An American Fairy-Tell

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An American Fairy-Tell Page 2

by John J. Alexander

diversity brings, it also brings division and strife causing conflict and pain if not regulated with careful understanding. The past should never be forgotten or rewritten as we live in the now preparing for the future to overcome our enemies both domestic and foreign alike.

  The Rough Beginning

  The cities governed by SJW’s over long periods of time had become indebted shitholes overrun by corrupt leaders highlighted by high crime rates, mass unemployment, failing infrastructure, high inflation, and mass migration to greener pastures with less regressive policies. These once vibrant cities now filled with bigoted and anti-American mindsets fought back against common sense and reality. These delusional fascist triggered by free speech and impending law enforcement tactics, screamed civil rights violations and threatening national lawsuits. Still others, radical snowflakes, became violent burning American flags and rioting in the streets, indiscriminately looting and burning private properties.

  The absurd and pitiful infamous election with a known criminal and self-proclaimed socialist was the tipping point as millions of zombie voters became painfully self-aware of voter manipulation. The world watched in horror as scandal after scandal was uncovered with little to no reaction by the paid off media. Laws and procedures were broken as the body count grew with every denial. The Federal Government backed the criminal and so declined to prosecute even publicly known violations. Most people were in shock and disbelief American lawmakers would allow such corrupt behavior, and so the public reacted very slowly. Voters waited for whoever was in charge to say something and do something to stop the lunacy, but no one did anything. The ridiculous circus steamed ahead as the country quickly divided into opposing groups with no real winner to be had. The candidates toured the countryside pandering for votes and inciting riots as professional race baiters demanded retribution to fictional prejudice laid out by the hate mongering media. Foreign leaders watched in bewildered awe as the leading Republic Nation of freedom fell to internal greed and power mongering.

  The criminal narrowly won the election through media manipulation and voter fraud as the butthurt opposition did nothing to stop it. Instead, the long established right elites waited until after the inauguration to impeach this criminal for the sole purpose of humiliating the SJW followers and freethinking Americans alike. In their petty little minds, the voters would kneel before them and ask for guidance in this troubled time. However, the people had paid attention to this dog and pony show as it unfolded, turning voters against the self-proclaimed ruling class. As the vice president was sworn in as president, the vultures started circling. As with most vice president positions the main qualification for the job is not to lead but follow and support. However, a subordinate Commander in Chief has no place in America as the low approval ratings reflected. The racial tensions and immigration crisis still simmered but never boiled during that undercard presidential term. Everyone knew the main event was coming and a movement began to take shape.

  The people finally came together as egalitarians and spearheaded a government takeover by the only means available, by overwhelming votes. Votes not for lifelong Politicians or handpicked replacements by the self-serving establishment, but real citizens feed-up with all the lying, stealing, corrupt backroom deals and anti-American policies. The sad reality of the coup came not from organized citizens, but accidentally through nationwide consensus when ridiculous candidates were forced on the people with outlandish and blatant voter manipulation. The harder the elite pushed for a candidate the harder the public pushed back. Even with the Media’s biased support the establishment failed as the world took notice and watched with suspicion at the things to come. The first victory came on the highest political level giving hope to the Nation as it faced a critical turning point in morality and national safety. This new wave of confidence sparked statewide debates that toppled longstanding government monopolies and ushered in desperately needed awkward conversations. A new reality crept over the land spreading both sadness and joy as people came together on a fragile alliance riddled with animosity from past transgressions. While many ideas and beliefs could not be agreed upon, several key issues ushered in solidarity among the masses. The need for more revenue without raising taxes was paramount, along with lowering real unemployment rates and increasing public safety. With decades of failed policies to draw knowledge from the single belief “desperate time’s call for desperate measures” resulted in bold new answers some believed illegal and unethical while the majority cheered and embraced the much-needed reforms.

  Communication between people had to improve as well as between state and federal agencies. Starting in local communities, people started discussing grievances and concerns. The widespread notion of open door relations helped to bridge long-standing rifts. The bewildered snowflakes were flushed out of their safe spaces and forced to face uncomfortable realities of everyday life, just like the rest of us. Instead of fighting each other over the past, people focused on improving the future.

  After all Federal criminal databases were made available to local law enforcement agencies; the military was called into the rough neighborhoods ruled by gang bangers and lifelong criminals. Any and all suspected foreign terrorists and supporters were deported or detained for further review. Newly elected Federal officials gave temporary law enforcement authority to well-trained military squadrons. These squads arrested millions of known criminals and transported them to temporary holding camps for processing, with any and all opposition crushed by state of emergency authority. In the initial weeks, many neighborhoods and small towns resembled a warzone. People died and mothers wept as sons, daughters, and husbands were dragged away to detention camps creating chaos and confusion before the peace and quiet sat-in after a few months. The revitalized neighborhoods became safe from old and new would be criminals by long overdue laws legalizing drugs and prostitution. Prohibition taught the Nation outlawing recreational activities only supports unlawful opportunists and bullies. The patriarchy driven underworld was turned upside down exposing unimaginable horrors thought impossible in modern civilized society.

  The 4:20 Laws tackled the enormous drug trade affecting not only America, but also the whole world. By legalizing many of the more popular illegal drugs, the Federal government took the money and power away from the international drug cartels and local gangs. Cutting into the heroin trade cut terrorist funds by 60 percent. All non-violent drug related charges were dropped and prisoners released. The new legal rights of users gave prosecutors power to jail and fine would be intimidators and racketeers preying on the weak. Through careful regulations at both the Federal and State levels, all drugs were legalized except for meth, which was deemed toxic. The new drug laws and regulations outlined a system similar to alcohol consumption and distribution. Legalized drugs could only be distributed by Federally authorized suppliers overseen by State and local governments. A set tax rate of 5% for each government identity was enacted to help keep cost down making legal drugs competitive with illegal drugs forcing illegal distributions out of business. The new drug market helped jump start the national economy by collecting billions in taxes and adding millions of jobs all the while keeping money in America instead of the cartel bank accounts.

  Under the Magdalene Laws, prostitution became legal on the Federal level with each State voting to allow or deny without prosecution. All legal prostitutes were entered into a Federal database and required to conform to local laws and regulations. The National database recorded picture I.D., date of birth, fingerprints, sex orientation, business address, and blood type with current STD testing results. The blood tests would by updated every three months and failure to comply would result in a fine and legal business suspension. Prostitutes were only allowed to service legally documented clients known as Johns. A fine and business suspension could be issued if found conducting business with an illegal John. All “Johns” were required to submit photo I.D., date of birth, fingerprints, sex orientation, home address, and blood type with current STD test
results with updates every three months or face permit suspension and penalties. The Prostitution and John permits regulated the once illegal trade giving legal sex workers protection under the law when threatened by criminals, whether they be pimps, Johns or angry religious believers.

  The new and revamped prisons required all prisoners to contribute in some way for the cost associated to house them. Any prisoner not contributing would go without food, showers, clean clothing, and newly added amenities such as prostitutes and drug sessions. Death row inmates were terminated or exiled to various military posts around the world and all Federally funded prisons recognized and participated no matter the individual State statues. Violent crimes committed in prisons are now settled by courts held in the same prison. Murder and attempted murder required a swift death penalty as long as true evidence supported the accusation. Rape became punishable by castration or execution. Lesser crimes were settled by regulated payback rules

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