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Girl In The Red Coat

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by Gemma Owen-Kendall

  I still remember, as if it was just yesterday.

  My name is Grace Kennedy, and this is the story of what changed me.


  It was Friday the 6th of September, a warm and hazy Indian Summer Day. The sun shone brightly in the crystal blue sky with shimmering white, cotton-like clouds. The faint smell of freshly cut grass lingered and a soft breeze blew through the air. Even though it was lovely and warm I still chose to wear my favourite red coat. The material was not that thick, as it was made from nylon. It had big, red, solid buttons on the front along with a lovely red belt to tie around my waist. My favourite thing about my red coat was the deep hood that covered my hair, fully.

  My grandma gave me the red coat for Christmas, and I felt safe and secure wearing it. She presented the coat in pink, glittery wrapping paper with a silky golden bow that was tied beautifully around the present and I instantly fell in love with it. I treasured the red coat as though it was of huge value and wore it only on rare occasions. One of these occasions was my first day of college, which felt auspicious enough. I knew it would be scary starting somewhere that was so unfamiliar and that the coat would comfort me. I was new to the town as my parents lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere, so as you can imagine I was nervous on that first day.

  As soon as I walked into the classroom where I would be studying a course in dance, the other students nicknamed me ‘Red Riding Hood.’ The remark was not nasty at all; it felt more like a friendly welcome. I smiled at the students who called me this new nickname thinking that this would be the best opportunity to make new friends. Each one in turn introduced themselves and made me feel very welcome. Although I had told them my own name, I would always be called, ‘Red Riding Hood.’

  The classroom was a huge, open space with a big oak floor. The walls were all mirrored to practice any dance steps as you watched yourself. Along the centre of the mirrors hung vertical, recently carved wooden bars for ballet dancers and for doing leg stretches for warmups. I instantly loved this classroom, it was just so open and spacious, and I knew right away I would fit right in, this would be my safe haven to run to.

  My tutor was a middle-aged woman. The first time I saw her I felt petrified as she had such a stern look on her face. Her jet-black hair was tied up into a bun, with a huge baby blue bangle surrounding it. Her hazel eyes were always focused as though she was trying to catch us out on any mistakes and to admonish students who were misbehaving. Her frame was well-toned, and she had long flowing legs; it was obvious she had many years behind her as a ballet dancer.

  ‘Hello everyone, my name is Miss Hogg and I will be your tutor over the next two years of your Diploma in Dance. I will teach you the many variations of Dance and how you can move your bodies in the way you never could before.’ Her voice was high-pitched but friendly.

  During Miss Hogg’s introduction speech, I remember looking over at the classroom door and seeing a figure gazing through the window. I could make out the person was male, but I could not see much more of him as it was quite dark on the corridor outside the classroom. For a moment I thought he was staring at me, perhaps maybe he was or maybe just looking at the person next to me. Yes, he must have been looking at the person next to me, as I did not have a clue who he was, especially as I did not know anyone around this area. I looked away from him and tried to pay attention to the tutor, but I felt uneasy for some strange reason. Whoever that person was peering through the door had made me feel like this. An icy twitch shot down my spine and my blood was pumping fast through my body. I looked down at my fiery, red coat and started to twiddle with one of the buttons.

  Oh my god, get a grip will you, I said to myself. But part of me wanted to know who he was and know more about this mysterious and intriguing character. This part of myself made the icy shivery twitch feel mesmerising and it overpowered my body, a feeling I had never had before. But I wanted to feel more of it. Of course, I had boyfriends in the past where you maybe had a peck on the lips or to just hold hands behind the back of the bike shed but that was all I had encountered.

  Daniel Lewis, one of my new friends, must had noticed I was off somewhere as he came and stood close next to me. I came to my senses when I felt his friendly presence nearby, took a deep breath and looked over at the door again. The mysterious character had gone.

  ‘Don’t let him bother you,’ I heard Daniel whisper softly to me. ‘That lad is a bit weird.’

  He must have noticed the shadowy figure peering through the door at me. I took another deep breath and felt relieved that someone else had witnessed this. I would take Daniel’s advice and did not let this weird lad bother me. Perhaps the stranger was someone who doesn’t take well to new faces and has to make them uneasy. I gazed up at Daniel and gave him a polite nod with a friendly smile to acknowledge I had heard what he said and to him reassure that I was fine. Daniel was quite good looking. He was tall and slender built with short spiked brown hair. He had wonderful sky-blue eyes that were welcoming me into his gaze. His high cheek bones complimented his smile and his chin was clean shaven. He wore a white designer polo shirt and dark blue jeans with clean white trainers. His dress sense was trendy but casual. I gazed at him for a moment longer and he did the same to me. I felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside and I couldn’t help but just smile at him. It was like the whole room had just disappeared and at this moment in time just the two of us were standing in this open space. But I felt as though I was in a trance, as part of me wanted to look away from Daniel and back to the mysterious character outside of the door.

  The moment was broken when the sound of a loud piano burst through speakers as Miss Hogg began to demonstrate some of her dance moves, gliding gracefully along the dancefloor. Her movements looked natural and flowing. I admired her and wanted to learn what she could teach me, wanted to be able to dance like this. I had not done ballet since I was five and I wanted to learn it all over again. Her bod was so strong but so graceful, her arms flowing lightly and smoothly as her legs split and balanced gently on her toes. I could tell she had been a ballet dancer all her life.

  ‘Ok class, Now I would like you to get into pairs and get to know each other.’

  Daniel approached me to be his partner for this exercise. It was nice he wanted to get to know me, other than just the girl in the red coat. I tied up my long blonde hair into a ponytail and took off the coat.

  ‘I will properly introduce myself, my name is Daniel Lewis,’ his voice was deep and very polite. I smiled at him again; I just could not help myself and wondered if he had some sort of power over me.

  The exercise consisted of a dance piece to slow music. Daniel took hold of my hands and gracefully and steadily spun me around. I felt my hair bobble fly off my head as he moved in closer, stroking his right hand down the middle of my back and his left hand gently pulling through my hair. The fuzzy feelings I had felt moment ago about the mystery character took control of my whole body, his face moved in towards mine, so close I felt his warm breath on my neck. I had not noticed that I was being watched again by the mystery guy. Part of me sensed he was there but I was too focused on Daniel, as though he had a spell on me. Daniel lifted me gracefully through the air. I flung my arms out like wings feeling as though I was flying. I could imagine myself with beautiful butterfly wings fluttering above the ground. I had never danced like this with someone before and at this moment in time things were looking really positive for me being at this college.

  ‘Fancy grabbing some lunch with me after class?’ he asked me, quite bashfully.

  ‘Erm I would love to, but I have to pop out at lunch to visit my Grandma, she hasn’t been feeling well and I promised her I would come and have a cuppa. I have recently moved to hers whilst I study here’

  ‘Well let me walk you there.’

  It was like he was being protective over me and maybe wanting to spend a little more time together. I was flattered, but still, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and assume anything. I thought it w
ould be best to decline Daniel’s kind offer.

  The lesson seemed to have ended so quickly. I looked around at everyone in their pairs and it was so nice to see all the students had gelled together really well. I had not realised Miss Hogg had asked the whole class to watch our dance piece. The group of friends who Daniel was with when I first entered the room approached us, grinning and nudging each other.

  ‘Hey dude are you and your new friend joining us for a bite to eat? We’re off to the new burger bar up town,’ one of them asked Daniel.

  ‘I will be coming but Grace has other plans.’

  ‘Oh, ok then that’s a shame,’ he turned to me. ‘Why don’t you join us tonight? We are off to the skate park to hang out for the evening.’

  I was so flattered that this new group of people were keen for me to be part of their ‘gang’. I hadn’t had many friends to chill with over the summer. Everyone from school had moved on to different colleges around the area and it had been difficult to keep in touch with them.

  ‘Yeah, sounds good, what time?’

  ‘Shall we say 6 ‘O’ Clock, is that cool for all you guys?’ Dominic turned to the others who all nodded.

  Miss Hogg was telling us the homework to be completed for the next lesson. I was in too much of a hurry to go to my Grandma’s that I did not get chance to listen and write down what would be required. I would just ask Daniel later when I met up with him and the others. I put on my red coat and made a quick escape. I thought about the mystery guy and wondered if I would see him again.

  Chapter 3.

  T he corridor outside the classroom was dark, windowless and gloomy. There were no lights on, but I could just about see the pathway in the direction I was heading. A feint smell of disinfectant was in the air. There were lockers against the walls numbered from 1-50. I could just about make out the numbers on each locker and saw the one labelled 35. This would be my locker for the next two years.

  ‘I wish there was some light,’ I thought to myself and felt uneasy again. No other students seemed to be around which was odd because it was lunch time. Perhaps they had gone another way? The air felt cold considering outside was a lovely warm day. I reached for my locker key to open number 35, the door was a bit of a struggle to open and let out a creaking noise; obviously, it had not been used for a while. I placed my backpack into it and got my purse out just in case I needed to go to the shop for my Grandma.

  As I closed the locker door and turned the key to lock it, bright white lights appeared and I was dazzled. Squinting and rubbing my eyes a face came into view quite close to mine. First, I noticed hazel brown eyes staring straight into mine. Then the facial hair that speckled round the chin area with thin red and crinkled dry lips. I next saw that this person’s hair was chocolate brown and gelled up spiked and really short. It was the guy who had been staring at me through the classroom door. I gulped and froze.

  ‘Hi,’ he said in a slightly flirty tone.

  ‘Erm, hello,’ I responded, not wanting him to know I felt uneasy.

  ‘You’re new around here. I’ve never seen your pretty face before.’ He spoke to me with a chilling smile and white teeth. At least he cared about his hygiene.

  This guy was wearing a black vest top with a tobacco brown, P.V.C. waist coat and matching trousers. He was very good looking. I had got my wish, wanting to see him again. He had a tattoo on his right shoulder which looked to be in black and white upon his tanned skin. The shape became clearer. It was a white wolf’s head under a night sky. It was very beautiful, but tattoos were not my thing. I heard my mum’s voice in my head telling me never to get one and to imagine how it would look in years to come. But I would never judge anyone else getting a tattoo done or feel anything negative about seeing them on anyone. I was very intrigued as to what the wolf meant to him.

  ‘Yes, I am new, but not to be rude, I have to make a quick dash. I need to be somewhere else now. It was nice to talk to you.’ I hoped he would get the hint.

  ‘Why? Where do you need to go? Least you can do is tell me your name. My name is Ben Williamson.’

  ‘Grace Kennedy.’ Oh shit. It came out just like word vomit; I did not want him knowing my name. Well not yet anyway.

  ‘Such a pretty name for such a pretty face.’ He smiled at me.

  ‘Well goodbye, Ben.’

  He placed his hand on my shoulder and prevented me from moving away, his grip felt really strong. I tried to move but his hand clasped tighter. Now I was scared. There was no one around to help me. I just closed my eyes. I felt his other hand twiddling the buttons on my red coat and his breath on me. I think he was moving closer to try and kiss me. Although one half of me was feeling terrified, the other was loving it and wanting to respond to his forthcoming kiss. I wanted this so badly.

  ‘Oi, get away from her, can’t you tell she’s not interested.’ A familiar male voice yelled through the air, opportunity over.

  ‘I thought you would be jealous, Daniel,’ Ben yelled back at him

  I opened my eyes to make sure I was not imagining hearing the familiar voice and there Daniel was standing with the rest of his friends. They all looked irritated, especially Daniel, his face turning red and his fists clenched. He charged towards Ben.

  ‘Let Grace go.’

  ‘As you wish.’

  Ben and Daniel stared at each other for a minute until Ben decided to release me. Tears filled my eyes. One of the girls, Natalie, rushed over to me and held my hand.

  ‘Come on Grace let’s go.’ She spoke to me so soothing and so kind.

  Through tearful eyes I looked at her, but words would not come out of my mouth. I was just speechless, so I nodded to show I had heard her. Natalie put her arm around me and guided me away from the locker area. The rest of the group followed apart from Daniel who was still staring at Ben. We moved swiftly outside but the tears I was holding back began to fall and soak my puffy cheeks. I had never been in a situation like this before and never imagined that I ever would be, it felt so surreal. It was only in magazines and dramas on television that I had seen a situation like this: starting to develop feelings for two different guys.

  ‘You ok Grace?’ asked Natalie.

  ‘Yeah, I think so, just shook up.’ I managed to mumble, not wanting to give anything away.

  ‘Ben is normally a strange guy, but he has never acted like this before. We all get to feel uneasy around him. Don’t worry though, Daniel will have words to make sure he keeps well away from you.’

  Chapter 4.

  O utside was still warm and hazy with a slight gentle breeze. I felt the air brush against my red cheeks which helped to cool them down. We waited for Daniel to catch us up, however what was only five minutes seemed like fifty. I felt bad as I didn’t want Daniel to get hurt but really needed to go; I needed to get to my Grandma’s house.

  Daniel burst through the double doors, his fists were still clenched and his face red with fury. He marched straight towards us breathing heavily.

  ‘Hey Daniel, calm down now, it’s over with,’ said Natalie.

  ‘I know it is, but he just winds me up. He had no right to act like that. I wish I could just knock his teeth out so that the rest of his life he would have to suck food through a straw.’

  ‘Now, now Daniel, there is no need for that. It is against our rules to act out of character.’ Dominic placed a calming hand on his shoulder.

  Daniel looked at me. I felt uneasy as this was not a side that I had expected to see from him, but as soon as he saw me his fists relaxed and his face returned to normal. He smiled and hugged me so tightly that I nearly couldn’t breathe; it was nice to feel his embrace.

  ‘I am going to walk you to your Grandma’s,’ he whispered gently into my ear.

  ‘You really don’t have to,’ I murmured back.

  ‘Well I am going to; I need to make sure you are safe at all times now.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  I felt so grateful towards Daniel, he did not have to do this for me. This s
ounds crazy but I think I was already falling for him. Maybe it was just full on infatuation as I had never been in love before and didn’t even know what love was. Still, whatever it was I felt in this moment, I liked it and I did not want it to go away. All I hoped for was for Daniel to feel the same way as me. I couldn’t tell him; I’d scare him off. But I was also developing an infatuation towards Ben as well. I couldn’t make up my mind who I liked more.

  ‘I really need to go now.’ I was going to be late to my Grandma’s.

  ‘Sorry,’ Daniel let go of me but then gently placed his hand in mine.

  ‘Wow this feels really nice,’ I thought to myself, his hand was soft and warm.

  ‘Ok guys, I will catch you all up, I am going to walk Grace where she needs to go. Just in case Ben decides to make an appearance again.’

  ‘No worries dude,’ called Dominic. ‘Why don’t you just meet us this evening at the skate park? I would rather you keep a safe eye on Grace than worry about her.’

  ‘Cheers dude,’ smiled Daniel, Bashfully.

  I giggled to myself. It was funny to see Dominic embarrass Daniel in a friendly and light-hearted way but it was nice that Dominic encouraged Daniel to put me first before his mates. They had only just met me, but it felt like I had known them all for ages. I took a deep breath and bit my lip. I knew my grandma would not approve of me bringing a guy to her house so I would have to come up with a good excuse for Daniel to leave once we got there. All the while Ben was also mixed up in my thoughts.

  I loved walking to my Grandma’s house, I had discovered a short cut the day when I went to look around the college. It was down a heavily overgrown old railway track. There was a concrete pathway where the train railings use to be and tall trees and hedges that had not been cut back in years. I wouldn’t have liked to take this route at night, but it did make the trek a lot quicker.

  I felt as if someone was following us. I looked over my shoulder towards the overgrown hedges and the trees with their branches nearly hitting the ground, thinking I saw Ben disappearing into each shadow.


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