The Vampire Next Door

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The Vampire Next Door Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  Stanley did not speak as he swallowed his pain. He would not beg, he would not demean himself. It was useless anyway Iker had made his choice in this skirmish, and he did not choose Stanley.


  Stanley turned and left the house as quickly as possible without running. The next few minutes were just a blur as he rushed inside his house and locked the doors and closed all the curtains and blinds. The need to hide was overwhelming. The night was a complete disaster from which their bond may have been irrevocably damaged.

  Normally he would call someone and lay out his anguish with a flare to the dramatic, and after a few minutes, he'd begin to feel better but not with this pain. This pain was so acute that he knew nothing would ever bring him completely back. For now, the only recourse was to sit and stare silently at a blank wall and try to still the grief and the sorrow that was eating him alive. Maybe tomorrow his heart would beat, and he would be able to breathe again.


  As soon as Stanley left Iker turned on his friend with a cold fury. “What the hell is wrong with you? You dare to threaten a man who is half your size and is someone I care about?” Iker got up into Anthony’s face and stared him down waiting for an answer. Grant stepped back and just appeared to be keeping an eye on the interaction.

  "He's friends with that thug gangster Nikolas Hadden. Do you think it a coincidence that he is now getting close to you? He's using you. And the break in his explanation was bullshit, and you know it. He's involved somehow and Hadden is at the heart of it all, I'd bet my badge on it." Anthony was loud and animated in his response, but Iker remained stone cold.

  "I know you hate Nikolas Hadden and would love nothing better than to be able to hang some kind of crime on him." Anthony was about to interrupt, but one look had him closing his mouth and listening.

  "You were working a case against Ed Massey at the time of his demise, and you believe Hadden was responsible for what happened to Massey. You found nothing linking them together and nothing, not even innuendo linking Hadden or any of his associates with the incident. Yet you hear that Stanley's best friend is Hadden's husband and suddenly Stanley's part of an evil crime syndicate. Tell me one charge that has been brought against Nikolas Hadden let along a conviction. He's a businessman. He's not squeaky clean, none of them are, but he's honest enough not to run afoul of the law." Iker paused and turned his back on Anthony for a moment and took a few steps away from him before turning back.

  "I did a complete background check on Stanley. He sold his first manuscript at eighteen. The money he has is his own, and he's worked damn hard to get it."

  “He’s becoming a pretty big name in historical romance. According to my sister.” Grant interjected. They both looked at him as if just remembering that he was there and then turned back to face one another.

  "Yes, he spends a fair amount of time at the Imperial Club, but that's because his best friend lives there. He's not cutting deals in the backroom." Iker continued. "What proof do you have that Hadden is involved with the rash of break-ins or that Stanley is one of his operatives?"

  "Speculation based on his statement and his connection to Hadden," Anthony admitted that he had nothing. "I thought if I pushed the guy a bit, intimidated him, he would say something useful."

  "If you'd bothered to really look at the case and actually listened to Stanley you would have noticed what I did." That caught his attention. Iker was trying very hard not to punch his friend in the face. Hearing him talk about Stanley like he was a hustler or a criminal, trying to intimidate him here in Iker's own home, had him furious.

  “None of the rentals were targeted only the privately-owned residences were broken into. All the rentals in this area are owned by a rental conglomerate and operated through a real estate company and a property manager. They buy up everything that comes available. The conglomerate is owned by Harold Ramsey, Ed Massey’s number two.” Iker waited a moment for his information to sink in before continuing.

  "Something is moving into this area, and it is going to mean a big payoff for the landowners. I don't know what it is but a man like Ramsey doesn't go to the trouble of forcing people out of their homes if there isn't a lot of money to be had." Iker finished.

  "He's playing a long game here." Anthony surmised, and Iker nodded.

  "I have a request into the Chief asking to pursue this line, and I'm waiting for a decision," Iker explained further.

  "I'm sorry, man I just got caught up in my own jealousy and anger over Stanley's success, and Hadden's power and I wanted to bring them down. I never thought I was that kind of person, but I guess I am. I wanted to hurt them." Anthony sounded contrite, but Iker wasn't feeling sympathetic.

  “Did you hurt Stanley? Tell me the truth, did you lay hands on him here in my home under my nose?” Iker’s statement was severe and exacting, and the room went silent, painfully silent.

  "Yes, after dinner when you were in the kitchen and Stanley went to the bathroom, I followed him. I caught him alone in the hallway. I'm sorry." Anthony finished with another apology.

  The confession went off like a flash bomb in Iker's brain, and he instantly backhanded Anthony across the right side of his face and then followed with a fist to his left jaw. Anthony was reeling from the attack when Grant jumped in and grabbed Iker forcefully and pulled him away. "Get out of here Anthony." He yelled as he tried to hold Iker back.

  Iker was astonished at the sheer strength that Grant was exhibiting. He was a big guy but so was Iker and yet he could not knock him back. The man was physically preventing him from going after Anthony as he ran out the door. He wanted to beat the shit out of that fucking asshole. The idea that Stanley, sweet innocent Stanley was cornered and attacked by that piece of shit enraged him beyond comprehension.

  "Let him go," Grant shouted in order to get Iker's attention. Iker took several deep, ragged breaths and forced his muscles to relax.

  "Okay." He said, and Grant let him go. Going after Anthony crossed his mind, but he knew he had to calm down.

  "Sit down, and I'll get you some water," Grant instructed. When he returned with the water, he took a seat next to him on the couch.

  “Either you’re stronger than you look, or I need to start working out more.” Iker was still shocked by Grants ability to stop him in his tracks.

  “I’m stronger than I look.”

  "I need to talk to Stanley," Iker announced and was about to get up when Grant stayed him with a hand on his arm.

  "I heard his car drive away while you had it out with Anthony."

  "I should text him." Iker wanted to see Stanley and make sure he was okay. Anthony hadn't elaborated as to what he did to Stanley, and if Iker thought about it too much, he might go insane.

  "I'd let it lay for now and speak to him when he gets home." Grant was suddenly the voice of reason. "He was pretty upset when he left. I don't think the fact that you told him to go home set very well in his mind. It's just my interpretation of what I saw, but I think he felt rejected in favor of your friend."

  “I needed him out of here so I could deal with Anthony. I didn’t want the fucker hurting his feelings. I wasn’t aware then that he’d been physically assaulted already.” Iker tried to justify and explain why he asked Stanley to leave.

  “It might have helped if you’d said that at the time instead of just telling him to go home.” Grant was treading carefully. He obviously sensed Iker’s rising annoyance was about to take a turn into offense. Iker stared at him for a few moments before conceding.

  “You’re right, I didn’t think, I just wanted him safe.”

  "Go over to his place when he gets home, talk it out. Stanley is a good man, sweet, intelligent and a smart dresser. I like him, and he cares about you that was clear." Grant smiled and stood up. "I'm going to take off but if you need me, call." He started towards the door and then stopped. "Talk to him and explain yourself, he'll listen."

  "I will and thanks." Iker watched Grant leave and wondered what Sta
nley was thinking. This was supposed to be a wonderful evening of dining, getting to know his friends, and then it was to end with the two of them in bed. He wanted Stanley here in his home, and he wanted to wake up with that beautiful little man in his arms in the morning. But that fucker Anthony shot that dream all to hell.

  He's known Anthony for several years. They'd sort of lost touch when Iker was working in Harrisburg, but since he started here, their friendship seemed to be getting back on track. He could barely wrap his mind around the fact that Anthony had actually assaulted Stanley.

  How could he look himself in the mirror after hurting someone as small and delicate as Stanley Binkman? Hell, a stiff breeze could probably knock the guy over. And why didn’t Stanley say something? Why did he act like everything was okay?

  The only answer he could come up with was that Stanley feared he wouldn't be believed. He figured he would be the odd man out in this group of friends. What a fucking mess. It was dark now, so he walked out onto his deck hoping to catch Stanley when he got home. He looked at his phone and again contemplated calling or texting him. Better to do it in person, he decided and dropped his phone in his pocket.


  After staring at the wall for a half an hour, Stanley decided he needed more distance and jumped into his car and went for a long ride out of town taking in the scenery until the sun was down and darkness was all there was to see.

  Iker's behavior was troubling and hurt terribly, but he had to come to grips with it. He would allow himself to wallow in the agony tonight only and then tomorrow he would call Walker and ask to meet up. He and Master Hadden would be home tomorrow afternoon. Walker would help him put some perspective on the situation and together they would figure this out. But tonight, he was going to be sad and feel the despair that was killing him.

  He pulled into his drive and turned off the lights. He glanced over at Iker’s place and wondered how the rest of the evening worked out for the three friends. Was Iker thinking about him? He got out and quickly entered through the side door and locked it behind him.

  Iker heard Stanley return and got up and headed over to his house. He took the back way climbing onto the deck and knocked on the sliding glass door. The light was on inside, but he couldn't see anything. Stanley had the blinds closed. The deck was dark as was the yard behind him. He knocked again but again he got no response.

  There was something moving around the back yard, and it caught Iker's attention. A rustling of bushes from the far end of the yard where it butted up to the alley behind. Stanley's yard was fenced in with no access from the alley, but he was certain he heard movement.

  His attention was drawn back to the house when he heard Stanley moving around inside. He knocked again, and the lights on the deck switched on. He waited, but Stanley did not open the door. He took out his phone and sent him a text that simply said, I'm sorry and please talk to me. Again, he waited.

  Stanley was at first startled by the knock on his sliding door, but once he peaked out the small window to the side, he noticed that it was Iker and his heart began to race. Was he here to end it all, were Anthony's ridiculous comments believed? He wanted Iker so badly, but he hesitated for fear that this was the end and he couldn’t bear to have his beloved tell him it was over.

  He turned on the lights and paused. Iker knocked again, and then his phone beeped. He'd sent a text. Iker was not prolific, but he was clear. His beloved wanted to talk to him, and Stanley would not deny him. He had to bury his fear and face him.

  Iker waited and leaned his palm against the framing of the door. He hadn’t known Stanley long, but long enough to realize that he wanted to keep Stanley in his life. Just being near him was enjoyable and Stanley knew and understood him better in these few short days than any love interest from his past ever had.

  No one had ever responded to him the way Stanley does, and he refused to let him go. He wasn't much of a believer in soul mates or destiny, but he was certain that Stanley belonged to him and that they were meant to be together.

  He was so focused on the door and listening for Stanley that he failed to hear the approach that came from behind. Whatever it was that hit him felt like three hundred pounds of muscle. The thing was huge and took Iker down flat on his back in a split second. Under the deck lights, it looked to be human, but something was off. It moved in a wild rage-like manner. He didn't have time to consider much as he began to fanatically fight for his life as the beast tore at his flesh with its claws.

  Iker managed to get its hands or paws or whatever those appendages were off him and roll off the deck to land on his feet on the solid earth. Iker knew his chances of defeating this thing were small, he'd already laid open his shoulder and chest, and the blood was soaking through his t-shirt. It was pure adrenalin and a need to protect Stanley that was driving him at this moment.

  It stood like a man but had the features of a beast. Iker managed to quell the panic in his brain and prepared for a full-on frontal assault as the thing jumped from the deck and charged him. He managed to sidestep the full impact, but the thing still managed to slice him across his left arm and knocked him back to the ground.

  Iker was struggling to his feet when the thing turned and leaped at him again. He rolled to his back ready to use his feet and legs to propel the thing backward, but something burst through the sliding glass door and flew from the deck. It hit the thing in the side forcing its trajectory to Iker's right.

  It landed well away from him, and to Iker's horror, he realized the thing that hit it was Stanley. His little lover was engaged in mortal combat with the monster. "Stanley, no!" He yelled. This was too horrendous, this could not be happening. That thing will tear Stanley apart.

  Iker had lost a lot of blood, and his head was spinning, but he forced himself to his feet and ran towards the battle taking place in Stanley's back yard. It was unbelievable the thing was on its knees, and Stanley was giving it a thrashing. It was not possible, Iker assumed he was hallucinating especially when Stanley turned to him while holding the thing by the neck.

  “Stay back Iker!” he yelled as he turned and captured him with an intensity that froze. Stanley’s face was ferocious like a wild animal all sharp lines and teeth. His body fighter like in its strength and agility. His eyes were red, blood red and glowing. This could not be real. Stanley looked as much a beast as the thing he was fighting.

  Iker stopped and stared, stumbling to his knees as the thing made a final thrust at Stanley reaching for his throat with razor-like claws and Stanley ended him. Stanley twisted the grip that he had on the beast and ripped out its throat, and Iker closed his eyes and hit the ground as consciousness left him.


  Stanley heard the attack the moment it happened and felt the shock that coursed through Iker. He ran to the door and unable to open the new door quickly enough he simply went through it bursting onto the deck to see a crazed shifter ready to pounce on his beloved. Iker was hurt bad, but Stanley had to take out the shifter first before he could see to his injuries.

  His beloved tried to get to his feet, his fear for Stanley was the only thing that was keeping him moving, and Stanley could feel his panic. He didn't understand that Stanley was not in any real danger. He and Walker had been training with Josef for over a year now, and one basic shifter was no match for him.

  Stanley kept watch on Iker out of the corner of his eye as he continued to subdue this brazen wolf shifter who had dared to touch his beloved. Iker stumbled closer, and Stanley shouted urgently for him to stay back. It was then that he realized Iker was seeing the vampire. He was staring but not afraid as their eyes locked for just a moment.

  The wolf tried to turn Stanley and made a swipe at his throat and Stanley narrowly avoided. He needed to end this dance and abruptly tore out his throat. The shifter dropped lifeless at his feet.

  Stanley watched as Iker dropped to his knees and then pitched forward onto the ground. Terror enveloped him at the site of his beloved lying so stil
l on the hard, cold ground. "Iker! Iker!" Dread filled his mind as he fell beside him and rolled him to his back. The wounds were deep and bleeding profusely. He took off his shirt and held it against the largest of Iker's wounds the one that went from his shoulder across his chest.

  "Wake up, wake up, wake up." He cried, and Iker's eyes trembled as he tried to force them to open. "Yes, baby come back to me." Iker opened one eye just a slit and then closed it again. Stanley raised his arm bit into the tender flesh of his wrist and then forced the open wound to Iker's lips.

  "Drink Iker, drink." To his surprise, he latched on and began to feed.

  Stanley pulled out his phone and dialed Josef who picked up immediately. He gave him a quick run-down of what happened and described Iker’s injuries.

  "Marcus is on his way," Josef assured him. "He will help you transport Iker to the Coven, and Dr. Langley will take care of him. He will be okay, he's strong, and he has you."

  "He's bleeding so much, I'm so scared." Stanley was barely able to speak; he was so choked up and near to crying.

  Josef kept him on the phone talking until Marcus arrived. He bound Iker's wounds, and together they carried him to the SUV being mindful of his injuries. As they were pulling away, another SUV arrived. This was the clean-up crew when they were through there wouldn't be a molecule of evidence remaining of what had taken place that night.

  Stanley held tight to his lover and spoke softly into his ear of his love for him and how sorry he was that he hadn't opened the door sooner. "I was afraid you were going to tell me goodbye, and I just couldn't bear that. I need you Iker, you've become my heart, my center. Please live."

  They pulled into the underground garage and the next few minutes were like a blur with the doctor and his staff rushing Iker to the clinic on the ground floor and Stanley being relegated to the waiting room to wait and worry.

  "I checked with the doctor and Iker is responding well to the treatment. Your blood is giving him strength and healing as it should." Josef's voice seemed so far away, and yet the man sat right next to him. They'd taken more of Stanley's blood shortly after they'd arrived for the purpose of transfusion. Iker had lost a lot of blood, and Stanley prayed that his blood was enough to save him. Vampire blood, especially your beloveds, was known to be a potent healer.


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