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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

Page 20

by Caz May

  “You say that like you have a choice, Tempany.”

  I gulp, cringing at the malice in his voice.

  “You will let me fuck you, or I’ll tell your daddy dearest what really happened to drive your mother to drink. “

  “No!” I scream out, closing my eyes, bracing myself.

  His fist moves up, and I feel the slap of his palm against my cheek. It’s throbbing when I open my eyes and glare into them.

  “You’re an arsehole! I know she lost your baby. And thank god, because you probably would’ve beaten him to.”

  “How dare you, Tempany!” he seethes, still glaring at me, and reaching down to touch me. My heart is hammering in my chest, but I’m not finished taunting the devil yet.

  He grunts at me angrily, gripping my waist and pulling me towards his body.

  Looking up at him, right into his cold eyes, I taunt viciously, “I’ve seen everything, Fidel. Everything you’ve inflicted on Ashton. And it’s over.”

  He seethes again, baring his teeth at me. And is about to kiss me when I stomp down on his foot, before pushing my knee up into his crotch. His arms fall from his grip on me, and he roars at me, “You fucking little bitch! A cocktease as always, just like your whore of a mother was. My cunt of a son can have you!”

  He’s clutching his crotch, hobbling towards me. And I swallow the lump in my throat, reaching down into my converse and pulling out the pocket knife. Flicking it open, I hold it out in front of me as a shield.

  “You will not come closer to me or I’ll hurt you.” I stammer the words out, and Fidel laughs, manically again.

  “You wouldn’t dare child. What makes you think you can hurt me?”

  He grabs me again, and with adrenaline coursing through my veins I fight back, pounding one fist against his chest, using the other hand to drag the knife down his torso from his neck to his groin. He lets out a bellowing horrific scream falling to the floor at my feet.

  “Because I’m the one with the knife,” I say heading out the door to my car.

  I cannot believe I just did that. The adrenaline is still coursing through me and throwing the knife on the passenger seat I head home, ready to tell my Simba that I took his dad down.

  Getting home, I grab the knife from the passenger seat, and rush inside, running straight up the stairs to Ashton’s room. He’s lying down on his bed, with a book in his hands.

  “Simba, are you ok?” I ask.

  “Yeah, ripper temptress, why?”

  “You’re reading a book,” I reply laughing and practically skipping across to his bed.

  “It’s for English class,” he tells me when I sit down next to him on the bed, putting the knife in my lap.

  He eyes it with a smirk.

  “You planning to kill me, temptress?”

  “No, I ah...I your dad.”

  He sits up, throwing his book aside. “Why the fuck would you do that, Tempany?”

  “To confront him, about what he did to you. To me.”

  Ashton seethes, his eyes locking on mine when he queries, “To you?”

  I take in a deep breath, nervous to tell him about who his dad really is.

  “He was the one who my mum was sleeping with before we left. He used to touch me.”

  “Oh fuck, Tem. You’re shitting me yeah?”

  “I wish I was Ashton. He’s a horrible man.”

  “You’ve got that right baby,” Ashton says softly, reaching up to cup my cheek and turn my gaze to his. I wince from the contact against my throbbing cheek.

  “Ouch,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Did he hit you, Tem?”

  “Yeah, but I fought back. I didn’t let him touch me, and I kinda cut him and he fell to the floor.”

  Ashton laughs. “You stabbed him?”

  “Well, not stabbed, but like sliced him. Still, I could’ve killed him,” I say feeling panic suddenly hit me in the chest. I could’ve killed him. “Oh my god Ashton, seriously, what if I killed him?”

  “Tempany, look at me,” he says demandingly. I turn my head to lock on my eyes on his, my breathing panicky.

  “You did not kill him. And if he dies because of this, because of what you, my brave girlfriend did, then it will be self defence.”

  “Really?” I mutter biting down on my lip, still anxious.

  “Yes, baby. And to be honest, it would take a lot more to bring my fucker of a father down.”

  “True,” I reply with a smile. “I also called the cops about what he did to you, and told the school board about Miss Masters too.”

  “Damn Temptress. You’re fucking fierce, baby.”

  “You’re not angry?”

  “A little,” he says. And I panic again. I don’t want him to be mad at me.

  “Oh, I’m sorry...I…”

  “A little angry that you went to confront my dad without telling me, yes. But honestly Tem, I’m fucking proud of you, baby.”


  “Really, so throw that knife away and come here to kiss me. We’ll deal with this shit later.”

  “I love you, Ashton,” I tell him, throwing the knife from my lap to the floor and leaning over him, pushing his body down onto the bed to kiss him.

  He doesn’t reply with words, doesn’t tell me he loves me back, but his kiss is so full of desire and ‘love’ I know my Simba feels the same as his temptress.



  After reporting my dad, Tem got a phone call to give more information. They wanted us to come in for some questioning, so I’m sitting next to Tem in an interview room at the cop station. I know I’m not a criminal but sitting in this room waiting for the cop is making me on edge. Tem puts a hand on my bouncing knee.

  “You ok, Simba?” she asks softly.

  “Nervous, temptress,” I reply, kissing her forehead.

  “Me too,” she replies smiling at me when the cop walks in and sits down in the metal chair across from us.

  “Great of you both to come in today. Don’t be nervous. We just need to have some formal statements about the attacks from you mainly Ashton,” the cop states, nodding at me. “And Tempany, we just need you to sign an affidavit that your actions were in self defence.” Tem nods and the cop looks between us both.

  “Great, so once these have been filed, what’s the protocol for getting the fucker arrested?” I question, covering my mouth when I realise I just said ‘fucker’ in front of a cop.

  “Well, as we discussed with you both earlier, we have been and will continue to be on stakeout until he makes contact or attends the premises, at which time he will be arrested. These aren’t the only charges against the accused.”

  “Awesome, thanks, Sergeant Booker.”

  “Not a problem, Ashton. So what else do you need to tell us about the incidents with the accused?”

  Taking a deep breath, I relay the most recent beatings from my father, adding that he had been beating me since I was six. I also mention what happened with Miss Miller, and the exchange of money for the school in regard to that. Sergeant Booker nods on and off, writing down my words in scrawly handwriting.

  When I finish he smiles.

  “Great, that’s all we need. We’ll keep in contact, and please let us know if the accused makes contact with you also.”

  “Thank you,” I reply standing up and taking Tem’s hand with mine when she stands up to.

  Sergeant Booker shakes our hands.

  “Tempany if you could sign the affidavit at the desk on your way out that would be appreciated.”

  “No problems Sergeant.”

  He turns to walk out, looking at us both a moment.

  “Look after each other. You make a sweet couple.”

  “Thanks, Sergeant, and we will,” I reply, as he leaves the room with a nod. Heading out, Tempany signs the paperwork and we head home, on edge, but more than ready to bring my fucker of a father down for good.

  It’s been a couple of days after we met with Ser
geant Booker, and the cops are still around the streets, patrolling and watching for the moment dad decides he’s going to come and deal with us, like the threatened.

  I’d been carrying my phone around with me, everywhere, with a portable battery charger attached so it never went flat, just in case I need to dial triple zero in a hurry.

  The whole thing, even though the police are equipped to handle it has me on edge. I’m standing in Tem’s room, gazing out her window, anxiously looking around for a black Maserati with a dint in the side.

  For all I know, the fucker probably fixed it, but I can only hope he didn’t and that either myself or the cops will recognise the car. Tem is hugging me from behind, trying to soothe me and calm me down. “Simba, it will be ok. You know he won’t be able to resist coming back.”

  I’m about to reply when I see a black Maserati turning into the street. My finger slams into my phone, dialling triple zero, but it’s not necessary. The cops saw to, and they’re moving in on dad’s pride and joy. One cop car stops in front, another behind when he pulls up on the curb. My stomach lurches, thinking about what he did to me that day in the exact same spot.

  The fucker slides out, smoothing down his suit and eyeing the cops, giving them a curt nod. I wanna run outside and throw something at his head, to scream and yell at him. To tell him that I absolutely fucking hate him and that he should burn in hell for eternity.

  Of course, I don’t do that. I grip the window sill, not able to tear my eyes away from the scene below. I tense up in Tem’s arms, and she says softly, “You think we should go out there?”

  I turn in her arms, kissing her softly.

  “Only if you come with me. I do kinda wanna watch from closer.”

  We run down the stairs, our fingers laced together. Pushing open the front door, we stand on the porch, and I pull Tem to my side with my other hand. I kiss the side of her head and turn my attention to the scene in front of me.

  Running downstairs we missed a bit, but the cops have dad up against the cop car with his hands behind his back. He’s screeching at them, “Get your hands off me fuckers.”

  “No can do. You’re under arrest for non-aggravated assault, sexual assault of a minor and other related charges that will be detailed to you in court proceedings. You do not have to say or do anything, but if you do, it may be used in evidence against you.”

  Dad spits on the ground, and the officer locks his hands into the cuffs, pulling him back and shoving him inside the open door of the cop car.

  He gives me an up yours gesture, screaming out, “Fuck you, bastard son. You’ll curse this day Ashton Oliver Castello!”

  The officer slams the car door, giving Tem and I a nod. Another officer comes over to us, smiling, which makes me feel kinda giddy too. “Thank you both for your assistance in this arrest. We’ll let you know if we need anything else and the court date details. Have a good night now.”

  The cop cars leave, and a tow truck pulls up, making quick work of securing dad’s Maserati to the back. For a moment I want to tell him to leave it, so I can drive it and smash it, but Tem squeezes my hand and smiles at me. “Well, that was crazy,” she says with a laugh.

  “Yeah, definitely. Let’s head inside.”

  She follows me in, and up the stairs again. A whirlwind of emotions are making my head spin, and now there is only one thing I want to do, glad we have the house to ourselves for a few more hours.

  Tem is sitting on my bed, her legs crossed and she’s looking at me smiling. The sweet smile that makes my insides feel alive. We’re both still mind blown by what happened with dad and I want to forget it and enjoy Tem’s company, but I know that firstly I need to use some words.

  “Tem, baby, I need to say something.”

  Her eyes light up, and she moves to lay down next to me, running her fingers across my arm. The sweet touch gives me goosebumps.

  “Yeah, what’s that?”

  I turn onto my side to look at her, kissing her forehead.

  “I’m sorry Tempany, for everything. For taunting you, and all the mean as fuck words I hurled at you. I’m sorry for what my dad did to you, and all the pain you had to endure because of that.”

  “Oh, Ashton, thanks. I appreciate that so much,” she says giving me a quick, sweet kiss. “I’m sorry for taking your basketball all those years ago.”

  “The past Tem,” I remind her. “And I only want to think of the future with you. The future with you as my girlfriend.”

  She lets out a little girlish squeal.

  “You really want me to be your girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, temptress I do. Because…” I pause, taking in a deep breath, and leaning closer so I’m almost kissing her.

  “Because?” she asks, the question a vibration against my lips that sends a jolt through my whole body.

  “Because I love you Tempany. I’m absolutely, completely and wholeheartedly in love with you.”

  She murmurs, pressing her body closer to mine, kissing me, taking my breath away. Against my lips pulling back but still close, she whispers, “I love you Ashton, my Simba.”

  I feel those words through my entire body. Tempany has my whole heart, and breaking the kiss I gaze at her for a moment before smirking at her when I put a hand up underneath her t-shirt.

  “Tem, I want to make love to you.”

  A sweet giddy smile lights up her face, and she doesn’t say anything, instead, she sits up, lifting her t-shirt over her head, and unclasping her bra so it falls down her arms. Her body is exquisite and all mine.

  “Mmm, fuck temptress you’re perfection,” I murmur taking one of her nipples into my mouth. She moans, arching her back, writhing from the touch, the lick of my tongue over her sensitive buds. Turning my attention to the other one, I slide my hand into her leggings, to find her pussy bare.

  “Commando, temptress, you’re a dirty girl.”

  She laughs, cupping my cheeks and pulling my face to hers for a hungry kiss.

  “Only for you, Simba.”

  Breaking the kiss, I trail kisses down over her tits again, across her stomach until I reach her leggings. Yanking them down I flick my finger over her clit, making a moan escape her lips before she purrs, “Taste me please, Simba.” The way the nickname rolls off her tongue, a literal purr of the word makes my dick throb in my daks. I want to sink inside her, make love to her, and then fuck her until she’s screaming my name, but first I need to make her come with my tongue. Pleasure for my temptress, the only girl I’ve ever loved.

  Kissing the inside of her thighs, I yank her leggings to the floor. And without giving her any warning I kiss her bare pussy, slipping my tongue inside her and sucking on her sensitive bud.

  “Oh fuck, Ashton, more please...more,” she calls out between moans that are making me throb so much I know I’m already leaking pre-cum. I keep licking, swirling my tongue in and out and nudging her clit with my teeth. Her hips buck up to my face, urging me on. I can tell she’s close. Her pussy is starting to pulse beneath my tongue.

  “Fuck, Ashton, I’m coming,” she calls out gripping the sheets in her fists, writhing on them and moaning loudly as she comes all over my face.

  Sitting up again, I lick my lips, smirking at her, “Mmm, temptress, you taste delicious baby.”

  She laughs as well, grabbing my t-shirt to pull me down for a kiss. She licks my lips, tasting herself on them, and lets out a moan that nearly makes me embarrass myself.

  Breaking the kiss, before I can even think she’s yanking my t-shirt off, her fingers trailing down my abs to my v muscles. She pulls at the waistband of my trackies, teasing me, “Are you commando too, Simba?”

  “Find out temptress,” I tease back, her hand sliding inside my trackies to grip my dick. And oh holy fuck! Nothing—other than being inside her—feels better than her soft hands on me. Nothing will ever feel like her touch.

  “Mmm, you’re a dirty boy, Ashton,” she taunts, dakking me without warning. I lie over her, kicking my trackies off at fro
m my ankles. And I kiss her, my dick slipping inside her and making us one again. I lay still for a moment, still kissing her whilst seated inside her pussy.

  Just being inside her, without moving makes me feel complete, as though I’ve been waiting my whole life for her. Breaking the kiss, I slowly start to thrust in and out. Her legs wrap around my arse, pulling me in deep to fill her completely. She’s panting and letting out sweet moans. And with a final thrust, I feel her pussy clenching, her body trembling as we let go together.

  “I love you Tempany,” I call out, kissing her as I tremble from the aftershocks of my climax.

  “I love you to, Ashton. I always have.”

  Pulling out I lay beside her, and she snuggles against me.

  “I think I loved you since you first played basketball with me.”

  “Yeah, me too,” she replies, kissing me breathless again.

  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.



  The last couple of months had been hectic, full of some things amazing, and some things that were horrible and heartbreaking. Ashton’s dad’s court date was looming, and even though Ashton had tried to at least be forgiving his dad completely shut him out, refusing to even see him.

  It broke my heart, but Ashton shrugged it off to focus on his last months of school and exams. We enjoyed being together, most nights sleeping in the same bed, sometimes his room and sometimes mine. But neither of us mentioned what was going to happen next year when the boys were going to leave for Uni.

  There’d just been too much going on, and we were in the new love bubble. Today though, I’m nervous about the eisteddfod. I’ve put on my most formal outfit, a knee-length pencil skirt and white long-sleeved blouse with a ruffle at the front. Ashton comes up behind me whilst I’m applying some makeup in the bathroom mirror. He kisses my neck, his eyes locking on mine in the mirror. “You look beautiful, Tem. You and Zeke are gonna knock the judges dead with your song.” I turn in his embrace, kissing him.


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