The Vampire Next Door

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The Vampire Next Door Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “The wolf toxin is being flushed out and his wounds stitched. They will let you see him soon.” Josef laid his hand on top of Stanley’s. “You saved his life.” Stanley looked up at Josef and nodded because words were just too hard. Josef pulled him in for a one-armed hug and then stood and left the room.

  It was near nine in the morning when Dr. Langley finally came to him. Stanley braced himself for the news. Iker was still alive Stanley could feel him, he was weak, but he was still alive. The doctor sat down next to him and turned in his seat to face him. Stanley watched him closely noticing the tight set of his mouth and the concern in his eyes.

  "He's recovering." Were the doctor's first words and they were like a gift from heaven. Stanley felt his heart begin to beat again and breath filled his lungs. "As you know wolf toxin can be deadly to humans in a concentrated dose. Your beloved fought hard, and with the healing power of your blood, the poison was purged from his system. His wounds are substantial, and because of the toxin significant scarring will be visible, but he will be okay. He'll recover in a few days with no lasting damage apart from a few scars."

  “Is he awake?”

  “No, he’ll be asleep for hours, but you can go in and sit with him now.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Langley.”


  Iker lay still and quiet in the darkened room. Stanley pushed a chair close to the side of the bed and sat down. He reached over and took Iker’s right hand and held tight. He brought Iker’s hand to his lips kissed it and then started to cry. He’d held it all in throughout the night knowing and the waiting and the kind words of assurances and support but now that he was here with his beloved, he could hold him and let it all go.

  "I'm sorry if I'd been on the deck with you the wolf would have never laid a hand on you. But I was too worried about my feelings and fear of being hurt by your words that I ignored your plea until the thing was upon you. I'm sorry." The last came out as a strangled whisper, and he dropped his forehead to rest against Iker's hand.

  The day wore on, and people brought him food and refreshments, and some lingered for a while before leaving, but nothing could lessen the anxiety chewing away at him as he waited for Iker to wake up.

  A whole new world was opened for this man. He fought a wolf shifter and saw Stanley in his vampire form and witnessed his tiny boyfriend literally tear the throat out of a monster. Iker had a lot to process, and Stanley hoped that he accepted this new reality.

  Walker returned home late in the afternoon and sat for several hours with him. It was good to have his friend close by. Master Hadden stopped by, and Stanley gave him a full account of the events. Going over it all again helped to make it clearer in his mind but also brought back his own inadequacy in protecting his beloved.

  "I know you're feeling responsible for this, I can feel it, but you are not responsible. Things just happen sometimes, we're slow to react or miss an important cue, it's the nature of living." Master Hadden told him. "You protected him, he's alive, and you managed to contain the situation which saved a lot of people, a lot of work. You did well, Stanley and I am proud of you." Master Hadden laid his hand on Stanley's shoulder, and he felt the strength of his Master flood his consciousness and energize his being.

  “Thank you, sir.”


  It was just past midnight when he saw Iker begin to stir. His hand squeezed Stanley’s and held tight. He was struggling to come back, struggling to open his eyes. Stanley stood and leaned over him brushing the strands of black hair back from his forehead.

  "Iker." He spoke softly, and his beloved responded with another squeeze of his hand. Gradually his eyes opened, and he looked at Stanley and tried to speak but couldn't. "Easy, I'll get you some water." Stanley poured a small amount into a paper cup and held it to his lips. Iker drank a few sips.

  He stared at Stanley searching his face for a few moments and then gradually fell back to sleep. Stanley remained leaning over him watching him sleep for several minutes before returning to his chair. His grip was stronger, and Stanley could feel Iker coming back to him. It wouldn’t be much longer.

  It was morning when Iker’s eyes opened again, this time bright and alive with questions and confusion. He looked around the room clearly agitated until his eyes fell upon Stanley seated so close holding his hand and speaking soft words of reassurance. He calmed instantly, and Stanley could feel a sense of peace begin to bleed through their bond.

  Iker was able to feel Stanley’s emotions as well, but he didn’t understand their bond and probably thought they were his own. Iker knew nothing of vampires and werewolves and the world within his own. Stanley was resolved to answer all his questions fully and honestly, this wasn’t the time for games or subterfuge. Iker was smart and would not be fooled for long if he tried to distort the truth.

  “Where am I? This isn’t the hospital.” Iker’s voice was raspy but clear. Stanley took the cup of water and gave him another drink before sitting back down and determining where to start.

  “Do you remember what happened?” Stanley tried that approach to see what Iker already knew and then fill in the rest.

  “Why did you answer my question with a question?” Iker was fully awake and not willing to take what Stanley would give, he wanted what he asked for.

  "You're at the Coven clinic located on the first floor of the Imperial building which houses the Imperial Club and the Hadden Coven of which I am a part. You're here because you needed specialized treatment. You were attacked and injured by a wolf shifter." Stanley told him flat-out the full truth, and the look he received was bewilderment touched with disbelief.

  Iker squinted and drew his eyebrows together. “What?” He asked short and clipped.

  “So, do you remember what happened?” Stanley gave him a tight look that communicated his resolve to do it his way.

  Iker closed his eyes and appeared to be thinking back remembering and suddenly his eyes flew open. “How are you not hurt?”

  "That thing wasn't human, but neither am I and I was the better fighter." Stanley didn't wait for comment instead went forward with his explanation. "There are things that exist outside your awareness, outside of this world. The thing that attacked you was a wolf shifter they exist in this town, you've probably met many and never realized it. It's not the werewolf of myth; they are nothing like the legend apart from the shifting aspect." Stanley shook his head, God this was so hard to explain without sounding as if you’re out of your mind. Maybe this full honesty thing wasn’t such a good approach.

  “Wolf shifters, all shifters are as normal as any human so put out of your mind all the mythology that you know.” Stanley paused to organize his thoughts and was thankful that Iker did not interrupt, he was paying close attention. He was taking in every word.

  "According to Josef the one we fought last night was named Donald Morley. He had no pack affiliation and worked as hired muscle. He was not a good or decent man. I don't know why he was at my house or why he attacked you. I believe it was related to the previous break-in but Master Hadden is looking into it, and when I know more, I'll tell you." Wow, this could get off track so easily, and it's already a mess to try and explain. Stanley moved closer to Iker.

  Iker listened and at first, wondered if he'd fallen back asleep and was dreaming because this explanation was too trippy to be real life. He held Stanley's hand and didn't let go. The connection was comforting, and it seemed to be assisting him in understanding what the little guy was saying.

  He remembered what the guy looked like. At first, he was more human, but as the fight progressed, he became more and more beast. His face distorted as did his body and the entire scene became animalistic. But could he believe in wolf shifters? He turned his attention back to Stanley as he continued with this bizarre account of events.

  “The wolf injured you seriously. You have several deep lacerations across your chest and on your arm. We brought you here because the hospital would not know how to treat wolf toxin. It’s a poiso
n contained in the claws and bite of a wolf shifter and at high concentrations like what you suffered can be fatal for humans. The Coven doctor, Dr. Langley took care of you and other than some scaring you will recover fully in a day or two.” Iker was losing his ability to follow this story and raised his left hand indicating he wanted Stanley to stop.

  “I can feel the injuries, I have been injured before, never this bad and it took a lot longer than a day or two. You keep mentioning the word coven. I know what a coven is it’s either witches or vampires which are you claiming to be?” Iker knew it sounded harsh, but this was way outside any sort of reality that he could comprehend. Was this a joke, was Stanley insane or could this all be true?

  "This is going so badly." Stanley dropped his head and stared at the floor, and the distress was instantly telegraphed to Iker through their connected hands. Iker didn't know what to make of it so released Stanley's hand, but the feelings remained.

  "I'm tired Stanley, I'd like to rest." He didn't want Stanley to leave, but he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. This was truly outlandish, and he should be laughing, but he could feel the truth in everything Stanley told him. He needed to think and having Stanley so close was not allowing him to think clearly.

  Stanley's head snapped up, and his expression was, but Iker held firm. "Okay, sure, I'll let you rest, and I'll check back on you in a little while." Stanley stood and dragged his feet as he slowly left the room and closed the door behind him.


  “I completely fucked it up.” Stanley sat back in the waiting room with Walker and poured out his incompetence. "I gave him a shit ton of information in about five minutes, and then I'm surprised when he throws me out. He thinks I'm a loon a complete loon."

  “He’ll come around the facts are here, and he will have to accept them. Besides he won’t be allowed to leave the coven until Nik is satisfied that he is not a threat. He knows too much, and his mind cannot be scrubbed because he is your beloved.” Walker’s assurances did not reassure. Stanley was left feeling like he’d failed Iker and he needed so badly to try again to explain. He wanted to make this right with his beloved.

  Stanley was finally convinced to rest and clean up and give Iker the space he wanted. It was hard to leave the waiting room with his beloved a short distance away, his injured beloved but Iker wanted to rest, and Stanley had to respect that request.

  He lay in bed not able to sleep and went over and over how he had presented the existence of a paranormal world to his beloved. It was poorly done, frenetic even and all he wanted was another chance to present it in another way, to try again. Words were his bread and butter so why did he have so much trouble expressing himself? Perhaps tomorrow Iker would be ready, perhaps.


  Iker did not rest after Stanley left. Part of him wanted to call the man back and have him crawl in bed with him, and the other half want to schedule a psychiatric evaluation for him. The explanation was crazy, but still, in his heart he was compelled to believe it.

  The thing that he fought with appeared inhuman and Stanley, the way he fought was impossible, but Iker was right there and witnessed all of it. That thing was kicking Iker's ass, and yet Stanley burst through the door and put it down in record time, no more than a minute or two.

  The facts as he knew them were actually supporting Stanley's outrageous account. He was out of it by the time they transported him here, wherever here was. He never knew that the Imperial Club had a clinic and a doctor, why would a night club have a clinic? Werewolves, covens, it was all spinning around in his thoughts, and then he remembered something.

  After Stanley killed the wolf, tore its throat out with his bare hands, that was epic, he ran back and cradled Iker in his arms. He bit into his own wrist and fed his blood to him. Stanley put his bleeding wrist against Iker’s mouth, and he remembered drinking, sucking the wound and gaining strength from it. It wasn’t gross or disgusting, it was healing.

  He sat up and swung his legs off the side of the narrow bed. He was feeling much better. He looked down at his chest and saw the torn flesh had already begun to scar. The healing process was fast. It was a day and a half since the incident, and he was nearly healed. Stanley had told him the truth. What if everything he told him was true?

  The room was typical for a hospital room stark, white and sterile. He wanted to look around outside of this room, and he wanted to find Stanley. He might be a crazy little bugger, but Iker wanted him, needed him. He found a cotton robe and pulled in on over his light cotton pajama bottoms and headed out into the hallway in search of an exit.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t make it far before a man about his size in an expensive black suit stopped him and brought him to a rather large room near the elevator that looked like a lounge. He closed the door and guarded it after he made a call. Iker was not going to be allowed to leave.

  When the door next opened, it was Nikolas Hadden who walked in. He was not a large man, but he was deadly solid, and he gave off an aura of authority and strength that had Iker holding his seat and his tongue.

  Hadden walked over and took a seat opposite Iker after he sent the guard away. It was just the two of them for a few moments and then another man came in. Iker recognized him too, he was Josef McQueen, Hadden’s second in command so to speak.

  He took a seat off to Iker’s right. Iker did not know what to expect so remained silent and waited. These were two of the most powerful men in Pittsburgh. One word from either of them and they could eighty-six his career, destroy his life, make it so he could not live in this city. Hadden was gaining power all over the state. He needed to be careful.

  “I know that Stanley has already attempted to brief you on what took place, where you’re being held and treated, and who we are. I also understand he may have overwhelmed you with the information he gave.” Hadden was serious and formal, this wasn’t a trick he could feel truth and sincerity as if the man was sending it to him in waves.

  Hadden explained everything Stanley had but in a way that was more fluid and plausible. He backed up everything he said even bringing in a wolf shifter that worked at the club and had him half shift in front of Iker. The guy was a monster, but he didn’t startle him not like the other guy had. This guy, Kristof, wasn’t a danger and he knew it. He wasn’t sure how he knew it, but he did.

  Then came the real revelation. Hadden told him about the coven, his coven, the Hadden Coven. Nikolas Hadden, successful businessman, community leader, celebrity powerhouse was the Master Vampire. The door that was opened to him at that moment was mystical and fantastic, things of books and fairytales, but this was all true and Iker's life was never going to be the same again.

  "Stanley is a vampire," Iker stated rather than asked, and Hadden nodded.

  “Is everyone here a vampire apart from Kristof?”

  "There are other wolves and magics in our number and other humans," Hadden answered.

  "Other humans?" Iker was surprised. Hadden watched him thoughtfully for a moment before mentioning and expounding on the meaning of beloved. Stanley had called him his beloved, and the draw and deep driving need to be near him was making sense now.

  “My beloved, Walker, is human. Josef’s beloved, Isaac, is human. It is often that a vampire’s beloved turns out to be a human. It is the way Fate deems it.”

  "It's destiny, the pairing is meant to be?" Iker pushed for clarity. The information was heavy, but Hadden made it seem normal almost ordinary with his calm attitude and demeanor. Iker sat there in that room in his pajamas talking about the supernatural with Nikolas Hadden and Josef McQueen and thinking his life could not get weirder.

  "Stanley is your destiny, and I think you know that. You felt it from the moment you saw him, and over the past few days, the feeling has continued to grow larger, deeper, and stronger. That is the bond between beloveds."

  “It’s magic.”

  "No, it's meant to be. You are not being manipulated, there is no pressure or control outside of destiny." Hadden smil
ed. "Stanley is a lovely young man, and he has suffered these last few days. The need to be with his beloved was wrecking him. Whatever you're feeling now multiply that by one hundred, that is what Stanley is feeling. The pain is always fiercer for the vampire in the pairing. He dealt with the reveal rather blunt and abrupt, but his intent was pure. He didn't want to lie or deceive you in any way but in so doing gave you more than you could handle. It's a good lesson for others." The last sentence was spoken to Josef who nodded his agreement.

  "I understand that this is a lot for you to take in and process but look to your heart and feel your way through this rather than analyze, and you will find your way, I guarantee it." He stood up and Josef also did.

  “I want to see Stanley, but I need something to wear.” Iker looked down at this robe and pajamas.

  “Are you well enough to leave the clinic?” Hadden asked and Iker could feel the man’s mind lightly touch his own and then he smiled. “You heal fast Detective Dawson.”

  "I'll set you up with something to wear. Wait here, and I'll have it delivered." Josef said with a smile that broke the stern set of his face and made him suddenly warm.

  "Thank you," Iker told him, his mind turning to Stanley and his need to find him. The need was becoming paramount.

  “There’s more, much more to our world but you have the basics, the details will be filled in as time goes on.” Hadden extended his hand and Iker took it. “Welcome.” He said and meant it.


  Josef was good to his word, and within the next half hour a pair of jeans, long sleeve t-shirt and accessories were delivered. It's what he would have chosen for himself and the fit was perfect. Iker wasn't sure where he stood with the whole supernatural aspect of everything. He believed yet his mind kept trying to fight it.


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