Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 8

by Felicity Brandon

  “Of course we are,” Daniel confirmed. “The closest thing I ever had to a brother.”

  Jared’s lips curled. “Right. So, I trust you. Just take her up there and get her arms bound behind her back again. You can use the mechanism on the cuffs.”

  He reached for Sophie’s left wrist, lifting it for Daniel to see.

  “Okay,” Daniel replied, his attention shifting back to her heated cheeks. “I’ll get her ready.”

  “Carry her over your shoulder,” Jared suggested as he piled the spoons into the bowls and carried the dirty crockery over to the sink. “She can just about hobble in the ankle cuffs, but while it’s fun to watch, it’ll take forever to get her up there, and it’s not very safe.”

  Daniel nodded, eyeing the chain between Sophie’s feet.

  “And don’t even think about fucking her.” Jared’s tone was playful but even Sophie could hear the edge in his voice. He meant it. There was no doubt about that. “At least not until I get there.”

  “Got it.” Daniel moved in front of her, his blue eyes sparkling with malicious intent, and for one moment, Sophie thought about escape again.

  She glanced nervously toward the door, contemplating how fast she could shuffle in its direction, but of course, that kind of concept was futile. Sophie had run yesterday and it had only landed her in more trouble. She wasn’t sure she could deal with being punished by both of them as well as everything else.

  “Come on then…” Daniel waited for Sophie’s gaze to fall over him again. “Let’s go, little girl.”

  He reached for her thighs, lifting her with apparent ease before throwing her up and over his shoulder in the same way Jared had done numerous times before. Sophie went with a gasp, tensing as Daniel’s hand grasped at her arse.

  “See,” said Jared with a laugh. “I knew you’d get into it, too, Daniel.”

  Daniel returned his sentiment, chuckling while he spun around to reply. “I think not,” he told Jared. “But there’s no doubt I’m happy to borrow her for an hour or so.”

  He turned again, stalking away and entering the cooler confines of the hallway. Reaching the foot of the stairs, Daniel took them what seemed like two at a time before stalking up to the landing. He definitely seemed to know his way around Jared’s place.

  “So, this must be your room?” Daniel paused outside a door, but from her upside-down position Sophie couldn’t tell if they’d come to the right room or not.

  “I-I don’t know. Sir.” She clenched her pussy at the address, grateful that Daniel couldn’t see her face for once.

  Sophie had always fantasized about being compelled to call men sir, yet after a day of the Daddy shit with Jared, she couldn’t decide which was the more denigrating.

  They went inside and all at once, Sophie’s senses were filled with pink. Pink paint at the walls, pink curtains hanging from the windows and naturally, the God-awful fuchsia carpet at the floor.

  “Wow.” Daniel’s feet halted. “It sure is pink in here.”

  She actually smiled at that, her eyes blinking as he set her back on her feet.

  “Turn around.”

  It was only two words, yet the glower on Daniel’s face ensured Sophie’s smile evaporated and her feet moved, spinning so her back was to him.

  Sophie still wasn’t used to being naked in front of Jared, let alone Daniel, and now that she couldn’t see him, she was even more vulnerable.

  “Arms behind your back, Sophie.” Daniel sounded exasperated. “Come on, you heard Jared.”

  With a sigh, Sophie complied and as soon as her arms slid to the small of her back, Daniel’s large hands grabbed one cuff, connecting them together in a heartbeat.

  “Now, let’s look at you.”

  She shuffled back, coming to stand in front of him. Sophie’s breasts still ached like crazy from the place the clamps had ravaged them, and now the bondage was forcing them out in Daniel’s direction. He smiled, reaching instinctively for her and massaging the aching mounds.

  “You are so hot, Sophie.” Daniel took a step toward her. “I might not be into all this Daddy crap like Jared, but I’m not blind to what he’s trying to achieve with you. You’re wonderful.”

  Sophie craned her head, catching the dark glint in his eyes. Daniel wanted her. That much was undeniable and the way moisture was pooling between her legs, it seemed the lust was reciprocated. She swallowed as that realization washed over her.

  What the fuck was wrong with her?

  She’d had more sex in the last day than she had in most months, yet somehow, standing in bondage in front of Daniel, all Sophie could think about was being fucked again. Being fucked by Daniel. About the size and shape of his cock. About how he’d feel when it thrust into her. How he’d taste.

  She inhaled while those questions lingered.

  “Thank you, sir.” That was easier to say than she’d imagined and Daniel’s lips curled at the response.

  “I’m going to enjoy fucking you, Sophie,” he told her in a whispered tone. “I can’t wait to have your mouth around my crown, or the lips of your cunt. I don’t mind which.”

  Daniel held her gaze while he spoke, his gaze brimming with desire, and for the life of her, Sophie couldn’t look away. She was enthralled. Captivated by the man almost as much as Jared. As though her captor had read her mind, he appeared in the doorway a moment later, closing the distance between them in just a few long strides.

  “What are you two up to?” he growled.

  Daniel turned, greeting his friend with a smile. “Nothing to worry about, Jared,” he told him. “I was just warming her up for you.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Jared’s cock strained against his pants as he sauntered into the room. He wanted Sophie again, but this time he was going to share her—to show her off to his oldest friend, Daniel—and for whatever reason that thought excited him exponentially.

  “So long as that’s all you’re doing,” he mused, coming to stand beside them.

  Jared reached for Sophie. Daniel had bound her wrists behind her back as he’d suggested, and the look of her tits jutting out in front of her ratcheted up his arousal by about twenty times. But before he could indulge in her sweet sex again, there was one important job that needed his attention.

  “I want you kneeling over the bed.” Jared glowered as he gave the order, and the way she inhaled assured him that Sophie had heard.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She turned, hobbling toward the pink covers before falling to her knees and shuffling into position.

  “Very nice.” Daniel beamed beside him.

  “Yes, she is,” Jared agreed. “But Sophie isn’t just there for our viewing pleasure. I need to get that pretty little butt plug into place.”

  There was a desperate whimper from Sophie at that, the response curling Jared’s lips.

  “Perhaps you can go and sit by her, mate?” he suggested to Daniel. “Use some of that incredible bedside manner of yours?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Sure,” he replied, already strolling toward the bed.

  Taking a seat by Sophie’s head, he gazed down at her, stroking her shoulder softly. A spike of envy sparked in Jared’s chest, but he fought to push the emotion away. This was Daniel—a man he trusted implicitly—and one who was only acting on Jared’s own suggestion.

  “It’s okay, Sophie.” Daniel’s tone was little more than a murmur. “I’m sure Jared has lots of nice lube to get you ready.”

  “I do.” Jared was grinning when he stalked to the dresser, finding both the plug and the lube he required. He pulled the three-inch plug from its packaging, holding the thing up in the air for his friend to see. It was the smallest on the market, and the part which would be revealed between Sophie’s cheeks was jeweled, the light reflecting from it at various angles.

  Jared turned and headed in the direction of his little girl. Lowering to his knees, he edged her knees wider before pumping some lubricant onto his fingers. “Just try and relax, Sophie.�

  She sniffled at his words, her head turning in Daniel’s direction. “I-I don’t know how, Daddy.”

  “Nice deep breaths,” Daniel informed her. “Let Jared get you moist and ready and then he can start with his fingers.”

  Jared laughed. “Hey, who’s running this show?”

  Daniel shot him a playful glare. “You asked me to participate,” Daniel reminded him. “I’m just offering some reassurance.”

  Jared rolled his eyes. “Naturally.”

  Easing her cheeks apart, his breathing accelerated as his lubricated fingertip circled her tight little rose bud. Fuck, Sophie was hot, and Jared absolutely could not wait until he got to claim that arse for himself.

  “Where’s that deep breath for me?”

  Sophie panted as though he’d demanded it. “I’m trying, Daddy.”

  She inhaled with a shaky breath, her eyes fluttering while Daniel eased the loose strands of hair from her face. On her second exhalation, Jared slid his finger into her. Sophie mewled, her hands fisting under the cuffs as he took possession of her virgin hole. Jared’s already excited cock swelled when she clamped down around the digit, and instinctively, his attention shifted to Daniel.

  “She’s so fucking tight.”

  “Of course,” Daniel chortled. “Add some more lube and press on. The sooner you get her used to it, the faster she’ll enjoy being fucked there.”

  Jared smiled at his friend’s verdict. Daniel was right. He smoothed more lubricant over his finger and pumped in and out of her at a faster rate. Sophie moaned, her breathing quickening and the muscles of her legs and behind tensing all at once, as though she were trying to throw him out. But that was futile. Jared was reveling in the sensation of her hot, tight channel, and he couldn’t wait to see it adorned with the plug.

  “Lube the plug up for me, will you?” Jared threw the tube of lubricant in Daniel’s direction while he gestured toward the lucky implement which would soon be shoved inside his little girl.

  Daniel grinned, reaching for the plug before he obliged Jared. Jared pressed into her a little further, nodding as his friend smothered the pink plastic in lube.

  “The plug is going to be a little wider, baby.” Jared leaned closer to Sophie. “Not much, but a little, so I’ll need you to be brave when you take those deep breaths.”

  Sophie’s stare was fixed on him, her eyes large and anxious. “Please, Daddy.”

  Fuck, she was so sexy when she pleaded.

  “Please, don’t make me wear it.”

  Jared smiled at her. “You’re wearing it, little girl, so I suggest you do as I say and make it easier on yourself.”

  She bit her lip, the gesture breaking what looked like a sullen pout which had decorated her face.

  “Are you ready?”

  Sophie pulled a breath in. “I-I don’t know.”

  Daniel laughed. “She’s ready,” he determined, his hand tightening around her blonde pigtails. “Get the thing in her so we can all have some fun.”

  Jared rolled his eyes again at Daniel’s impatience. “You can’t rush these things,” he told Daniel. “This is Sophie’s first time. Isn’t that right, Sophie?” He eased his finger out of her, swatting both of her cheeks for good measure.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Right, so time to make Daddy proud. Show me another deep breath.”

  A strangled noise escaped her lips, but she complied and Jared took a moment to watch as she obeyed.

  “Good. And once more, little girl.” His gaze flitted to Daniel as he took the plug from him. The thing was so well-lubed it was almost impossible to hold. Jared spread her left cheek, angling the head of the plug at the place his finger had been.

  Predictably, Sophie’s body tensed when the plug pressed against her.

  “Relax, Sophie.” It was Daniel’s purring tone that chastised her, and Jared watched while Sophie fought to comply.

  He eased the plug into position as she exhaled, guiding it slowly into place while she struggled and panted over the bed.

  “Daddy!” she gasped, her muscles trying to reject the intrusion. “Please, no.”

  Daniel’s fist held her head steady. “It will be over in a moment,” he told her. “Just keep breathing.”

  And of course, Daniel was right. At only three inches in length and with the copious amount of lubrication in place, the plug didn’t take long to pop into place, the gasp that left Sophie’s lips when it did nearly causing an early eruption.

  “Oh God!”

  Jared smiled, inhaling to compose himself. “Well done, baby.”

  He patted her arse gently. “You’re all plugged and pretty now. Take a look, Daniel.”

  Daniel rose from his place and towered over Jared. His smile broke into a wide grin as he assessed the gleaming jewel now lodged between her cheeks. “Now, that is hot.”

  And Jared could only agree.

  It was super sexy.

  “How is it, Sophie?”

  He noticed the way her eyes widened at his query. “Strange, Daddy,” she squeaked.

  “Does it hurt?” Daniel asked.

  Sophie shook her head. “No, sir. It’s just…”

  Jared tilted his head at her hesitation. “What, baby?”

  She glanced up at him. “I feel full.”

  Jared laughed. He bet that she did. “On your knees now, Sophie.”

  She rose onto her knees, shuffling around to face them both.

  “Good girl.” He wanted to praise her. Sophie had taken the plug well for her first time. “Hobble onto the rug for us. It’s time to play.”

  She blinked in his direction for a moment, but there was no query in her eyes, and when she shuffled into position and turned to nod at Jared, he was only aware of one emotion burning in her gaze.


  Pure, unbridled lust, and Jared’s eyes widened with the realization.

  He’d got a sense that Sophie was even more passionate than she’d let on during their online chats. Dirtier; more carnal than she cared to admit, but even the last twenty-four hours hadn’t convinced Jared that she’d be so willing to participate in this impromptu threesome. Christ knows he was pleased to see the desire etched in her features, and ignoring the spike of envy that threatened to rise at the thought that she craved Daniel, as well as him, Jared grinned while Sophie lowered to the carpet below.

  “I have to hand it to you.” Daniel’s voice was rasping with obvious need. “She is absolutely fucking gorgeous.”

  Jared ran his tongue over his lower lip, pride swelling in his chest. Even though it didn’t make any sense to be proud of Sophie. She wasn’t truly his—not yet. Maybe one day she would be. Perhaps in the future she’d be as enthralled with Jared as he was with her, but while he reveled in her position and the power he had over her, Jared wasn’t a fool. He knew she would bolt and be out of the door as fast as her pretty little legs would carry her if she were given half the chance. Jared was well aware that he hadn’t climbed inside her head yet. Not really. Not to the point where she ate, slept and breathed him.

  And that’s what Jared wanted.

  He yearned to be the oxygen Sophie needed to survive.

  The very reason she opened her eyes in the morning, and the final thing she thought about before she closed them again at night.

  “You’re right.” Jared reached for his zipper, lowering the metal to reveal his engorged cock. “And she’s not only gorgeous, but good with her mouth and a fast learner.”

  Daniel beamed at that. “Fabulous.”

  He gestured toward Jared. “After you.”

  Jared grabbed at her pigtails and yanked Sophie in his direction. His cock swelled at the way her lips parted before he even had to ask and he impaled her with his long shaft, forcing it straight down her throat. Sophie blinked up at him, panic blooming in her eyes, but Jared didn’t pull away. Instead he held her there, gagging around his cock for a moment longer, lust tightening in his balls at the power they had over Sophie. Naked
and with her wrists behind her, Sophie was powerless to resist the intrusion of his cock, and even though Jared knew she could breathe well enough through her nostrils, her discomfort at his performance was more than evident. And it was intoxicating. Her displeasure only helping to ramp up his desire until he finally pulled away.

  Sophie gasped, but only for a few seconds before Jared lunged back into her hot, wet mouth again. This time he made short, insistent thrusts between her lips, yet still he held on to her with the beribboned pigtails clutched in each hand.

  “How’s her gag reflex?” Daniel freed his erection with the question, fisting it while he waited for Jared’s response.

  The tip of Jared’s cock grazed the back of Sophie’s throat again, eliciting her usual spluttering reaction, but he held her tight. “Improving,” he growled. “Improving each and every time I fuck her face.”

  Daniel smiled at Jared’s answer. “Perfect.” He shifted, angling his cock in Sophie’s direction. “May I try?”

  Jared eased from her mouth and paced behind Sophie. Holding a fistful of both pigtails, he restrained her head so that Daniel could take his place, and they both towered over Sophie’s kneeling form while Daniel plunged between her lips. Sophie groaned at the newest intrusion, but the pressure of Jared’s fist in her hair kept her exactly where she needed to be for Daniel to take his fill.

  “Oh fuck.” Daniel’s eyes squeezed closed. “That’s it, Sophie. Take all of me.”

  Jared’s lips curled at Daniel’s breathy response. Somehow, it was reassuring to know he wasn’t the only one captivated by the little girl, and watching the two of them, it was obvious that Sophie drove Daniel wild with passion. Just like she did to him. Daniel’s cock pumped in and out of her mouth, claiming it over and over, her bound body pinioned between the looming bodies of both men.

  “I need her cunt again.” Jared snarled the words in Daniel’s direction, their gazes locking for a moment before his friend gradually withdrew from her throat.

  Sophie gasped, but Jared’s grasp meant there was nowhere for her to go. She was forced to kneel there, precum and saliva decorating her chin while the men planned their next move.


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