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The Collins Class Submarine Story

Page 53

by Peter Yule

negotiating fast track changes, 294

  measurement of performance, 227

  on noise requirements, 228

  Collins, HMAS, 297

  others’ views on, 113, 261, 262, 290

  mechanical, 138, 228

  preference for Walrus class, 60

  problems identified in trials, 220

  preliminary design baseline review, 96

  propeller, contribution of, 237–9

  on propeller, 230, 264

  trials process, 216

  on quality of maintenance, 258

  Type 471 submarine design, 106, 138

  on RAN refusal to accept Waller,

  US assistance, 269


  V ästergotland class submarine, 137,

  retires as ASC CEO, 314

  see also anechoic tiles

  on risks in project, 323

  North Queensland Engineers and

  role in submarine project, 261–3

  Agents, 77, 85

  role in trials process, 219

  Norwood, Chris, 236–7

  on Rose, 197

  Novenco Anderberg, 143

  on Submarine Capability Team, 290

  nuclear submarines, 12

  visits Kockums, 50, 77

  examined for SEA1114, 33–4

  Öhlund, Gunnar, 120

  on detailed design, 133

  O class submarines, 3–4, 8

  hull design, 139

  Oberon class submarines, 12

  on Kockums’ design effort, 134

  British logistical support, 34

  on Waller’s exercise performance, 297

  combat system, 22, 294

  Oldfield, David, 177–80

  combat system upgrade, 22–4, 35, 70,

  O’Neill, John, 123

  152, 176

  Opperman, Hubert, 13

  system integration, 24–5

  Osborne shipyard, 38

  construction, 49

  completed, 142

  logistics support, 46

  establishment, 127

  possible Australian construction,

  industrial relations, 51, 128


  Osiris, HMS, 20


  Otama, HMAS, 288

  Cockatoo Island Dockyard, 18–19,

  Ovens, HMAS, 25


  overseas sales efforts, 198, 202–3

  quality assurance, 48

  Canada, 200, 201–2, 203

  replacement project, see SEA1114

  Indonesia, 203

  retirement, 288, 325

  Malaysia, 203–4

  in service, 18–19

  New Zealand, 201

  surveillance missions, 23

  South Korea, 203

  O’Brien, Kerry, 283–4, 286

  Taiwan, 204, 312

  Ohff, Hans, 37–9

  Owen, Bill, 23, 26, 228

  AMS bid, 111, 115

  Owen, Frank, 28, 29

  appointed managing director of ASC,

  Oxenbould, Chris, 285


  asks Olle Persson to investigate fuels

  Pacific Dunlop Batteries, 127

  system, 224

  Pacific Marine Batteries, 127, 143

  on Briggs, 297

  P ˚alsson, Paul-E, 122, 182

  on combat system architecture, 245

  Parker, R. G., 17

  on delays to trials, 248

  Parkin, Tony, IKL/HDW liaison team,

  European visit, 76

  90, 93

  first deep dive of Collins, 216

  Pascall, John, 24, 156–7, 159

  on Fraser government, 42

  Paul, Stephanie, 288, 289

  on Hedemora diesels, 225

  periscopes, 133

  on Howard government attitude to

  optics, 232

  project, 266

  vibration, 231–2, see also Barr &

  on John Moore, 290, 297


  I N D E X


  Perry Engineering, 143, 148, 149

  quality assurance

  Persson, Olle, 224, 225

  Australian sub-contractors, 146

  Perth, HMAS, 45

  diffused through industry, 48–50

  Philips Electronics, 91

  inspection by project office, 147

  Philips Group (public relations

  Queensland, campaign to build

  company), 289

  submarines, 87, 88

  Phillips, Bob, 174

  Phontech, 143

  RAN Research Laboratories, 166

  piping, 150

  Rankin, HMAS

  Platypus, HMAS, 6

  construction, 257, 298

  Plessey, 68, 69, 73

  launch, 317–18

  politicians, role in submarine project,

  named, 147


  Ray, Robert, 43, 265

  Pomeroy, J. B., 14


  preliminary design baseline review,

  assumes responsibility for combat


  system, 260

  Prescott, John

  CCS Mk2 combat system, 300

  ASC chairman, 314

  basis for replacement combat

  assists McIntosh, 277–8, see also

  system, 308

  McIntosh-Prescott report

  provides assistance on combat system,

  project definition study, 59


  consortia, 76–80

  response to choice of STN Atlas, 302

  evaluation, 114–16

  role in replacement combat system

  AMS proposal, 101, 102–5

  development, 307

  ASC proposal, 102–5

  Reil Corporation, 183

  conclusion, 107

  replacement combat system, 298,

  recalculation of data, 102–5


  responses to conclusions, 109

  allegations of corruption, 302

  project office

  architecture, 308–9

  buccanneering style, 86

  budget, 325

  commitment to Australian

  contenders, 300

  construction, 44

  development process, 307

  management control system, 93–4

  evaluation, 300–1, 305–7

  project definition study liaison teams,

  security issues, 303–5


  selection process, 292

  reaction to collision in trials, 214

  strategic issues, 302, 303, see also

  relations with ASC, 260–1, 289

  Australia-US co-operation

  relations with Kockums, 289, see also


  intellectual property

  tactical and fire control, 308

  relations with RAN, 289

  US pressure, 302, see also Raytheon

  set up, 30

  Review of Australia’s Defence

  staff changes, 96, see also SEA1114

  Capabilities, 55, 97


  Rexroth GmbH, 143

  cavitation, 66, 139, 229–31, 237–9,

  Richards Valves, 183

  see also noise

  Rickover, Hyman, 85

  design, 139

  Riddell, Dick, 269

  dispatch to US, 270, 315

  Ridgway, Simon, 124, 151, 316

  litigation, 316

  Ring, Jim, 320

  fast-track program, 292

  Ritter, John

  fatigue cracks, 231, 263–4

  industrial standardisation, 174–5

  findings of McIntosh-Prescott report,

  steel, 167, 168, 236

  281, see also Sonoston (alloy)

  welding techniques, 171–4, 175–6

  propulsion sys
tem, see generator sets;

  Ritterhoff, J ürgen, 61, 78

  Jeumont-Schneider; Strachan &

  ALP caucus briefing, 83–4


  design philosophy, 104

  Protector, HMAS, 213, 216

  preliminary design baseline review,

  prototyping, 210

  94, 95–6

  public perception of Collins class,

  on project definition study evaluation,




  I N D E X

  Riva Calzoni, sub-contract with ASC,

  on states’ campaign to build


  submarines, 87

  River class frigates, 9

  Rotterdam Dockyard, see

  Roach, Terry, 52

  Rotterdamsche Droogdok

  on RAN refusal to accept Waller, 273

  Maatschappij (RDM)

  SWSC director, 24

  Rotterdamsche Droogdok

  on tender evaluation, 62

  Maatschappij (RDM), 40, 60

  Robertson, Trevor

  Australian industry participation, 72,

  CO of Collins, 206, 209

  see also Walrus class submarine

  on crew training, 208

  Rourke, Bill, 34

  on Swedish training, 208

  project chain of command, 84

  Robinson, Geoff, 288

  support for Australian construction,

  Robinson, Peter, 163


  Roche, Mick, 316

  tender evaluation, 62–8

  Rockwell Corporation

  Type 471 design beginnings, 131

  approach to project, 156–7

  US technology release to Kockums, 66

  default attempt by ASC, 198–200

  Royal Australian Navy

  defaults CSA, 249

  anti-submarine feelings, 268, 326

  liaison team, 92, 156–7

  attitude to project, 129, 267, 268

  military business purchased by

  John Moore’s view, 275

  Boeing, 250–1, 260

  parent navy of Collins class, 323

  preliminary design baseline review,

  perception of Collins class, 222


  post-WWII submarine force, 11–12

  project definition study consortium,

  relations with ASC, 289

  see Rockwell Ship Systems

  relations with Kockums, 289


  relations with project office, 289

  relations with Singer Librascope, 98,

  role in replacement combat system


  development, 307

  relations with Thomson CSF, 98, 159

  submarine squadron

  transfer of information to Kockums,

  aims for project, 326


  cost, 327

  Rockwell Ship Systems Australia (RSA)

  manpower issues, 205

  acts like a prime contractor, 160

  opposes US replacement combat

  combat system architecture, 68, 245

  system, 305–7

  combat system design, 154, 155

  response to McIntosh-Prescott

  processors, 155

  report, 284

  combat system tender evaluation, 69,

  role in submarine project, 198


  submarine tactical training course, 24

  chosen, 73, 75

  support for Oberon upgrade, 25

  definition study evaluation, 107–9

  ties with Royal Navy, 20–1

  directed sub-contract, 112–14

  view of project office, 260–1

  early difficulties, 97–8

  Royal Navy, 11, 16, 20–1

  opposes combat system contract,

  Rubis class submarines (France), 33, 60


  Rubython, Jeff, 123, 127

  project definition study, 90

  Ryco Hydraulics, 143

  relations with ASC, 160

  sub-contract with ASC, 125

  Saab Instruments

  tender evaluation, 68

  ship control and management system,

  Rose, Geoff, 21

  143, 160–1, 164, see also ship

  appointed project manager, 96, 194

  control and management system

  combat system incremental delivery,

  sub-contract with ASC, 126


  Saeger, Hans, 94, 105, 115

  on first deep dive of Collins, 216

  safety program, 164–5

  not told of Don Williams’ departure,

  Saunders, Alan, 124


  Scarce, Kevin, 298

  relations with ASC, 260

  schedule, project, 122, 187–9, 325

  relations with Ohff, 197

  Schofield, Bill, 235, 237

  removed from project, 260

  Scholes, Gordon, 55

  on requirements changes, 198

  Scientific Management Associates, 207

  I N D E X


  Scott’s (British submarine builder), 49

  combat system architecture, 69

  Scylla interface, 252

  combat system design, 154

  Sea Sprite helicopter project, 325

  combat system tender evaluation, 68,


  69, 70, 73, 75

  Australian content, 327

  final proposal, 101

  budget, 96–7, 187, 324–5

  liaison team, 90, 91–2, 96, 159

  combat system, see combat system

  preliminary design baseline review, 94

  complexity, 322

  project definition study, 90, 107–9

  conclusion, 318

  revised design, 92, 98–9

  contract, see contract

  transfer of information to submarine

  initiation, 26

  designers, 108

  nation building, 327–8

  da Silva, Lina, 144

  overall success, 326, 328–9

  Sinclair, Ian, 82

  project definition study, see project

  Sinclair, Peter

  definition study

  CO of Collins, 207, 209

  project office, see project office

  collision during trials, 213


  on combat system, 247

  development of, 27–8

  first deep dive of Collins, 216

  long-range, 31

  on fuel supply system, 223

  size, 32

  on noise performance, 228

  risks, 322–3

  on periscope vibration, 231

  schedule, see schedule, project

  on propeller cavitation, 229

  tender request, see tender process,

  shaft seal leaks, 233

  request for tenders

  on STN Atlas replacement combat

  Seawolf class submarine, 320

  system, 301

  security issues

  trials process, 211, 212, 315

  Kockums, 108

  Singer Librascope

  replacement combat system, 303–5

  combat system sub-contract, 159

  Shackleton, David, 285

  combat system tender evaluation, 69

  on Australia–US co-operation

  delivers consoles, 159

  agreement, 307

  liaison team, 159

  on Bowman, 305

  Oberon upgrade, 23

  replacement combat system, 301,

  relations with Rockwell, 98, 156

  302–5, 306

  Sintra Alcatel, 68, 69

  shaft seals, leaks, 233–4, 263

  Skilton, Chris, 195

  Shearer, Mike, 160
r />   Sloan, Glen, 216

  Sheean, HMAS

  Smith, Tony, 158

  combat system augmentation

  heads Boeing combat system team,

  program, 270


  construction, 257

  on Raytheon replacement combat

  departure to Stirling, 298

  system, 302

  fast-track program, 288

  on replacement combat system, 309

  named, 147

  snorting, 132–3, see also diesel engines

  ship control and management system,

  Snowy Mountains Scheme, 327

  153, 160–4


  definition study evaluation, 106–7

  Defence Science and Technology

  development, 162–4

  Organisation (DSTO)

  great success of project, 165

  evaluation, 176–7

  meets requirements in trials, 217

  integration with combat system, 245

  ‘notable success’, 311–16

  stand-alone equipment, 246

  processors, 162

  towed array, 32, see also Micropuffs

  test site, 163

  sonar system; Thomson CSF

  training and simulator, 207, see also

  Sonoston (alloy), 139–40, 231, 238,

  Saab Instruments


  Ship Noise and Vibration Group,

  findings of McIntosh-Prescott report,


  281, see also propeller

  shipbuilding in Australia, 9–10

  South Australia

  Short, John, 270

  campaign to build submarines, 87, 88


  submarine task force, 44, 46–7


  I N D E X

  Sperry Gyroscope, 23

  on Upholder class, 321

  Sprimont, Roger, 62

  US assistance with noise, 238

  ASC, 80, 121

  on welding defects, 144–6

  on Australian partners, 78

  submarine building

  on corruption allegations, 114

  India, 321

  focus on project, 115

  South Korea, 321

  joint venture with Wormald, 79

  Turkey, 321

  on Kockums’ welding, 144

  United Kingdom, 320–1

  liaison team, 92

  United States, 319

  meets Button, 57

  Submarine Capability Team

  prefers turbo-charged diesels, 132

  augmented combat system, 292–4

  recruiting for ASC, 123

  budget, 325

  Type 471 design beginnings, 131

  critics of fast-track, 297

  SSAB (steel maker), 169

  diesel engine fixes, 291–2

  SSPA Maritime Consulting AB, 137,

  electronic surveillance equipment, 294


  hull design modifications, 292

  states’ campaign to build submarines,

  looks to US for assistance, 311

  86–7, see also individual states

  manpower planning, 291


  need for swift action from Kockums,

  DSTO work, 167–77


  HY100, 168

  negotiating fast track changes, 294–5

  HY80, 168

  propeller modifications, 292

  industrial standardisation, 174–5

  public relations, 289, 295–7


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