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Treasure Trail

Page 22

by Morgan Brice

  “That makes sense,” Ben said. “But why didn’t Monty’s mojo work on the ghosts outside the warehouse?”

  Erik frowned. “I don’t know for sure. But if I had to guess, I’d say he was focused on getting the ghosts on the inside to attack Cooper and keep him from shooting me. If they hadn’t rushed him and spoiled his aim, I’d be dead.”

  Ben shivered at the close call and reached across the table to take Erik’s hand. “I’m glad it worked.”

  Erik tilted his head, looking at Ben as if he were figuring out a puzzle. “So that incantation Father Pavel gave you, it drove off the mobster ghosts outside?”

  Ben nodded. “I don’t know where it sent them, or if they’ll come back. All that mattered was that they didn’t do something to alert Cooper or attack us from behind.”

  “Sounds like something handy to hang onto.”

  “Don’t worry—I’ve got it on my phone, and I put the original in the safe,” Ben assured him.

  Erik had listened as Ben explained about Cooper’s lies, Ben’s frantic research, and his conversations with both Father Pavel and Travis Dominick. To Ben’s relief, Erik accepted his apology and forgave him for doubting.

  “So you’re all right with magic, and the ghosts?”

  Ben nodded. “I’m still getting used to the idea, but it saved your life, so I’m fine with it.”

  “I called Corinne and told her I wanted to rethink the TV show, take the focus off me,” Erik said, getting up to pour another cup of coffee. Ben held out his cup for a refill as well. “She wasn’t exactly thrilled. It’ll mean pitching the new concept. But I think we can do something that’s more about the history, legends, and yes, scandals, without having me on camera. It’s just brainstorming at the moment. We might even go web-only and do a YouTube series instead. We’d have more control that way. So, we’ll see. I’m plenty busy with the store and the blog.”

  “How likely is it that any of the people you helped put away might come after you?” Ben asked, worried. He’d made plenty of enemies himself with his undercover work, but Erik had tackled a whole different class of bad guys, people who had the money and means to destroy anyone who got in their way.

  “No way to tell. I’m going to deal with things one day at a time.”

  “Now that Hendricks has the Ambrose letter and the papers and photo from the clock, plus the intel on Cooper as well as Chason’s bones, he should have enough to tie up all those loose ends, and Justin Kramer’s murder, too,” Ben said. “I’m hoping that scares off anyone else from the old days who might have thought about taking care of the Commodore Wilson’s unfinished business.”

  “Not to mention that Jaxon is giddy to have some new, really juicy tidbits and items for his exhibition,” Erik added. Ben knew Erik had passed along the best items from the memorabilia box, and while the papers from inside the clock were in police custody, Hendricks had agreed that the insurance fraud—even if it could be proven—was too far in the past to be an issue. That meant Jaxon added the clock to his exhibit, with a slightly redacted story to go along with it.

  Erik suddenly dug into his pocket. “Oops! I forgot this.” He held out a silver pendant to Ben. “Alessia gave it to me. She said it would help ward off bad magic. She made them for both of us.”

  “How did she even know about me?” Ben couldn’t help his curiosity.

  Erik blushed. “She’s a witch, remember. And she said we had a special connection.”

  Ben had the feeling there was more to it, something Erik wasn’t saying. That was okay. He’d find out when the time was right. After all, Ben was very good at getting sources to talk. “So it didn’t stop Cooper, because he wasn’t using magic.”

  Erik nodded. “Yeah. Just my luck. But if she thought we’d need the charms, I think we should wear them. There’s always next time.”

  Ben lifted the leather strap and lowered the necklace over his head. He still had the two saints medallions on from the night before. Should he keep Alessia’s amulet and one of the saints, to hedge his bet? Since the medallions didn’t spontaneously combust on contact, Ben figured whatever sources of power they aligned with had declared a truce.

  “I hired Susan to help me with the shop four days a week during tourist season,” Erik said and sipped at his coffee. “That’ll give me more time to get the blog going, which will reach a wider audience and should help even out the income during the winter, when the tourists go home. And I’ve already called my friend Simon to see if he knows what to do about the closet full of pieces with dark mojo. He said he thought he knew someone who could help.”

  “Sounds like you’re in the home stretch to having everything worked out,” Ben replied, finishing off his drink.

  “Almost everything.” Erik met Ben’s gaze. “You’re sure about staying?”

  Ben reached out to cup his face. “If you want me, I’ll stay.”

  “Of course I want you. But…are you going to be happy in Cape May?”

  Ben had thought about that, and the real answer was it depends. If he and Erik had a chance at building a long-term relationship, then Ben was onboard with staying. And if it didn’t work out…he’d be devastated, but he’d take it as it came. “I like the town. I’m getting to know the business. And I love you.”

  Erik leaned in for a kiss. “I love you, too. I just want you to be happy.” The warmth of his lips and the passion in his kiss underscored his words and made Ben believe.

  Ben slid his hand around to Erik’s neck. “I know we haven’t had a lot of time together yet. It’s all new, and we’ve been moving fast. Anything could happen. But I know what I want to happen. I want a lot more than a fling, Erik Mitchell. I want to see where this goes between us, all options open. A real relationship. Maybe forever.”

  “Yes,” Erik said, as Ben moved to kiss him again. “Yes to everything.”



  Erik turned the sign on the door to “Closed,” marking the end of the first day of the new tourist season. Trinkets had been busier than he’d ever imagined, and he was so thankful that Susan had convinced him to hire her, because even with the two of them, they had been swamped.

  He knew that every day wouldn’t be like this, but if the store could have more days like this than not, Trinkets would be a financial success. That thought made Erik happy. It banished the last of his uncertainty over taking the bold step of uprooting his life and leaving his old job, and it honored all of Robert’s hard work and that of the shop’s owners before him.

  Best of all, Ben would be coming over later with takeout from Fisher’s Seafood, which meant lobster rolls, hush puppies, and secret recipe coleslaw. Erik’s stomach growled, just thinking about it.

  Ben had to work late, handling a sudden influx of rental requests, but Erik didn’t mind. That just helped to secure Nolan Resort Real Estate’s future and gave Ben one more reason to stay in Cape May permanently.

  Erik had plenty to do before Ben came over, including straightening up the shop for the next day and refreshing the display in the window. The time flew, and the long twilight darkened to night.

  A knock at the door made Erik jump. He turned, puzzled that someone would ignore the sign, and walked over. His eyes widened as he saw the man in the doorway.

  “You’re him. The man from Antwerp, the one who saved me,” Erik said when he opened the door.

  “Invite me in,” the stranger said.

  “Please, come in,” Erik replied, stepping aside to let his unexpected guest enter. “How did you find me? And why are you here? For that matter, what exactly happened that night?” Erik needed answers. Ben told him what Travis Dominick said, which opened up even more questions than Erik had before.

  He took a look at his rescuer. The man appeared to be in his mid- to late-twenties. His blond hair had a stylish cut, and he was dressed casually, but in clothing brands that were deceptively expensive. Yet it was his gray eyes, like the color of the sea before a storm, that transfixed Erik.
  “My name is Sorren. I’m Robert’s contact to get rid of any…problem pieces…you’ve come across.”

  “I have plenty for you to take,” Erik replied. “But not until I know why you were in Antwerp, and what’s going on. Thank you again for saving my life.”

  Sorren nodded. “You’re welcome. As for the other part…I’m with the Alliance, a group of mortals and immortals who work together to keep dangerous magical items out of the wrong hands…and stop supernatural threats.”

  “Immortals?” Erik had been prepared to find out that the man who had saved him that night was a powerful witch. But this—

  He caught his breath as he saw just the tip of fangs between Sorren’s lips. That’s not possible.

  Then again, there’d been several impossible things that night in Antwerp. The unusual strength of the Russian goons who tossed him out of the way as if he weren’t a full-grown man. The speed of the attack that left the mobsters dead and bleeding on the floor. And the way Sorren had picked him up as if he weighed no more than a child and carried him to safety. Maybe even the unlikely explosion that served to destroy the evidence of anything out of the ordinary.

  “Magic is real. Supernatural creatures exist. Those of us who know do our best to eliminate paranormal threats and keep the world safe—and happily none the wiser,” Sorren replied. “I helped Robert’s ancestor open the original version of this shop back in 1614. It’s been in his family ever since, although the building and location have seen a few changes over the years.”

  “But that would mean—” Erik’s head spun as he did the math. Immortal.

  “Robert didn’t have an heir. I promised we would find a suitable successor. That’s you.”

  Spotting the “For Sale” ad for Trinkets as soon as it went live online. Having his bid for the store and property immediately accepted, although it was lower than the asking price but the best Erik could offer. The way the ad seemed to be tailored specifically for him, as if someone knew his work and his extra abilities. A suitable successor.

  “So you and Robert somehow chose me?” Erik stammered, knowing in his heart that it was true, even as he spoke the words.

  “You always had a choice,” Sorren replied. “But yes, you were the favored candidate. And I’d say you’ve proven us right.”

  “What does it mean for me, being part of this Alliance?” Erik thought of Alessia and her coven, of Jaxon and Monty and Susan, even Ben with his ability to see ghosts, and the way they had all found each other.

  “Robert used his ability to sense which objects were haunted or cursed, or laced with dark magic. Dangerous. He intercepted them—and sometimes, went looking for them. I make sure they’re destroyed or neutralized so that they can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

  “I can do that.” It wasn’t too different from the way he’d used his knowledge to spot frauds and stolen art, and in the process, helped to shut down bad guys who would have used their proceeds to do terrible things.

  “Sometimes, if there are creatures beyond what the human authorities can handle, the Alliance also steps in to take care of the problem.”

  “So you’re a bunch of supernatural vigilantes?” Then again, what he and Ben had done with the Cafaro case hadn’t been too far from the mark.

  Sorren’s lips quirked into an almost-smile. The fangs had vanished. “You’re not the first to put it that way. A bit dramatic, perhaps, but not incorrect.”

  Erik thought about his training, not just with art and antiquities, but in folklore, mythology, and legends. Not to mention what he’d learned from the feds about fighting and weapons. And Ben’s an ex-cop. He could hold his own, if it came to that.

  He’d never liked the idea of destiny, and stories about people who were the “chosen” one never ended well for that person. But Sorren didn’t seem to be asking him to fight the powers of darkness by himself. After all, “alliance” suggested a team. He already had a start on that, with his local friends who had a hint of “something extra.”

  Erik had already suspected that, given what he’d done before Trinkets, trouble might keep looking for him. One of the things he’d found most satisfying about his work with the authorities had been stopping people who took advantage of their position and power to hurt others, and getting a measure of justice in the bargain.

  Maybe this was how he could still fight that fight, in a slightly different way.

  “What about Ben? We’re a team or there’s no deal. It’s not negotiable.” Jesus, he was bargaining with a vampire. Could his life get any weirder?

  “The bond between you strengthens both of you, and helps protect you,” Sorren replied. “We have no problem with that. I really hope to work with both of you.”

  Erik licked his lips nervously. “I need to talk to him.”

  Sorren nodded. “Understood. But Travis Dominick has already made Ben the same offer as I’ve made to you. And he is similarly intrigued.”

  “Can I let you know, when we’ve had a chance to discuss it?”

  Sorren nodded. “I’ll take your problem items with me now, and you can call me when you’ve made your decision.” He handed over a card. Trifles and Folly—Antiques and Curios. The shop had a Charleston, South Carolina, address. “I look forward to hearing from you.”

  More by Morgan Brice

  Witchbane Series


  Burn, a Witchbane Novella

  Dark Rivers

  Flame and Ash — Coming Soon

  Badlands Series


  Restless Nights, a Badlands Short Story

  Lucky Town, a Badlands Novella

  The Rising

  Cover Me, a Badlands Short Story

  Loose Ends — Coming Soon

  Treasure Trail Series

  Treasure Trail


  Cape May is a beautiful resort town at the tip of New Jersey. It’s a lovely place full of well-maintained Victorian houses, fantastic restaurants, and gorgeous beaches. It’s also said to be very haunted by resident spooks that never wanted to go home when their earthly vacation ended. I made up the ghosts that Erik and Ben encounter, but if you want to read more about the real ghosts of Cape May, I’d recommend the excellent books by local ghost-whisperer Craig McManus.

  The Commodore Wilson Hotel and its sordid history are completely the work of my imagination. But the building and a few events are based on the old Christian Admiral hotel, which was demolished in 2005. Photos of the grand old structure are easy to find, as are accounts of its history, which unfortunately included being rather unlucky for its owners.

  You’ll be seeing more of Erik and Ben and their friends in more Treasure Trail books, coming soon! And if you’re intrigued by Erik’s friend Simon Kincaide, he stars in his own series of urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, the Badlands books set in Myrtle Beach. Likewise, you can find more about Travis Dominick and Father Pavel in the Night Vigil series (first book is Sons of Darkness), and about Sorren in the Deadly Curiosities series (first book is Deadly Curiosities), both written under my Gail Z. Martin name. And while you’re waiting for the next Treasure Trail book, check out my Witchbane urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of spooky chills and sexy thrills!


  It takes a village to bring a book to life. Thank you to Larry N. Martin, my partner and co-author, for all the behind-the-scenes work that got this book ready to share. Thanks also to Jean Rabe, our editor, to our beta readers: Ashby, Chris, Donald, Laurie, Lisa, Mindy, Susan, and Terri, and our launch team: Amanda, Amy, Andrea, Anne, Anthony, Barbara, Candi, Carra, Cheryl, Cheryl, D’Niche, Darrell, Jessica, Jocelyn, Karolina, Kathryn, Kristy, Lee, Olga, Raven, Scarolet, Shakera, Shannon, Sharon, Sherry, Stacy, Terry, Vickie, and Wendy. Thank you also to my Shadow Alliance and Worlds of Morgan Brice street teams, who share the journey and the jokes along the way. And most of all, thank you to my readers. Because you read, I write.

  About the Author

/>   Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure, and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after.

  Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, and more explosions.

  On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

  Watch for additional new series from Morgan Brice, and more books in the Witchbane, Badlands, and Treasure Trail universes coming soon!

  Where to find me, and how to stay in touch

  Join my Worlds of Morgan Brice Facebook Group and get in on all the behind-the-scenes fun! My free reader group is the first to see cover reveals, learn tidbits about works-in-progress, have fun with exclusive contests and giveaways, find out about in-person get-togethers, and more! It’s also where I find my beta readers, ARC readers and launch team! Come join the party!

  Find me on the web at Sign up for my newsletter and never miss a new release! You can also find me on Twitter: @MorganBriceBook, on Pinterest (for Morgan and Gail): and on Bookbub

  Enjoy two free short stories, set in my Badlands series on Prolific Works: Restless Nights and Cover Me - links are provided at the end of the Epilogue in the “More by” section.

  Also check out the excerpts at the end of this book. In the Witchbane series, Seth Tanner and Evan Malone team up to stop dark warlocks who have been carrying out a century-long killing spree. If you like shows like Supernatural, Vampire Diaries or Buffy, this is your kind of story!


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