The Vampire Next Door

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The Vampire Next Door Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  From his position kneeling before Stanley, Iker looked up at him again and spoke. "I want you so badly. I think I might expire if I'm not inside you in the next few seconds." Stanley wanted it just as badly.

  "Yes." He said, and Iker was instantly on his feet turning Stanley around and bending him forward over the back of the sofa. It was so decadent so raw that Stanley was instantly growing hard again. This was absolutely titillating no one had ever desired him so much that they lost control. Iker was shaking, and Stanley could feel the urgency he was feeling. He could taste the visceral need in the air.

  Iker hadn't meant just to barrel in and start mauling the guy but one look from those blue eyes and Iker was on him, and Stanley was reciprocating. He still had the taste of Stanley in his mouth and it was wonderful. Looking at him now all bent over, and waiting was a sight he would hold on to. That perfect little ass was calling to him and without considering it, he dropped a kiss to first one cheek and then the other gripping the pale flesh and biting down softly.

  Using the precum from Stanley’s weeping cock he hurriedly stretched Stanley loving the feel of his tight hole gripping his fingers and holding him. It gave him satisfaction to know that Stanley wanted this just as desperately as he did if the moans and pleas for more were anything to go by.

  He opened his pants and freed his own engorged cock and then seated himself against that beautiful ass while holding Stanley’s hips in a punishing grip. “I’m clean, I swear to you that I’m tested and I’m clean.” Iker made a statement and asked a question simultaneously.

  “I’m clean too, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.” Stanley’s response was the permission he’d been waiting for. Iker moved the head of his cock to Stanley’s tight entrance and plunged in burying himself completely pressing his hips tightly to Stanley’s forcing him against the back of the sofa.

  He pulled Stanley's hips up and back and then began a rhythm of forceful beats that pummeled Stanley's tender hole. The act took on an urgency that fed his desire and amped up the need to completely own this man. He drove his throbbing cock inside over and over until he could hold back no longer and slammed in one last time and held fast as he came filling Stanley's channel with his essence.

  He pulled Stanley up and held him tight against his chest emptied everything into this man. Marking him seemed to be foremost in Iker's mind and that was a need he'd never experienced before. Having Stanley carry his seed inside him was satisfying. He rode him a few more strokes, and he felt when Stanley came again this time against the back of the vintage leather sofa.

  Stanley was breathing heavily and bracing himself on the back of the sofa as he came down from the high of the experience. Iker was shocked by the need that swamped him and the inability to resist the craving for this one man, but he was not complaining.

  He pulled out slowly and with a few tissues from the box on the side table he quickly cleaned them both before putting Stanley's sleep pants back on and straightening his own clothes. When they were both dressed once more, he pulled Stanley in for one more heart-stopping kiss.

  When Iker pulled back, he saw Stanley’s sweet face and that beautiful smile, and he ate him up with his eyes. “You’re driving me crazy Stanley Binkman.” He smiled large. “And I think I like it.” He added and then took one more kiss before finally releasing him. Iker found it hard to stop touching him even little touches.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee, I can brew it quickly.” Iker loved that Stanley instinctively knew that his time here was limited this evening.

  “I’d like that, but I can’t stay sweetheart. I only had a few minutes and I needed to see you so badly. I wanted to be with you.” Iker kissed him again and brushed the hair back from his face as he stared down into those captivating blue eyes. "I'm working a case, and it's going late and probably into tomorrow. I have to leave, people are waiting for me." Iker was trying to convince himself to leave, but damn all he really wanted was to strip Stanley and carry him upstairs.

  "You have to go," Stanley told him and took a step back. "I understand."

  Iker too took a step back and straightened his jacket and tie before turning towards the door. The steps were slow that took him in that direction. At the door, he turned back and regarded Stanley once again. "I'll call you tomorrow and don't forget dinner at six. I invited a couple of friends, Anthony and Grant the two guys who helped me move in. I hope you like them.” After a brief hesitation while he considered another kiss he stepped out and closed the door behind him.

  Stanley stood still staring at the closed door for a few seconds before going back to the sofa and sitting down. The last twenty minutes had been a whirlwind and his mind was once again struggling to catch up with all that was said and done. Iker had spilled inside him and had taken Stanley intimately. They were on the verge of completing their bond and yet Iker had not a clue as to who Stanley really was.

  Stanley had taken another taste of Iker during the kiss nicking his bottom lip ever so slightly and drinking in the pure energy that was his beloved. He wanted completion, he wanted to bond, but there was so much to be shared first, so much to be explained and accepted before that step should be taken.

  Walker wouldn't be home until Sunday afternoon, he wished there was someone he could talk to about this. He picked up his phone and called his father. Stanley's father had retired a few years back and was spending most of his time at his home in Florida. It was a nice place small but cozy. They kept in touch and Stanley was planning to visit at the end of the month. It was very late, but his father answered on the second ring.

  "Hello son, are you okay?" His father's voice was comforting, and within a few minutes, he'd related everything that had happened to him in the past two days. He left out the incredible sex but let him know they'd been intimate without getting graphic. No parent wants to hear the gory details.

  He listened for well over an hour before giving Stanley the advice he knew he was going to get. "You are more than enough for anyone, and he is blessed to have you as his beloved. Things will fall into place and you will be happy, son. Don’t force it or try to figure it all out, just let it happen.”

  It was sound advice and similar to what Walker had told him and he would try to follow it. “Have you ever heard of a fated pair that didn’t work out that never bonded?” He had to know.

  His father was silent for too long and Stanley began to worry that he had a troubling story to tell. "No, never in my life has a fated pair not bonded, happily bonded." He told him finally, and the relief he felt was huge. They talked on for a while longer about this and that before finally saying goodnight.


  Iker walked into the station and Anthony was on him immediately. “Were you with Binkman?” The question was out of line and the scowl and silence he received made that clear.

  Anthony shook his head in frustration. “You don’t even know him.” Again, silence as Iker moved to the back of the room to meet with the other working the robbery.

  Iker was beginning to regret inviting Anthony to dinner. It was too late to retract the invitation now; otherwise, he would. He doubted Anthony would start anything with Stanley at dinner because apart from being a meddling pain in the ass he also had very good manners. He put everything out of his mind except the case at hand and got back to work. His personal life was on track, he had a gorgeous boyfriend who lived right next door. Life was good.


  Stanley didn't hear from Iker until late morning. He texted him telling Stanley that he had just gotten home and was going to get some rest before their dinner date that evening. He said he couldn’t wait to see him again and it made Stanley sigh with delight. Loving words from your beloved were a powerful force for good.

  He got dressed and headed to the Club. He called ahead, and Anton one of the bartenders told him he'd have his drink ready for him when he arrived. They masked it to look like a bloody Mary or straight up tomato juice so he could drink it while sitting at the bar.
He needed the fortification since the two small sips he'd gotten from his beloved had heightened his need for more.

  Stanley wanted to be in control of his baser vampire instincts tonight when he went to Iker's home for dinner. He was going to meet two of Iker's friends, and he wanted to make a good impression on them. Friends were important and Stanley wanted them to like him.

  He pulled into the underground garage and headed up to the main floor by the elevator. The place always lifted his spirits. It was luxury and sophistication at its finest and Stanley loved the quiet, subdued atmosphere that was prevalent during the afternoon on a weekend. Stanley had just taken his first sip when Josef and his beloved Isaac sat down on either side of him. With a silent glance to the left and then to the right he waited to find out their business.

  "I hear that you found your beloved and that he is some hotshot detective here in Pittsburgh." Josef kidded and leaned in with a warm smile. “How’s it going?”

  “I don’t really know, I hope it’s going well.” Stanley couldn’t keep the drama out of his tone. “I went through this with Walker when he and the Master were working through all the aspects of bonding. But it’s so much more confusing when it is you who is feeling the constant need, pain, loss, euphoria, I feel like my emotions are on a fucking runaway train some time.” Stanley apologized for his profanity and Josef waved it off.

  “It’s the most blessed time of your existence and the sometimes also the most difficult.” Josef began. “I wish there was a way to make it easier, but Fate makes her plans and it is up to each individual to work it through.”

  They were basic assurances and understanding, but Stanley appreciated the support.

  "Your detective knows, you may think you're in this alone, but you're not," Isaac spoke up. I knew Josef was important even through the fog of pain that I was in, I recognized that he was mine."

  Now that was a revelation that helped. “I believe he feels the pull, but his life is so different than mine I fear . . .”

  "That there isn't a place for you within it?" Josef finished for him, and Stanley nodded and took a long sip of his drink. "Fate paired you for a reason. You will bring out the best in him and him the best in you."

  “Thank you.” Stanley finished his drink and Josef ordered him another.

  After three drinks and a further pep talk, Stanley was ready to go home and get prepared for his dinner date at Iker's. He was familiar with the layout of the house and was curious how Iker put his stamp on it. He seemed like the minimal, utilitarian type, but perhaps he had a few points of art and beauty within the practical.


  Iker saw Stanley drive in at four thirty. He watched without being seen from his living room window that looked out onto Stanley's drive. He looked good enough to eat in his jeans and a tight sweater. He had dinner planned and somewhat underway with just the basics, pork roast, mashed potatoes and a vegetable side that would be followed by apple pie for dessert.

  His friends weren't picky, but he wanted to put on a good show for Stanley. He was a posh fellow and there was no getting around that fact. Iker wanted to prove that he could please him. He glanced down at his outfit and decided to change into something more body-hugging because he wanted to please Stanley with more than just his food.

  Stanley picked out two bottles of wine from his collection because he was not certain of the menu. He checked his look in the mirror and wondered if he should change the blue sweater after considering for a few seconds he headed back upstairs and put on a dark blue long-sleeved cotton blend pullover. It fit well but was also extremely comfortable and looked good with his worn looking jeans. It was dinner with Iker and his cop friends, it wasn't a night out at the opera, he could dress down.

  He noticed the two other guests arrive around five thirty and was not looking forward to being the last to arrive and have to walk into a group of friends. He was the stranger to all except Iker, and he had no clue how the others would accept him. They were Iker's friends so they must be decent men. He took a deep breath and at five fifty began his walk next door.

  He was immediately met at the door by Iker who took him to a firm hug and quickly ushering him inside. "I'm so glad you're here." He said, and he sounded so honest and genuine that Stanley melted on the spot. "Come in and meet the guys."

  "Grant this is my neighbor, Stanley Binkman, Stanley this is Detective Grant Dorsey." They shook hands, and the pleasantries were light and appropriate, but then he introduced him to Anthony.

  Stanley remembered Anthony standing beside Iker when they were watching him leave that first day. His expression had struck him as harsh and assessing whereas Iker was just curious. “This is Detective Anthony Brabant.” Iker finished the introductions and Anthony took Stanley’s hand holding it in a grip that was unnecessarily forceful.

  The grip would have been painful if Stanley had been an ordinary human, so he faked a little discomfort to satisfy his aggressor. Anthony immediately let go, but his expression was one of satisfaction. At that moment Stanley felt the beginning of this night's slow descent into hell. Anthony had an agenda or a grudge or just flat out hated Stanley for some unknown reason, and he was going to make his dinner as unpleasant as possible for him.

  Iker was a perfect host, and he looked fantastic. The form-fitting gray t-shirt left nothing to the imagination nor did the dark jeans. Stanley wished they were alone, he hadn't had the opportunity to really hold his beloved or speak with him since the whirlwind visit yesterday. Anthony kept an eye on Stanley and managed to cut him off and catch him up in conversation whenever he tried to get close to Iker. The man was on a mission.

  Iker didn’t seem to notice since these were his friends, he wouldn’t expect one of them to be actively harassing his guest. It’s not something you’d watch for, so Stanley was trying to give Iker a pass for not noticing.

  Dinner was tense as far as Stanley was concerned but the others seemed to be comfortable. Iker saw to his needs and seemed to sense that he was bothered, but no doubt put it down to the discomfort of meeting new people. Anthony sat directly across from him and if looks could kill he would be deceased.

  “So, Stanley how long have you owned your home?” Anthony began.

  “I bought it two years ago.”

  “At twenty you got a home loan?” He laughed dismissively.

  "I had a fifty thousand dollar down payment, so they saw me as a good risk." Anthony's eyes darkened, and his lips tightened in that ‘I want to fucking kill you’ sort of expression.

  "That's fantastic Stanley," Grant interjected. "Your books must be doing well, and while I have you on the subject, I brought a few copies for you to sign for my sister, she's a big fan of yours." That lightened the mood and Stanley was more than happy to oblige a fan.

  After dinner before dessert was served, Stanley got up and started walking towards the bathroom which was on the first floor in the back of the house accessed by a short hallway. On his way back to the dining room Anthony came upon him suddenly blocking his path. Stanley was appalled when he literally shoved him against the wall and got into his face.

  "What's your game?" He said very close to Stanley's face. He could have tossed him aside easy enough but how would he explain his strength, so he let the man think he had the upper hand. "You and your friend Nik Hadden involved in these break-ins?" That made no sense, but Anthony seemed to think that it did.

  "Move," Stanley stated and made like he was pushing against him. Faking his lack of strength was so annoying at times.

  “Or what, you going to scream for Iker. He’s going to tear you apart when he finds out that you’re just a cheap hustler working your way up the Hadden ladder.” Anthony drew back his fist and pretended as if he were going to hit him but drew back before he connected. Stanley did not flinch or look scared, and that bothered the man.

  “You don’t belong here, Iker is too damn good for the likes of you.” He said and quickly turned on his heels and walked back towards the dining room.

  Stanley had about enough of this so-called dinner date but leaving would make Anthony the winner and he would not let that happen. He walked into the dining room and was immediately swept up in a brief hug and a whispered, endearment. Iker really was a keeper he just wished he could tell him that one of his friends was a raging asshole.

  The apple pie was great, and Iker took great pains to include Stanley in conversation even when Anthony kept trying to exclude him or cut him off. Anthony made it look good-natured, so no one called him on it.

  They were standing and helping clear the table when Anthony made his next move. He reached across the table and grabbed Stanley’s wrist and jerked him forward throwing him off balance. Stanley caught himself before falling and shot Anthony a glare.

  “You okay, Stanley?” Iker asked as he took in the stance of the two men.

  “Yes, Anthony here seems to think that it’s okay to push me around.” He told him and shot another glare at Anthony and then shifted it back to Iker.

  “Shut the fuck up, you stumbling around isn’t my fault, learn how to walk.” Anthony became heated probably because he knew Stanley was going to out his behavior.

  “What’s your problem?” Stanley moved into Anthony’s space daring him to take a shot there in front of everyone, but he held back.

  "You, you're my problem. You and your boss Nik Hadden working this neighborhood. You didn't scare away a burglar you couldn't scare away a fly. He recognized you so changed his mind about your place. Tell the damn truth. Fifty thousand for a down payment no twenty-year-old comes up with that kind of money legally." Anthony's logic was coming undone, but he held it to be true and made a sudden move towards Stanley. Iker stepped in front of Stanley and pushed Anthony back with a hand in the middle of his chest.

  Iker stood there looking back and forth from Anthony to Stanley and then back to Anthony. Then he spoke, and it ripped Stanley's still beating heart from his chest and tore it to pieces.

  "Go home, Stanley." He said and kept his eyes on Anthony. "Go home." He repeated.


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