An American Fairy-Tell

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by John J. Alexander

where the victims choose from predetermined punishments or blood money amounts to resolve the issue. Prisoners became motivated hard workers allowed to change prisons for better opportunities in different regions of the country. Upon incarceration, each inmate is issued a resume recording past and present work performance used by other prisons for evaluation on transfers. Programs aimed at educating and uplifting peoples place in society were implemented for those compelled to do so. Jail sentences were maxed at ten years and the three strike ruled banned. Family members that harbored criminals risked losing government assistant and faced jail time themselves. The day of reckoning and personal responsibility came swiftly without bias or empathy. Doing time for committing a crime became understood as the right punishment regardless of skin color or background. It was also understood, once out on the street, all freedoms returned and ex-felons became a thing of the chaotic past.

  Many people rejoiced as the religious and non-drug users turned a not so blind eye in order to bring peace and prosperity back to the Nation. The new closely regulated industries generated billions of new tax dollars helping Federal, State and local governments cope with ever-increasing budgets as the population grew. The new reality of prosperity and order in a once turbulent society caused many harden people to resent the comfortable life, viewing the future as a fantasy instead of pragmatic progress. Some people are just never happy unless they are sad.

  American Citizenship

  In an age full of anti-American sentiment, debates arose as to what it meant to be an American citizen and who should be granted this constitutional right. The ridiculous idea any person born on U.S. soil, regardless of parental citizen status was by default an American citizen, caused unnecessary hardships on the economy and national defense. The misuse of this out dated law caused massive illegal border crossings by desperate parents looking to by-pass immigration laws and procedures. Many uneducated and non-English speaking families with little to no money illegally crossed the border looking for government assistance. Knowing giving birth on American soil gave constitutional rights to their children, many women crossed while in the last trimester of pregnancy forgoing the baby’s safety. Moreover, as the SJW’s gained more political control, children born in other countries were given goodwill assistance granting amnesty to the parents. This caused backlash from legal immigrates and natural born taxpayers concerned with unvetted persons allowed to roam freely anywhere in the country. To make matters worse unconstitutional sanctuary cities gave protection from prosecution. Crime rates and unemployment steadily climbed as these welcomed invaders demanded government handouts while denouncing American culture by burning U.S. flags in protest to free speech.

  The SJW’s did not understand America was not given; it was made by the people for its own people. For better or worse America was not theirs to give away. European settlers invaded the Americas driving the natives further west as they cut down the forests and sowed the plains. There were no cities, roadways, or infrastructure to help build a nation. These settlers made everything we have now possible through hard work and determination. Over several centuries, the Nation grew and evolved into the melting pot of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Those immigrates loved America and made a home for all willing to work hard and uphold the Nations laws. Any persons not willing to adapt were shunned and forced to return to foreign lands. Why would people fleeing their homeland travel to a foreign country with dreams of turning it into the very place that caused them to flee in the first place? The answer would be better opportunities and knowledge of tolerance and submission by the Government lackeys.

  The updated requirements demanded children born on American soil have at least one legal U.S. citizen parent in order to receive legal citizenship. Furthermore, children not raised on American soil qualified for limited benefits. All adults need at least ten consecutive years living on America soil to obtain full benefits, which then covered any natural born children and/or adopted children under the age of thirteen years. Older children would have partial benefits until meeting the ten-year requirement or joining a military branch and completing service requirements. To receive full benefits all persons were required to study and pass American history certification classes, regardless of legal status. The pledge of allegiance to the American flag became mandatory in every school nationwide, omitting under god. National pride became mainstream again as the people stood together instead of hating common sense thought, ridiculously labeled as hate speech. In-order to teach National responsibility and receive full citizen benefits, all able body persons reaching the age of 18 must enlist in the National Guard or other Military branch for at least two years. All others must find work in VA hospitals or civilian positions on military bases for at least three months prior to the age of twenty-one.

  Treason can be described as war against ones country or giving aid to the enemy. Treason can also be described as a betrayal of trust or confidence or impair the well-being of one’s own sovereign state. Especially when an elected official sworn to protect the Nation and all its citizens breaks that trust. Our great government for far too long acted in treacherous manners and the time for justice came upon them. Over half the lawmakers in the Federal Government that held office from 1988 to 2016 were found guilty of treason. The decision was appealed, but held its own against the corrupt opposition. Most were given pardons from prison with pensions suspended and Medicare as primary Health Insurance plan. The result was a reset of all laws to pre-nineteen eighty-eight. All committees and over sight groups and any one appointed to a Federal position were dismissed in a six month reorganization.

  All foreign aid was stopped and re-evaluated, as elected officials could no longer give taxpayer money away for any reason. All foreign aid going forward came directly from U.S. citizens and businesses by way of specific open view donations. The Federal Government would distribute the funds and be held accountable for overseeing the appropriate disbursement. All domestic grants were stopped and re-evaluated as going forward fell under the jurisdiction of foreign aid regulations. Domestic aid procedures stayed mostly intact with added over sight regulations to help ensure citizen safety. Anything and everything was on the chopping block and the people were out for blood. It was agreed Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Civil Defense would be off limits until the dubious overhaul was complete and stable.

  Many people cried and threatened action when the act was finally set in motion and the outcome was far from perfect but a necessity by most common understanding. The ripples both good and bad gave cause to take notice on how far the government had strayed from the people’s best interests. Some temporary sacrifices had to be made, but the end justified the means.

  The World was watching and held its breath while the reconstruction got under way. The stock market plummeted for a short time, but rebounded once the Nation proved to be on the right course and remained strong in investor’s eyes. The money market looked like a sinking ship full of drowning rats scrambling to find a life raft. The day of reckoning had come to Wall Street, but the web of lies and deceit affected all of us, a burden we all had to bare in order to right a sinking ship.

  American Identification

  The outdated paper Social Security cards were replaced with plastic picture ID’s detailing date of birth, gender, race, national status, language, blood type, known allergies, and Social Security number embedded in a chip. All American ID’s were issued free of charge to legal citizens only requiring fingerprinting and birth certificate to obtain which renewed every five years on ones birthday. To receive a new card Americans only needed to show the expired card in person and check all the information was correct. The new American ID’s helped fight against voter fraud as it was required to cast Federal and State votes. Once the card electronically read and ballot cast, the ID became invalid to use again in the same election. To receive any social services or benefits such as welfare supplements, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security payments, education grants, or any public backed
services, the updated Social Security cards were now required to be presented in person at the appropriate office. To accommodate handicapped and elderly citizens having difficulty in traveling to the appropriate offices, a video call between the applicant and official, would be accepted with a legal proxy to hand over the American ID for verification.

  All Non-American citizens were issued a Non-Citizen ID and finger printed, for a fee, before being allowed to live in the country. The Non-Citizen ID recorded date of birth, gender, race, blood type, known allergies, country of origin, known languages, spouse, children, employer or school sponsor, address and phone number. Only American citizens were allowed to vote during the Federal and State elections. The fingerprints and all ID information updated and stored on FBI servers made available to local law enforcement officials as part of the Anti-Crime division.

  As the new ID’s were implemented, employers became liable for updating employee records by verifying current and future

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