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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

Page 3

by Caz May

  “Yeah,” I reply sheepishly, not meeting her eyes on mine, but again staring down at Ashton.

  Lorena’s voice breaks the silence. “They’re gods huh?”

  “What? Who?” I stammer, taking a big bite of my muesli bar and chewing loudly.

  “Ashton and Zeke, dufus. You can’t stop staring at them.”

  “Um yeah.…”

  She laughs, playfully poking me. “Tell me Tem. Ash or Zeke?”

  I gulp, nearly choking on my bite of muesli bar. “Ashton. But he’d never go for me.”

  “He might. He just broke up with his girlfriend.”

  My eyes boggle, but I shake my head. “Still, I’m not his type.”

  “You never know Tem,” she tells me smiling.

  “Yeah, and please Lo, can you call me Te. I want to start new. It’s hard enough coming back without people thinking about the old me.”

  “No worries, Te,” she replies smiling. “So I hear there’s a party at some year twelve guys house on Friday.”

  “And? Wouldn’t we need to be invited?”

  “No, dufus. So many people go to these things. We just show up, and get Ashton to notice you by you wearing something sexy.”

  “I don’t think so, Lorena. I just want to lay low. You know, Friday night in.”

  “Oh Te, come on. It’ll be fun, and we can crash at yours after.”

  “Lo, I don’t know. I don’t think Dad would be happy about me going to a party.”

  “Then we won’t tell him.”

  “Yeah, I guess. He does have a date with his new lady friend on Friday night.”

  “Then it’s sorted. I’ll come over after school, and once your Dad leaves we’ll get ready.”

  “Um, ok I guess. I’ll just have to make sure it’s ok for you to sleep over.”

  “Great, I’m so excited. It will be just like old times. I’ve missed you so much Te.”

  “I’ve missed you to,” I reply standing up when the bell goes.

  We walk past the students still milling around on the basketball court, and this time my staring makes Ashton catch my eye as he slips his white t-shirt back on. I lick my lips, and he glares at me, anger flaring in his grey-blue eyes that makes my stomach hurt.

  I don’t know what I did to deserve that look, but it both scares and excites me.

  I think the best idea—despite what Lorena thinks—is to steer clear of Ashton Castello, even though I feel like I’m drawn to him, like a moth to a flame.



  Physical education is my last class for a Monday, and most of the time it’s boring as hell because Miss Miller insists we play and do any sport other than basketball. The only good thing about the class is watching all the girls strut around in their netball skirts.

  Last year my eyes would have been on Fallon, watching her doing high kicks, and practically showing the entire class her pussy. I’d loved that the dirty bitch always wore g-strings under her netball skirt, even though they’re the shortest skirts around. But now my eyes are drawn to my temptress.

  Miss Miller has us all lined up on the basketball court and hands us skipping ropes. Us boys are lined up on one side and the girls on the other. I can’t help but stare across at Tem in a netball skirt. I lick my lips suggestively, my eyes on hers. She drops her gaze to the ground, blushing. It turns me on when I can make a chick blush.

  Zeke looks over at me. And I can see his smirk out of the corner of my eyes.

  “You gonna crack a fat, man?” He jeers at me loudly.

  “Nah why you ratting me?”

  “You’re fucking someone with that stare right now, bro.”

  I turn to glare at my best mate, tempted to whack him in the head with my skipping rope.

  “Fuck off. But fuck she looks ripper in that damn skirt.”

  His eyes gaze across at the girls, and he chuckles. “Well, netty skirts were invented to be torture. And also be easy to remove when said torture is too much to handle for horny wankers like yourself.”

  “Talk about yourself much,” I taunt my best mate.

  He’s about to reply when he gulps down his words with Miss Miller standing in front of us.

  “Do you boys not know how to skip or are you choosing not to?”

  He licks his lips, his eyes grazing over Miss M’s body, straight to her netball skirt.

  “Ezekiel, my eyes are up here,” she bellows at him, nodding her head upwards. “And you will answer me or you’ll be in detention again, with Mr Daniels.”

  Damn, Zeke just got owned.

  He gulps again, looking at me. I’m trying not to laugh, but watching my best mate go down in flames is beyond hilarious.

  “I don’t know how to skip Miss M. Scouts honour.”

  “Sure you don’t, Ezekiel. Drop the rope and do ten laps of the oval instead.”

  I can’t help but let out the laugh I’ve been holding in. “And you Ashton can join him, but double the laps.”

  “Aww come on Miss M. That’s not fair,” I protest, giving her puppy dog eyes.

  “I’m not going easy on you dufuses this year. Grow some balls.”

  I really have to stifle my laugh this time, for sure to land my arse in detention again if I say anything else.

  Sauntering past the girls who are being all prissy and skipping, I lift my t-shirt over my head and throw it at Tempany’s head. She shrieks grabbing it in a fist, and I’ll be damned—she fucking sniffs it. Not fucking kidding, she inhales it like a hit of crack. And scrunches it into a fist, throwing it back at me.

  Everyone’s eyes are glaring at us both. And I call out to her, “You keep it Tem!” whilst throwing the t-shirt back at her again. She huffs angrily, making everyone laugh.

  Fuck it’s fun taunting her.

  After doing my twenty laps, I’m wrecked, but Miss Miller has decided that we need to be tortured more and has us all competing—boys vs girls—for football.

  Tem is a bumbling idiot, every time she gets the ball, she falls all over the place. But it’s because she can’t stop staring at me. And I have to admit I’m digging it. I still hate her, but seeing her obvious lust for me makes taunting her much more fun. She trips over a lump of grass, falling at my feet. And I laugh hard, standing over her as she tries to stand up.

  “Good to see you on your knees Tem. Next time play nice with my balls whilst you’re down there.”

  She huffs at me again, standing up and rushing away with tears in her eyes. She throws the ball back at me, and I catch it, calling out, “You can throw, Tem. But can you suck?”

  She turns back to glare at me, about to charge at me when the bell rings and Miss Miller is yelling at us to head to the change rooms.

  She stops me a moment.

  “You need to watch your language and attitude around Tempany. She’s not had it easy these last few years Ashton.”

  I give Miss Miller a sweet—fake—smile. “Noted Miss M. I’m sorry.”

  I’m not sorry. Tempany ruined my life, and I’ve only just started ruining hers.

  The end of day bell has rung, and Tempany still hasn’t ventured out of the girls change room.

  Zeke gives me a high five, leaning against the wall by the girls change rooms, whilst I head inside.

  Quickly darting between the lockers, I check to see if everyone has cleared out, which they have, except for Tempany. She’s still in her netball skirt but has her t-shirt off. The sight of her in just a bra and her netball skirt is fucking hot.

  I head in further, stepping up behind her.

  “Damn temptress, you waiting for me?” I tease, caging her against the lockers with my body pressed against hers. Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t reply. I lean closer to her, whispering in her ear, “You’re going to fall to your knees for me again, Temptress, and you’re going to love every damn second of it.”

  She lets out a moan, and rocking my semi-hard cock—that’s risen enough to lift up the hem of her skirt—against her arse I moan into
her ear. And without warning, I grip her waist and turn her around to face me. She whimpers, staring at me with hooded eyes.

  Her grey irises give away her lust for me.

  Leaning in, my face is just a centimetre away from hers, and her heart is clearly pounding in her chest.

  I don’t doubt her pussy is wet as fuck for me, but I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of feeling my touch where she wants it most; not yet.

  I press my forehead to hers, my lips brushing so close to hers, almost kissing her and I whisper, “I loathe you, Tempany.”

  She shoves her hands against my chest, grunting and huffing again. I laugh, grabbing the waistband of her skirt and ripping it off of her.

  She makes some odd wailing sound, whimpering and sobbing when I walk out, holding up her skirt in my hand.

  Zeke is still waiting outside and he smirks at me, eyeing the skirt in my hand. “You got a trophy for taking her, huh?”

  “Nah, just riled her up. And thought I’d take her skirt as a reminder of the ‘I want you Ashton’ look on her face.”

  “You’re an arse man,” he jeers at me, slapping me on the back as we head towards our lockers down the corridor. “Love ya hard.”

  “Guilty and rack off,” I jeer back, glancing down the hallway to see if Tempany has ventured out of the change rooms yet.

  She looked fucking sexy in her lacy knickers and bra.

  I shake the dirty thoughts away because I shouldn’t be thinking about Tempany that way.

  I hate her.

  And also because Zeke is waving his arms in my face.

  “Hey, fucktard...I said aren’t you down for playing duty today?”

  “Nah, always man, mine in twenty.

  “Yeah bro, out,” he replies, giving me our signature hand slap and hip bump greeting.

  He heads out to his shitbox of a car—that I’m surprised even made it to school—and I follow after walking back past the change rooms.

  I can hear Tempany sobbing, and I should feel upset. But it makes me feel giddy that I’m getting to her. And I’m only just getting started.



  Sitting on the chaise in the rumpus room, I’m about to throw my controller across the room. Zeke is whipping my arse at Call of Duty, and he’s hollering out, “Fuck yeah!” at the top of his lungs. He shoots my character dead, and I throw my controller on the floor in frustration.

  I can’t even concentrate on playing video games, without thinking about the look in Tempany’s eyes when I nearly kissed her.

  Fuck. I nearly kissed her. Fucking kissed her.

  I don’t want to kiss her. I want to ruin her, taint her good girl reputation. And I don’t need to actually kiss her to do that. But fuck I want to kiss her. And taste her.


  “What man? You bummed I whipped ya arse at duty again?”

  “Huh? What?”

  “You cursed out loud man.”

  “Oh shit, um nah. All good,” I reply, shaking my head. He pauses the game and glares at me.

  “Not buying that. You’re thinking about her, huh?

  “Who? Fallon?” I ask, trying to get Zeke to back off.

  “Oh yeah, pull my dick wanker. I’m talking about Tempany.”

  “Why would I be thinking about Tempany?” I question him, secretly loving how her name sounds rolling off my tongue.

  “Because she’s hot dufus. Don’t tell me you don’t want to root her?”

  I chuckle. In my head, I have to admit to myself the idea of fucking Tempany isn’t repulsive, but there’s no way I’m going to let on to Zeke that’s the case.

  “Not in this lifetime. Have you forgotten that I hate her?”

  He laughs at me. “Hate sex is the best kind.”

  “Oh, right. And you’d know that how?”

  “Because I fucked Chasity Rogers, and I hate the shady bitch, but the sex was hot.”

  “Well, that’s only because she’s had the entire male school population inside her cunt. Any chick can be a good root if they’ve had enough practice.”

  “To right. So we going to Beau’s party on Friday?”

  “Might as well,” I reply, turning my head to the archway when my little sister comes running in excitedly.

  “Hey Av’s. What’s got you frothing?” I ask seeing the obvious excitement in her eyes. She runs into the room more, crashing against the back of the couch.

  “Our new step sis and stepdad are coming over for dinner. Mum’s been cooking all day.”

  “Oh, fuck, that’s tonight?”

  “Yeah, apparently she started school today, and her Dad wants to meet us straight away.”

  “Great,” I mumble, glancing over at Zeke who’s staring at Ava. His eyes are practically falling out of his head, and he licks his lips when Ava walks off.

  “Damn,” he curses under his breath. “When did your sister get so damn fuckable?”

  My eyes boggle at him, and anger bubbles in my guts. I raise my hand, and slap my palm across his cheek.

  “Fuck man, what you slapping me for?”

  “For ogling Ava. She’s my sister man. So tell ya dick to calm the fuck down.”

  “Come on Ash, you can’t blame me for looking when she saunters into the room dressed all sexy.”

  I’m so pissed, the anger rushing through my veins. There is no way in hell I’d ever let my manwhore of a best mate anywhere near my fifteen-year-old sister.

  “Fuck off you tosser! My sister and the word sexy do not belong in the same sentence!”

  “Mmm, yeah, whatever. But Ava is fine man.”

  “Don’t even start, Ezekiel,” I taunt my best mate, using his full name because he hates it so much. “If you so much as even talk to her I’ll fuck you up so bad, you won’t be able to walk.”

  “Damn bro, chill, I won’t touch her, fuck,” he replies with a chuckle that turns my gut. I love Zeke like a brother, so that’s probably why the thought of him with my little sister turns me into a raging monster. But being the male in the house—at least for now—it’s my job to protect my sister. And if I have my way she won’t even look at a guy—especially my manwhore best mate—until she’s thirty.

  Zeke picks up my controller from the floor, giving me a smile and handing it to me.

  “Sorry man. I’ll keep my dick in my pants. Promise.”

  “You better, Ezekiel,” I taunt pressing play to start a new game.



  After Ashton took my skirt in the change room, I put my dress back on, wipe an arm across my tear stained cheeks and head to my car. I shouldn’t be getting upset over his words, but his teasing hurts. I’ve done nothing wrong, and haven’t seen him for ten years and he still seems to hate me.

  I’m also upset with myself for the way my body reacts to Ashton. When he’s near I feel tingly all over, straight into my damn knickers and I can’t help but think about him touching me, kissing me and more.

  The carpark is dead, only a few cars left when I walk out to my car—my cute little red Fiat 500 that dad bought me for my sixteenth birthday. Dad isn’t made of money, but he spoils me; most likely to make up for all the time he lost not being to see me when I was younger.

  Sometimes I’d wished I’d actually gone with him when he left Mum and Lockgrove Bay, but I didn’t want to leave my friends. Little did I know that in less than a year I’d be doing that anyway. And life was hell because I’d stayed with Mum, her drinking, drug-taking and the revolving door of dead beat boyfriends.

  Sliding into my baby, I shake the thoughts of Mum away, and wipe more tears away so my face isn’t streaked with tears when I arrive home. Dad will already be wondering why I’m so late.

  I drive through town, past the park by the beach and basketball court, and I wonder if Ashton still plays basketball there. He always seemed so happy and carefree when he was there, but now he’s changed and seems fierier when it comes to basketball.

  I should have got
ten into sports more, but most of the time I preferred to hide in the library or the music room. Anything to not have to face the taunts and stares of my classmates, who knew all about my mum’s wrongdoings. I was tainted with her reputation, her name, and it was best to hide from that.

  Getting home I walk in the house to find Dad sitting at the kitchen bench, sipping a coffee whilst scrolling through his phone.

  “Afternoon, honey,” he greets me, smiling. “How was your first day?”

  “Um, pretty good,” I mumble, feeling the tears stinging my eyes again. “It was great seeing Lorena again.”

  “That’s great honey. How are your classes?” he asks, taking a sip of his coffee before putting it down on the bench when he sees that I’m about to break into tears.

  “Tempany, is something wrong honey?” he asks standing up.

  “Well, it wasn’t really the best day. A boy came into the change room’s after P.E and took my netball skirt.”

  “Oh Tempany, that is horrible. What was he doing in the girls change rooms?”

  “I um, don’t know. But I don’t have a netball skirt now.”

  “Don’t worry about that. We’ll get you a new one. Do you know this boys’ name?”

  I gulp, wondering for a moment if I should tell my dad ‘yes’. If Ashton finds out I snitched and cried to my dad he’ll surely tease me more, and call me all matter of names. I decide to lie to my dad, even though he’s clearly upset for me, and it feels beyond wrong to tell him lies.

  “Um, no I don’t know his name.”

  “Well, if he gives you any more trouble, please tell me honey, and I will speak to the school.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I reply, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

  “I love you Tempany,” he tells me, kissing my hair and I smile.

  “I love you to Dad.”

  Pulling back from the hug, he crosses the kitchen and puts his coffee cup in the sink, before he turns back to look at me.

  “Are you going to wear that tonight?”


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