Book Read Free

Frost Bite

Page 12

by Marissa Dobson

  “We should go.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded but didn’t step back from her. “Being mated to me isn’t going to be easy, especially when you’re stuck dealing with a teenager whenever I’m gone, yet you seem to be embracing it. For that, I’m thankful. I will do my best to make sure you never regret this decision.”

  “I’m not stuck dealing with a teenager. I choose to help you raise her. Together.” Sliding her hands from around his neck, she brought them down his shoulders to tease along his chest. “We’re in this together.”

  “What I’m trying to say is I have baggage—”

  “I’m not sure Evie would like being referred to as baggage.”

  “You’re impossible.” He let out a deep breath and shook his head. “Single…guardian, I guess…”

  “Stop.” She pressed her finger to his lips, silencing him. “There’s no guessing. You’re her brother, but you’ve stepped into the role of both parents. You’ve been doing it by yourself for the last few years, but you don’t have to anymore. You have me, and even if I wasn’t here, you have the whole clan. You’re not doing this alone any longer. Evie will have all of us to keep her safe when you’re away.”

  “It’s a huge change,” he admitted out loud for the first time.

  “I know, but part of your bear will be here with me. From what I’ve learned about shifters since I arrived, being your mate will allow you to feel me even if you’re not here. You’ll know I’ll keep Evie safe, and if anything happens, you’ll know immediately.”

  “We’ll feel each other. We’ll be connected on a level which can’t be explained with words.”

  “Frost,” Brooklynn called, still around the corner near the conference room. “We’re ready to get started.”

  “Coming.” He stepped back and took Alicia’s hand. “Ready, mate?”

  “No.” Anxious, her gaze shifted around the hall before coming back to him. “I feel like an outsider. I shouldn’t be going in there.”

  “You’re my mate. They know it, which means you’re part of this clan.” Gently he tugged her hand, pulling her away from the wall. “The situation with Lou and Lorcan involves you. You hold information about Lou we don’t know. There was very little we were able to gather about Lou’s past. It’s like he appeared out of thin air. There’s no record of him being born, no pack connection, nothing.”

  “He changed his name.”

  “Come on. We need to tell the Elders.” He pulled her against his side, wrapped his arm around her waist and led the way to the conference room.

  Entering the room, he found everyone already gathered around the long table. He stepped in, shut the door behind them, and led Alicia to the two empty seats waiting for them. Expecting with his position he was supposed to sit next to Brooklynn, he pulled out the other chair for Alicia, sitting her next to Thorben—Taber’s twin brother.

  “Let’s get started.” Ty nodded to Frost from the head of the table. “There are a number of things we need to discuss, and I’ve asked Alicia to join us. I believe she holds insight to Lou’s past Connor hasn’t been able to find yet.”

  “I just learned Lou changed his name.” Frost pulled out his own chair and sat.

  “That could explain why he suddenly appeared.” Connor’s gaze shifted from the laptop screen in front of him to her. “Alicia, do you know his birth name? Any other details you can give us about his past will also be helpful.”

  “Richard Maynard the second, born in Atlanta, Georgia.”

  “Of the Maynard wolf pack?” Ty questioned, surprise clear in his voice.

  “Umm, yes.” She shifted in her chair. “I feel like I’m violating his memory by disclosing this.”

  “If it keeps you safe, he’d want you to tell us,” Frost reassured her.

  “You know why he turned his back on his pack.” Ty didn’t bother to make it a question.

  “Frost…” She squeezed his hand.

  “Baby,” He turned his chair, allowing him to face her. “If you know anything, we need to know.”

  “The Alpha of the Maynard pack lost his son five years ago. He’s believed to be dead. He isn’t though, is he? He’s Lou.” Ty’s voice came from behind Frost, but he didn’t bother to look back at his Alpha.

  “Alicia, is that true?” The possibilities of what it could mean for her safety ran through his head. “Answer me.”

  “I swore I’d keep his secret.” She stared at Frost as if silently begging him to understand.

  “If he’s Maynard’s son, you’re in more danger than you thought,” Ty warned.

  “Alicia.” Brooklynn leaned forward and Frost could feel her peering around his frame. “When you complete the mating with Frost, he’ll know. It won’t be a secret for much longer. Tell us, so we can protect you.”

  “Maynard’s pack wouldn’t come after me. Lou promised.”

  “Not the Maynard wolves.” Frost shook his head. “The Wisegrove pack.”

  “For clarification, I’ll continue to call him Lou. Lou wanted to break out from the pack, he wanted to be a lawyer, and his father supported him. It wasn’t until a couple weeks after he graduated things changed. Lou found his mate—Louisa Wisegrove, the princess of the Wisegrove pack, sworn enemies of the Maynard’s,” Ty explained.

  “Richard’s father was still the pack’s Alpha at the time. He was furious, refusing to allow Louisa in his pack. Before Richard could change his mind, Lou was gone. It’s believed the Wisegrove Alpha killed them both. Richard’s father took a group of his best fighters and confronted them. It was a slaughter. Richard took over the pack. He didn’t believe his son was dead and refused to continue fighting. He was tired of the bloodshed.” Frost ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Lou…Louisa after the mate he lost.”

  “You said many don’t survive losing a mate, now you think Lou could go on and reinvent himself.” Her voice was low as she watched him.

  “It’s believed they hadn’t completed the mating when they were killed.” Styx stated from the other side of the table. “Louisa was the Alpha’s little girl. She wanted his approval before she would allow things to go further.”

  “An approval she’d never get,” Ty clarified.

  “We’re right, aren’t we?” Frost pressed.

  “I don’t believe Wisegrove’s Alpha ever stopped looking for Lou. When they find out he was living in New York with you, they’ll still want their blood. With Lou dead they might come after you,” Styx added when she remained silent.

  “Why? What did I do to them? What is it with shifters and their need for revenge?” She pushed her chair back, pulling her hand out of Frost’s grip. “This all happened before I knew Lou, why would they come after me?”

  “Humans seek revenge, too. This isn’t only a shifter thing.” Frost kept himself in his chair and didn’t reach toward her. She was angry and scared. Pulling her to him would only confuse her emotions more.

  “You didn’t want vengeance for Lou’s murder?” Thorben glanced back at her and as if seeing what he expected he shook his head. “That’s what I thought.”

  “I didn’t say anything,” she protested.

  “The change in your scent was all the answer needed. The rage that bubbled in you at the mention of Lou’s murder proved you’re no different,” Frost answered.

  “Just because I might want revenge doesn’t mean I’m going to go hunt him down and get it.”

  “You would if you thought it wasn’t a suicide mission.” Frost spun his chair around to face her. “We’re not different, and you know it. You already have my bear inside you. You’re lashing out to delay confirming Lou is the son of Richard Maynard senior.”

  “Don’t worry, we don’t need it.” Connor announced. With a couple clicks on the laptop in front of him, he pulled proof up on the screen behind Ty. “That’s Lou and his father, Richard Maynard senior when he graduated law school. The second image is proof Richard knew he was living as Lou in New York. They shared a number of communications over the las
t year.”

  “Now we know where he came from, Connor, connect the rest of the pieces. Find out everything you can about him. Why did he leave the pack? Maynard’s communications, where they in hopes of bringing Lou home? I want to know everything,” Ty ordered.

  “I told you he was a good man. He left to protect his family.” Alicia leaned back against the chair and wiped the tears falling. “Wisegrove wanted blood for losing Louisa. She was supposed to mate someone powerful to lead the pack. Instead he believed she betrayed them, and it was Lou’s fault.”

  “We’ll need to contact Maynard. He needs to know about Lou so he can make arrangements.” Tabitha glanced over at Connor. “Before we’re done here can you find his contact information?”

  “On it.” Connor leaned forward, his hands back on the keyboard, and cut the connection with the screen, allowing him to work on his laptop without the screen being displayed for the room to see.

  “Can I…” Alicia’s gaze shifted from Frost to Tabitha. “I’d like to be the one to tell him. His son was family…we were family. It only seems right.”

  “Are you sure you want to go through that?” Frost reached across, grabbed the arm of her chair and rolled her back to the table, next to him.

  “Yes.” Her gaze met his as she nodded.

  “We’ll discuss it afterward.” Ty’s tone held no room for argument. “Alicia, we touched on this earlier, but I think everyone needs to hear your answer. How did you know Grandy’s family didn’t hold a grudge against Frost? Even if you saw the scenes as his bear imprinted on you, you shouldn’t know how they felt. Especially not how they feel now?”

  “I can’t really explain it. Different times throughout my life I’ve known things I can’t explain. I was about thirteen when I realized something was off. I woke up one morning, and things were different. Not in the world, but in me. I was different. My mother had been sick for weeks, she couldn’t shake whatever virus she picked up, and she was exhausted. Later that day she had a doctor’s appointment. I knew they were going to discover she had lung cancer. Mom never smoked, she was as healthy as anyone…” Her words trailed off. Frost slipped his hand into hers, squeezing it gently, while giving her the strength to continue. “I knew about Lou’s neighbor before he found out she was dead. A few years ago, there was a big pile up on the interstate, twelve people died. I would have been there if I’d hadn’t known to take another route. It sounds crazy, but it’s like I have another sense.”

  “This brings us back to Lou and Louisa. That’s how you found out the whole story about Lou, isn’t it?” Ty urged.

  Alicia nodded. “He said sometimes when a shifter wants to tell someone something, but they’re holding back, their animal will take it upon themselves. Just like yours did, Frost.”

  “If it happens again, we need to know about it immediately.” Ty nodded to her. “Now let’s move on to the issue of Lorcan. Many of you have already know Lorcan sent a video warning us to hand Alicia over—”

  “What do you mean Lorcan sent a video?” Frost rose from his chair, rage bringing his polar bear forward. “A video threatening my mate, and you don’t tell me about it?”

  “Tabitha mentioned it.” Alicia placed her hand on his arm, tugging him back down to his seat. “Earlier in their quarters, she tried to show me, but when you arrived, I forgot about it.”

  “Still—” He should have known they’d received a direct message from Lorcan. If it had been one of the Elders whose mate was at risk, they’d have known and there would have been steps taken.

  “No, Frost. We had more important things to deal with earlier. We knew Lorcan was a threat, but I’m safe here. He might want me dead, but he’s not going to travel across the country and face a whole clan. Earlier, you said it yourself, he’ll wait until I go into town.”

  “Not yet and not just to see you dead,” Taber interrupted. “This clan has had run-ins with Lorcan’s group in the past. It’s going to come to a head at some point.”

  “Ty…” Styx’s tone was deeper, stilling the room. Even Frost glanced toward him. He had only heard Styx’s beast this close to the surface one other time—when they discussed the Washington D.C. Tigers attack on his mate, Mira.

  “I know.” Ty’s gaze focused on Styx as if sharing an unsaid message. “There’s one thing we need before we can focus on them. There’s a woman who holds information. Brooklynn, she’ll be your teams first official mission. In two weeks, she’ll be in California, giving us the perfect opportunity to convince her to assist us.”

  “A woman? Is she…you know…” Frost glanced toward Styx, looking for help. “After what you said, I didn’t think they took care of women they encountered.”

  “She’s the chief of police’s daughter,” Ty explained. “Even Lorcan’s men aren’t stupid enough to mess with her.”

  “And we are?” Brooklynn’s eyes widened. “What are we talking about here? Meeting with her for a willing exchange of information? Kidnapping her to get what we need?”

  “Whatever it takes.” Tabitha clicked a button, bringing Lorcan’s message onto the screen behind her. “Lorcan went after Lou because Roxanne wanted the property. It was to please her, so she’d continue working with him. He saw her as less because she was human, but her magick abilities made her worth something in his eyes. Losing that power has made him unstable. Before we might have been able to take a guess at what his next move would be, now things have become even more uncertain.”

  “Something has happened, hasn’t it?” Alicia questioned.

  “They were unhappy with the mayor’s recent comments about cracking down on crime in the city. They’ve decided to send a message.” Speaking for the first time, Raja leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. “His niece was spending a long weekend in Virginia. She planned to do a lot of hiking so no one was surprised they hadn’t heard from her. She was supposed to return tonight. Another group of hikers found her body earlier today. She was torn apart by what the media has begun describing as a wolf attack.”

  “Except it wasn’t a wolf, it was tigers, specifically Lorcan’s group.” Alicia’s hand shook against Frost.

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he tried to ease the fear rising within her. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “These are the same people after me.” She leaned into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I won’t let them get you.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “We’re going to find this woman and get the information from her. Then we can eliminate Lorcan’s threat on you, the clan, and everyone else he’s terrorizing.”

  He just found his mate. He wasn’t about to give her up. That meant he needed to see Lorcan handled and soon. The next two weeks would be long as they waited for the woman to make her trip to California. During that time, they’d prepare. They’d use every spare moment to ensure Brooklynn’s team was ready.

  Chapter Twenty

  As the door shut behind Alicia, the warmth of Frost’s cabin surrounded her, chasing away the chill from the cold Alaskan air. She glanced around, wondering if Evie was there. Their brief encounter on the plane hadn’t started their relationship off on the right foot, and Alicia hoped to correct that. The young girl only had Frost in her corner for years. Now with this mating, Alicia hoped Evie would see her as someone she could talk to. They wouldn’t be the traditional family, but she hoped they could form some kind of bond.

  “Looks like we’re alone.” Frost grabbed a piece of paper from the kitchen counter. “Raja’s sister, Tora, asked me if I’d mind watching her daughter while they prepare a big dinner for everyone. We’re in the main building. Let’s make this a real home. Join us for the clan’s dinner? Please, Frosty.”

  “You should go check on her. I can wait here.” Even as she offered, she hoped he’d stay. After telling Maynard his son was dead, she needed something to focus on to keep the memories at bay. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see Lou falling to the floor, the hole in his c
hest oozing blood, drawing her attention.

  “She’s fine.” He dropped the note back on the counter and shot her a quick smile. “Seems we have the place to ourselves while she’s babysitting.”

  Nervous, she took in the open living space. Two sofas with an end table helped divide the living area from the rest of the space, while the large fireplace dominated the wall in front of them. It was plain, no homey touches, but still it had a warmth that welcomed.

  “I haven’t seen many kids around.” Wondering how she missed kids around the compound, she glanced over at him.

  “There are only a few. Tora’s daughter, Scarlett, is the youngest. She’s two.” He leaned back against the counter, his gaze focused on her. “Evie’s always been outgoing, she likes to be surrounded by people. She’s thrilled to be out there making friends and enjoying the company of others, even if they’re not her age.”

  “Unlike you.” She took a step closer. “You’re more of a solitary creature. You take comfort in the quiet and stillness around you. You don’t mind being around people, but you enjoy being alone too.”

  “That was before I found you. Come here.” Raising his arm, he beckoned her to him.

  This is insane. Even as she questioned the draw to him, she found herself moving across the room. “How does a solitary bear deal with mating? You’d never be alone again. Neither will I, not with the piece of your bear I carry inside me.” Nearing him, she took his hand and let him draw her against his chest.

  “I don’t want to be alone. Not from you at least. When I travel with the team, I want to know I carry part of you with me, and when I’m here, I want you by my side.” Putting a finger under her chin, he tipped her head back until she looked up at him. “Alicia, you’re my mate, my heart. As a human, it may seem quick to you, but…I love you.”

  “Wow.” She pressed her hand on his chest, leaning back enough to stare up at him. “I never thought something like this could happen. Not this quick, maybe not ever, yet it did. I love you too, Frost.”


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