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Rebel: House of Fae: A Dark Fae Paranormal Romance

Page 11

by Rosemary A Johns

  Don’t let him do this… Don’t make me say it…

  I grasped his strong hands between mine. “We have this week and we’re going to live it, remember?”

  Radley’s eyes gleamed dangerously as if with tears. He let me go with a shove, before turning on his heel and clattering back down the stairs.

  I missed him the moment that he was out of view.

  I was alone.

  I traced over the runes on my coat.

  I hated being alone.

  Then the black door clattered open, and I jumped. My pulse raced, and it felt like my insides were vibrating alongside my magic.

  Emerald was here…

  Only, instead of a gorgeous succubus, the bear shifter who’d fought me last night, shambled out, slamming the door behind himself. He looked wrecked. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he was ashen.

  Shaking, his legs gave out, as he slumped onto the couch next to me and stared into space.

  I straightened.

  What in the name of the forest had Emerald done to him?

  Wait, what was she going to do to me? In the forest of Hope, she hadn’t been my counselor. Yet she’d been kind to Felix. Although, I thought that it was impossible not to be kind to Felix.

  I peered at the shifter. “Barley, isn’t it? Are you okay because I don’t fancy being squashed if you collapse?”

  At last, Barley appeared to notice that he wasn’t alone and turned his huge bulk to stare at me.

  “You,” he snarled. “I was sentenced to this session because I fought with you. That bitch in there tore me apart over it. I hope that she eats you alive.”

  Emerald was angry because he’d fought with me…? I couldn’t help the goofy smile, which probably looked freaky considering Barley wouldn’t understand the twisted romance of Emerald’s gesture.

  At least, I was choosing to take it that way. It made me feel better about the eats you alive sentence because I had a feeling that he was right about that too.

  I was way over my head with Emerald.

  “I happen to have anger issues and low self-esteem.” Barley clasped his hands in his lap. “How would you like to suffer from magical mange? It comes and goes. Even my ass is bald.”

  That explained the tufts of fur that’d been missing.

  “Ehm, I wouldn’t…?” I ventured.

  “Damn straight.” The bear shifter sniffled. “It was the Dean of Discipline’s idea. No one likes me anymore. The others call me baldy. They even have a game, which is named Touch the Moon. Can you guess what it is?”

  I cringed back in my seat. This was just what I needed.

  Confessions of a Furless Bear Shifter…

  I shook my head.

  Barley lowered his voice, conspiratorially, “The game is to be the first one to touch my bald ass. The moon, get it?” Belenus, rescue me… The bear shifter leaned closer. “I bet you were staring at my ass too, during the fight. I told the counselor that.”

  “You did what?” I gasped.

  Brilliant. Now Emerald thought that I went around getting into fights so that I could stare at my rivals’ ass.

  “She was extremely interested in that little fact. In fact, she made a lot of notes about you. You’re going to be ripped apart in there.” He smiled, satisfied.

  “Did you ever wonder if you’d be liked more if you weren’t a member of the Prick Patrol and such a prick yourself?” I hissed.

  The bear shifter twisted, crushing me under him. I struggled for breath.

  “I can’t say as I have. But I am wondering what it’d feel like to rip off your nose.” When he opened his mouth, his teeth shifted to fangs.

  I struggled, and my eyes widened. Yet all those hours stuck kneeling in one position had weakened my muscles, and I couldn’t break free.

  This was why students from other Houses shouldn’t be allowed into our one. They were psychopaths and killers. Why on earth had Emerald allowed in Barley? Surely, it couldn’t just have been to gather information about me?

  Barley’s fangs grazed my skin.

  Goodbye, fair nose…

  Then there was a cough from the doorway, and Barley froze. Was he trembling…this shifter who’d attacked me like I was nothing but a doll? He carefully drew back, straightening my clothes and patting me on the head, as if he’d only been playing.

  I twisted to the now open doorway of the Emotions Counseling Office. Candlelight flickered around its edges like it was the entryway to hell, when I knew that it was my escape to heaven. I bit back a smile, although I was breathless with a surge of excitement.

  I’d never truly understood Apollo’s grand declarations or the Shakespearean stanzas that spoke of love, which Felix read to me with a soft smile.

  Yet now I did. Every single line swelled through me at the thought of Emerald, Emerald, Emerald…

  Her outline was just beyond the shadow of the doorway.

  I’d be with her at last, and I knew then, that it didn’t matter if she wrecked me as she had Barley, because I’d still yearn for her all the same.

  Love was a dangerous, burning thing.

  “Having fun already?” Emerald’s voice was low and amused. “It’s time for your session. Enter my lair.”

  Emerald pushed the door wider.

  I struggled onto my numb legs and staggered towards her. My heart beat wildly, as I followed her into the light.


  Wicked Reform School, House of Fae, Emotions Counseling Office

  Tuesday 27th April

  When I stepped inside, I was dazzled by the light of hundreds of scarlet candles. I threw my hand across my eyes, before gradually lowering it and squinting at the flames of the candles, which hovered magically around the edges of the office.

  After the dimness of the waiting room, the brightness was shocking.

  Even though there was no window in this room like the rest of the House of Fae (I’d bet that it had once been a closet), it was as light as day.

  I glanced around at the sleek wooden desk that was shoved against the wall. Two leather chairs had been placed close together in the center more like they were set up for a romantic encounter than therapy.

  Wait, had Emerald rearranged her room before my session? There was no way on Belenus’ cock that the bear shifter had fitted his huge legs in the small space between those chairs…

  I glowed, allowing just a little cockiness to sneak into my swagger.

  Did Emerald feel the bond?

  Emerald was wearing the feathered white dress again, but her hair was loose and tumbled in waves past her bronzed shoulders. She was gorgeous and predatory as she prowled to her chair.

  So, I’d found my type.

  All of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of something red and fluffy moving near her ass. I peered closer.

  Emerald glanced over her shoulder at me, before settling into her seat. “Are you staring at my ass?”

  The tips of my ears reddened. I rushed to throw myself down in the seat opposite hers. The chairs were so close that our knees touched. I thrummed at the contact.

  “Ehm, more like the hairy part. These sessions aren’t recorded, right? I admit that out of context that sounded wildly inappropriate.” I squirmed in my seat.

  The fiery scent of ginger wound from the candles. My mind became hazy; I was intoxicated. I shook my head to clear it.

  Was this her trick?

  The red…snake-like…fluffy thing twitched and wound around Emerald’s waist. My eyes widened.

  That wasn’t what I thought it was, right? Did she truly have a tail?

  “A certain student told me some interesting things about you.” Emerald leaned forward, swiping her fingers like she was scanning through invisible notes. Was she pranking me? “Yep, here it is.” She gave me a considering glance. “So, you have a thing about bears’ asses?”

  I snatched the hilt of my scimitar like I could cut out Barley’s lying tongue.

  Too late…

I attempted to smile. “Those shifters are real comedians.”

  Just then, Emerald’s tail crept out and edged between my legs like it had a mind of its own and its slinky naughtiness had nothing to do with the serious counselor sitting opposite and questioning me on my ass kink.

  Had she deliberately kept her tail tucked away in the forest?

  Emerald’s tail was soft and scarlet. Why didn’t it match her hair? I had the strange compulsion to cuddle it like it was a plushie and then lick it.

  Was a succubus’ tail as sensitive as a fae’s wings?

  Experimentally, I stroked my wingtip along the fluffy end of the tail and it quivered. Emerald’s breath caught. Then the tail wound higher between my legs, pushing them apart with disturbingly powerful nudges.

  What would it feel like if it decided to whip, rather than stroke?

  If this was a session in learning to trust, then surely, I’d passed

  When Emerald’s tail caressed over my balls, I fought to stay still and not arch into the maddeningly light touches.

  Emerald cocked her head. “Is this thing with asses a childhood obsession of yours, or do you think that it results from a trauma with shifters here at the school?”

  Her lips twitched. She was playing with me…in more ways than one.

  Yet fae were renowned not for compelling other paranormals or ripping them to shreds with their strength but for outwitting them. It was one of the reasons that we were feared. I didn’t want to trick Emerald into loving me, however, but I could meet her on equal stepping in any game that she was playing.

  To her, that’d probably be a turn-on.

  I gripped her tail, circling it tightly as it twitched. She gasped.

  “It’s not bears’ asses that I’m interested in.” I sucked on Emerald’s tail, tonguing it into my mouth.

  This time, it was Emerald who arched, gripping onto the chair’s armrests. Her knuckles whitened.

  “Huh, so it’s just Barley that you’re stalking?” She forced out.

  I let her tail fall out of my mouth with a shocked pop.

  The tip of her wet tail stroked along my cheek, and her gaze softened. It was more intimate than if she’d stroked her tail up and down my prick. Although, for the record, I’d be up for that too.

  When her gaze met mine, it was too knowing.

  Succubi couldn’t read fae’s minds…?

  “I’m only stalking you,” I insisted. That had sounded so much more romantic in my mind. Apollo, where were you when I needed you? He’d have known just the right line. “I only want you. Look, can’t we just forget all this counseling nonsense and take up where we left off in Hope Forest with the kiss?”


  Emerald’s tail whipped away from me, curling around her like a rejection. I shrank back in my chair.

  “How many times, sexy wings? That was a Pleasure Spell. It wasn’t real.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

  It sounded rather like she was trying to convince herself.

  “It was to me.”

  Then my stomach growled, and I wrapped my arms around my middle. I was light-headed with hunger, my knees ached, and my pride smarted.

  Brilliant. So far the plan had gone: be embarrassed, suck a tail, and beg for a kiss.

  Except, Emerald’s expression had changed to intent concern. When she leaned even closer, her eyes blazed with a fierce protectiveness that I’d only ever seen in Radley’s gaze directed at me before…like she’d battle the world for hurting me.

  But that was just the dizziness making me imagine things, right? I couldn’t let myself hope that it meant she could love me like I loved her. I’d battle the world in the same way if anyone dared to even think about hurting her.

  “You’re being starved,” she muttered.

  Rage radiated from her like a living thing. I shivered; she was terrifying and hot.

  I shrugged. “Dictate 852 states: Complaining weakens the fae who moans and the one who listens.”

  “Uh-huh. Is that why you complain all the time?”

  “Since when did I listen to Court Dictates?”

  Emerald’s hair hung across her face, as she ducked her head. “I hated how mom would starve my brothers and use dickish stuff like…all those implements hanging in the waiting room…to discipline them.” I winced. “Do they hit you with them too?”

  I weighed up whether to tell her the truth.

  On the one hand, it was brilliant to discover that Emerald wasn’t the same as the Countess and wouldn’t use a bond to enslave or hurt me. On the other hand, she looked about one wrong word away from exploding, and I didn’t want her ending up sentenced as a student to the Wicked Reform School alongside me.

  Yet wasn’t this my chance? I didn’t even need to lie to her. Weirdly, it was the truth that might set us free.

  I tilted my head, assessing Emerald. She looked younger, talking about her family.

  Where were they? Why wasn’t she with them?

  If she was only projecting what I needed to feed from my pleasure, then why hadn’t she flattered me with admiration and allowed me to be dominant, as she had in the forest? Telling me about her family couldn’t have been part of that.

  If I’d molded a perfect woman for the day (as the Dean of Discipline had with his golem secretary), then Emerald wouldn’t be her.

  Yet…she was.

  I had to tell Emerald, and my insides squirmed at the thought. But first, I had to tip her just the right way to the side of the fae.

  I leaned forward, clasping Emerald’s hand between mine; I wished that I never had to let go. In surprise, she raised her head to meet my gaze. “Professor Wells doesn’t allow most fae to be marked, which means that he doesn’t permit corporal punishment. For an uptight bastard, he at least attempts to protect us in his own way. But I’m excruciatingly familiar with the implements in the waiting room because Countess Pond is in charge of my discipline.”

  Emerald’s grip on my hand almost crushed it. “Why?”

  I eased my hands out of Emerald’s grip. She was powerful. “The threat of bonding on the Day of the Wicked or death hasn’t been her only attempt to force a bond with me. She’s been trying for years, and the strap has been one of her favorite methods of persuasion.”

  Emerald shot to her feet. Her eyes glittered with sudden fire. Her hair wove like serpentine tails. The candles guttered.

  My heart beat hard in my chest at the sudden danger in the room, which vibrated with an electric charge.

  Emerald hid it well beneath the purity of her dress and her pretty smiles but she was a predator.

  I loved that she was badass.

  Then to my shock, the emotion of her rage made the magic that’d been holding a glamor around her shimmer — just for a single moment — and her golden hair shortened to a fiery red. Her face became more heart shaped, and her eyes larger.

  Emerald was even more beautiful beneath the illusion.

  I gaped. Why would she be hiding who she was? Was she in some sort of witness protection or fleeing someone violent? Is that why she’d taken up this job that she hated in a school that was in the mountains, cut off from the outside world?

  Yet what had made her snap had been a threat to me.

  “You know what’ll happen on Saturday,” I said. “Nobody here cares about the culling. Do you?”

  I held my breath.

  It took more courage to sit with my nails biting into my palms, waiting for her answer than it had to kneel under the ogre’s blade.

  On my feathers, let her say yes…

  “It wrecked me to witness your mock execution,” Emerald confessed. “And it wrecks me to know what Countess Pond is trying to do to you…and has done. There are succubi who are cruel bitches like her. I grew up with a friend who was a Duchess; she used her influence to abuse her bonded incubi. My brothers were always terrified…”

  She broke off, hugging her arms around herself.

  I understood what that must’ve been like for her
brothers. I’d never had a sister. What had it been like for Emerald to grow up, favored but helpless to protect her brothers?

  I’d imagined that none of the female fae cared about our fear. Had I been wrong?

  “Whatever you’re running from,” I insisted, “we can work it out together. There are weaknesses in the school. Other students have escaped with outside help. Alliances are possible…”

  Emerald’s tail cracked down between my legs, dangerously close to my balls. I took the hint, snapping shut my mouth.

  “Don’t be dumb. I’m a staff member, and we’re inside the House of Fae. You’re lucky that I’m letting you off with a warning.” Yet I read the double meaning gleaming in her eyes: not here.

  She was right. I was dumb to talk about escape inside the House of Fae. If Emerald decided to take some wicked pleasure from her students, as long as she didn’t go too far, then that would be seen as part of her method. But even Wells couldn’t protect me from the Dean, if I was caught in a true escape attempt from the school, rather than a freeing of the cygnets.

  When Emerald waved her hand through the air, a box of chocolates appeared on her palm. She sat down again, placing the box on my lap.

  “Hey, you didn’t think that I’d forget you were swaying from hunger? Open it.” She gestured at the chocolates. I pulled on the ribbon that hugged the box, and magically the lid sprang open. The rich aroma of the truffles inside made my mouth water. Would it be rude if I stuffed two inside my mouth at once…maybe three? She appeared to read my expression. “Nah, hold on. Each one is as filling as the food that you imagine. I’ll let you have one every time that I like one of your answers during the session. Let’s call it an incentive, which helps you savor the pleasure.”

  She licked her lips like she was going to be the one devouring the meal. Then I realized that she was. She’d be feeding from my pleasure. Was it weird that I found that hot?

  I picked up a heart shaped truffle that was flecked with dark chocolate. “Thank you. I’ll have a Full English breakfast, please.”

  If I was polite, there was a better chance of the magic getting my order right (and not leaving out the fried mushrooms and three rashes of bacon).

  When I placed the chocolate on my tongue and then bit into it, despite hoping that the breakfast I’d craved since my exile from England would truly be replicated, I was still shocked by the intense flavors of bacon, eggs, and sausages. I took another chew, and a burst of baked beans hit me. I squirmed in the chair, giving an orgasmic sigh. When I swallowed the chocolate, it gave off a final delicious taste of fried mushrooms.


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