Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2)

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Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2) Page 10

by Felicity Brandon

  Lily’s eyes widened, her expression bereft. “But, sir, please?”

  She thought they were done? Ethan wanted to laugh at that. He was far from done with little fucking Lily.

  “Turn around.” He moved in close, grabbing a fistful of her hair again, and ensuring he spoke directly into Lily’s ear.

  Lily gulped at the command, but her feet were moving, spinning her body so that her nose touched the wall. Ethan was between her legs in a heartbeat, using her hair to force her back into a severe arch as he filled her pussy again, claiming what was his.

  “If you hate me so much, then you won’t mind if I’m a little rougher than usual?”

  She gasped at his new brutal rhythm, but the noises coming from her lips soon morphed back into those horny little noises. The sort that made him want to push her to her knees and pump his hot cum all over her face. Ethan considered the idea as he slammed into her wetness again. It was tempting, but all of a sudden, a new and even better idea resonated.

  “I’ve a better idea,” he told her as he pulled his erection from her body again, and yanked Lily’s body toward the bathtub.

  She winced at his rough treatment, but even now, as he practically threw her over the edge of the tub, there were no complaints from Lily. She wanted this as much as he did. Maybe even more.

  “Down,” Ethan instructed, gesturing toward the bathtub. “I want that arse in the air.”

  Lily glanced back, offering him a withering look, but her body complied regardless, apparently able to veto whatever her brain was conceiving.

  Once she was in position, it only took Ethan a moment to wrap himself over her bent body. Using the moisture from her drenched pussy, he guided his cock into place between her cheeks, and with one swift lunge, he penetrated her fabulous arse. This time Lily cried out with everything she had, her hands scrabbling against the smooth surface of the tub as she tried to compose herself.

  “How about this?” he snarled as he eased himself even deeper into her tight channel. “Do you hate this, too?”

  “Ethan.” Her voice was barely even a gasp. “Oh, fuck.”

  He squeezed his eyes closed, knowing his orgasm was close. “Take it, Lily.”

  Ethan sounded pained as he made the demand. “Take it for me, but know this. There is no part of me that hates you. Not a single inch. Not now, and not ever.”

  He slammed into her again, his balls tightening until the sensation hurt.

  “Do it!” Lily screeched. “I don’t care. Just fucking do it.”

  And as though her final words had been a command, Ethan climaxed, pumping her tight arse with his hot cum as he joined Lily collapsed over the tub.

  Chapter Fifteen


  He watched her sleep. Not for the first time, Ethan didn’t know what the hell had just happened. Lily was like a storm. A beautiful and destructive force that was systemically blowing through his life and changing everything in its path. The sex they’d just shared was some of the best he’d ever had, but he’d seen the passion in her eyes. The disdain. She’d said she’d hated him as he’d given it to her, and he knew that on some level she’d meant it.

  She loved him; she hated him.

  Fuck, it was like some sort of perverse childhood nursery rhyme, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t understand Lily’s reasoning. Ethan had changed everything for Lily, too—there was no going back to her old way of life in the suburbs. Everything would be different now. For both of them.

  The sound of her stirring beside him made Ethan’s heart race, but Lily’s eyes never even opened, and she settled back into an almost immediate slumber.

  That did it, he concluded as he slipped out of the sheets and padded over to his pants. They had to get out of here—he had to get them out of here—and wherever they were headed next, it would have to be a long way from either of their homes. Ethan’s chest constricted as he thought of his sister, Kitty, but he pushed her face from his mind. Kitty was okay, and he knew he’d see her again, but right now he had to concentrate on placating the little wildcat who was sleeping on the bed. He had to get a handle on Lily. And if his loving punishments wouldn’t do it, then Ethan would find another way.

  It wasn’t like he didn’t have the experience.

  Using the time she slept, he dashed around the house, collecting up as many useful items as he could find. He took the remaining water and food, carrying it back to the trunk of the car, where he also deposited some of his father’s old tools, and some blankets. As Ethan returned to the house, he realized there was one other thing he needed to collect—the duct tape from the basement. Checking Lily was still sound asleep first, he strode down to the cellar again and helped himself to a couple of rolls of the tape. He didn’t allow himself to dwell upon the reasons his father had collected it in the first place, or the unpleasant parallels his behavior bore to his ancestry. Instead, Ethan was on autopilot, wanting all the small tasks completed before Lily woke—and the real work began.


  The soft purr of her inquiring voice vibrated down the stairs, and all of Ethan’s senses came to life as he took the steps back to her two at a time.

  “Finally awake?” he asked as he leaned against the doorframe to his parents’ old bedroom.

  His gaze fell over Lily’s curves, and just for a fleeting moment, he considered calling the whole plan off.

  “Erm, yes, sir,” she breathed as she slid out of the tangle of sheets. “Where have you been? I woke up and you were gone.”

  Ethan stood up straight as her diminutive frame approached, using his full height to tower over Lily. “I had some things to sort out,” he told her. “For our trip.”

  Lily blinked up at him. “Trip?”

  “That’s right.”

  “So, we’re leaving?” she queried again, her confusion evident in her creased brow.

  “I thought you’d be pleased,” he muttered. “You didn’t seem to like it much here.”

  She swallowed. “It’s not the place,” she replied in a breathy tone. “But the effect it has on you, sir. I haven’t liked you much since we came here.”

  Ethan repressed the chuckle that rose at her words. “Yeah, so you mentioned,” he brooded. “When you told me how much you hated me.”

  Lily blanched at that. “I didn’t mean that,” she murmured. “I just meant—”

  “It doesn’t matter.” He sounded cold as he cut her off, but Ethan didn’t care.

  It was time to get this show on the road.

  “Use the bathroom and get dressed. I want to head off right away.”

  Her mouth fell open, and not for the first time, Ethan considering delaying his plan to use those sweet lips again. “But?”

  Quick as a flash, he reached for her lips, silencing them with one finger.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Lily,” he warned her. “So unless you want a nice freshly spanked arse to sit on for the trip, I suggest you get moving.”

  Lily’s eyes were as wide as saucers as Ethan’s finger edged away, her beautiful tits rising and falling as her chest heaved. “I’m moving,” she assured him in a whisper. “If you’ll let me out of the room, sir?”

  There was an edge to her tone as she answered him, and Ethan felt his impatience spike at the sound. Even now, she couldn’t keep herself in check and just do as she was told. The woman was completely infuriating.

  “Fine,” he muttered as he shifted his weight from the doorway, permitting just enough room for Lily to squeeze her nude body past him.

  She stalked away, heading right into the bathroom as he’d asked. Ethan’s cock twitched as her pert little behind wriggled seductively, but his mind was resolute. They were leaving as soon as she was dressed.

  And bound.

  When she emerged from the room, Ethan already had her clothes waiting. They were pretty filthy from her exploits, but would have to do for the time being. He watched as she hurried to dress.

  “What’s the urgency?” she huffed as
she wiggled into her top.


  His tone had lowered into that intentionally dark resonance.

  “Sir?” Lily’s response was little more than a gasp as she remedied her error.

  Ethan turned toward the staircase. “You’re right,” he muttered. “This place does have a negative effect on me, and it’s time we left.”

  Lily swallowed. “Okay, but where will we go?”

  There was a pause and in the silence, Ethan could see the queries in her eyes. “Can I go home, sir?”

  He pulled in a deep breath. “We’ve been through this.”

  “But, Ethan—”

  Ethan moved so fast that she probably didn’t even see him coming, and based on the expression on her face, he thought not. Backing into the wall, Lily had nowhere to escape as he pressed himself into her body.

  “Quiet.” The word thundered around the small hallway. “No more questions and no more complaints, Lily. I’ve already told you, your future is with me now.”

  She bit her lip at his edict, and as she gazed up into his eyes, Ethan could hear her thoughts spiraling. I love you, Ethan, but this—this frightens me.

  His lips curled. “So, you love me now?”

  Ethan could hear the cynicism in his voice.

  “Of course,” she said imploringly. “Of course, I love you, sir. I need you. I want to be with you—why else would I have come back?”

  He lowered his head to rest his temple against Lily’s soft hair. “Because you were hurt?” he proffered. “In pain, confused, afraid?”

  Lily snorted. “Maybe.” She shook her head. “But you make me feel all those things anyway, sir, and a whole lot more besides.”

  Ethan grinned at her response, raising his hand to grasp lightly at her chin. “I know this probably isn’t how you envisioned us being, little one.”

  If she envisioned them at all, he thought idly.

  You know I did. Lily’s silent reply was immediate. “You haunted me from the first time I ever saw you, sir. But you just blew the whole thing out of the water with your confession, and I…” She hesitated, those green eyes uncertain. “I didn’t know how to cope with those things. I still don’t.”

  “I know.” He paused, looking into Lily’s eyes. If nothing else, she was being honest with him now. “But it changes nothing, Lily. I always wanted to dominate you—to possess you—but now that we’re here, on this journey—it means all the more, somehow. You’re mine now. In a very real sense.”

  “So, what’s the plan, sir?” Lily’s voice quivered as she probed. “To whisk me away and never look back?”


  Lily blinked at him, her eyes conveying her disbelief on the subject.

  “I can evade the authorities,” he muttered. “That’s the easy part, but you, Lily—you have changed everything. I can’t evade you, and that means we need to be together.” Ethan paused, gripping her chin a little tighter. “You told me once that’s what you wanted. Is it still true?”

  She inhaled, pushing her chest against his frame. “You know it is.” Lily’s voice was like a sigh. “But not like this, sir. We can’t live on the run.”

  He backed away, shaking his head. “You’ll do whatever I tell you, little flower.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “No.”

  That one word seemed to echo around the chipped paintwork.

  “So eager to defy me again?” Ethan asked as he folded his arms across his chest.

  “Just eager to tell you the truth,” she countered. “Somebody has to, sir.”

  “Don’t push your luck.” There was that dark tone again, the menacing timbre clear to his own ears. “You’re going to do as I ask you, Lily, so it’s better that you just comply. You know I always reward your good behavior.”

  Lily fixed him with a determined stare. “I can’t surrender on this, Ethan. I’m sorry.”

  You can’t, or you won’t?

  She pouted, mirroring his body language as her arms folded across her chest. “It’s not the life I want,” she told him petulantly. “I haven’t left my parents’ rules to give in to yours. Sir.”

  Ethan watched her. He loved her spirit—hadn’t he always said that much—yet looking at her now, he couldn’t recall what he’d liked about it so much. Everything with Lily was always a fight.

  “I’m sorry to hear you say that.”

  Lily swallowed. Apparently, she could sense where this conversation was heading. “So, what does that mean?”

  She sounded breathy and nervous.

  Ethan strode toward the top of the stairs, cutting off her only exit. “It means you just chose the hard way, little one,” he mused aloud. “You’ll do well to remember that, too. You chose this.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Ethan moved like a panther, his actions so fast that Lily’s brain could barely keep up with them, and in a moment, he wrestled her to the ground. Of course, she fought, gasping and struggling as she landed facedown on the threadbare carpet of the landing. It seemed as though Ethan used his full body weight to pin her down, but from her position, it was difficult for Lily to know what he was doing. All she knew was that in a heartbeat, her arms had been pulled behind her back, and her wrists were being bound again. But, it wasn’t rope he used this time. It was something wider and stickier; by the sound of it—tape.


  Lily twisted her head to try and see what he was doing.

  “Sir, please. Don’t do this!”

  “Too late, beautiful,” he responded as he finished with her wrists. “I gave you every opportunity to obey me. God knows I wanted you to, but you couldn’t Lily. You so rarely ever can.”

  His weight was on her lower body, holding her legs down now that her arms were restrained.


  Panic was pinballing around Lily’s body. She’d rarely known Ethan like this. Even when he’d taken her from his house the other day, he’d been kinder than this, but she sensed an exasperation in his mood. A danger that she’d scarcely experienced.

  And for the first time Lily began to wonder how much peril she was really in. Ethan had sworn that he loved her, but how much did those words mean to a killer?

  How much could they mean?

  “I’m sorry,” she panted. “I’ll do better. Just give me another chance.”

  Ethan’s body was moving now, but Lily couldn’t tell what he was doing until she heard that awful noise of the tape again, and then his hands were at her feet.

  “You’ll have your chances, little one,” he promised, but even as he spoke, Lily could feel him grasping her ankles and winding fresh tape around them.

  “You’ll always have them with me, but not this time.”

  Lily’s body jerked, her legs trying to draw apart, but unable to separate now that Ethan had gone to work on her ankles. The low-lying panic in her chest deepened, threatening to turn into terror.

  “This time you will learn what happens to little flowers who cannot obey.”

  And then his weight was gone, leaving Lily bound at the wrists and ankles.

  “Ethan?” she was screeching. “Sir. Please!”

  His boots came into view beside her face, but Lily couldn’t even lift her face high enough to catch sight of the blue eyes she knew would be drilling into her helpless body.


  Quiet? How could he expect such a thing when he had her trussed up like this?

  “But, I do expect it,” he told her solemnly, and all of a sudden, Ethan crouched down beside her face. “And I will have silence, little Lily, or else I’ll be forced to gag that pretty mouth of yours.”

  She felt her heart begin to thunder out of control.


  Ethan nodded his head as he reached for her face and drew the stray strands of her hair from her eyes. “Yes, gagged,” he assured her. “And I don’t think you’d appreciate that very much.”


had behaved precisely as Ethan had expected, and as he swooped to collect her bound body, he marveled at how well he appeared to know the woman. She was never going to come with him willingly. Not after everything that had happened between them, and not with the conflicted emotions still burning within her. Ethan had known that. And that was why he had a back-up plan already in mind, and one of his father’s rolls of tape.

  Pulling her head against his chest, Ethan made his way down the staircase with Lily in his arms. The house had served its purpose, giving them somewhere to run to that first night, but Ethan was done with it. At the foot of the steps, he surveyed the door to the cellar wistfully. He’d had every intention of mending that, and yet now there was no time.


  Lily’s soft tone caught his attention, and Ethan lowered his gaze to find her inquiring eyes.

  “What is it?”

  He had asked her to be quiet, yet somehow her gentle tone offended him less than he’d anticipated.

  “You’re frightening me.”

  It wasn’t the first time Lily had told him that, of course, but perhaps for the first time, Ethan sensed that she meant it.

  “Do as you are told,” he warned. “And you have nothing to fear.”

  Lily bit her lip. “But my arms and ankles?”

  Ethan’s gaze bored into her face. Of course, the binds were bothering her, but the question was this: were they actually terrifying her, or just making that sweet little pussy even wetter?

  “You stay bound until you can behave,” he told her flatly.

  She inhaled, trying to compose herself, but Ethan didn’t have to read her mind to know Lily was barely coping. “So, you’ll take me, regardless?” Her voice was a thready whisper. “Whether I want it or not?”

  He closed his eyes at her accusation, because Lily’s words were spot on. “If necessary,” he replied. “But I’m not convinced you don’t want it, little one. You can just never do as you’re fucking told. Can you?”

  Lily’s brow furrowed. “No,” she concluded. “I never can, sir, but that doesn’t mean I deserve this. Don’t you love me at all?”


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