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The Collins Class Submarine Story

Page 22

by Peter Yule

  called ‘Dannii’. Although Oscar Hughes as project director always

  resisted changes as they would threaten the budget and the sched-

  ule, he realised that the new air purifier would benefit the project

  and approved the change, even though there was an argument

  that it should have been a designer’s change rather than a cost to

  the project. Greg Stuart says that: ‘We could have left the scrubber

  until they did trials and told Kockums that their system did not

  meet endurance specifications, but the new system would have

  been hard or impossible to back-fit and . . . the boat was getting

  too heavy and the scrubber change helped reduce this.’

  Another change made late in the design process was the speci-

  fication for electrical cabling. A particular ‘low fire hazard’ cable

  had been specified in the contract but later tests showed that it

  was a serious fire risk. Greg Stuart recalls going to see Oscar

  Hughes and saying that the cable would cause a disaster one day.

  Although the project was in a poor position to enforce a change

  and it would cause delays and increased weight, Hughes agreed

  that it was needed.9

  The way the change was implemented showed a degree of

  commonsense and flexibility that was perhaps lacking later in the

  project. Oscar Hughes recalls:

  There was no choice but to change the cables to a less toxic

  sheathing material. The challenge lay in the implications in

  terms of schedule (a potential delay of 14 months) and cost

  D E S I G N I N G T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S


  on the program as the first submarine was well advanced. As

  I recall, the solution reached also involved consideration of

  the redesign of the bilge pump . . . ASC agreed to accept

  responsibility for the design and procurement of a new bilge

  pump, the Commonwealth agreed to fund the cost of the new

  cables including small premiums for a shortened

  manufacturing lead time and their installation. ASC agreed to

  fund the electrical cable redesign work required by Kockums

  and other sub-contractors and to maintain the original

  delivery schedule as contracted, and the Commonwealth

  agreed to waive liquidated damages for late delivery of the

  first submarine for up to three months. (The cost to the

  project was about) $6m . . . a figure significantly less than a

  delay to the program of 14 months noting the safety benefits

  of the new cable material and the greatly enhanced

  performance of the new bilge pump. A great outcome!10

  A significant change that had major consequences for the sub-

  marine design came about through the addition of anechoic tiles.

  There had always been a requirement that the submarine be able

  to be fitted with tiles, but their specifications were unknown until

  well into the design process. It turned out that the tiles were sig-

  nificantly heavier than expected, so the submarines had to grow

  by several hundred tonnes to provide sufficient buoyancy to carry

  them. Inevitably this had ramifications for many other aspects of

  the design.11

  The active design process continued in Malm ö throughout the

  late 1980s and early 1990s, even as the site in Adelaide was pre-

  pared and construction of the first submarines began. As building

  progressed the responsibility for finalising the design was gradu-

  ally transferred to Adelaide, where an increasing amount of the

  work was done by Australians. As Martin Edwards says, a con-

  siderable number of Australians had by then been working on the

  design for four or five years and had significant experience – in

  some areas more experience with the Collins class than the Swedes

  who had originally been teaching them.

  C H A P T E R 13

  Building submarines

  By late 1989 the Australian Submarine Corporation’s new ship-

  yard was completed. ASC moved from its temporary premises in

  Woodville and construction of the first hull sections began in the

  150 metre long workshop.

  By that time work was already underway at hundreds of facto-

  ries around the world on parts and equipment for the submarines.

  At Champagne-sur-Seine on the outskirts of Paris the first propul-

  sion motor was being built, and the Westinghouse factory in

  Sydney was preparing to build five more. At Hedemora in

  Sweden the prototype diesel engine had been built and tested,

  and Australian Defence Industries at Garden Island in Sydney was

  gearing up to build the remaining engines. Strachan & Henshaw in

  Bristol was working closely with Kockums and the manufacturers,

  Australian Defence Industries in Bendigo, Victoria, on the design

  and construction of the torpedo tubes and weapons discharge sys-

  tems. At J önk öping in southern Sweden Saab Instruments was

  working with its Australian partner Wormald on the ship con-

  trol system – regarded as one of the riskiest areas of the sub-

  marine project. At Kockums’ shipyard in M älmo welding crews

  were at work on two major sections of the first submarine. At its


  B U I L D I N G S U B M A R I N E S


  plant in Blacktown, New South Wales, Chicago Bridge & Iron

  had begun fabrication of the steel for sections to be assembled in

  Adelaide, while the engineering firm Johns Perry, a subsidiary of

  Boral, was beginning the complex manufacture of the platforms

  on which most of the equipment would be assembled before being

  inserted into the hull sections. Across the road from ASC, the

  battery factory of Pacific Marine Batteries was the first of what

  was hoped would be a whole industrial suburb of defence-related


  Hundreds of companies in Australia and overseas were begin-

  ning work on thousands of smaller items. In Norway Phontech

  was making broadcast speakers and magnetic loop amplifiers, and

  in Melbourne Ryco Hydraulics was making hoses and compo-

  nents. In Denmark Novenco Anderberg was making high pressure

  air dryers, and in Brisbane Liset Engineering made steel moulds

  for the submarines’ casings. British company Michell Bearings

  won the contract for propeller shaft thrust bearings, which were

  to be made by Perry Engineering in Adelaide. And with the sub-

  contracts came staff from Kockums, ASC and the project office to

  teach, advise and ensure that quality standards were met.

  Overseas companies began working closely with Australian

  companies in training staff and preparing factories to manufacture

  components in Australia. For example, British company Marconi

  Underwater Systems had a contract for designing acoustic win-

  dows and transferring technology to Australia. The first set was to

  be made in Britain so Australians could learn the process, with the

  later sets to be made in Toowoomba, Queensland, by Buchanan

  Aircraft Corporation.

  Many of these overseas companies set up Australian sub-

  sidiaries to manufacture components in Australia. For example,

  Rexroth GmbH of Germany had a contract for hydraulic pumps,

  which were made by its Australian subsidiary in Adelaide.

  Parts made around the world ranged from tiny fasteners and

  clamps to the two complete sections of the first submarine made

  by Kockums. These all had to arrive in Adelaide in a systematic

  way to be fitted to each submarine as it went through the assembly

  process, when the modules from around Australia and the world

  were put together. ASC did not have extensive workshops but did

  need to have sophisticated project management and integration



  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  An additional factor in building the Collins class was that it

  was approached as a fast-track design and build program, mean-

  ing that building began before the design was completed. This

  technique is common with many large projects, lowering cost

  by reducing the schedule imposed by waiting for the completed

  design. However, it carries obvious risks and can put great pressure

  on participants.1 Constant design changes were the biggest chal-

  lenge faced by many sub-contractors on the submarine project.

  Most of the hundreds of sub-contracts went smoothly but,

  somewhat ironically, one of the few that caused difficulties was

  that with Kockums for the construction of the 300 and 600 sec-

  tions of the first submarine. Roger Sprimont recalls that there

  were several reasons why Kockums fought hard to build the first

  submarine in Sweden. Partly, of course, the company wanted the

  work for its own shipyard, but, more importantly, it was seen as

  the best way to prove the various production procedures being

  developed by Kockums. Also, Kockums felt it was important to

  manage Chicago Bridge & Iron and prevent it from taking com-

  plete control of the hull production in Australia with procedures

  not suited to Kockums’ design philosophy. As it turned out Aus-

  tralia resisted having the whole of the first submarine built in

  Malm ö, and Kockums agreed to a compromise whereby it would

  build the two most complex sections.

  The work successfully proved Kockums’ production proce-

  dures and transferred them to Australians from ASC. Yet despite

  Kockums’ lengthy experience, the welding in these sections proved

  to be seriously flawed. And as with so many parts of the Collins

  story, different people have totally different versions of what went

  wrong, why it went wrong, and how serious it was.2

  Greg Stuart was one of the first to raise the alarm. Stuart made

  regular visits to Kockums while the two sections were being built

  and, talking one day with Lina da Silva, a Brazilian who was

  ASC’s inspector at Kockums, was told, ‘I’ve got a problem. I know

  Collins is wrong and no one will listen to me.’ The Australians

  had free access to the Kockums yard and the two of them went to

  look at the sections, where Stuart could see many obvious defects

  in the welding. As he succinctly expressed it: ‘With welding, if it

  looks like shit, it is shit.’

  Fortuitously, Oscar Hughes arrived in Sweden the following

  Monday morning and Stuart took him to Kockums as soon as

  B U I L D I N G S U B M A R I N E S


  he got off the plane. They looked at the two sections without

  telling anyone, but the Swedes soon heard that the Australian

  admiral was in the submarine wearing a hard hat and overalls.

  When Hughes and Stuart emerged there was a line-up of senior

  Kockums executives waiting for them. Hughes told them: ‘There’s

  a big problem and we need to sort it out.’

  Stuart recalls that Kockums held a meeting with its welding

  engineers and others who said that the welding problems were not

  serious. He disagreed strongly, saying that there were hundreds of

  visually identifiable defects and he believed that the safety of the

  hull was in question.3

  Tomy Hjorth, chairman of Kockums and ASC, recalls that

  Kockums suggested keeping the sections in Sweden for several

  months to repair the defective welds, but Don Williams and Oscar

  Hughes were committed to maintaining schedule and asked that

  they be sent to Australia where ASC would make the repairs. The

  Australians were doing all they could to keep the project moving

  and feared that repairing the welds in Sweden would cause lengthy

  delays. On the other hand, Mark Gairey saw it as ‘a game call as

  at that stage we were not as certain then of the conservative design

  and therefore of Collins’ safety’. Nor were they yet certain that

  ASC’s welding at Adelaide would reach the required standard.

  Accepting the sections with known welding defects involved a

  degree of risk.

  How did the problem arise? Greg Stuart argues that the main

  reason was that the submarines were built with a new steel

  alloy developed in Sweden and improved by BHP and Australian

  defence scientists, which required different welding techniques

  to those normally used by Kockums’ welders. In addition, the

  Australian navy required the use of full penetration welds – where

  the Swedes had always used partial penetration welds – and a

  new type of welding rod. Stuart’s view is that Kockums was over-

  confident in the ability of its welders to adapt to the new tech-

  niques and did not rigorously supervise and inspect the work.

  Those at Kockums generally agree that the welding was

  faulty, but contend that its seriousness was exaggerated and used

  by the Commonwealth as a bargaining tool after the relation-

  ship between Kockums and the Commonwealth collapsed in the

  late 1990s. While conceding that their welders did not prop-

  erly follow procedures with the new steel and techniques, they


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  argue the construction was rushed for reasons outside Kockums’

  control. The construction schedule for the modules was tight,

  and it became tighter because ASC was late in delivering the

  steel hull plates. Eventually some of these were flown to Sweden

  on chartered jumbo jets, but Kockums was still forced to work

  under severe time pressures and this contributed to the welding


  Australian sub-contractors were generally able to reach the

  quality standards required for the project, although they some-

  times encountered different problems, possibly through their

  inexperience with defence contracts. The experience of Boral, a

  diversified industrial conglomerate with subsidiaries involved in

  several areas of the project, illustrates some of these.

  Johns Perry was one of Australia’s major engineering contrac-

  tors and, before its takeover by Boral, had been seen as a potential

  submarine consortium member. It won a major sub-contract to

  build 40 platforms (the first two being built in Sweden) on which

  all the interiors of the submarines were constructed.

  Manufacture was a highly sophisticated welding exercise. The

  platforms have a honeycomb construction designed to resist shock

  and minimise vibration, and thei
r production involved welding

  hundreds of small components. It proved to be a far greater chal-

  lenge than the company had imagined. Bruce Kean, the managing

  director of Boral at the time, recalls that they had the technical

  capability and systems to do it but underestimated the complexity

  of the overall submarine design process. They were overwhelmed

  by the myriad changes to design detail and the consequent need

  for extensive rework, compounded by the late supply of key com-

  ponents from ASC. The need to keep detailed certified records

  of the work, including the changes, was a mammoth adminis-

  trative exercise in itself. From the contractor’s point of view it

  was a nightmare, but ASC finally accepted that costs for design

  changes could be recovered. Johns Perry lost money but developed

  its quality assurance techniques and learnt many important skills

  that proved invaluable in later contracts.

  The platforms produced by Perry Engineering were sent to ASC

  Engineering for outfitting. ASC Engineering, on the old works of

  T. O’Connor & Sons, was a subsidiary of ASC that fitted out

  the platforms and manufactured components for the submarines

  but also sought other defence and private sector engineering.

  B U I L D I N G S U B M A R I N E S


  Mark Gobell, who had worked for O’Connor since 1973, was

  among the staff who transferred after ASC Engineering’s takeover

  in 1991. One of the first things that happened was that he and

  several others went to Sweden to see how Kockums outfitted the

  platforms on their sections of the first submarine. They returned to

  prepare ASC Engineering to fit out the platforms when delivered

  by Perry Engineering. All the equipment, mechanical components,

  piping, electrical components and even the trim and fittings were

  attached and some pre-testing of the systems undertaken before

  the platforms were transported to ASC for insertion into the sub-


  As with all the Australian sub-contractors, ASC Engineering

  had to take special steps to meet the project’s quality standards.

  It gained quality certification and trained staff, particularly in the

  areas of welding and electrical work, to standards far more rigor-

  ous than for civilian work. All sub-contractor work was physically

  inspected by the submarine project team. At the project office John


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