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Where She Was Loved

Page 19

by Sarah Tomlinson

  Sharon never regained her memory. At times, something would prompt a recollection from her past, but never for more than a few minutes. I loved her all the same and, maybe a little bit more, knowing all those summers I had spent with my mother, even if it was unknowingly.

  Now Sharon wasn't braiding her daughter's hair, but rather her granddaughter's. Annie even called Sharon Grandma, much to Sharon's delight. At the moment, they both have the minds of seven-year olds but I can see that as Annie matures, the bond they share will be just as strong.

  Eric and I walked hand-in-hand toward the woods by the house we lived in with our two children and Graham. Retired from running the church, he handed over the position to a new pastor. Eric still worked part-time as a social worker, but not surprisingly, it was his sculptures that kept him busy. People from all around the country commissioned him to create and weld one of a kind pieces for them. For years now, we regularly jumped in the truck and delivered them to happy customers everywhere.

  To my delight, the sculpture he made of us in Town Square still holds a place of pride in Ligonier. Every day as I walked to work, I smiled at it and every time it rekindled memories from our prom night.

  My father-in-law Alec moved in to the small apartment above the garage a few years back and is happy playing grandfather to the two children that light up his life daily.

  I finally received my high school diploma and went on to study business. I still worked with John at Books on Main, but now I was a co-owner. John and Meg are parents to three children and dear, sweet Aiden married his high school crush, Monica Dwyer, and they were expecting their first child. Over the years, Eric and Aiden became great friends again.

  Being it was October, we were celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary with our yearly pilgrimage to our special spot. Entering the woods, we passed the place where I camped with my father, the very same place I first set eyes on Eric, seventeen years prior.

  We walked farther into the woods, pausing to pick our way gingerly through the brush and enter the clearing where Eric created the prom. We stopped for a moment, reminiscing and basking in the memory of that night. It wasn't just that night though that made the spot special; it was also the place where we were married.

  Our entire family helped recreate that night for our wedding, right down to the dress I wore all those years ago–only this time it was even more magical than I could describe. Everyone we loved came to the evening ceremony, including Trevor and some of the brothers from The Heathens MC. Graham married us, making our vows truly sacred. I laughed as I thought back to Alec crying his eyes out, a sincerely touching moment.

  I closed my eyes and was taken back to the exact moment long before the wedding–the moment I fell in love. I pictured the young man I remembered in his tux; the scene of the cake; the fairy lights hanging from the trees; the butterflies flitting all around us; and our first dance. Bringing my hand up to graze my mouth, I thought back to that first kiss.

  Eric chuckled beside me knowing exactly where my mind wandered and I opened my eyes to look at him.

  "You ready to move on, beautiful?" He tilted his head toward the stream and I nodded as I reached for his hand, entwining our fingers once again.

  We walked the short distance to the stream and sat beside it. Retrieving my iPod, finally catching up with technology though still a work in progress—I activated the playlist until the sounds of John Coltrane filled our ears.

  Eric reached into his pocket and pulled out a battered Polaroid photo.

  "You grabbed it?" I grinned.

  "I did."

  "Good, because I have mine, too." I pulled mine out of my pocket.

  The Polaroids had definitely seen better days. I worried that within a few years there would be nothing left to hold, yet that was okay because the memories we continued to make and the dozens of photos we captured over the years would always be reminders of our life together.

  Eric threw his arm around me and pulled me into his side, kissing my temple sweetly. Even after all the years together, every look, every touch still set my heart soaring.

  This was my home, this was where my heart belonged, and this was the place God had blessed me with every good thing I could ever dream of. I learned a long time ago that your past does not define you. That God can make beauty from ashes, turn a test into a testimony, morph pain into joy. Most of all He can take your hurt and help you find forgiveness.

  Yes, He can give you a new life.

  The End

  If you liked Where She Was Loved, I would love for you take a few minutes to go to the site you got the book from and leave a review. It helps Indie Authors more than you know to get the word out there for others to see.

  Also, please let your friends and family know about my books and help spread the word far and wide by sending a link, sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and the likes, or, if you have a blog, let me know and I’ll drop by and say hello!

  Bless you, Sarah Tomlinson

  Oh my goodness, I just love and dread this bit. I really want to thank every one who supported me throughout the writing of this book, but I know I won’t.

  First, I want to thank God above all else. You gave me a great blessing when you gifted me with the love of all things writing. You taught me that I could write flawed, imperfect characters & yet, have you weaved throughout the story, as the ultimate savior!

  To my husband who stands by me when I’m doing well on some days and not so well others days, thank you for being my rock—I love you so much.

  To my three little princes, each of you are the reason I get up every morning and I am so grateful you love reading as much as your mama.

  To my mother who is my biggest supporter and reads every word I write from the ugly first drafts to the finished product, you’re terrible at being critical because everything I write is “just wonderful” (LOL, God love ya!).

  To my father, the reason I love reading and writing is because I watched you open the pages of whatever you were reading and saw you transport into another time, another realm of possibility—and I wanted to go there, too.

  To Kim Burger, my wonderful editor, the world will never truly know how much I adore you sister. You take my manuscript and make it so much better. Thank you for getting me and all the craziness I come with.

  To all of my readers out there, old and new, words aren’t enough to describe how much I adore you all—truly! You make me want to be a better writer, to try new genres, and to push myself a little more with every book. Thank you will never be enough when it comes to you all.

  To all of my Little Sparrow Loved blog & ministry gals! God blesses me so much with each and every one of you, and the many that will come! Thank you for not only journeying with me in the ministry but for embracing me as an author of Christian/Inspirational Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy and Non-fiction! You have my heart!

  Love, Sarah, xx

  Sarah Tomlinson is the author of Christian/Inspirational Fiction. But that’s not all, as she loves to write Speculative Fantasy Fiction, with threads of Christianity woven into the make believe worlds she creates.

  Along with being a wife, mother & writer, she also runs Little Sparrow Loved, a Christian Womens Blog & Ministry, where she encourages you daily with blog posts, a podcast, facebook inspiration and personal stories.

  She also makes Prayer Journals, Women’s Studies, Podcast, Magazine and more! So be sure to check out her website at

  where you can see all of her books & shop!




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