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Horny Hostage

Page 7

by Richard B. Long

  "I'll be she'd let out a yell when Pete stuck that big thing of his in her," Linda remarked thoughtfully, remembering the astonishing dimensions of the detective's prick. She started to add another sentence and then decided to change the subject. "Where do you think they've gone? What are they waiting for? Those men who attacked us, I mean?"

  "From what they said they're meeting a boat," Joy said. "I wonder if they're spies? They don't look like hippies; maybe they're part of a mob of some kind. They might even be meeting a shipment of dope or something like that."

  "I thought they said something about a man coming in," Linda mused. "But when they were talking about that, I was either too scared or too drugged with sex to pay much attention to them. Do you think they'll really let us go when they get whatever they came for?"

  "Who knows?" Joy muttered, frowning thoughtfully. "They might, but then again they might not want to leave any witnesses. Who can tell? One thing's for sure, though: whatever they're going to do, they'll do and we won't be able to stop them."

  "You're right about that," Linda agreed. "I've never felt so helpless in my life!"

  Depressed at the conclusion they had reached, they lapsed into silence for a few minutes. They were interrupted in their reveries by the return of Moon and Sky.

  "So all right, we do what we were supposed to do," they heard Moon growl as the pair stalked back into the house. "We wait till tomorrow night and try again. What's wrong with that?"

  "Nothing's wrong," Sky was quick to admit. "Shit, we got food here, enough to drink, a couple of chicks to play around with, who could want any more than that? I'll stay here as long as you say, Moon, you know that!"

  "Hey, why don't you have a heart?" Joy called out in an irritated tone. "Are you trying to murder us?"

  "What are you bitching about now?" Moon grumbled, walking into the bedroom. "You don't want to start giving us ideas, you know." Joy's courage nearly melted at that crude threat but her anger was sufficient to drive her into continuing. "Look at this girl beside me," she snapped. "She's been tied up hand and foot for half a day, almost, and she's hungry. She might even have to... well, answer a call of nature. What will it hurt if you let her up for a little while?"

  "Okay, okay," Moon agreed, almost jovial for a change. "I could eat again myself. All right, we'll let the both of you up for a while."

  He and Sky unfastened the knots holding the girls to the bed. Linda sat up and rubbed the raw, red marks on her ankles and wrists. She was acutely aware of the dried sperm on her body, of the trickle of musky oil running from the lips of her pussy and dribbling down onto her thighs and buttocks.

  "I sure would like to shower," she murmured, trying to cast an appealing look at her captors. "I'm just a mess all over!"

  "Not a chance," Moon replied. "A little come never hurt anybody. What the hell, I like a pussy best when it's covered with three or four days of fuck juice! You can piss and take a crap but that's all, understand?"

  "Hey, I got an idea," Sky blurted out, giggling under his breath as he gazed at Linda. "Come here, girlie, you're gonna take a little walk with me."

  Linda got up slowly. She found it uncomfortable to stand after having been tied in a prone position for so long, but Sky's demonstrated wickedness prompted her to move. He led her into the living room and over to the pillar to which Paul and Pete were handcuffed. They looked miserable and were, of course, naked. Moon and Joy emerged from the bedroom and watched curiously.

  "I ain't done nothing like this since I was a kid," Sky said over his shoulder to his partner. "Girlie, I want you to stand over your lover boy here, the one that couldn't get his cock into working order. Yeah, just straddle him like that, up a little closer to his head."

  Linda put her feet on either side of Paul's chest; the exaggerated posture pulled her thighs apart and he had an excellent worm's-eye view of her pussy. The tender lips parted slightly, revealing the inner flesh; he could see the flakes of dried sperm on her pubic hair and the wet trails of fresh sperm trickling down from her cunt and staining her thighs.

  "Now, what I want you to do is this," Sky continued, grinning in his idiotic, perverted way. "I want you to reach down into that honey pot with both hands and spread them lips apart, real wide, so your little peehole will show. And then I want to see you piss all over him!"

  Linda stiffened with shock at the absurd order. Paul turned a bright shade of red and started to protest. Then, remembering the demonstrated cruelty of the men, he thought better of it and closed his mouth. Joy sucked in an apprehensive breath and assumed a worried look.

  "I... I can't do it standing up!" Linda protested, fumbling for words. "No, I don't think I can do it! Please don't make me do such an awful thing to him!"

  "You can either piss on him or stand there till you drop," Sky said, shrugging to show his indifference. "Don't make a bit of difference to me. And then after you've pissed on your boyfriend you can move over to the wop here and drop a turd in his faceómaybe if you could flavor it with some garlic so he might even think it was good! "

  "You sonofabitch!" Pete stormed, forgetting for a moment that he was utterly helpless.

  "Listen, wop, how would you like for me to spread your balls out on the floor and stomp on 'em?" Sky said, throwing a contemptuous look at the private detective. "You lip off any more and you can say good-bye to pussy forever!"

  Pete turned pale at the threat and immediately fell silent. He had enough experience with hoodlums to be able to tell when a threat was real and he had no doubt that Sky was perfectly capable of doing exactly what he said.

  "I... I'll try," Linda promised, biting her lip and looking down at Paul with shame and regret. "I'm sorry, darling; I don't know what else to do."

  "It'll be all right," Paul managed to say, though it cost him a mighty effort. "You'd better humor them; there's no telling what they might do if you don't go along with them!"

  Linda opened the lips of her pussy as ordered and tried to make her sphincter release its grip on her urethral passage. Try as she would, however, she could not force the urine from her body.

  "Hey, that ain't such a good idea after all," Moon suddenly said to Sky. "I mean, I ain't got nothing against the chick pissing on the banker; hell, every banker oughtta be pissed on twice a day!"

  "What's the beef then?" Sky asked, disappointed at Moon's betrayal of his foul scheme.

  "If we gotta stay here till late tomorrow night we don't want people pissing and shitting on everything," Moon pointed out. "It'll stink up the place."

  "You're right," Sky had to admit, though it obviously cost him an effort to give up his chosen tactic. "All right, girlie, get off the banker; I guess all he gets is a look at your twat!"

  "If you wanna see her piss standing up, take her in the crapper," Moon suggested, knowing his partner's twisted mentality. "If you wanna see the banker get a faceful of piss wait till tomorrow night when we're ready to leave."

  Linda stepped off Paul with a sigh of relief.

  She quickly learned that her shame and embarrassment was not to be totally averted, however.

  "Okay, girlie, into the john," Sky told her. "We'll do it like Moon says. Back when I was a kid we used to do this with girlsócatch one and take her into an alley somewhere and make her piss standing up. Sometimes it'd take a girl nearly an hour before she could get the piss to running, but she'd always do it!"

  Linda shuddered at the thought of having to perform a toilet function in front of those bleary, milky blue eyes; only the thought of what might happen if she refused prompted her feet to carry her in the direction of the bathroom. Sky herded her into the small room and directed her to stand in the shower, facing him. He opened his trousers and took out his prick, almost fully erect, and began stroking it with his left fist. His pistol remained in his right hand, a constant threat and reminder of the power he had over her.

  "Honest, I'm not kidding," Linda told him, trying to adopt a pleading look and to play upo
n whatever sense of pity he might have. "I just don't think I can do it!"

  "Okay, stand there," Sky told her. "If you want I'll tie your hands up to that showerhead and you can stand there all night!"

  Linda understood that he might well do just that. Her bladder was full enough to give her an uncomfortable feeling. She knew that she ought to be able to produce a satisfactory flow of urine and she told herself that she had to do as Sky said. She grasped the lips of her pussy, opening them wide, and Sky nodded approvingly. He continued to pump his fist up and down the shaft of his prick with slow, deliberate strokes.

  "Ain't nothing like watching a girl pee standing up," he said. "First time I saw it I nearly creamed my jeans. And seeing a big, fat, juicy turd coming out of a girl's asshole, that's just pure gravy!"

  Linda shuddered at his words. He seemed to have an unearthly talent for upsetting her, for making her flesh crawl with fear, horror, and revulsion. She forced herself to ignore him and concentrated on emptying her bladder. To her surprise, she found that her efforts were successful far quicker than she would ever have imagined. She felt the loosening of the sphincter and then the gushing flow of warm urine. Sky giggled heatedly as the golden stream arched out from her loins, spattering onto the floor of the shower. His fist began moving up and down the shaft of his prick at a quicker pace; an expression of intense concentration came over his dull, vacant face.

  She stood there, feet wide apart and with both hands clutched to her pussy, until the flow trickled off. The last few drops of urine ran down onto the lips of her pussy and then onto her slender, well-formed thigh. Sky continued to pump his cock furiously but an expression of regret came over his face when he understood that the performance was over. He ordered her to step out of the shower and to flush the remaining urine down the drain with a gush of water from the showerhead.

  "Don't want to stink up the place," he said, though it was perfectly obvious that he would have been oblivious to any amount of stench and filth. "Now hop up onto the stool and squat down. Let's see if you can pop out a turd or two for old Sky!!"

  Linda hesitated but one glimpse of the hatred and determination in his pale blue eyes decided her against any resistance. She mounted the stool as directed, moving uncertainly as she assumed the unfamiliar stance, and balanced herself by holding one hand against the bathroom wall. She was all too conscious of the fact that Sky, sitting on the floor in front of her, could see every detail of her pussy and anus. She felt utterly exposed to him; it was as though she was being forced to allow him to peer into the most private, secret, and intimate parts of her very being.

  "Just sit there," Sky told her, continuing to stroke his prick in the same methodical way. "You'll get a turd to coming out pretty soon; if you don't, you'll sit there till your knees lock up!"

  She closed her eyes and tried not to think about the awful man who was forcing her to humiliate herself by performing the most intimate functions before him. Concentrating upon her bowels, she worked the muscles of her abdomen and heaved mightily. At first she felt nothing. After trying again several times, she felt a rewarding sense of movement deep in her body and knew that she was going to be able to produce. Sky, watching the telltale movements of her anus as it prepared itself to expel the missile. It loomed into view, spreading the tiny, brown rim of her anus and moving steadily down, a brown, shiny torpedo. Sky's eyes narrowed and his fist flashed up and down his prick at a furious pace. His breath whistled out his nose as his passion mounted. More and more of the turd came into view, hanging down like an obscene tail, until a good six inches of the brown mass hung below her rectum.

  "Beautiful!" Sky whispered, eyes popping out with delight. "Keep it going, baby, keep that shit rolling!"

  Linda heaved again and another inch of the turd slid forth. Too heavy to hang any longer, it snapped off and dropped into the stool, bringing a loud splash; three smaller brown balls popped out of the tiny opening and then it resolutely swung shut. She tightened her abdominal muscles again, trying to force more of the vulgar material out, but nothing happened. Her anus worked convulsively but produced no more than a few suggestive wiggles.

  "No more!" she gasped, relaxing her muscles and gulping in a breath of air. "I don't have any more!"

  "Okay, okay, that's good enough," Sky muttered, springing to his feet and advancing upon her. "Here, get your mouth over my cock quick! I can feel the come; it's almost here! Come on, baby, suck my dick!"

  Linda could not refuse. He shoved the tip of his cock at her mouth and she took it. He continued to jack off as she ran her tongue around the groove at the back of the prick's head. Even though she had felt terribly humiliated at having to perform an excretory function with him looking on, the act had excited her deeply and she felt a surging blast of sexual heat radiating through her pussy. Crazed by lust and excited beyond her endurance, she allowed her right hand to sneak between her spread thighs. Her fingers sought and found the whiskered slit that was throbbing so unmercifully. She caressed the glowing lips of her pussy for a moment, spreading her fingers on either side of the ultratender clitoris, and then plunged them deep into the taut, moist mouth of her cunt. The thrill of being penetrated lent an extra dose of vigor to her tongue. She caught the head of Sky's prick between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, seizing him in a grip of unsurpassed erotic tenderness, and began bobbing her head back and forth as she fingerfucked herself with quick, darting strokes.

  "Hey, that's the way to eat dick!" Sky murmured, holding the back of her head and forcing her lips farther down the shaft of his cock. "Oh, baby, you suck cock like it was going out of style! Oohh! Ugghh! Do it, baby, do it all the way and I'll shoot come all over your mouth!"

  She mouthfucked him scientifically, varying the pressure and the rapidity of her caresses until she felt him lift himself up onto the balls of his feet and stiffen his entire body. Recognizing the signs of an incipient orgasm, she drove her fingers into her cunt at an even faster clip and strummed her aching, lust-swollen clitoris with her thumb. She sucked in deeply, welcoming the coming blast, and then shuddered heavily when she felt the man's cock begin twitching and leaping about in her hot, grasping mouth.

  "Mmmm! Gggg!" she mumbled, trying to express her zealous approval of the spewing come.

  As the first hot jet of love cream spurted deep into her mouth, her fingers worked their own climactic magic upon her cunt. Prompted by the exuberant orgasm she had induced in Sky, her womb turned into hot jelly and began cascading down upon her fingers. She felt her vaginal muscles contract as the tremors coursed through her loins, multiplying in intensity until it seemed almost that her cunt was eating away at the fingers which had brought it such agonizing pleasure. The warm vaginal juices oozed down onto the probing fingers, saturating them with wet cunt drippings; she continued to fuck her fingers into the opening until there was no feeling left in the organ.

  "Hey, that wasn't bad at all," Sky congratulated her when he finally stepped back and pulled his prick out of her mouth. "Yeah, you really went down on me! And you just took all the starch out of it too!"

  His cock drooped limply, totally defeated by Linda's single minded devotion to it. She closed her eyes and savored the last drops of sperm, reveling in the thick, rich, salty taste of masculine sex, and then swallowed the creamy gruel. She pulled her fingers from her cunt slowly, as if reluctant to give up the pleasure, and wearily climbed down from the stool. Without thinking she reached behind to pull the lever of the stool; a sudden rush of water carried away the evidence of her lewd performance that had excited Sky so deeply. He put his prick back into his trousers, zipped up his fly, and motioned her back into the living room.

  "Well? Did you get her to do everything just the way you wanted?" Moon demanded, making it clear that he did not share Sky's deep interest in viewing scatological toilet functions.

  "Man, she pissed all over everything!" Sky chortled. "And then I made her get up on the crapper and she dropped a load that you wouldn't
believe! That little chick, she must have been saving it up just for me!"

  "Yeah, and then you got her to suck you off," Moon suggested.

  "Didn't I ever! She got enough come to last her another day or two, I reckon," Sky said. "She's the cocksuckingest bitch I've seen in a long time! She really loves to eat dick!"

  Linda blushed brightly at that. It wasn't enough that they had to force her to perform a variety of shameful, degrading, and humiliating acts; now they were actually boasting about it! And in front of other people at that! She could gladly have crawled into a knothole on the floor, had one been available. Neither Moon nor Sky took any notice of her embarrassment, however. Moon ordered her into the kitchen and told her to begin preparing a meal for them.

  '"I don't care what the hell it is," he snapped after her. "Just make enough of something for me and some for the rest of these creeps. Sky, you want anything to eat?"


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