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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

Page 2

by Felicity Brandon

  Sophie shivered reflexively. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

  Their gazes locked for a moment, all those unspoken needs burning in Sophie’s eyes. Jared was in no doubt about it. She wanted all of this—all the subjugation and attention. Sophie was made for this, but Jared wasn’t foolish enough to think she’d stay because of the threats and the bondage. If he turned his back or let his defenses down, Sophie would run. In his heart, he knew she would.

  “You had better be good, little girl, because you won’t like Daddy when he’s angry.”

  Sophie nibbled at her lower lip, nodding her head before her focus fell back to her freed wrists. She rubbed the flesh absentmindedly, seemingly hypnotized by the sudden liberation.

  Jared rose from the bed. “Up now.”

  The order was curt, but it worked. Sophie crawled to the edge of the bed before large eyes returned to him.

  “Should I walk, Daddy?”

  Jared’s cock stirred at the way she’d asked for the clarification, reminding him that he was also naked. Finding his sweatpants on the pink carpet, he reached for them, pulling them up and concealing the lower half of his body. It had been fun being naked with Sophie in bed, but he wanted her to be in no doubt. During the day, she would be naked, or decorated however he chose to embellish her, while he would be dressed as normal. The distinction needed to be made clear.

  He pinioned Sophie with the full weight of his stare. “Since you’re my little girl now, I don’t think walking is in order.” He mused the words out loud, enjoying the way she physically flinched at his conclusion. “Usually I would carry you, but perhaps it’s time you got around on your own.”

  Her head lowered, as though Sophie could sense where this was going.

  “Onto your hands and knees.”

  Sophie gulped at the order, before she slipped from the bedding, landing gracefully on her knees before him. Her breasts bobbed wonderfully at the small impact, the look of her sending a fresh wave of desire to his groin. Damn, the woman was so gorgeous.

  “You’ll crawl by me, little girl.” Jared smiled while he gave the order. “And I expect you to keep up the pace. You’ll stay by my feet the whole time.”

  She lifted her chin, revealing huge, concerned eyes, but whatever her queries, Sophie remained silent. He was almost proud of her.

  “Do you understand what Daddy has told you?” He took a step toward her, his fingers playing with the loose strands of blonde hair brushing against her chin.

  “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  “Let’s see you crawl to the door then.” His voice was softer now, but Jared could hear the growing arousal traced in it. It seemed his recent orgasm had been insufficient, a condition he suspected would become incurable with Sophie around the house bound or naked all of the time.

  She pressed her palms into the carpet and moved away slowly, her head falling as she made the journey toward the door. Jared’s cock strained at the look of Sophie. The way her delectable arse wiggled as she crawled away made him heady.

  “Legs apart.” He called the order from behind her, watching with glee while she complied.

  “Remember what I told you.” He closed the distance between them in a couple of long strides. “Your legs must always be open for me now.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her response was immediate, although she didn’t raise her head to give the answer.

  No matter though, Jared assured himself. She had given the answer, and correctly.

  “We need to get a beautiful little princess plug in that arse,” he told her matter-of-factly.

  Sophie’s body stilled and Jared could see the tension in her muscles. Slowly, she lifted her chin. “D-daddy?”


  Of course, he knew precisely which comment had inspired Sophie’s trepidation, but he was just having too much damn fun. He wanted to see the anxiety on Sophie’s face; the quiver in her voice was making his balls ache.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Sophie’s face flooded with heat at the admission, her gaze flickering to his feet at the same time.

  Jared snickered. “A princess plug, little girl,” he repeated, scrutinizing her responses. “A pretty little butt plug to fill and stretch that arse until I’m ready to fuck it.”

  She gasped, the sound audible despite her obvious efforts to mask it.

  “Come on now,” Jared chided. “We chatted about this online, and you knew I was going to want to pound that backside. It’s just too fucking beautiful to ignore, and the plug will not only keep you open for me, but it will be a constant reminder about who owns that arse now.”

  Sophie stared at the fuchsia carpet as though her life depended on it.

  “Sophie.” Jared ensured his voice was stern, and the tone worked, her gaze darting to him immediately. “Who owns that arse?”

  She pulled in a shaky breath, but the answer was right there on her lips. “You do, Daddy. You own it.”

  Chapter Three


  She couldn’t believe she’d said it. Sophie had just told the guy who’d drugged and snatched her from her home that he owned her. What the fuck was that about? What precisely was she thinking at this point? But then, there were lots of things Sophie had said in the last twenty-four hours that had left her shocked and startled. And this was no different. The most recent admission was just the latest in a long line of humiliating concessions Sophie had been forced to endure. Jared’s lips curled at her words. He leaned forward, dropping to his haunches while the hand at her hair slid down into the full length of her locks. He fisted the hair roughly, the hurt pricking tears in her eyes.

  “That’s right, little girl.” Jared’s voice had become almost hypnotic. “I own it, and don’t you ever forget it.”

  Sophie nodded as best she could with his hand immobilizing her hair so effectively. “I w-won’t, Daddy.”

  Jared inched closer, holding her in place as his face neared. “I own it, Sophie. Just like I own the rest of you. Your hot little pussy, those gorgeous breasts and this dirty little mouth.”

  His free hand traced a line around her lips and instinctively, Sophie began to pant. It wasn’t just the way he held her that produced the response, but the sheer intensity in his eyes. It was like Jared could see into her soul. The man seemed to know the depth of her every filthy fantasy, and every time she thought she could get no lower, Jared was there to ensure she was humbled anew. Of course, this was more than partly Sophie’s responsibility. She had reached out to Jared, or Carl, as she’d known him, and shared many of her most depraved scenarios, but she’d never imagined this. She’d never contemplated being taken against her will and made to submit to his overpowering Daddy fetish. Even more disturbingly worse, Sophie had never conceived the extent to which she seemed to relish it.

  “Tell me.”

  It was only two words yet Sophie’s entire body recognized the power in them.

  “You own…” she hesitated, wanting desperately to tear her gaze from his face and yet completely incapable of doing so.

  Jared’s eyebrow rose, the gesture sending a jolt of electricity through her. “Go on.”

  “You own all of me, D-daddy.”

  The self-satisfied smug expression Sophie had seen yesterday lit up his face once more, and her belly churned in response. She’d done it again. Sophie had succumbed, giving him exactly what he wanted on demand, and she was wretched for the effort. But, what else could she do? She had to keep Jared on her side, at least in the short term. If he were pissed off with her, he’d no doubt make her life even more intolerable and reduce her opportunities to escape to virtually zero.

  “Good.” Closing the inches between them, Jared’s lips skimmed over her mouth, the scent of his cologne lingering even when he moved away.

  He rose to his full height, looming over Sophie. “Let’s get going then. We don’t want you wetting yourself, now do we?”

  Jared laughed at the assertion, but a cold wave of dread washed over Sophie. She recalled
the ominous inferences he had made about her use of the facilities the night before and the thought of what he might have in mind terrified her. Her hands and knees scrabbled to coordinate as he moved away, opening the bedroom door to reveal the darker, cool air of the hallway.

  “Don’t forget to stay by me.” Jared’s voice echoed down the corridor while he turned left in the direction she remembered the bathroom to be. “I don’t much have a thing for pet play, little girl, but if you force my hand, I will keep you on a leash.”

  Sophie gasped, struggling to move faster while the sound of Jared’s amusement filled the air. It was colder here, and her nipples hardened in response, but the truth was she was so flustered by his threats that Sophie barely even noticed. The journey down the plush carpet of the hall seemed to go on forever, but in reality, it was probably only a couple of minutes later that she halted by his feet, waiting for Jared to push the door to the bathroom open. Pale light flooded her senses as he did, the memory of her visit here the night before returning all at once. Sophie recalled how clean the room had been, how spotless and uncharacteristic of a single guy it was and while he motioned her forward to the center, her gaze confirmed that every recollection had been true. This place was like something out of a showroom.

  “Up onto the toilet,” Jared ordered and she glanced over her shoulder to see him close the door behind them. “And you’ll do wise not to keep me waiting this time, Sophie.”

  She hurried into position, nodding her assent, though Jared’s words, combined with his penetrating stare did nothing to aid her objective.

  He tapped his foot while she sat perched on the seat. “Little girl…”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy.” Christ, she sounded as desperate as she felt. She dreaded to think what he would do if she kept him waiting too long this time. Sophie had only just appeased him the previous time she’d used the toilet here. “I am trying to go.” Sophie glanced up to his darkening expression.

  “I meant what I said before,” he continued. “I have alternatives which are quite suitable for little girls who need to learn how to use the toilet properly.”

  Panic swelled in her chest at the warning, and despite the way her throat seemed to be closing, somehow, she managed to relieve herself.

  A cruel smirk painted Jared’s face. “Just in time, beautiful.”

  His attention turned to the large tub behind him and Sophie flushed the toilet while he began to fill the thing with water. She loitered in the middle of the room, unsure if she was allowed to wash her hands or even if she should be standing at all. She was so exposed and vulnerable in the near-perfect bathroom, and all of a sudden, she wanted nothing more than to reach for one of the towels and cover her body, but that was futile. Concealing herself at this point would only anger Jared.

  As though he could read her thoughts, he turned back toward her. “Problem, Sophie?”

  She shuffled on the spot, feeling every inch the naughty schoolgirl. Jared’s gaze raked over her curves, his gaze appreciative and hungry.

  “I didn’t know if I should wash my hands, Daddy.” It was absurd that she even asked, and it was even more insane how hot and needy the act had made her.

  Jared ran his tongue over his lower lip. “Have you asked my permission?”

  Slowly, Sophie shook her head. Of course, he knew very well that she hadn’t asked, but then, this was all part of the game, wasn’t it? The demeaning way he was patronizing her and treating her like a child. This was all part of the head-fuck.

  And it’s working, the niggling little voice reminded her. Look at the way you’ve reacted Sophie. The way you’ve begged him for more—the way your body has invited and welcomed him. The way you cried and he came running. You have led him on every bit as much as he’s inflicted the deeds on you.

  You’re to blame.

  She pulled in a shaky breath at her self-analysis, focusing on the weight of Jared’s expectant stare. “No, Daddy.”

  The corners of his lips curled. “Then the answer is no, little girl. You do nothing until you’ve asked and have been granted my permission.”

  He turned with that, dipping his giant palm into the water, presumably to check the temperature, leaving Sophie shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Swallowing down what little remained of her dignity, she coughed lightly to garner his attention.

  “Er, Daddy.”

  Jared’s attention shifted back in her direction, his gaze crawling from her heated face, over the swell of her breasts and down her midriff. “Yes, little girl?”

  The guy was clearly loving this, relishing every second of the power and control he had over Sophie.

  “Is it okay if I wash my hands?” She was absolutely wretched having to ask. Again.

  He smiled. “Quickly,” he replied, motioning toward the basin. “I want you in the bath now anyway.”

  Sophie shuffled toward the sink, catching sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was lank and her eyes a little puffy from the disturbed sleep of the night before, but her skin had an unusual luscious quality about it that Sophie had rarely seen. Her cheeks were flushed, the flesh pink with what looked like excitement, and she lifted her hand to her face, touching her jaw as though she couldn’t believe it was real. This was a version of Sophie Bannister she’d rarely ever seen in recent years. The reflection of a just-fucked Sophie, an aroused Sophie—an unrecognizable woman.

  “I said quickly.”

  Her eyes darted to Jared’s reflection in the mirror, her belly knotting at the way he folded his arms across his chest. In her dazed analysis of her own reflection, Sophie hadn’t even washed her hands yet. “I’m s—”

  Jared moved fast, his long strides cutting the distance between them in a heartbeat.

  “Sorry?” he interrupted, concluding the sentence for her. “You’re always so sorry, little girl.”

  Sophie’s heart raced at his sudden proximity, her hands gripping the edge of the basin the way they’d done in her own bathroom just before they’d drugged her for the second time. Jared’s hands snaked to her middle, one trailing a line south between her legs while the other rose to squeeze her left breast.

  “Are you going to wash those hands?” He breathed the words into her right ear. “Or are you just going to get in the bath for Daddy?”

  She glanced nervously in the direction of the bath. Sophie wasn’t altogether certain she wanted to get into Jared’s tub. There had to be an ulterior motive—some reason why he was so keen to bathe her, yet she had to be honest, the thought of being clean again was an alluring one.

  “I’ll take the bath, Daddy.”

  “Good choice,” he murmured, pressing his mouth against the side of her neck and tracing a line of kisses to her shoulder blade. “Time to get rid of this and truly become Daddy’s little girl.”

  The fingers between her legs grabbed at the soft hair at her pussy and he tugged gently. Sophie gasped at the sensation. Now, she recalled the reason Jared wanted to get her in the bath so badly—how could she have forgotten? Didn’t he tell her only last night that he wanted to shave her body—that she was to be bare for him? Her gaze met his in the mirror. Jared’s eyes were hard and determined and he held her focus for a moment.

  “First though, let’s snip some of it away.” The hand at her nest of hair pulled gently once more. “That will make the shaving a lot easier to achieve.”

  Jared reached into the cabinet on the wall beside the mirror and pulled out a small pair of nail scissors. He waved them in front of her. “These should do the trick, little girl.”

  She bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

  “Hands behind your back, Sophie.”

  Sophie didn’t overthink the order, her wrists moving before Jared had time to query her hesitation. He dropped quickly to his haunches, appraising the hair he seemed to find so troublesome.

  “Keep still now,” he warned, glancing at her quickly before he set to work snipping the longer hairs from the outside of her sex.

>   Sophie stood, paralyzed as she watched him. On the one hand, she was disgusted. What gave Jared the right to remove her hair? What gave any man the right? Yet on the other hand, she was secretly enthralled by the time and focus he was dedicating to the task. Clearly, it seemed to be an important deed for Jared. Sophie couldn’t recall the last time Jason had spent this long paying her any attention.

  Jared remained on his knees for a few moments, all his effort solely on minimizing the hair between her legs. Sophie’s gaze flitted to the doorway and briefly, she contemplated kneeing him in the face and making a run for it. She could do it. Now that whatever drug he’d allowed his friend to give her was finally out of her system, Sophie was certain she could make the offensive move and be out of the door before he could grasp her. But the questions nagged at her brain. If she got out of the bathroom, then what? Sure, she could find her way to the top of the stairs and maybe even to the front door, but she wasn’t stupid enough to think Jared would have left it conveniently unlocked for his captive. And even if she supposed he had, where the hell was she going to go? Sophie was completely naked and she didn’t have a clue where she was. It was—

  “Don’t do anything you’ll regret, little girl.” Jared’s foreboding tone interrupted her thoughts, and her gaze lowered to find him watching her. His expression was withering, his dark eyes seeming to suck the oxygen from the room.

  “I’m not going to,” she answered, flustering as the lie left her lips. “I promise, Daddy.”

  “Hmmm.” Jared rose to his full height, his eyebrow rising while he regarded her. “I should hope not, Sophie, because I don’t think you’ll like the things I’ll make you endure if you cross me again—if you try and run.”

  Her throat dried in an instant, her heart pounding furiously while he returned the scissors to the cabinet before wandering back toward the filling tub. Perching on the edge, he flicked off the taps and lowered a hand into the water.

  “It’s nice and warm now, little girl,” he told her with a wry smile, his earlier threat apparently forgotten. For now. “Time to bring that pretty little arse over here.”


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