Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 7

by Felicity Brandon

  “Won’t that be fun?” Jared’s brow rose at the query and she flustered at the gesture.

  Fun was hardly the way Sophie would have described it.

  “Yes, Daddy, but I’ve never worn one before.”

  He nodded, his hand collecting Sophie’s spoon and scooping another portion of mush toward her. “You said,” he confirmed. “When we chatted online. But don’t worry. If you’re a good girl, Daddy will make sure you’re nicely lubed and ready for the princess plug, and anyhow, it will only be a few inches long. Nothing you can’t manage.”

  Sophie’s brow rose at the reality of having inches of plastic shoved up her backside. It had been something she’d wanted to try, but on her own—and in private— yet there was no time to protest the point. The damned spoon was back, coercing her lips to part and accept the next installment of breakfast. Grimly she chewed, Jared’s gaze fixed on her the entire time, as though he half expected her to spit the contents of her mouth back out at him. As she swallowed it down, Sophie wished she could be that woman. She wished she had the courage to be that defiant and damn the consequences. She aspired to have the strength to hold her head up and spit in his face, but the hard reality was that she didn’t have it. Sophie was terrified about what Jared would do if she acted with such intentional insolence. Or at least, she was half terrified and half blinded by depraved lust, and the half that reacted with fear and anxiety was—thankfully—in control of her actions at the moment.

  Maybe there would be a time for that independent, defiant side of her to shine. Maybe, when the opportunity was right, she could rise up and get the hell away from Jared. Get back to the sanctuary of her house. Back to her children. That thought expanded in her chest until she couldn’t take another breath.

  That was her motivation now.

  Not gaining Jared’s fucking approval, not her own self-pity and not Jason—but Billy and Lucy. They needed her and for that reason, Sophie had to concentrate. She had to get through this, and until the chance to run presented itself, she’d have to do whatever she had to do to survive.

  “You’re quiet, little girl.”

  Jared’s voice woke her from her self-imposed stupor and she blinked up to find another spoonful of food waiting. Accepting it, Sophie pushed the mush south as quickly as she could. There was barely anything to chew now the cereal had collapsed into the milk.

  “I’m concentrating on eating like you asked me, Daddy,” she replied after the mouthful was gone.

  His gaze drilled into her, scrutinizing her responses until Sophie’s cheeks flamed afresh. “I’m very pleased to hear it,” he replied, already organizing the next spoon for her. “Daddy likes a good, obedient little girl.”

  Sophie bit back a groan as the spoon approached her mouth. Gazing fleetingly at the bowl, there were probably at least another three mouthfuls to go before the breakfast ordeal would be over, and as she parted her lips, she began to wonder how she was ever going to endure it.

  Chapter Eleven


  Sophie was just finishing up her final mouthful when he received the text. Glancing down at his phone, Jared read the message quickly.

  I’m here. Are you going to let me the fuck in?

  Jared rolled his eyes at Daniel’s text. It was just like his old friend to be so polite, but Jared supposed he couldn’t blame him. Jared had already removed the doorbell. He had no wish to be disturbed now that his little girl had arrived.

  Glancing back to Sophie, Jared found her large brown orbs on him. Clearly, she was waiting for an explanation. One he had no intention of offering her.

  “Good girl,” he said, rising to tower over Sophie. “You sit tight whilst Daddy answers the door.”

  That sent her into a spin, her wrists pulling hard at the pink cuffs while her head turned to follow his departure from the room.

  “The door, Daddy?” she cried out, but Jared only smiled as he closed the kitchen door behind him.

  He needed to keep the house warm for her and anyhow, Sophie had no need to see or hear what was going on. Hadn’t he already told her that Daniel was going to pop in and give her a once over this morning? The answer was that he had, though after all the scorching sex they’d enjoyed in the interim, it was possible she’d just forgotten.

  Pacing to the front door, Jared eased back the bolt at the top of the frame, before retrieving the keys from his pocket and releasing the two other locks that secured the door. Jared pulled it open to find Daniel’s irritated scowl waiting for him.

  “About bloody time,” he snapped while he barged past Jared, bag in hand. “It’s freezing.”

  Jared shook his head at Daniel’s melodramatic performance. “Try putting on some layers?” he suggested as he closed the door and began the process of locking them back in.

  “It’s like Fort Knox in here,” Daniel said with a laugh.

  Jared nodded. Right. It was. “I just need to make sure everything that belongs to me stays where it’s supposed to be.”

  He was smirking as he pushed the key back into his pocket, his thoughts turning back to Sophie on instinct. A picture of her bound and clamped body popped into his mind, thickening his cock in an instant.

  “And that means taking the appropriate measures.”

  “Of course,” Daniel replied with a grin. “And how is your guest doing this morning?”

  Jared checked the watch at his wrist. Was it still morning? At nearly eleven, he supposed it still was, though there was no doubt his and Sophie’s late bedtime had thrown his body clock out of sync a little.

  “That’s for you to confirm,” he told Daniel, gesturing for him to follow. “But she seems fine.”

  Very fine, actually.

  “Getting her into a routine, are we?” Daniel’s dark blond eyebrow rose at his quip and Jared sniggered.

  “Something like that. She’s in the kitchen.” He paused, allowing Daniel to go ahead.

  Daniel knew Jared’s house well enough to navigate without direction and Jared watched as he pushed the kitchen door open, his gaze falling immediately to Sophie.

  Daniel glanced back at him, shaking his head slowly. “You’re one sick fuck. You know that, don’t you?”

  Jared laughed, the sound reverberating around the shadowy hall as he made his way to join Daniel in the warmth of the kitchen. “Perhaps,” he answered, closing the door before his gaze also fell to Sophie.

  Her eyes were like saucers as she took in the look of Daniel, her hands balling into fists where the cuffs held them in place.

  “You remember Daniel, don’t you, Sophie?” Jared asked, moving toward her.

  She sucked her lower lip between her teeth, eyeing them both with obvious trepidation. “Yes, D-daddy.”

  It seemed as though she was having trouble addressing him correctly in front of company and the thought amused Jared. There would be no mitigation for that now. Sophie knew what he expected.

  “Good.” He stroked her collarbone as Daniel placed the bag he’d been carrying on the chair Jared had vacated. “He’s going to check you over after all your excitement yesterday.”

  Daniel pulled out his stethoscope. “How are you today, Sophie?”

  Sophie’s breath caught at the question, her gaze flitting back to Jared. His cock strained at the expression on her face. She was looking to him for approval—wanting to know how to respond—and that fact alone made him hard.

  “Answer, please, little girl.” Jared folded his arms over his chest, demonstrating his displeasure at her hesitation and it was enough to startle her.

  “I-I don’t know,” she stammered. “Okay, I think.”

  “Sir.” Jared raised an eyebrow while he corrected her and Sophie flushed further.

  The gesture was absolutely fucking beautiful.

  She swallowed, her gaze darting from Daniel before returning to Jared. In her eyes, she attempted to implore Jared. Evidently, she wanted to call Daniel sir even less than she wanted to call him Daddy, but that was tough. This was
no longer about what Sophie wanted.

  It was about what she needed and how Jared was going to deliver it.

  “Okay, I think, sir.” Sophie mumbled the words into her bib in the end, her cheeks burning a fetching shade of crimson.

  Daniel nodded, but his grin told Jared just how much he’d enjoyed Sophie’s supplication, as well. He threw the stethoscope around his neck, taking a step in her direction.

  “I love the bib,” he commented with a chuckle before he turned to Jared. “But it’s going to have to go, I’m afraid. I can’t listen to her chest properly with it there.”

  Jared tapped his foot against the tiles. “So, listen beneath it then,” he quipped. “Isn’t that what you’d normally do.”

  Daniel’s lips curled. “I could put the scope underneath, but I’m afraid I might disturb these wonderful clamps in the process.”

  Jared laughed again. “That’s a chance I am personally willing to take. Sophie still has her milk to drink, and the bib doesn’t come off until breakfast is over.”

  “It’s your show,” Daniel said with a smile. “I’ll work around the bib.”

  Falling to his knees in front of Sophie, he grasped the end of the stethoscope in his hand, before reaching for the bib covering her chest. She recoiled against the hard back of the chair, trying to avoid Daniel’s touch, but naturally, there was nowhere for her to go. Daniel lifted the side of the fabric, pulling it a couple of inches so that he could slide the end of the scope underneath. Of course, the inevitable consequence of the deed was that Daniel lifted the clamps, pulling them cruelly against her tender tits and Sophie squealed as the pain registered.

  “Shhh.” Daniel’s tone was curt. “I need to listen.”

  Jared took a step closer. “Do as you’re told, little girl.”

  Sophie glanced up at Jared with large, anxious eyes, the hurt of the clamps written all over her face and instinctively, Jared wanted to bury his growing erection back down the length of her throat.

  Daniel shifted the scope, listening intently while Sophie’s gaze lowered from Jared’s hard expression. “Everything seems fine,” he agreed, pulling the ends of the stethoscope from his ears and discarding it beside the bowls on the table. “Any other side effects from the sedative?”

  He asked the question to Sophie directly as he finally reduced the tension on the clamps and let the bib fall back to her flesh.

  “I-I don’t think so. Sir.”

  Daniel lifted his head to address Jared. “Were there any?”

  Jared shook his head. “She had a headache and was thirsty when she first woke up, but no. I think she’s okay. Fancy a quick one while you’re here?”

  Daniel’s brow rose at the offer. “Sounds good,” he concluded. “I’ll put the kettle on whilst you help Sophie finish up.”

  The two men exchanged amused glances before Daniel stalked over to the kettle and Jared placed the bag on the floor, before resuming his place at the chair. Lifting the glass of milk from the table, he waved it under Sophie’s nose.

  “Open up now.”

  Her chest rose rapidly at the instruction, but her lips parted and slowly, Jared tipped the milk into her mouth. He gave her just enough, watching her swallow it down before he helped her to take more. Sophie was quiet while she accepted the drink, though her expression told him it probably wouldn’t be her beverage of choice.

  “You love it, don’t you?” Daniel’s question interrupted Jared’s focus, and he lifted the glass away from Sophie’s lips before he glanced back to his friend.


  “You fucking well know what!” Daniel answered with a snort. “All this Daddy shit. This doing everything for her.”

  Jared grinned in response. “You know I do, and the best thing is, little Sophie loves it, too.”

  “Does she?” Daniel fired the question at him while he arranged cups on the counter. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Her cunt says she does.” Jared licked his lips, the memory of Sophie’s pussy bolstering his already burgeoning arousal. “She’s constantly hot and bothered for me, aren’t you, little girl?”

  He turned back to Sophie, his gaze devouring her flushed face and the way the clamps still held her nipples in place. She was delectable.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She pushed the words out in one long rush of air, her gaze apparently unable to meet either man’s.

  “I’m not sure that’s the same as consent,” Daniel mused, pouring the boiling water into the cups. “But still.”

  Jared lifted the glass again, helping Sophie to drain more of the milk. “It’s a little late for a crisis of conscience, Doctor.”

  Daniel snorted, carrying the cups over toward the table. Placing them down, he came to stand next to Sophie’s chair. “You’re right on that score. I’m part of this circus now, whether I like it or not.”

  Jared tipped the remainder of the milk into Sophie’s throat, watching proudly as she swallowed it down. In the end, she had taken all of her breakfast with little in the way of complaint.

  “That’s right,” he told Daniel as he placed the glass down on the table beside him. “You are.”

  Jared lifted his head to focus on Daniel’s face. “And you know I don’t usually share well, but for you mate, I’ll make an exception.”

  Daniel’s grin widened. “Tell me more.”

  “Well, it’s about time I fucked Sophie again. Do you care to join me?”

  Jared noticed the look of shock and horror on his little girl’s face at his question, but he ignored it, choosing to focus only on Daniel.

  “Oh, I would love to,” he said, oozing understandable enthusiasm for the prospect. “What did you have in mind?”

  Jared turned back to Sophie. Her face had blanched into a whiter shade of pale. “D-daddy?”

  Jared pressed his index finger to her lips. “Shhh,” he reminded her. “Little girls do not interrupt when the men are speaking.”

  She pulled in a shaky breath, her eyes fluttering at the admonishment, yet she obeyed, and he watched while Sophie pressed her lips into a hard line. Apparently, she didn’t like the order, but she had at least complied and her obedience was starting to make Jared heady.

  “I’m thinking we take her upstairs, bind her and take both ends at the same time.” Jared smiled at the prospect he described. “Plus, I have to get her new butt plug into place, too.”

  He turned to Daniel. “You can help.”

  Sophie gasped, an audible sound that drew both of the men’s attention, but Daniel only clapped his hands together.

  “Gladly,” he agreed with glee. “I have a couple of hours before I’m back on duty.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Panic was making it difficult to think straight. In fact, the urgency swelling in Sophie’s chest was so consuming it was almost becoming difficult to hear the sound of her pounding heart.

  Both of them?

  Jared had just given the other one, Daniel, permission to fuck her, too—at the same time as Jared, no less—as though Jared even had that right in the first place. Sophie had rarely even contemplated being fucked by two men at the same time and as she dragged her gaze over them both, she decided then and there that there was no way she could manage. She’d never be able to cope. They were both huge. Too tall, too big and if Jared was anything to go by, too damn large for her. Sophie’s body just wasn’t designed for such debauchery.

  Jared was working on the cuffs which secured her to the chair, his attention at the buckles while he and Daniel chatted. It was like she wasn’t there at all. A thing to be tied down and clamped, but not to be involved in any of the conversations. The thought riled Sophie, gnawing at her insides, though even as her irritation rose, she knew the objectification also had her worked up for other reasons. On some perverse level, she liked it. She wanted to be ignored unless they were enjoying her, using her, fucking her—but—wait, that didn’t make sense.

  None of it did.

p you get then.”

  Sophie lifted her chin to find Jared gazing down at her, one large palm thrust out in her direction. She raised her arms, thrilled that they were finally free, although the cuffs still sat snugly at her wrists as she gripped onto Jared’s hand.

  “Those clamps look like they’re hurting.” Daniel grinned while he appraised her and all of a sudden, both were focused solely on her chest.

  “I’m sure they are,” agreed Jared.

  He reached behind her neck and untied the bib, allowing the thing to fall free at her chest. Even though the thing weighed barely anything, the motion provoked another sharp pain from Sophie’s nipples and she shrieked at the intensity of it.

  “Time to remove them then, little girl?”

  Sophie met Jared’s smirking expression with wide eyes. “Yes, Daddy. Please.”

  “Hands down,” he told her, “but no touching that pussy, baby. That belongs to me.”

  She blushed at the statement, her gaze flitting to the grinning Daniel as she complied with Jared’s command, and it was at that moment, when her attention was elsewhere, that Jared leaned forward and simultaneously removed both clamps. Acute pain flooded her brain as the sensitive tissue was freed and blood rushed back to her nipples. Sophie drew in a shaky breath in response. She had known it would hurt when the damn things were removed, but somehow, she’d forgotten just how stinging the pain would be.

  “Well done, Sophie,” Daniel praised as he lifted his hand and stroked her shoulder. “I bet that hurt like a bitch.”

  Sophie swallowed back on the first retort that came to mind, her gaze shifting between the two powerful-looking men who loomed over her. Not only were they both taller and physically stronger than her, but they were also free, while she remained bound at the ankles.

  “Take her upstairs.” Jared spoke to Daniel directly. “To the room I decorated for her. I’ll be up in a few.”

  Daniel smiled. “You trust me with her, then?”

  “Shouldn’t I?” Jared shot him a fierce glare. “We’re practically family, aren’t we?”


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