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Gavin (Members From Money Book 24)

Page 10

by Katie Dowe

  “Is this what it comes down to, Gail? You and me going at each other like cats and dogs?”

  “You caused all this when you broke up our home so don’t come put it on me,” she said, hanging up on him.

  She bent her head to the desk and allowed the tears to fall!


  Savannah steps faltered a little bit as she made her way out to her car as she saw him leaning against it. Since the last few days she had found out that she was pregnant she had been avoiding him claiming that she had to work which was not really a lie. She could not risk him finding out that she was pregnant when she had no idea what to do about it yet.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked him coolly as she dug her keys out of her pocketbook.

  “You have been avoiding me,” he told her.

  “Not everything is about you, Gavin. I happen to work odd hours.” She stood him front of him willing him to move so she could get inside her vehicle.

  “And I happen to know that you have been avoiding me and I want to know why,” he insisted.

  “Okay, you want to know why? I don’t want to see you. I think the thing we had has run its course.”

  He stared at her for a moment, his slate grey eyes probing and then he got off her vehicle letting her pass but before she could get in he grabbed her arm and stopped her. “You are lying.” His tone was conversational. “And it has me thinking why you would lie unless you are hiding something.”

  Savannah felt the dart of fear and forced the cool mask on her face. “I told you before that I do not want a relationship. I don’t have the time or the patience to build one especially with a man like you. I do better on my own and I asking you to respect that.”

  He released her immediately and stepped back. Savannah got inside her vehicle and switched the engine on, reversing out of the space as fast as she could. She adjusted her mirror and saw him standing there looking after her. It was not until she had cleared the parking lot that she stopped and rested her head on the steering wheel her body trembling!


  “Where is Gabby?” Gavin said as he hung up his coat and came into the kitchen where his sister sat nursing a glass of red wine.

  “She is with Mother. Want some?” She pointed to the half-empty bottle.

  “You seem to be doing very well by yourself. Anything wrong?” he asked mildly as he sat next to her.

  “Oh, nothing much except that Otis is determined to fight for custody and I sat at work and convinced myself that maybe he should have our daughter.”

  “And why is that?”

  “She almost died on my watch, Gavin, and I am beginning to question whether or not I am a good parent. Look at Mother. She left us to go and be with other men when Dad died and ended getting married two times after that.”

  “You are not Mother.”

  “Am I not? Look at me? I am in the middle of a divorce and a custody battle and you can’t seem to find a woman to settle down with. We both suffered when she left and we are still feeling the effects of it.”

  “I met someone, but it did not work out.” He reached for the bottle and put it to his lips taking a swig of it and grimacing. “This tastes like sewage, by the way.”

  “I am not as wealthy as you are to afford a thousand dollar bottle of wine and what do you mean you met someone? Was it that doll-looking woman I saw you in the papers with because I am telling you right now, Gavin, I am happy it did not work out. She is not for you.”

  “It’s not her.” He looked at her in amusement.

  “Then who?”

  “It does not matter. It’s over.”

  “Did you even try?” she demanded.

  “She refuses to let me in and she told me today that it is over. She does not want a relationship.”

  “Maybe she is afraid of something. You do have a reputation.”

  “I did.” He nodded. “She does not want to be with me, Gail, and I am not going to force her to want to be with me.”

  “I have not seen you out with anyone in the last couple of months but that Amy person.”

  “And I am not going to tell you who she is. Drop it, it’s over, and I want to move on.”

  “Can you?” she asked him mildly as she looked at him.

  “I am damn well going to try!”


  “Can you keep it to yourself, please?” Savannah asked as she put her clothes back on.

  “Of course,” Dr. Stapleton assured her as she sat on her chair and looked at the woman in front of her. “This is a happy moment, Savannah.”

  “Is it?” Savannah sat on the chair and put on her sneakers. “I have not decided what I am going to do yet so please don’t say anything.”

  “If you are thinking of termination, you are six weeks pregnant, Savannah, and you have a couple of weeks to decide.”

  Savannah leaned back against the chair and closed her eyes. She had been wrestling with the problem since she found out and was no closer to a solution. “I know. In the meantime I am going to eat my fruits and vegetables and take my vitamins. Thanks, Kerry.”

  “You are welcome, my dear. And Savannah? Having a child can be an extremely beautiful thing.”

  “I know,” she said as she left the room.


  “Honey, you look peaked, are you okay?” Simon Myles asked his daughter as she leaned back against the lounge chair on the porch.

  “I am just a little tired, Dad,” she said with a forced smile. She had started coming by for dinner on Saturdays whenever she was off and had found that Carissa was not so bad after all and the fact was that she loved Simon and wanted to make it work.

  “Are you sure?” He looked at her over his glasses with a frown on his brow.

  “Simon, stop being a doctor for once in your life. Savannah, could you come and help me in the kitchen and leave this man out here by himself?” Carissa asked with a smile.

  Savannah hesitated a little and then with a nod she got to her feet and followed her into the homely kitchen.

  “What do you need help with?” Savannah asked her politely as she looked around the spotless area.

  “What makes it better? I am not a doctor and I have never been pregnant, but I am told that herbal tea soothes the stomach,” Carissa said as she put the kettle on.

  “I beg your pardon?” Savannah looked at her startled.

  “I noticed the changes the last two times you were here. The way you picked at the food and the sudden rush to the bathroom and also the way your bosom has gotten a little bigger. I am very observant, my dear, and if I notice it with my untrained eyes it will not be long before your father does too. When are you going to tell him the good news?”

  “There is nothing to tell.” Savannah got to her feet agitatedly. “And it’s not your place-”

  “I would never tell him, my dear. You are going to have to do that and soon.”

  “Just stay out of it!”


  She had not wanted to go and had only agreed after being pressured by the other doctors at the hospital. It was a charity function that would benefit children suffering from cancer and it was being held at one of the largest hotels uptown. She spent the Saturday morning trying on several dresses and realizing with despair that all of them had gotten tight in the bosom which meant that she was going to have to pick something up at the store she always bought her clothes from. She had been there two weeks ago and had noticed a dress in fuchsia with a cute neckline and flared skirt and had balked at the price. What did she expect? It had been a Romano’s original after all! So she had grabbed her purse and marched into the store to get the dress, not daring to think of the amount that had been taken off her credit card for just one item of clothing and then of course there had been the shoes and the clutch that went along with it but it had been worth it as she stood there looking in the mirror. The design of the dress effectively hid the fact that her bosom had gotten bigger and looked great against her skin which had taken on
an added glow since the pregnancy. Carissa was right, pretty soon everyone would know! Her hair was swept up on top of her head and secured with pins and diamonds dangled from her lobe along with a silver necklace with a diamond pendant. She grabbed her coat and her clutch and headed out.

  Gavin saw her the minute she entered the room swarming with people in the medical profession. He had decided to attend at the last minute and had only done so to get Fabian out of the funk he had been in since Grace’s betrayal. He could have very well sent a generous check and been done with it and now seeing her coming into the room with her exquisite beauty made him wish he had done just that! He had told his sister that he had every intention of moving on but so far he had not been able to do that and seeing her now reminded him that it was going to take a hell of a lot for him to move on from her! He grabbed a flute of champagne and watched as she greeted some other doctors and frowned darkly as a male grabbed her around the waist and held her close.

  “You look like you are about to commit murder,” a familiar female voice drawled next to him.

  “Leesa Wellington. How are you?” He turned to her with a smile on his face.

  “I am good, cannot complain.” She hugged him and then let go as she studied his handsome face. “Who is she, darling?”


  “The woman who caused that look on your very handsome face.” She linked arms with him and he walked with her towards the sections where her husband and several others were gathered. It was the form of a banquet and several guest speakers were scheduled to speak shortly.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Don’t tell me that the most eligible bachelor in the pharmaceutical company has finally met his match in a woman! I must meet her.”

  “And you have a very vivid imagination,” he told her dryly.

  “Hmm.” She looked at him and then looked around the room as if trying to decide which woman had done this to him. “I will find out, darling.”


  Savannah made her way to the ladies’ room hurriedly praying that she would make it in time. She had been doing so well until she had tasted the shrimp cocktail and then it had started! The roiling of her stomach! She pushed the door open thankful that she was alone in the room and emptied her stomach in the toilet, leaning weakly against the wall before going to rinse her mouth out and replaced her lipstick. She was just going to make her excuse and leave. She felt as if every bone in her body had been pulverized with how weak she felt. She was heading into three months and the nausea had not checked! She pushed the door open and came to a stop as she saw who was leaning against the wall waiting for her.

  “Leave me alone,” she muttered as she made to pass him.

  “Not this time,” he told her grimly as he took her arm. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter 10

  He did not say anything to her as they made their way to get their coats and made their way outside. “My car will be here soon,” she said a little nervously.

  “Good, we will take your car and go to my apartment.”

  “I am not going to your apartment, Gavin. I told you it was over.”

  “I know what you told me, Savannah, but that was before I realized something that I could not put my finger on until now.”

  “And what is that?” she challenged him.

  “The fact that you are carrying my child,” he said grimly.

  Savannah froze as she stared at him. “You are out of your mind.”

  “Maybe, but I aim to find out,” he responded wryly. She did not get to answer as the car came by at that moment and the valet handed her the keys which he took and gave him a tip. “I am driving, darling.”

  She wheeled away furiously and went into the passenger seat. He came in and putting the car into drive moved away from the curb. She stared out the window and ignored him, unconsciously admiring the bright lights of the town and the cars whizzing by. It was almost June which meant it was almost summer and the thought of the heat and flowers blooming made her smile a little bit. Somehow she was happy he knew because the decision of what to do had been taken from her.

  A valet rushed out to take the keys from him as he took her arm and guided her to the private elevator. He did not say a word to her not even when they were inside and he had taken her coat from her.

  “Have a seat.” He gestured to one of the sofas in the living room.

  She hesitated and then sat with her hands folded in her lap. “When were you going to tell me?” he asked her grimly.

  “I have no idea what you are talking-”

  “Stop!” His voice caused her to jump and bristled. “I watched you all evening and even from across the room I noticed the difference in your body. I have been intimate with you enough times to know what your body looks like. I followed you to the bathroom and heard you puking your guts out and I put two and two together. How far along are you?”

  Savannah got to her feet and walked away from him. “It’s my body and whatever happens to it is my responsibility,” she told him coolly as she turned back to him. “Anything I decide is up to me.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked her dangerously.

  “If I decide to keep the baby then I will let you know.”

  “If you decide to keep it?” His voice was soft and sent shivers up and down her spine. “Lady, that is also my baby you are talking about and you are going to carry it.”

  “It’s my body-”

  She gasped as he hauled into his arms, his grey eyes glinting dangerously. “Do you have any idea how powerful I am?”

  “I am not afraid of you,” she whispered.

  “You should be,” he told her with an edge to his voice. “You are keeping my baby and we are getting married.”

  “No, we are not!” Suddenly, she felt the panic assailed her. “How dare you! You think because I was stupid enough to get knocked up by you that I am going to go to the altar like a lamb to the slaughter?” Her eyes flashed as she looked at him, all fear gone.

  “Let’s talk-”

  “No! I draw the line at marriage. I will carry this baby to full term and I will be a mother to him or her, but I am not marrying you. Is that clear?”

  “Why not?” he demanded.

  She laughed suddenly and he stared at the transformation and felt his gut clenched. “I get it. You are so used to being irresistible when it comes to the opposite sex that you are not used to hearing no. Listen to me carefully, Gavin Parker, I have no intention of marrying you and that’s final.”

  He could see how agitated she was getting and decided that he would save the argument for another time. “We will see.”

  “We certainly will.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked her softly.

  She shrugged. “I did not want to get pregnant. I had not been in a relationship for so long and when we had sex I completely forgot about protection.”

  “I thought you loved children. You are a pediatric surgeon.”

  “And I see every single day what losing a child does to a parent. I have seen children abused by the people who are supposed to protect their children and I decided that I could not handle that.” She wrapped her arms around her stomach and went to look out the window. He lived in the penthouse suite which afforded a spectacular view of the skyline. It was approaching ten now and the sky was a velvety dark blue studded with stars. She stiffened as she felt him behind her.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. “I am sorry you feel that way, Savannah.” His tone was gentle and so was his voice. He tilted her chin up to look at him. “There are no guarantees in life, but that does not mean that we have to live each day in fear. Our child will be loved and protected the best way we know how.”

  She stared at him for a moment and then nodded. “I am going to have to tell them at the hospital. I am not going to tell them about you and I don’t want you coming by to see me.”

  “I am not hid
ing the fact that I am the father of the child you are carrying, Savannah, so forget that.”

  “Please just give me time.”

  “Why?” he demanded.

  “It’s going to call too much attention to me and I just want to do my work. I am a surgeon and I want nothing to detract from that.”

  “You are deluding yourself if you think my staying away is going to stop them from wondering about you. I am going to be there for you in every step of the way so find a way to break the news to them and do it soon.”

  She pushed him away. “I want to go home.”

  “No.” He caught her arm. “You are staying the night.”

  “You can’t make me.”

  “Can’t I?” he asked her silkily as he pulled her into his arms. “Let’s see about that.”

  She cut off a scream as he hoisted her into his arms and went straight to his suite where placed her onto the bed. “I want to leave, Gavin.”

  “No, you don’t.” He lifted her dress and felt her bare skin, his flesh shivering with need, he had been without her for so long that he was suffering from it. His fingers found her quivering flesh and stroked her mound before working their way inside going in deep. He watched her reaction and almost smiled as her lips parted and her body moved to meet his fingers. He lifted her legs and bending his head he used his tongue to swirl around the protruding flesh. Savannah felt the need splintered inside her and her body heaved and bucked towards his mouth. She screamed when he used his teeth to nip at the flesh and felt the orgasm slammed violently through her body! She sobbed incoherently when he used his tongue to capture every drop of the moisture that came from her before getting rid of his clothes he moved on top of her and entered her quivering flesh!


  He held her naked body flushed from their combined lovemaking in his arms as she slept. He had brought her to the very edge of madness as well as himself as he made love to her over and over again as if he was giving her sweet punishment for telling him it was finished. He had kissed her quivering belly that was carrying his child and had used his tongue to circle her flesh until she had begged him to take her. He had done things to her that he had never done to another woman before and had finally taken her from behind, sinking his dick deep inside her, wondering if he was somehow touching her womb. He had sprayed her with his seed and had taken a bite out of her back that left a mark. He had placed his stamp on her and he did not regret it! She made him crazy with want and frustration and for the first time in his life he had met a woman he could not do without! He placed his hand possessively over her belly and watched her as she slept. She had told him that she never wanted to marry him, but he was going to force her hands if that was what it took!


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