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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

Page 13

by Felicity Brandon

  Sophie’s attention shifted to the deed she knew she had to do. Jared could see the tension in her shoulders and back as he stepped back and allowed her body room to turn. Later, he would massage that stress away again—just like he’d done last night—but now he wanted his little girl in place in her new space. It was going to be incredible.

  “In you go.” He swatted her arse gently while Sophie pressed her palms inside the pen for the first time, her fingers delving into the fake fur Jared had lined it with.

  Jared’s digits lingered at the curve of her behind, sinking down between her cheeks. Sophie was gorgeous and a part of him still couldn’t believe she was his. A shot of adrenaline coursed through him as the triumph washed over Jared again.

  She was his.

  He inhaled broadly when her body finally disappeared inside, securing the gate closed behind her and locking the small padlock that was going to keep it closed until it was time to release his little girl. She gasped at the sound of the gate shutting, scuttling around on all fours to examine the padlock. Jared smiled; with the pigtails and the pacifier, plus her pert round breasts and plugged arse, Sophie was literally like a living, breathing fantasy. Life was going to be a permanent hard-on from now on.

  “I want you in the middle of the playpen now, little girl.” His voice echoed over her while he rose back to his full height. “It’s up to you if you sit on that pert little bottom or kneel, but make your choice, Sophie and make it fast.”

  Sophie glanced up at him, nodding, her face visible behind the slim, black metal bars. She settled on her backside, with her legs crossed in front of her and Jared imagined how much that position would be pressing against the plug already stretching the one place he had yet to claim. He inhaled at the thought, his arousal was burgeoning so fast it was becoming a distraction. Jared stepped toward the pen, falling to one knee by the door. There were large holes built in on all four sides of the pen. Big enough for him to reach in and secure Sophie’s bondage, and maybe even big enough for him to fuck her through one day. He smiled at the thought.

  “Give me your right hand, little girl.”

  Sophie’s focus was back on him and slowly, she reached out her right hand. Jared reached for her, too, his palms grasping her fragile little wrist and pulling it north in the direction of the black cuff that was waiting for it. Naturally, Jared would have preferred pink cuffs for his little girl, but there had to be exceptions for this room. Everything here had to be monochromatic and there were to be no concessions. Jared was fastidious about these things. The small details meant everything.

  She whimpered behind the pacifier while he secured her small wrist into the cuff, before he rose, strode to the other side and demanded Sophie’s left arm. She delivered it with reticence, but not even her hesitation could spoil Jared’s mood, and once both of her arms were secured in the cuffs, he sauntered around to look at her from the front of the pen.

  Fuck. Jared’s cock throbbed at the sight which met his eyes. Sophie was phenomenal. Kneeling, he reached inside and released the lock that held the chain in place between her ankles.

  “Open your legs, little girl.” He purred the command to her. “Daddy wants to see what belongs to him while he works.”

  Not that Jared suspected he was going to be getting much work done at this rate. He was so damn horny, he’d probably have to jerk off behind the desk.

  Sophie’s eyes fluttered and she moved gingerly inside the metal construction. Pulling against the cuffs, her upper body took the weight as she shifted her legs beneath her, stretching them out to either side of the fur lined pen. It wasn’t quite wide enough for Sophie to straighten them, but she did her best and when she leaned back, Jared could make out her plump, wet pussy lips.

  “Very nice.” He stroked the front of his trousers reflexively. “Now, you stay right there, baby, while Daddy works.”

  That torturous strangled sound that always ratcheted up his arousal another ten-fold escaped from behind Sophie’s pacifier when he sunk into his black, executive chair and taking one lingering look at the woman bound and gagged in the corner of his lounge, Jared turned to his paperwork.


  This was it then. Sophie’s denigration was complete. As it turned out, she had been right about the cage. Nothing that had happened so far had been as bad as this. Being bound to both beds had been trying and at times, more than uncomfortable, but Jared had always brought her pleasure there in the end. The humiliating ordeal that had been supper and breakfast had been fairly torturous, but at least Jared had been trying to look after her. He'd fed her, he’d taken care of her—but what the fuck was this?

  This cage—this contraption—was a thing erected only to contain and humiliate her. Sophie’s own personal, perverted little prison and now, here she was, spread-eagled and bound inside the thing, while her mouth was quieted by the embarrassing pacifier held there by the leather strap around her head. She glanced left and right, tugging at the black leather that restricted her arms, but it was useless. The cuffs weren’t tight enough to hurt, but they certainly worked. Sophie was going nowhere and even if she could have freed her arms, she was still locked inside this damn construction.

  “How is it, little girl?”

  She turned back toward the desk opposite the cage to find Jared watching her. His blue eyes sparkled at the sight of her fate, and she was willing to bet he had a raging erection as a result. Her gaze flitted down to between her legs. If truth be told, Sophie was soaked with need. This was probably wetter than she’d ever been before, and while there was nothing she could do to offer her throbbing clit any stimulation without landing herself in even deeper trouble, she realized she’d have done virtually anything to garner some right now.

  Sophie rolled her head back against the metal.

  She was so desperate to come.

  “That good, huh?” Jared answered his own question with a chuckle. “Well, that’s good to know, baby, because Daddy will be expecting you to spend time in your pen whenever I’m in this room. And that means some evenings, too, if I want to watch the game or unwind in some other way.”

  She straightened, meeting his eyes despite the embarrassment of the gag.

  “Unless I need you for something else, of course.” Jared smiled. “Daddy will likely want a blow job in the evenings, but then, once you’ve been useful, you’ll go right back in your pen, and unsatisfied, as well. Unless you’ve impressed me with your behavior during the day.”

  Oh God.

  Her hips rolled forward as though her clitoris had a mind of its own and had heard Jared’s warning. Oh God, Sophie would never survive this. Forget escape—what a ridiculous notion. There was no escaping this.

  How the hell was she supposed to escape when the fucker had her caged and bound the majority of the time? There was probably no way to even get out of the bloody house, and even if there were—even if the front door were wide open— Sophie could barely think. She was so tightly wound with need, that her core actually ached. Sophie had never known arousal like it. She hadn’t even known it existed—to be kept in a permanent state of desperation, where she was on the edge all the time. It was more than just maddening. It was plain cruel.

  “Yeah, I thought you’d like that idea.” Jared’s laughter bounced around the interior of the room and Sophie’s gaze shifted away from him.

  She could no longer look at his smug, gleeful face and she no longer wanted to hear the resonance of his voice. Yes, it could bring tenderness and pleasure, but on the whole, it only brought her frustration and shame. Sophie forced herself to take slow, measured draws of breath through her nostrils. From her peripheral vision, she saw Jared’s attention returning to his work. He opened his laptop and began to type, and grateful, Sophie collapsed against her right shoulder. She was starting to lose the feeling in her arse, and she swore the plug was being pushed deeper inside her this way, but there was nothing to be done about it. Sophie would just have to endure.

  Wait and e

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  To say Sophie was a distraction was an understatement. To have her sitting there, limbs spread and penned in was exhilarating enough, but every time Jared glanced up, he caught sight of the pink pacifier and his cock screamed at him for relief. It wanted to push that pacifier aside and bury itself down Sophie’s throat. It wanted to pound that sodden pussy over and over until she screamed, and it wanted to replace the pretty little princess plug that was currently residing in her virgin arse.


  Jared blew out a breath and closed the laptop as a fresh wave of desire surged through him. He hadn’t achieved half of what he’d wanted to do, and he couldn’t even bring himself to make a phone call, but it was no use. If there was an art to working while you were strung out and horny, then clearly Jared needed to learn it, because right now, there was only Sophie.

  Everything he could see was Sophie. Her flushing cheeks and those fluttering brown eyes. Her exposed breasts that were just begging for his clothespins and that delectable pussy which was so finely on display. All he smelt was her, the intoxicating scent of her arousal capturing him even from his place behind the desk, and all he could hear was her. Jared had no idea if the noises were reflexive, but Sophie kept making the cutest little mewls behind the gag, and every time Jared heard them, he wanted to rip the thing from her lips and claim her again.

  Sophie was everything and everywhere. She was the very air he needed to breathe and Jared knew one thing for certain, if he didn’t have her again, he was going to explode.

  Rising from his desk, he strode toward the door of the pen. Her gaze was on him at once, her eyes wide where they’d previously been closed for the majority of the time she’d been enclosed in the metal structure.

  “How is it, baby?” He hadn’t asked her for a while, but as she turned toward him now, Jared could see the hunger in her eyes.

  Without thinking, he reached inside the pen and tugged the pacifier from between her lips. Sophie licked at them, her gaze on him while he reached inside his pocket for the key to the padlock.

  “I hate it, Daddy.”

  He smirked at that. “You do not hate it, little girl.”

  Jared could barely believe how raspy his voice was. Had he ever been as horny as this before? “I bet you’ve drenched the bottom of the fur in that playpen. I bet your cunt is so wet it’s dribbling everywhere?”

  Sophie eyed him, but where he might have expected embarrassment at his assessment, he found only lust. Her pupils were large, her lips parting as she drew her head back. Sophie was like some sort of bound goddess.

  “It’s wet, Daddy,” she admitted, capturing her lip between her white teeth. “It’s so wet for you.”

  Jared shoved the small key into the padlock and twisted it quickly, pulling the gate open to begin work on the cuff nearest him. “Don’t worry, little girl.”

  He met her gaze as her wrist slipped from the cuff and fell to her side. “Daddy’s here and now he’s going to fuck you so hard.”

  She panted at his promise, her focus moving with him while he rounded the pen and started working on Sophie’s left cuff. A moment later, she was free.

  “Out.” Jared barked the order and watched while she scrambled to obey.

  Crawling from the pen, Sophie emerged just in time for his arrival at the entrance again, her neck craning to meet his eyes.

  “You can stay down there,” he told her, already releasing his desperate cock.

  Jared would have liked to have had her clean it for him, or at least lap at his balls, but there was no time for that now. Not when this level of urgency was whipping around his system. Maybe he would have her do the job properly later, or maybe he wouldn’t. It barely mattered anymore. They had all the time in the world to revel in Sophie’s denigration.

  “Get over the coffee table.”

  He gestured behind him, Sophie’s gaze following in that direction before she crawled toward the piece as he’d instructed. Jared followed behind her, fisting his cock at the way her arse wiggled provocatively, revealing the sparkling end of the plug still wedged inside. When she reached the white table, she glanced over her shoulder at him.

  “Good girl.” Christ, he was practically panting when he dropped to his knees behind her. “Lean over it, spread those legs and brace yourself. Daddy is not going to be gentle.”

  Sophie didn’t respond, but she readied herself. Her knees splayed as her elbows took her weight against the furniture Jared had spent so many fucking hours choosing, and that was it. Jared could stand it no more. His cocktip pressed against her pussy and in one hard lunge, he impaled her. Sophie cried out at the intrusion, but it wasn’t the sound of complaint. Moreover, the grunts and groans coming from her lips when he withdrew and filled her up again were the sounds of pleasure and it buoyed him. Sophie needed this as much as he did. Naturally, he was sure she’d have still loved an orgasm, and perhaps if he was feeling generous he would oblige her later, but as he slammed into her delicious cunt he was certain this was what she needed too.

  To be filled up, to be possessed. To be fucking ravaged.

  And Jared was more than happy to give her what she needed.

  “Oh fuck.”

  He fell forward, clutching at the table while he pounded Sophie from behind. “Little girl, you feel so good.”

  Her head rolled back against his chest, her eyes closed. “Oh, Daddy.”

  Jared’s balls tightened at the way she said that. Somehow, it sounded even better now that he was screwing her. Even dirtier. More taboo.

  “Yes, Daddy. Fuck me, please.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut at the hunger in her voice, his hips stilling. “Do you need Daddy’s cock, baby?” Jared breathed the words into her hair. “Do you need Daddy to fuck you?”

  Sophie pushed her hips back against him, effectively screwing him back. “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, don’t stop. Give it to me, Daddy!”

  Jared grabbed her pigtails, and yanking Sophie’s head back, he plowed into her. He’d never known anything like it. The sensation as Sophie’s heat enveloped him was so good—too good—that he was soon toppling toward the abyss.


  He gritted his teeth like he wanted to hold the word in, but it was no use. The pursuit was as futile as Jared’s vain attempt to hold back the tsunami of pleasure, and when it landed, he could barely catch his breath. Tensing over her, Jared wanted to collapse, but as he withdrew from her hot snatch, he realized something else; his cock was still harder than ever and like him, it wanted more. With a deep breath, Jared moved back, his attention falling to Sophie’s glorious behind. He tugged at the plug still sitting pretty inside her and instantly, he made up his mind. The plug had done its job. It had spent the last few hours opening Sophie up, stretching her and making her compliant, and now that her cunt had done such an incredible job of lubricating the area, he wanted to claim it for himself.

  Jared had to.

  “Deep breath, Sophie.”

  She glanced over her shoulder when he yanked harder at the end of the plug, her arse clenching around the thing instinctively and pulling it away from his hand. “Daddy!”

  Sophie’s gasp was breathy and desperate, the sound speaking to his throbbing cock directly.

  ‘Relax, little girl.” His tone was hard, but he didn’t want to frighten her. Not now. Now, Jared just wanted to fuck Sophie, over and over, until every inch of her was his. Until they were both completely spent.

  Forcing out a breath, her head fell forward and Jared seized the opportunity to slowly ease the plug from her backside. He lifted it into the light, inspecting the pink dildo and his lips curled at what he discovered.

  “Good girl,” he praised, pulling her cheeks wider. “Now you stay just where you are. This belongs to Daddy.”

  Jared lowered his face into the place the plug had been, burying his mouth between Sophie’s cheeks and lapping first at her sweet pussy, before rising
north to the hole he wanted to possess next. Sophie yelped at the change of tact, small whimpers escaping her lips while he ravaged her.

  “You like that, baby?” He drew away, kissing the curve of her arse.

  “Oh, God.” Sophie panted. “Oh my God, Daddy.”

  Jared chuckled. “Is that a yes, little girl?”

  He swatted her right cheek while he caressed the left with his lips, his erection growing at the groan that emanated from her.

  “Yes, Daddy, I...”

  Jared lifted his head to find Sophie twisting her neck to look at him with wide eyes. “What is it?”

  He wanted her again. He wanted her arse and by God, he was going to have it, but regardless, he wanted Sophie to enjoy the subjugation. Just like she’d enjoyed the bonds and the spanking and every other blissful act he’d willed upon her since yesterday morning. Jared would get what he wanted, and Sophie would get what she needed.

  Even if she didn’t know it yet.

  “I’ve never…” Sophie hesitated, blinking at him as the words seemed to fail her.

  Jared sniggered. “I know, little girl, but that doesn’t matter. Your arse belongs to me now. Just like every part of you.”

  Sophie’s eyes fluttered closed.

  “You want that, don’t you, baby?” Jared’s fingers eased between her cheeks, using his saliva to press back into her arse, and fuck, she was incredible as her muscles clamped down around the digits.

  “Oh God!”

  Her head fell toward her chest as though she could no longer bear its weight anymore. Or perhaps, it was merely the shame that sent it crashing down, Jared wasn’t sure. “Yes, Daddy.” Her voice was tiny. “I want it.”


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