Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2)

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Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2) Page 9

by Felicity Brandon

  “Oh, God!” Lily bucked against him, and for one moment he thought she was about to lose it and come spasming around his tongue regardless of his threats.

  She must have been close—so close—yet as he drew an inch away from her flesh, Lily didn’t climax. A brief assessment of her expression showed him just how hard she was working to maintain that reality though.

  “Why, Lily?” This time Ethan’s tone was demanding.

  “Because I messed up,” she moaned. “I’m being punished.”

  “Yes, you are,” he agreed as he grazed his large fingers over her desperate clit. “You are well and truly being punished, my little one.”

  “Please, sir.” Lily sounded hoarse. “Please no more. I don’t have the energy to fight it anymore, and I can’t cope with your belt—not after all of this.”

  Ethan considered her fate. “Are you sure you can’t manage just a little more?” he asked in a goading tone. “Maybe just a few more laps at this gorgeous pussy, or maybe I should fuck you with my finger again?”

  He shifted up her body, ensuring his body connected with her clit as he assessed her face. Lily winced at the contact, biting her lip as she met his eye.

  “God, I’m so close.”

  Ethan smirked at her. “I know you are, sweetheart. Just think about all those orgasms you could have had—if you’d been my good girl right from the start and not acted so recklessly yesterday.”

  Lily sniffed. “I deserved this, didn’t I?”

  His expression softened at that. “Yes, you did,” he murmured, climbing up her bound body until they were face to face once more. “But now that you’ve realized it, it’s time I took you again.”

  Ethan’s cock was already at her sodden entrance, and he lunged into her with one smooth motion. Lily’s lips opened as the pleasure of his possession ripped through her, and she gasped as he began to thrust. In her mind, her thoughts were scattered, the only discernible notion Ethan could find was the need to resist the looming intensity. To ignore it, to separate her head from her body—but of course, that was all but impossible to do.

  He gazed down at her reddened face, enjoying the anguish in her eyes one more time before he dropped his mouth to hers for a kiss.


  It was taking everything Lily had to deny the wall of pleasure Ethan was constructing. She had fought so hard for so long. She had cried, begged and yielded, each in some vain attempt to lure him into sympathy, but Lily had never succeeded. Ethan had punished her before, but she’d never seen him so intent on teaching her a lesson.

  So intent on breaking her.

  Ethan’s lips descended to her mouth, and as he brushed them over her, Lily caught the scent of her own excitement on his breath. Her eyes fluttered shut at the sheer humiliation of it all. Before this Lily had never known such cruel treatments existed. She had assumed the worst he could inflict on her was the physical pain of his belt, but she’d been wrong.

  So fucking wrong.

  And once again, Ethan had been right.

  She’d never walk out on him now. Not after this, and as his cock filled her up again, she could barely recall the reasons why she would ever want to.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Everything hurt. Though as Lily regained her senses, she knew that wasn’t strictly true. Her head hurt, and she was aware of various dull aches in her limbs, the place where the ropes had once been, but nothing else obvious struck her. She opened her eyes, swallowing as her gaze took in the shadows of the room.

  Night again, then, or morning?

  In the haze of everything that had happened, Lily seemed to have lost track of time completely. She didn’t even know what day it was anymore, or whether or not she should be at work in a few hours. She still hadn’t called in, and Mrs. Dawson was going to be pissed about that, especially after all the no-shows Jody had been pulling of late. Lily would be lucky if she didn’t lose her job completely. And then there was her parents. A dull thud of guilt resonated in her belly at the thought of them. Ethan had offered her the chance to call them last night, but even now, Lily didn’t know what she was supposed to say. She sighed. Lily bet her mother had called the police, and reported her as a missing person, and right now, she just didn’t know how she felt about that.

  Being with Ethan was like perpetual motion. One moment she wanted to run away from him, and the next moment she loved him more intensely than she ever thought it was possible to love someone. So much that it actually hurt. How could she deal with that, and how could she ever explain it to her parents? They weren’t likely to accept a man like Ethan as it was, let alone the added revelation that he was actually a serial killer.

  You can never tell them that, she reminded herself, and as she allowed her eyes to flutter closed again, Lily knew that was the truth. But either way, it didn’t change the fundamental problem she now found herself with—should she do the right thing and hand her lover in, or should she elect to forget the bloody terrible things he had done and just stay with Ethan?


  The sound of his name rattled around her head like a pinball, and she turned her head to find him asleep beside her. He was so handsome and seemed so peaceful that instinctively she reached out for his body. And it was then, in that moment when she was the most relaxed and unprepared that it hit her. All the events of yesterday crashed down, landing on her like cold water, sending her heart racing as the memories flooded her. All at once, Lily recalled the sensual torment he’d made her endure; the hours of provocation and denial; the way he had relentlessly demanded she yield, and then the way he had fucked her over and over. It had been a punishment. She understood that, but the way he had played her body, winding her up like a string stretched to breaking point had seemed so harsh. So, unnecessarily cruel, and still the need burned within her. Ethan had been true to his word; he’d left her hot and needy and unsatisfied.

  “Awake already, beautiful?”

  His voice was a gentle murmur, and Lily so wanted to go to him, to hide in those strong arms and to let him envelop her. Yet, she couldn’t. She was too frustrated; too het up from yesterday and more than a little exasperated about all of the recent events.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  She hadn’t intended for her words to sound quite as curt as they did, but Lily felt oddly satisfied as she heard them. Good, she thought, intentionally turning her head away from him. Let him know how I feel. He was the one who didn’t want there to be any secrets.

  “Poor little one.”

  The patronizing tone of his voice made her hands ball into fists. After everything they had been through already, all of the sex and the angst, how could he just lie there and mock her?

  “Are you struggling to recover from yesterday?”

  Lily closed her eyes again, willing herself to be calm as she drew in a deep breath. “How do I recover from yesterday?” she countered. She sounded sullen, but honestly, she really didn’t care.

  “You accept your punishment,” he told her with what sounded like a wry smile. “We both know you deserved it.”

  “I did not!” She practically hissed the response back at him, knowing immediately that she was contradicting the message she’d sent him at the end of the penance, but not caring. Lily had been insane with frustration by the end. She’d have said anything to have it over with. Anything. “I did not deserve that, sir. No one deserves that.”

  Ethan chuckled. “Lots of others have had to endure much worse than a little orgasm denial.”

  That made Lily gulp. Lots of others? Oh fuck, was he referring to the women he’d killed?

  “No,” he countered and for the first time there was an edge to Ethan’s voice, a reminder that there was a limit to his patience. “I meant other lovers.”

  “Oh.” Now Lily’s voice sounded tiny in the expanse of the shadowy bedroom. “Well, I didn’t like it.”

  She was almost pouting as she spat the final sentence out, and inwardly she chastised h
erself. Pissing Ethan off again this early in the day was bound not to end well, yet somehow, she didn’t seem to be able to stop.

  “Good,” he told her flatly. “If you liked it then I wasn’t doing my job properly.”

  Lily sat bolt upright in bed. She’d had just about enough of his comebacks. “Your job?” She paused, eyeing his body in the first light of dawn. “Is that what I am now?”

  Ethan stretched out his long body. “What you are is a handful,” he murmured. “And it’s too early for this. I don’t want to fight you.”

  She snorted, apparently unable to keep her responses private. Not that there was any privacy from Ethan. When a man could read your mind, there was nowhere to go and nowhere to hide.

  It was completely maddening!

  “Don’t then,” she said with a sigh as she threw her legs from the bed and strode purposefully toward the door.

  Christ it was good to be free again. Good to be out of those ropes. Good to be able to move.

  “Where are you going?” Ethan sounded exasperated. “Do you really want to have another day of punishment, little one?”

  She spun on her heel, feeling the bounce in her breasts as her gaze landed back on Ethan’s form still in the bed covers.

  “Punishment, for what?” she snapped. “And what is it with this little one, crap, Ethan? I’m not a child. I don’t always need to be either held or spanked!”

  The fury was radiating from her in waves now, rising from her core after every ordeal he had put her through. But it wasn’t just Ethan she was frustrated with—it was herself, too. Why wasn’t she stronger than this, she mused, cursing her inability to resist Ethan. Why had she been so swept up in this wave of hormones and emotions that she couldn’t see the truth? The man was a killer. So, he loved her now, but then what? What about the future? What happened when she pissed him off one too many times and he snapped. Would he throttle her in her sleep, or would he just turn the tables and leave her locked up somewhere to rot?

  Like you did to him, she reminded herself.

  “Just stop it!”

  The low hiss of Ethan’s voice made her shudder as she backed into the door. “Stop all this infernal thinking, and stop being so quarrelsome. You say you’re not a child, but you’re starting to sound remarkably like one, Lily.”

  She inhaled. Lily was becoming increasingly pissed off with the whole thing. It wasn’t just her mood, or even his, but the whole dynamic. They couldn’t stay locked up in this house in the middle of fuck knew where forever. At some point, they’d both have to face reality.

  “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  She mumbled the words to her chest as she pulled the door open and stalked across the small landing. Entering the cool room, she flicked on the strip lighting, and splashed some water over her face, peering at her reflection in the mirror. Lily barely recognized the look of the woman staring back at her. She had the same dark hair and green eyes as Lily, but there was a flicker of something in her gaze that was different, something that hadn’t been there before; something worldlier—needier.

  “Damn him,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Maybe, I’m already damned.”

  The sound of Ethan’s voice made her jump, Lily’s feet literally leaving the mat as she turned to face him. He leaned against the doorframe, all hard muscles and intense blue glaring eyes, and Lily swore her heart actually stopped beating for a moment,

  “I-I didn’t know you were there, sir,” she panted, placing her palm against her chest as though somehow the gesture would calm her racing heart.

  “Evidently,” he purred in a tone that instinctively made Lily’s throat tighten. She watched as he paced toward her, glowering at his approach. “What is the problem?”

  Lily strained her neck to gaze directly into his eyes. What was the problem? Was she angrier with him or herself? She just didn’t know anymore…

  “I’m just too wound up,” she ceded, slamming her foot against the floorboards as though they held some personal responsibility for her state of mind.

  Ethan watched the way the impact reverberated around her body, his lips curling at the bounce in her breasts. “I like you het up,” he drawled, pressing his frame against her.

  Beneath the soft fabric of his underwear, she could feel his cock hardening, and reflexively, she drove her hips against it. In spite of everything, she still wanted him. She always fucking wanted him, and the heat still furled at her core from yesterday’s denial was only making things worse.

  “Fuck me then.” Her tone was hard and demanding. “Sir.”

  Ethan’s eyes widened a fraction, but he offered her a wicked smile as that dark brow rose in response. “Is that what you want?” he growled into her ear. “Is that what you need?”

  ‘Fuck, yeah,” she answered, all of a sudden, reveling in her new found vocabulary. “I want it hard, and I want it fast, sir. Right here.

  A snarling noise that should have made her fearful escaped his throat, and somehow, it resonated directly with her throbbing clit.

  “Here?” he repeated. “In the bathroom?”

  “Right here.” She peered around for a moment. “Up against the wall, or over the sink. I don’t care.”

  “How about both?” he asked, pressing her body backwards in the direction of the wash basin as he spoke.


  Lily’s voice was breathy, and she didn’t have to glance down at her nipples to know how aroused her body was, she could feel the tips of the peaks aching for his fucking attention.


  “Fuck, Lily,” he growled, grabbing her wrist and pulling her around so that she was leaning back over the basin once more. “Have you ever heard the old adage about being careful what you wish for?”

  Lily went without resistance, snorting at his words. “It’s a little bit late for that, sir. We’re both as fucked as each other now, so we might as well enjoy what we have.”

  He stared down at the pale skin of her lower back as the words left her lips, his eyes running over the red marks left by his belt. “You’re right,” he agreed, pushing her ankles apart. “If this is what we have left, then let’s just fucking enjoy it.”

  Ethan impaled her with one swift thrust. Lily’s arse was prone and ready, her cunt pushed back and inviting, and as her body enveloped him, Ethan was once again filled with the scent and sensation of his little woman. She called out, a guttural sound that made his balls tighten.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  It was almost a hiss, but Ethan recognized the need in her voice, and he withdrew, filling her up again, knowing he was satiating that need. For both of them.

  “Is that what you want?”

  His words echoed through the air around them.

  “Yes.” Lily’s head fell forward. “Yes, sir. Fuck me. Fill me up. Give it to me!”

  Ethan wasn’t sure where sweet little Lily’s vocabulary had come from in recent days, but as he ceded the point and slammed back into her pussy again, he reconciled he probably had some responsibility for that, too. Filling her balls deep over and over again, Ethan’s hand rose to the waterfall of dark hair at Lily’s back, and unthinkingly, he fisted his fingers into it, yanking her head back to meet his face.

  “You like that?”

  Her lips parted, but there was no doubt about the answer to his question. He’d never seen Lily like this before.

  “Oh, fuck.” She was panting now. “Oh, fuck yes. Yes, sir.”

  Ethan’s head fell forward against the back of her neck, his left arm now supporting both their weight as his hips thrust back into her wet snatch again. He couldn’t believe how good this was. Lily had been right—this was what they both needed.

  He lifted his chin. “Up against the wall.”

  The command was little more than a snarl, but as he withdrew from her wetness, Ethan was amazed that despite her injured ankle, Lily rushed to obey him. He spun on his heel, fisting his cock as he stalked over to join her.

sp; “If I’m going to fuck you, then I want to see your face,” he growled, reaching down to grasp at her behind.

  Lily winced as his fingers brushed her tender skin, but there were no words of complaint. Only hot murmurs of need.

  “Legs around me,” Ethan instructed as he lifted her onto his throbbing cock. “And hold on, little flower. I am not going to be gentle.”

  She complied at once, wrapping her small wrists behind his head as her tight pussy slid down over his hard length.

  “I don’t want gentle,” she spat at him. “I want this. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me like you mean it!”

  There was real venom in her voice as she gave the order, and for just a second, Ethan wanted to stop and haul her over his lap for the insolent tone, but the goading pleasure at his cock dismissed that thought. There was no way he was giving up sex as good as this.

  No fucking way.

  “I do. Fucking. Mean. It.”

  Ethan punctuated each word with a fresh thrust, his rhythm making them both cry out in unison. “I fucking love you, Lily.”

  Those green eyes, which had fluttered shut at the sensations were on him now, full of passion and anger and accusations. “I love you, too,” she panted, using the strength in her arms to push herself even further down against the base of his shaft. “And I hate you. I hate you for what you’ve done. For dragging me into this; for bringing me to this shitty place.”

  Her words tore at him, making his body still for a moment as he assessed her face.

  “You hate me?” he growled, deliberately slamming hard into her delicious cunt again.

  “Yes,” she confirmed, her back arching as she pressed her needy little clit into his body.

  “For what I’ve done?”

  Lily’s gaze darted to meet his query. “For what you’ve done to me,” she gasped as he filled her up again. “For making me fall for you when you’re nothing but a monster.”

  A monster? Fuck, the woman really did know him now.

  “Get off me,” he panted, lifting her heat from his cock and setting her back on her feet.


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