Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 6

by Felicity Brandon

  She gulped, her gaze falling to the pink cuffs at her feet and instinctively, he knew what she was thinking.

  “Yes, baby,” he cooed with a smile. “You’re going to have to manage in the chains. Daddy likes them.”

  Jared’s arousal soared at the admission and without thinking, he adjusted his straining cock inside the navy sweatpants. “Come on then.”

  He strode to the bedroom door, throwing it open with gusto before he turned back to observe her effort. It was a humiliating journey by any standards, Sophie’s feet shuffling forward a few inches at a time, her tits bouncing softly with each tentative movement. Jared eyed the clamps with envy. They looked fucking incredible, but Christ, what he wouldn’t give to be in the place of those clamps right now. He wanted to hold her breasts, pinch her nipples and suck that hurt away.

  And later, he would.

  It took Sophie a couple of minutes to reach him, her cheeks blooming with heat when she finally passed his body. Of course, Jared couldn’t help but reach for her, his hand massaging the underside of her left breast while she hobbled past. Her gaze darted to him at the contact, but wisely, her lips remained sealed. Evidently, Sophie was intelligent, or intuitive enough, to know what would happen if she spoke out of line at this moment.

  Once Sophie was in the hall, Jared closed the bedroom door and guided her to the head of the staircase. Having her bound and presented this way for him was making his balls ache. She was absolutely fucking wonderful.

  “Daddy will take you from here,” Jared told her and in one swift movement, he swept Sophie from her feet and pulled her toward his chest.

  Once more she gasped at the deed, but her gaze fell reflexively to the clamps at her nipples, and then to the cute little bib he was making her wear. Jared was willing to bet if he reached between her legs to that smooth little cunt, he’d find it soaked for him. Sophie might not be into age-play per se, but it was clear that she was ridiculously turned on by the denigrating demands he was making on her.

  And that was good enough for Jared. It would serve his purpose for the time being.

  Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, Jared placed Sophie back on her feet and paced away toward the kitchen, leaving her shuffling at her own mortifying pace behind him. He was at the fridge, selecting items for breakfast when he finally heard her hobbling onto the tiled floor.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he couldn’t help but smile. Christ, she looked hot like that with her cute little pigtails and her clamped tits jutting out below the bib. All she needed was a pacifier to complete the look, and Jared had just the one stashed away, but first he needed to feed her again. “Sit down in your chair, Sophie,” he instructed, gesturing toward the seat with the cuffs he’d already prepared.

  She bit her lip at the order, but moved in the right direction regardless, perching her perfect little bottom on the edge of the seat.

  “Settle back.” Jared pulled the carton of milk and some other items from the refrigerator, placing them on the counter before he turned to address her.

  Sophie shuffled back into the seat as best her cuffed wrists would allow, her eyes automatically lowering to avoid his gaze.

  “I’ll sort those cuffs for you,” he said, pacing in her direction. “Little girls need to be comfortable for breakfast.”

  She pulled in a deep breath, her shoulders visibly tensing at his proximity. Jared ignored the reaction. He wasn’t sure if it was apprehension or lust burning through her bloodstream, but he already knew Sophie well enough to know he could use either to his advantage. Reaching down behind her, he unfastened the spring lock attached to the D-ring at her cuff and slowly, Jared guided her cuffed wrists forward.

  “These can stay on,” Jared told her while he slipped first her left, and then right wrists into position at the chair. “I can adjust the dining room ones to go around them.”

  Her eyes widened at the explanation. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jared smiled. “How are those tits, young lady?”

  She swallowed at the reminder about the metal pinching her nipples. “They hurt, Daddy.”

  And he could tell by her voice that she wasn’t lying about that part. The clamps clearly were causing Sophie discomfort. Jared’s cock thickened at the reality of that prospect.

  “I know, baby.” He reached for her jaw, stroking the hot flesh there lightly. “They’re supposed to hurt, but they look freaking amazing.”

  The pain was there in her eyes as he ensured the straps were tight at her wrists.

  “Let’s leave your ankles as they are,” he decided out loud. “You aren’t going anywhere, are you, Sophie?”

  She shook her head sadly. “No, Daddy.”

  Jared rose to his full height, trying not to focus on the fact that his cock was telegraphing its needs, but rather on the task at hand. It was breakfast time. They both needed to eat. Turning, he headed back to the counter and collected a banana he’d chosen for the occasion.

  “Does Sophie like bananas?” He almost laughed at the way that sounded. Since she’d arrived, Jared had taken to talking about them both in the third person, a fact that wryly amused him.

  She sighed. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good.” And it was good, because his little girl was going to eat bananas regardless. “And what about cereal?”

  He pulled open the cupboard that housed his collection of cereal boxes, glancing back at Sophie’s wide eyes. “Shredded wheat?”

  Her brows knitted. “I don’t normally eat breakfast, Daddy.”

  She blurted the words out as though they were a defense for whatever was coming next. Perhaps she thought they were, but that wasn’t going to cut it now. Not now that she was here with Jared.

  In two large strides he was almost right on top of her again. “What was that?”

  Sophie blinked at him furiously, her flaming cheeks draining of color at once. “I just meant that I…” She hesitated, eyeing his responses before she continued. “This is new for me, Daddy.”

  Jared leaned over her chair. “Breakfast is new for you?”

  Sophie sucked her lip into her mouth, the gesture doing nothing to calm his ardor. It seemed she did it whenever she was nervous or horny. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  He shook his head. How was that even possible? “You should be eating balanced, regular meals, little girl. And now you’re here, you will be. Would you like to tell me why you haven’t been eating breakfast before now?”

  Jared inched away slightly. He wanted her to see the unimpressed scowl on his face.

  She drew in a shaky breath. “I was t-trying to lose weight.”

  Evidently, Sophie knew where this line of reasoning was likely to land her, and her apprehension was well-founded. Jared had heard just about enough of this self-deprecation already.

  “By starving yourself?” He arched an eyebrow at her with the query, watching as she physically recoiled.

  “Just cutting back,” she tried to explain.

  Raising one arm from the chair, he stroked away the loose strands of hair from her face. “There’s no need to cut back, Sophie. What has Daddy told you?”

  Sophie looked frantic, the chains linking to the clamps at her nipples swaying as her breathing increased. “You told me not to put myself down, Daddy.”

  Good, at least she had listened. “That’s right.”

  “But I wasn’t,” she continued in an anxious tone. “I swear I wasn’t. I just don’t know what I like because I haven’t eaten breakfast for years.”

  Jared stood, his hands shifting to his hips. “For years?”

  She hadn’t eaten three meals a day for years? A spike of anger rose in him. Not only was her idiot husband ignoring her sexual needs, but he hadn’t even looked after her physical ones. The guy clearly did not deserve a woman like Sophie in his life.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Well, that’s all about to change, little girl.” He pinioned her with the full weight of his stare. “And it starts now.”

e gulped down whatever emotions she was experiencing, her hands pulling against the pink cuffs even though she must have known there was zero chance of escaping them.

  “From today you’ll eat shredded wheat and banana for breakfast, plus a glass of milk. Daddy will feed you and you will finish everything.” Jared glowered down at Sophie, daring her to challenge him. “Is that clear?”

  “I’ll try, Daddy,” she breathed, obviously struggling with the idea of eating a decent meal at the beginning of the day.

  Jared smiled at her. “Oh, you’ll do better than try, Sophie,” he told her in a sardonic tone. “You’re going to do exactly as I’ve asked, or you’ll be punished. And you’ll find Daddy has other ways to discipline you besides a sound spanking.”

  Her breath caught at that, but she nodded while she tried to blink away the tears in her eyes. Satisfied for the time being, Jared wandered back to the counter. Selecting a bowl from a nearby cupboard, he emptied one shredded wheat from the pack and sliced a banana on top. Now Sophie belonged to him, he’d be damned if she wasn’t going to be healthy, too.

  Chapter Ten


  She could barely catch her breath as Jared carried the bowl over to the circular table. Sophie swallowed hard as she eyed the contents of the bowl, her throat drying on reflex. The wheaty cereal looked big enough, but covered in all that banana and milk, it was clearly too much for her. How on earth was she supposed to eat all of that? She hadn’t been lying before—she hadn’t eaten breakfast since she was pregnant with Lucy and the thought of a bowl of cereal had her tummy twisting in worried apprehension. Jared returned to the counter, collecting a second bowl and two spoons. He brought these over to the place she was sitting, and then made one final journey with two glasses of milk. His eyes sparkled when Sophie’s gaze met his. What was it she saw in those blue orbs? Was it excitement?

  That thought did nothing at all to reassure her.

  “Just like before, little girl,” he said, settling into his chair. “You stay right there looking gorgeous and Daddy will feed you.”

  Sophie pulled against her cuffs futilely, her gaze fixed on Jared’s large hand as it lifted a spoon to her bowl and broke off a piece of the shredded wheat.

  “Open up.”

  Her lips parted at the command, but it was words that tumbled from them, rather than compliance. “Please, Daddy.”

  Sophie’s muscles tensed at the pathetic mewls coming from her mouth. Could that really be her? “I don’t know if I can manage it.”

  Jared’s gaze darkened, an almost imperceptible shift, but not quite—Sophie noticed it—and the look sent alarm spinning around her head.

  Oh God! What had she done? And more to the point, what the hell was he going to do as retribution?

  The spoon halted in mid-air.

  “Sophie.” His voice had taken on that foreboding tone and Sophie panted in response. “Have you forgotten the rules already?”

  She swallowed, trying to calm her labored breathing. “No, Daddy.”

  Quick as a flash, Jared’s free hand rose and tugged gently at the bib around her neck. Drawing the thing north, he pulled the clamps with the fabric, eliciting a surge of hurt to both breasts at the same time.

  “Oww!” Sophie squeezed her eyes closed as the tugging, pinching metal pulled at her helpless nipples. Somehow, she’d known that pain was coming, but the knowledge had done nothing to assuage its intensity.

  “Open. Up.”

  Jared’s voice was closer now and when she opened her eyes again, he was right there with her, his face less than a foot away and his expression unyielding. With a shaky breath, Sophie did the only thing she could do in the circumstances: she ceded. Opening her mouth, her eyes scrutinized the silver spoon as it approached until, finally, it deposited the first piece of cereal into her mouth.

  He moved the spoon away. “Now, chew.”

  She nodded, pulling air through her nose while she compelled her jaws to expedite the process. The cereal tasted of nothing—like wet cardboard—but Sophie didn’t allow herself the time to muse on it. If the determined gleam in Jared’s gaze told her anything, it was that he was not in the mood to fuck around, and as ever, he held all the cards. Sophie was shackled and bound to the chair. She was totally at his mercy. The best thing she could do—the only thing she could do for the time being—was to appear willing and eat. Even though she didn’t want it, and even though if she’d given the concept enough thought it would have appalled her, she had no choice.

  “Better.” Jared’s tone was still clipped, but he retreated back to the bowl and collected another spoonful of food. This latest one included a slice of fruit and Sophie blinked at the banana as it neared her mouth.

  She forced her lips wide anyway, accepting the spoon and duly chewing on its contents while Jared lowered the cutlery back to the table. Pulling his chair closer to the place she was sitting, his gaze immobilized her as she ground the tasteless wheat around her mouth. At least this time the fruit gave it a little flavor.

  “So, you can still be my good girl.”

  Her gaze fell to her clamped breasts, a peculiar sense of shame rising to her cheeks. Sophie had no idea why, but somehow, Jared had the ability to make her squirm on demand. Not only could he make her seemingly perpetually wet and desperate to come, but he had this unnerving ability to make her want to please him. And that shouldn’t be right. There was nothing logical about wanting to please the man who had snatched and tormented you, but there it was. It was the truth and Sophie knew it. Her need for his approval burned almost as hot as the arousal simmering at her core.

  By the time she glanced up again, the spoon was back, loaded with banana-covered cereal.

  “Are you going to answer Daddy?” Jared arched an eyebrow at his question, the gesture drying her throat yet again.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she blurted, watching as the spoon stopped an inch from her mouth. “I’m sorry. I want to be good.”

  “So, you say,” he replied skeptically. “But Daddy is going to need a show of real compliance from you, little girl. Or else, you’re lining up a day of punishment for yourself.”

  Sophie’s expression crumpled at that. She actually felt the way her brow furrowed while the wave of dread washed over her. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

  “Take your breakfast then.” His tone was gravelly. “Eat it nicely and be a good girl.”

  Jared pushed the spoon between her lips once more and automatically she took the contents from it, moving the food around her mouth. He nodded approval before placing her spoon on the table and beginning on his own bowl of cereal. Sophie chewed slowly, watching as he devoured about a third of the contents in thirty seconds flat. An oppressive silence fell over the room as she finished her mouthful and waited for Jared to feed her again. And this time, he did make her wait. Jared scarcely even looked up from his bowl while he shoveled the food into his mouth and all the while, Sophie was forced to sit there and remain passive. Though she pulled at the cuffs, she knew there was no getting away. She couldn’t lift her hands and remove the metal tormenting her breasts any more than she could get up and leave.

  She was held captive.

  After what seemed like an age, Jared turned his head in her direction. “Ready for more, little girl?”

  His eyes flashed a warning, challenging her to refuse him, to defy him, and even though Sophie was desperate to get the hell out of his clutches and embrace her children again, she didn’t dare. Escaping Jared was going to be no easy feat. Sophie was going to have to play the long game.

  She nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jared scooped a spoon of cereal and pushed it in her direction. Sophie eyed it. The strands of wheat had softened in the milk and looked less appealing than ever, but still, she opened her mouth, permitting Jared to slide it inside. Chewing on the mouthful, Sophie inhaled through her nose, trying hard not to heave. She rarely ate more than a piece of fruit in the day time, so this was turning into something of an ordeal, and glancin
g down at the bowl, she could see there was still more than half of its contents to go.

  “Daddy likes to see you eat.” His face lit up at the words and Sophie’s focus shifted back to him as she swallowed the milky slop in her mouth down.

  Don’t gag.

  The words echoed around her mind while she willed herself some composure.

  “I have the feeling you never ate properly before, Sophie.”

  Sophie pulled in a breath, unsure how to respond. She had the sense that whatever she said would condemn her at this point. “I tried my best, Daddy.”

  “Hmmm.” He sounded unconvinced, thrusting another spoon of mushed cereal and banana at her. “Well, there’ll be no more trying, little girl. Not now you have Daddy.”

  Jared pushed the glop past her lips, watching as she swilled it around her mouth. Content, he turned back to his own food and quickly finished the contents while she forced the wet cereal down her throat.

  He glanced at her. “Now, you’ll have three balanced meals a day, Sophie.”

  She trembled at that thought. Three meals? Three meals like this? How would she survive even a day of this treatment?

  “And they’ll all be here, with you in your chair, bib on and your beautiful mouth open and ready to take what you’re given.”

  Sophie gulped. “Yes, Daddy.” She didn’t know what else she was supposed to say.

  “And soon,” He placed his spoon in the empty bowl before turning to give Sophie his full attention. ”Soon, you’ll be wearing Daddy’s plug in that delicious backside during every meal, too.”

  Oh God.

  Panic bloomed in her chest at that idea. Even when Sophie had been exploring BDSM ideas online, she’d never gotten around to trying a butt plug before. Ironically, there was one in the post to her even as she squirmed against the chair, but she’d never used one. Jason had never been interested in anal sex and so, on the whole, she’d pushed the thought from her mind, but the idea that Jared wanted to fuck her that way was more than just daunting. Sophie had seen how fucking large his cock was. Frankly, she was surprised her sex had accommodated him, but then she was always so ridiculously wet now—that probably aided the process.


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