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Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2)

Page 14

by Felicity Brandon

  “You want this?” His cock nudged at her entrance as he sought her consent, and Lily’s legs splayed in response.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, sir.”

  Ethan’s brow arched. “I want to hear it, Lily. Let me hear you say it.”

  Lily’s lips parted. Oh God. He wanted her to say it? Why wasn’t it enough that the man could already hear her thoughts?

  He smirked. “Lily.”

  His tone was a thinly veiled warning, but Lily was almost too lost to notice.

  “Please, sir,” she moaned.

  “What, Lily?”

  “Fill me up. Fuck me, sir.”

  Ethan smiled at her proudly, and in a heartbeat he had eased her leg up toward his face, resting her ankle at his shoulder before he drove deep inside her.

  Oh fuck.

  Lily didn’t know if she’d said the words out loud, but her head was yelling them as he lunged deep into her, her eyes fluttering closed to mask the intensity.


  The sound of her name was like a command, and as her gaze flitted to his face, she saw Ethan smiling.

  “Eyes on me, little one,” he purred. “I want to see you while I fuck you senseless.”

  Oh, God…

  “Shift your other leg up,” he instructed. “Like the left one. Let me really pound you.”

  The sinful look in his eyes made her move and a moment later, both of Lily’s ankles were at his shoulders, her knees splaying against her body as he thrust deep into her needy pussy.

  “That. Is. So Good,” he panted between each lunge into her body, and holy fuck, Ethan was right.

  This was bliss.

  Raw, yet sensual. Intense and unrelenting, his cock slid into her over and over again, screwing her into the bed as she gazed up into his eyes. Each new thrust pushed him deeper, the front of his body stimulating her excited clitoris, while the weight of his testicles crashed down onto her exposed arse.

  It was everything Lily wanted. Everything she needed, and as his pace intensified, she knew she was going to come. And it was going to be so powerful, it would almost be painful.


  She cried out his name as the pleasure loomed, but he caught her wrist with his large hand, pinning her into the covers.

  “What was that?”

  Ethan lunged into her at that moment, pushing Lily so close that she wanted to cry out again.

  “Sir!” Lily was almost screaming it now. “Sir, please.”

  “Now, that’s more like it, little one,” he growled as he lowered his face to her ear. “Come for me. Come for me now, Lily.”

  Lily’s back arched as best she could under his weight, her body obeying Ethan’s command as she finally let go of all the tension she’d been carrying for days. The climax scattered her, sending all of her senses splintering at the same time. There was no conscious thought, and barely anything else, except the undeniable thrust of his magnificent cock inside her, and his hot breath at her neck.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The intensity of Lily’s pleasure had taken his breath away, and as his own climax neared, Ethan was captivated by the satiated expression in her eyes. He had her now. There was no doubt about that, and while he had no visions to guide him about what the future held, his heart told him that it had to be to more of this.

  It just had to be.

  She fell into a satisfied slumber as he held her, and for a long time Ethan just lay there watching her. He had no idea which lucky star he had fallen under to end up with a woman at all, let alone one like Lily, but fuck, he was grateful. Leaning into her body, he planted a chaste kiss at her forehead as his head began to clear. Grateful he might be, but Ethan wasn’t stupid. He recalled all too clearly what had happened the last time he’d let his defenses down around Lily, and how much effort it had been to rectify the situation. He didn’t think she’d do anything so foolish now, and he certainly hadn’t read anything in her thoughts to suggest she wanted anything except to be with Ethan, but even so. They had come to an agreement about how things were going to work, and he had to stand by his part of the deal.

  Sliding from the sheets, he wandered over to the small bag he’d brought with them. At the bottom, he found the lengths of soft, black rope he had used to bind her in the past, and winding it around his hand, he strolled over to the place Lily was sleeping. She’d fallen asleep with her body still splayed and pliant, so he took the opportunity to capture her right wrist, winding the rope around her delicate skin, before he knotted the end and attached it to the room’s headboard. Fortunately, the bed and breakfast had been very accommodating in its choice of wooden bedstead, and Ethan smiled as he shifted his attention to the other wrist. This one was laying by her side, but he collected it gently and went to work. By the time she stirred, both of her arms were raised over her head, secured with his ropes to the bed.

  Ethan loomed over her for a moment, his cock swelling at the sight. Fuck, she looked hot like that—all bound and helpless—and the best part of it all was, Lily didn’t even realize yet. He wandered into the bathroom, collecting towels and tidying up as he went, before he returned to his sleeping beauty. Pulling the covers up over her bound form, Ethan snuggled in beside her body. He couldn’t wait to see how she reacted when she woke up.

  A sound in the darkness stirred him, but at first, Ethan wasn’t sure what it was. He’d been sleeping so deeply since he’d met Lily. First their shared dreams had been all consuming, and now, whenever he slept beside her it was the same—the sleep overwhelming as it took him over.


  There was no denying what that sound was, and his heart was thundering as his eyes flew open to find the room in a shroud of darkness.


  Lily sounded panicked, although he didn’t know why. Surely, she could sense him right there with her?

  “Shhh,” he soothed reaching out to graze a hand over her chest. “What is it?”

  “I can’t move!” Her words were like a revelation as finally, the penny dropped about her latest predicament. “You have me tied.”

  “That’s right,” he told her calmly, thankful yet again that their suite was located far away from the main body of the bed and breakfast.

  Married or not, he sensed the owners weren’t used to such vocal guests.

  “I’ve tied you, just like I promised.”

  He paused, allowing that sentiment to sink in. “Is there a problem, little one?”

  Ethan heard her draw in a deep breath.

  “I just didn’t expect to…” Lily’s voice disappeared into the blackness of the room.

  “You thought I’d forget?” he demanded. “Thought that I’d be so blindsided by your fabulous sex that I’d forget what had happened the last time I left you sleeping unattended after an orgasm?”

  His voice was harder than he’d intended it to be, but even as he spoke, Ethan’s mind flitted back to the night Lily had locked him in the cellar of his parents’ old house—the same place his mother had been left to die.

  “No.” Lily sounded on the brink of tears. “No, sir, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry about that; you know that. You’ve punished me for that.”

  Ethan blew out a long breath. She was right. He had punished her. “This is not a punishment, little one,” he told her in a softer tone. “This is an insurance policy for me, until I can trust you again.”


  There were definitely tears now. Ethan could hear them in her strangled voice.

  “You agreed to this in the car on the way here,” he reminded her. “Remember that?”

  Lily sniffed. “Yes, I remember, sir.”

  He leaned toward her in the dark, his lips grazing the flesh of what felt like her shoulder.

  “I hadn’t expected it to be so scary though.”

  Her words made Ethan’s lips purse, his chin lifting to acknowledge them.

  “You’re safe,” he assured her. �
��I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “But, I feel like your prisoner now.” Her voice broke as she forced out the words, her emotion caught somewhere between grief and arousal.

  “You are my prisoner now,” Ethan replied, aware of his cock stirring at the thought.

  Tracing one finger from her shoulder, he drew a line up the length of her bound arm. “You’re my captive, little Lily. Mine from this day forward.”


  Christ, she was begging again, and every time she did it made Ethan heady.

  “What is it?” he asked. “What do you need?”

  There was silence then, nothing except the trembling of her body under his feathery touch. Ethan edged closer to her body, closing his eyes to listen in on Lily’s thoughts.

  “You don’t need to do that, sir.”

  Ethan smiled at her words. It seemed his little Lily’s intuition was growing.

  “I thought you needed me to,” he explained. “That you didn’t want to answer.”

  She giggled hoarsely. “More like I didn’t know how to. It’s not easy to admit these things.”

  That sparked his interest.

  “Go on.”

  His mouth fell to the soft skin below him, finding the goosing flesh of her breast. Ethan’s length hardened as he suckled against her gorgeous nipple.

  “Oh!” she groaned. “I can’t. I can’t think, sir. Not when you’re doing that.”

  Ethan withdrew with some reluctance. “Get talking then,” he told her as firmly as he could muster in his excitement. “Because those tits need my mouth.”

  “I was wondering…” She hesitated, but he waited, sensing that whatever was coming next was significant.

  “About the collar and leash you mentioned earlier.”


  Ethan blew out a breath. Just hearing those words from Lily’s innocent little mouth made him want to forget the whole conversation and just fuck her.


  “What about them?”

  Ethan wondered if he sounded as desperate as he felt inside.


  “Did you mean it?” Lily squeaked.

  He smiled into the darkness. “Do I often say things I don’t mean, little one?” he quipped.

  “I guess not,” she breathed.

  “You liked the sound of it, huh?” he determined, shifting himself back into position between her legs.

  Lily panted, her hips rising to meet his hardening erection. “Yes.” She sounded disgruntled by the reality of the word, but Ethan could hear the sincerity in them—the excitement. “I don’t know why, but yes, sir.”

  “Have you ever thought about it before?” he asked.

  Before me.

  “No.” Her answer was immediate. “I swear I hadn’t, but you do things to me that no one else has ever done before, sir. With you, I’m constantly horny.”

  “I see,” he replied with a small laugh. “Well, I can’t say I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Lily was endlessly fascinating. So, she was excited about the idea of his collar, eh? Just wait until she tried it on for herself.

  Ethan couldn’t fucking wait.

  Resting on his elbow, Ethan’s right hand reached up to grasp her small hand. “Do you need me to scratch that itch for you again, Lily? I know it’s not easy to scratch yourself when you’re bound to the bed.”

  A low groan escaped her lips. “Yes,” she breathed up into his face. “Yes, please.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Lily awoke to the tug of rope at her wrists, her eyes flying open to acknowledge the sensation. The sight of Ethan leaning over her body, untying her ropes filled her senses, the scent of his masculinity goading her nostrils.

  Oh, my.

  “Awake at last?” he asked in an amused tone. “I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance.”

  She bit her lip. How long had she been sleeping?

  Ethan laughed. “Long enough. I guess that last session put you out for the count, huh?”

  “I guess so.”

  He climbed back down the bed, offering her a smile. “Go on,” he prompted. “You’re a free woman again. Time to use the bathroom and get dressed. We have a cooked breakfast waiting, and then I think it’s time we went shopping.”

  Lily didn’t wait to be told again. She skipped away quickly, pleased her ankle seemed to be pain-free and stretching her aching arms as she did what Ethan had asked.

  “What do we need to buy, sir?” she called from the bathroom.

  “Some new clothes might be good,” he replied with a laugh. “I think we both need those.”

  Right. He had a point. “That would be good.”

  “And I’m going to ask the front desk about pet supplies, too.”

  Ethan was trying to sound casual, but Lily knew him well enough to hear the trace of excitement in his voice.

  She squeezed her eyes closed. “Pet supplies? Are you thinking of getting yourself a dog, sir?”

  The sound of his dark chuckle reverberated through to the bathroom where Lily was fixing her hair at the basin mirror.

  “I’m thinking I already have one,” he mused, and all of a sudden, his powerful, dressed frame appeared in the doorway, those long limbs blocking her exit. “And all she needs is training.”

  Ethan’s blue gaze drilled into Lily, and her face flushed.

  “A few basic supplies should do the trick,” he continued, strolling toward her naked body as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. “A good soft collar, a sturdy leash, and maybe a pet bed. What do you think?”

  Lily’s stomach flipped. Holy fuck, he was serious! Somehow, in the haze of last night’s fervor, she’d assumed it had all been just a fantasy conjured to arouse her, or part of one of her more sordid dreams, but the look in his eyes told her she was wrong. Ethan meant business.

  “Of course,” he purred from behind her as he snaked his arms around her middle. “I’ve never been more serious, Mrs. Reilly.”

  She panted, wanting desperately to get a handle on herself, and yet knowing she was failing miserably. “I wish you’d stop calling me that,” she murmured, though instinctively her gaze lowered to the band of gold still sat at her ring finger.

  “Why?” he demanded. “I know you like it.”

  Lily’s eyes fell closed. “That’s not the point,” she protested. “It’s not true.”

  He chortled at her words. “Is that all that’s worrying you?”

  Her gaze met his intense stare again in the mirror. “The truth makes quite a difference to me, sir.”

  Ethan pressed his mouth against the side of her neck, sending electricity pinballing around her head. “I know,” he murmured. “All I meant was, if that’s all that’s worrying you then we should do it.”

  For the second time in as many minutes, Lily’s heart threatened to leap out of her chest into her throat.

  “Do what? Sir.”

  He grinned at her reflection. “Get married.”

  The arms at her middle tightened, and Ethan pulled her flush against his pants.

  “You’re serious?”


  Lily shook her head at his poor choice of words. He most certainly was deadly.

  “But, what? How?”

  Lily’s head was spinning. First, the debasement of the pet supplies had blown her mind, and now this?

  Ethan chuckled, kissing her nape again. “First thing’s first,” he instructed. “Much though it pains me to concede the point, you need to get dressed. Then we’ll eat and head into the nearest town. I’ve paid for two nights, so whatever happens we’re staying here tonight, and then we can decide.”

  Christ, he made everything sound so simple.

  “Decide what, sir?”

  “If you want to make an honest man of me or not,” he replied, releasing her as he strode to the door.

  She watched him stalk away, before blinking at herself in the mirror.

  Holy fuck. Did that just happen?


  Ethan heard her thoughts as he stalked back to the bedroom, and Lily was excited. He smiled at the thought, and as he sat down to wait for her, he realized something—he was excited, too. He’d been so preoccupied with the body count of recent months, that he’d given little thought to the concept of happiness. But now he had Lily, and everything was different.

  Of course, there were still some pretty big obstacles to overcome, least of all the manhunt that was still on his trail back down south, and the matter of Jody, but Ethan didn’t want to think about those things now. They would need his attention one day—as would Lily’s parents—but he refused to let them taint the burgeoning contentment he was feeling. He didn’t want anything to burst this bubble. Not yet.

  “I’m nearly ready,” Lily told him as she skipped from the doorway to the clothes Ethan had laid out on the bed for her.

  Fuck, she was gorgeous, and as he watched her pull on the same panties and bra, he wondered if he could ever get bored of seeing Lily that way. One thing was for sure though; he couldn’t wait to see her naked and leashed to the side of the bed. He had the feeling they were both going to rather enjoy that moment.

  They spent the next few hours eating and shopping together. It was almost normal, and as he slid his fingers between hers, Ethan was able to delude himself. This was normal. They were like any other young couple out on the sunny autumn afternoon. It was only when they made their way to the local pet supplies store that the low-lying thrum of arousal between them began to burgeon again.

  “Can I help you?”

  The older man in the apron stood behind the counter and eyed them suspiciously as Ethan pulled Lily inside. The place was tiny, and they didn’t have much in the way of stock, but it would have to do. For now at least.

  “I’m looking for a few basic supplies,” began Ethan as he strode toward the counter. “A leather collar, good, sturdy leash and, if you have one, a large pet bed?”


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