want to hold you."

  He switched off the light by the bed and snuggled down with Stanley held securely in his arms. “Are you staying?” Stanley asked.

  "I'd like to. I have to be to work early, but I'd like to hold you for a few hours until I have to go." Iker heard himself, and he knew it was sounding like he was begging, and for once he didn’t care. He wanted to stay, and he wanted to hold this man for a long as he would allow and everything else that was trying to crowd into his mind was just bullshit.

  “I’d like that too. Stay as long as you can, you feel so good.” Stanley burrowed his face into Iker’s chest and wrapped snug together they fell into a wonderfully restful sleep.


  Iker woke at five in the morning and tried to force himself to get up, but he snuggled Stanley closer and closed his eyes for a few more minutes. He had to be to work at seven, and he needed to shower and change. By five thirty he was sitting on the edge of the bed putting his pants on. So far, he'd managed not to wake Stanley, but he was going to wake him before he left because he would not have him think that he just snuck off.

  After getting dressed, he placed the comforter from last night by the door. He would drop it in the laundry room on the way out. He picked up a light quilt hanging on the end of the bed and spread it out to cover Stanley’s nakedness. Now that Iker was up, he would most assuredly get chilly. After he tucked him in Iker bent at the waist and placed another heated kiss to Stanley’s red swollen lips.

  Stanley opened his eyes, blinked a few times and then smile. "Good morning. Do you have to leave so soon?" Now there was begging in Stanley's tone, and Iker ate it up.

  "I'm sorry, but I do have to go, but I will call you." He said this and then kissed him one more time before straightening and turning towards to door. "Go back to sleep my love, I will see you later." He said before closing the door.

  Stanley hugged the quilt tight to his body suddenly chilly now that Iker was gone. He listened as Iker made his way downstairs and out the front door. He could have snuck out the back and across to his deck, but he went out the front in full view of the neighborhood. Within a few minutes, he was fast asleep and dreaming about the greatest lover to grace this side of Pittsburgh.


  Iker sat at his desk and started to review every break-in that has occurred in his neighborhood within a two-mile radius. Something Stanley said last night just before the night turned into Iker’s best night ever, stuck in his mind. He wanted to check the accuracy of his statement that the break-ins were all at privately owned homes and no renters had been targeted.

  He narrowed it down to a one-mile radius and Stanley's assumption was proven true. Every burglary over the past nine months similar to the attempt at Stanley's home was perpetrated on a home that was privately owned. Not a single rental property was touched. He wasn't sure what it meant, but it was worth looking into further. He checked his watch, but it was too early to give Stanley a call. He really wanted to hear his voice, last night had started something that he had every intention of pursuing.

  "So, you're aware that your neighbor is in tight with the mob?" Anthony plopped down hard in the chair next to Iker's desk.

  “You’re referring to Stanley I assume and not Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman?” Iker’s sarcasm was thick.

  "His friend is Walker Hall, the husband of Nikolas Hadden, the king of night clubs in this town. The man is big in everything that goes on in this town, has been for years. You might say he runs Pittsburgh." Anthony was not talking as if he respected or idolized the man more like he was jealous and looking for something.

  "Nik Hadden is clean. He's a businessman, he runs several clubs, and he's good at it. What proof do you have that he's in the mob?" Iker decided to play along and see where Anthony was taking this attack on Stanley.

  " Like you said, he's good at it, but maybe he's too good. Whenever problems or questions arise, they disappear almost immediately. He's not legit, a man like him in this town doing what he's doing cannot be legit, and you know it." Anthony was making no sense.

  “This isn’t about Nik Hadden, this is about Stanley. What’s your problem with Stanley Binkman?” Iker cut to the core of the issue.

  “You mean Stanley, I scared a dangerous man off with a glance, Binkman?” The sarcasm was thick and angry.

  "Yeah, him." Iker deadpanned. Anthony rolled his eyes and stared up at the ceiling as if looking for answers or maybe guidance. "I knew about the Hadden connection yesterday. Stanley introduced me to his friend Walker. They've been friends since grammar school." Iker explained further. "He's allowed to have friends Anthony."

  “Whenever there is trouble or even the hint of trouble around Nikolas Hadden or someone in his orbit, it disappears. Like it never happened, it disappears.” Anthony vented.

  "He can afford good lawyers, it's the way of the world," Iker told him honestly. "All we can do is our jobs and hope that others do theirs." He elucidated further. "This case is closed; the suspect is caught and has admitted to his crimes. He's no longer our concern."

  “Okay.” Anthony sighed. “I’ll let it go.”

  “Come over for dinner Saturday. I’m inviting Stanley and Grant.” Iker threw it out there and waited.

  “You invited Stanley Binkman to dinner?” Iker was beginning to grow tired and irritated with Anthony’s attitude.

  "Yes." He lied, but he was pretty sure Stanley would agree to come. It took a few moments before Anthony accepted the invitation.

  “If you’re just coming to give him shit then you can stay home.” Iker made himself clear.

  “I’ll behave.” He was back to his normal banter, which was a relief. But Iker suddenly wondered if it had been a mistake inviting him. He and Grant would be there to offset any awkwardness on Anthony’s part.


  Stanley got up around ten and showered but pulled on some track pants and matching top and tennis shoes. He wasn’t planning on going anywhere because in the back of his mind he was waiting not so patiently for a call from Iker.

  The comforter was in the laundry room which was a nice gesture on his part, and he'd written a nice note and left it on the table by the front door. It had stated how much he'd enjoyed last evening and was looking forward to seeing him again. After a light lunch, he called Walker unable to keep his mind off the call that had not as yet arrived.

  Just as he picked up his phone to call it rang, and it was Iker’s number. He’d left it with his card on the table with the note. His heart began to race as the memory of their intimacy came flooding back and the heat it brought with it was intense.

  “Hello.” He said and waited.

  "Hello, Stanley." Oh, that voice so much like warm butter. "How are you?"

  “I’m good. How are you?” Stanley was feeling like a moron. Can’t think of anything interesting to say.

  "I had a wonderful evening, and I was wondering if you would be available to have dinner with me at my place on Saturday at six?" Iker was inviting him to dinner, that was a positive move. This was good.

  “I’d love to, is there anything that I can bring?” He asked

  “No, I have it covered. You’re not a vegan or gluten sensitive, are you?”

  "No, definitely not a vegan and I have no food allergies." He assured. Stanley wanted to ask about last night, he wanted the intimacy to return, but the conversation although nice lacked a depth of feeling. He didn't know what to say to bring that feeling back. They were connected on a spiritual level last night, and he wanted that again.

  There was a muffle of voices that Stanley heard over the line, and then Iker was saying he had to go. Stanley wanted more but this relationship was going to take time and understand
ing, he knew that, but it didn't make the distance he was feeling any easier.

  “Bye, sweetheart, see you soon.” He said and then he closed the call.

  Stanley held the phone for a few seconds and stared at the screen. He called him sweetheart. Last night he called him baby and he called him love and Stanley was becoming very fond of the endearments. He quickly called Walker before he read things into the call that weren’t there. He had a tendency to be a pessimist, and he wanted to stay positive when it came to his progress with Iker.

  Walker answered immediately and Stanley told him the whole story including the heart-stopping sex followed by his growing insecurities. Stanley was sinking into a baseless fear of messing this up and being alone forever.

  "You're not going to mess this up, Stanley. He's attracted to you too. The pull works both ways, not as powerfully urgent, but it's there. I know how I felt about Nik the first time I saw him, and the more we were together, the stronger that feeling became." Walker talked him off the ledge and helped him to see that things were okay.

  "He invited me to dinner tomorrow night." Hope had returned to Stanley's tone, and he was recognizing that their connection was indeed growing. Iker was going out of his way to see him and talk to him, you wouldn't do that for someone you weren't interested in.

  “Are you coming to the Club tonight?” Walker asked because Stanley had made a habit of coming to the Club on Friday nights.

  “Not tonight, I want to get ready for tomorrow, pick out an outfit and mentally get ready for dinner with my beloved. I am so over the moon about this guy, I want him with me every minute of every day.” The drama was coming forward, but Walker was used to him and just went with it assuring him of his future whenever needed.

  They talked for another hour or so before saying goodbye. Stanley didn't know what he would do without his best friend especially right now. After his call, his thoughts went immediately back to Iker and last night and he began to analyze every word and every expression.

  He hoped the burglary issue was finally settled. Iker mentioned it last night and they had a brief discussion concerning it, but the need to question Stanley incessantly seemed to be over. It was a non-issue as far as Stanley was concerned and he didn't want it becoming a roadblock to their relationship.

  He hadn't lied to him, not really, he just didn't tell him everything. He couldn't tell him everything without outing his entire culture and his people. Iker was a solid rational man, and he was not at a place that he could accept that vampires exist. That time will come but that time is not now.


  Iker continued with his investigation into the burglaries and break-ins and came up with one name that seemed to tie everything together and that was Harold Ramsey. He was the new boss in power now for well over a year. He took over the company and all interests after Ed Massey apparently lost his marbles. He oversaw roughly a third of the real estate business in Pittsburgh. The only person more influential was Nikolas Hadden.

  He’d run into something similar in Harrisburg a few years ago. Some well-connected individual got a heads up that a major department store was moving into an area and immediately went about buying up all the homes and property in that area. Unfortunately, some people didn’t want to sell but were convinced to do so and that’s when the police got involved.

  He decided to present his findings and ask for permission to pursue. It would involve canvassing the neighborhood and questioning the homeowners and tracking down individuals who sold their homes. It would take some time, but perhaps the Chief would give him Grant for an assist. Grant was good with people and was patient, he would definitely put in a request for Grant if given the go-ahead for this line of investigation.

  He went out on a call at two-fifteen, armed robbery of a small convenience store downtown. Anthony was already at the scene and he was to meet him there. Keeping his head clear and his mind on the job was tough because thoughts of Stanley would not leave him alone. His beautiful sexy body, his total understanding of what Iker liked, his lovely submission it was filling every corner of his mind. He would stop by after work and look in on him. With that thought tucked away, he was able to get his mind back on the elements of the job that lay before him.

  It was early evening, and Stanley found himself wondering if Iker would stop by. He'd called and invited him to dinner but hadn't made mention of stopping after he got off work. Would he just go home and ignore Stanley until dinner tomorrow?

  The not knowing and the need to see him again was making it impossible for Stanley to work. The outline that had been coming along wonderfully a few days ago suddenly has come to a stop. All thoughts belonged to Iker, he found it near impossible to focus on anything else.

  Around seven he walked out on his back deck with a glass of wine and stared off in the distance. It was hard to beat back the insecurities at a time like this. Iker was his beloved, and they were destined to be together, and yet he kept wondering if it would actually work out. Apart from Aden who turned out to be a total fraud, Stanley had never had a relationship that lasted longer than a couple of weeks.

  They would find something wrong with him, or he found something wrong with them, but the end always came sooner than expected. Would Iker stay, would he bond with Stanley? Then the biggest of questions, would he accept the alternate universe of paranormal existence? It was a lot to ask of one man, but he was Stanley's beloved and like Walker and Isaac and Gavin, he would understand. The draw of a beloved was powerful, and Iker was not immune.

  He planned on going to the club tomorrow, Walker and Master Hadden were in Harrisburg for the dinner and a conference, but Stanley needed blood. Staying hydrated helped him control his urges and needs. Master Hadden had advised him to feed every two to three days whereas he used to feed on average every couple of weeks. The soul burning desire of one’s beloved was something almost impossible to resist.

  Master Hadden also informed him that it would get easier over time and as their bond grew, but in the beginning, the raw drive could be brutal. Stanley could attest that the description was spot on, brutal was the perfect word.


  Anthony followed Iker out of the shop and to his car. Iker had no intention of heading straight back to the station, he had a stop that he needed to make. "I'll meet you back at the station." Was all he said and without further explanation, he got into his car and drove away.

  He glanced at his watch, it was late but not too late to stop and see Stanley. He refused to analyze his motivation or thoughts right now. It had been too many hours since he'd last seen Stanley and he needed to see him. This case was going to go late, and this was probably his one opportunity to get away for a few minutes, and he wasn't going to waste it.

  Anthony hadn't questioned him, and for that he was thankful. He didn't understand his compulsion when it came to Stanley, but it didn't worry him either. This thing with Stanley felt right, and Iker trusted his instincts. He'd meet up with Anthony later at the station, but right now he needed Stanley, actually needed him. Again, he wasn't going to analyze it.


  Stanley changed into lightweight pajama bottoms and a white cotton t-shirt. It was late now, and he doubted anyone was stopping by, specifically Iker. He'd held on to hope until after ten that he might visit before the day was over, but he didn't. He wished Walker was available to talk because his insecurities were coming back with a vengeance. What if this never works out? What if he's not enough for a man like Iker Dawson? What if he never gets to experience life with his beloved? What if he loses him?

  A tightening was beginning in his chest signaling that his anxiety was peaking so he began slow deep breaths and thoughts of sunshine with a cool breeze. That was what Iker smelled like to him. He smelled like sunshine on a cool autumn day. He was leaning against the back of the sofa and trying to center himself when there came an urgent knock to his front door.


  Stanley raced to the door with expectations high, a
nd he was not disappointed. He opened the door and was immediately grabbed up in a fervent, heated embrace. The kiss was powerful searching and demanding in equal measures. The worry that had encompassed him just moments ago was gone in an instant with Iker showing just how much he missed him. Iker's need matched his own as Iker kicked the door closed behind him without stopping the ravenous kiss, he also began walking him backwards into the living room.

  No words were spoken, no words were needed because actions were loud and clear. Stanley was on cloud nine his fears ebbing away and burning desire taking their place. The kiss was even more desperate than the ones from the night before. Iker was still wearing his suit and tie, so he hadn’t gone home to change before coming over. The urgency with which he descended and began taking what he wanted was sexy as hell and was turning Stanley the fuck on. His skin was vibrating with the need for this man his beloved.

  Iker pushed Stanley up against the back of the sofa and with one arm wrapped around him began pushing down the sleep pants to bare Stanley's hard sensitive cock to Iker's large calloused hand. The kiss kicked up a notch for a few seconds, and then he pulled away panting and staring at Stanley his eyes boring holes through him. Stanley didn’t speak just nodded because he knew that was what Iker was waiting to see.

  Iker dropped to his knees and swallowed Stanley down, his mouth hot and moist and turning Stanley inside out. Iker worked his member expertly and at a fever pitch. Stanley didn’t have time to think just feel and take it as it was given. It was outrageous and extreme, and Stanley was instantly coming down Iker’s throat pumping stream after stream and Iker took it all.

  Stanley closed his eyes and buried his hands in Iker's hair and held on as his vision blurred and his evening improved significantly. Iker took the waistband of Stanley's sleep pants and pushed them the rest of the way off assisting Stanley as he stepped out of them.


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