An American Fairy-Tell

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by John J. Alexander

mother’s womb, he should have some legal rights to the decision making process.

  The new law of the land was very controversial, but the push for true equal rights swung both ways on the gender aisle. While the federal government legalizes abortions, states have the right to allow or deny such procedures without penalty. In the case of consensual sex, the father could claim co-ownership of the fetus after the four month period of pregnancy. Also in the case of consensual sex, the father could release his ownership of the fetus before the four month period of pregnancy without penalty. Abortions after the four month period were outlawed unless deemed medically necessary. Rapists, regardless of gender, have no legal rights to unborn fetuses or living offspring. A female rapist that becomes pregnant, as a result of the rape, has no legal rights to the fetus or living offspring. If the rape victim chooses abortion, the rapist is by law required to abort the pregnancy. If the rape victim (or guardians for minors) elects to keep the baby, the rapist must bring to full term without malice or face charges of murder. The old adage, “it takes two to tango”, carried real meaning with respect to what happens after people have sexual relations. The act itself is between those who participate, but the ramifications of those actions carry great concerns for modern society. The financial burden of children are tremendous, as well as the long-term nurturing needed to rear them into self-sufficient citizens. Common decency dictates adults can be left to fend for themselves, while any and all children must be protected and cared for above all else. This communal thinking causes troublesome burdens on civil governments when individuals fail to follow unwritten ethical laws limiting the number of children to financial means.

  The growing need for self-responsibility and the understanding actions have consequences had become an epidemic in the push for a greater nation and by default amazing future. The regressives had indoctrinated millions of young minds, turning them into bigoted snowflakes with chucklehead tendencies. The cure for Liberalism was a hard pill of reality many refused to swallow. These misguided fools could not accept people are the problem and only people could fix what was wrong. Not with safe spaces and bigoted laws meant to oppress free thinkers and individuality, but common courtesies extended to all and punishment for those who do illegal things. Perceived cultural hierarchies through specific race, gender, nationality, religion or family backgrounds, were denounced as fallacies, meant to divide and suppress all people. Finally, the Nation started moving past all the fabricated resentment and unbridled mistrust bubbling on the surface of social realities.

  Health Care Problems

  The Healthcare system in America became impractical after the government forced unproven policies onto the public causing rapid cost increases along with unconstitutional tax penalties for noncompliance. The government, with a terrible track record managing social programs, always put big businesses before the people resulting in problematic execution and sustainability. In a move to better veteran and civilian healthcare services, the Veterans Affairs opened its doors to paying customers and banned most worker unions. The Unions main concern became employee legal rights against racism, sexism, freedom to express political ideologies and unlawful write-ups and terminations. The increase in revenue for the V.A. helped pay for better equipment and build medical facilities in needed areas. The departure from labor unions allowed for more productive and caring facilities freed from bureaucratic nonsense and corruption. A new initiative promoting the hiring of veterans and low-income citizens helped fill vacant positions and trained millions seeking a better future. Instead of paying a college for generalized medical knowledge the VA provided on the job training in real-life environments under real conditions in exchange for low paying internships. Persons with verified experience and college degrees were welcomed with higher salaries when agreeing to teach others enrolled in the VA programs.

  A large part of HealthCare’s rising costs came from under regulated medication costs. Too much of the production and research cost went to pay sales representatives and National advertisements as-well-as ridiculously inflated CEO salaries and stock options. Medicine, believed by most people to be human necessities were in reality big business cash cows enabling corrupt CEO’s to bribe corrupt politicians into allowing artificially inflated prices onto the powerless public. To fight against price gouging, pharmaceutical companies around the world were invited to offer online sales and brick and mortar stores to American citizens, once approved by the newly revitalized F.D.A. The drug patents now only guaranteed a percentage of profits from other distributors and not monopolies on much needed medicines. In a capitalist economy, healthy and balanced competition self regulates price and corruption.

  Many hospitals owned and operated by large corporations confessed to regularly overbilling the insured patients to compensate for the uninsured patients, as many did not or could not pay for services rendered. It had also become commonplace to micro-bill for normal services associated with Healthcare procedures. The rampant price gouging of patients for ridiculous bills such as to hold ones newborn baby, nurses to hand out meds, disposable gloves, plastic cups, tissues, swabs, lighting and exorbitantly priced over the counter medication helped to cripple the American Health system. The accepted idea of Healthcare as a business first and public necessity second had transformed the once affordable services into a numbers game rigged in the Hospitals and Insurance companies favor. With some bills totaling more than people’s homes, hospitals hired collection agencies to harass and threaten people after administering treatment. Unlike other industries that have clearly marked prices, medical services usually came with hidden fees and trumped up prices with little protection from the law. Many families suffering both emotionally and financially after a major medical crisis were hit with bills so large the only option was to file bankruptcy, adding even more stress to an already bad situation. To make matters worse aggressive debt collectors would harass and threaten these health victims with no regard to the validity of the bill.

  The governments failed attempt at healthcare reform highlighted the need for a new direction with policies aimed at truly reducing healthcare cost while retaining high levels of service and care. While many hospitals and insurance companies warned about unproven national reform by predicting hospital bankruptcies and shortage of future doctors, the people moved forward anyway. The truth in medical pricing act transformed the healthcare landscape. All government-assisted hospitals were required to charge no more than 25 percent above supply costs while private facilities were limited to 15 percent. All medical procedures now had to include all necessary supplies, personnel, facilities, recovery room time and any other aspect needed to fulfill the requested service. Gone were the days of ludicrous billing practices that were little more than legal theft. The intent behind the bill was to bring back not only morality, but also affordability and transparency to a necessary industry crucial for a successful Nations future and well-being of its people.

  The new law protected people’s personal property, home, and credit score from being used as leverage in order to force medical repayments for services rendered. The bullying debt collectors could now only contact a debtor once a month or face heavy fines and once a financial assessment was completed no contact was allowed. The financial assessment would allow up to 5 percent of net salary available for repayment with mandatory automatic payments via a person’s paycheck or bank account. Legal citizens without income would need a special request form from their state of residence to void financial responsibility. The state would pay the bills from the newly funded Health relief account from the added 1-cent increase to the sales tax. Illegal citizens would be deported after any immediately needed or life-threating treatment was rendered.

  Health insurance companies came into being after hospitals first offered medical plans directly to employed worker groups. Looking to boost profit margins and streamline services many hospitals and smaller medical facilities once again offered direct services to the public, cutting out the Insurance companies
all together. This freed medical practitioners to make treatment decisions without first consulting with a patient’s insurance company for approval or denial of service. Common sense policies were introduced replacing job clogging bureaucratic red tape regulations freeing up clerical man-hours. Several start-up medical equipment companies funded mainly by public donations helped to lower prices on crucially needed healthcare devices. These new companies added much needed jobs and pride back to America. By taking the Federal governments job killing overreaching narcissistic bureaucracy out of the equation, people turned to each other for solutions giving the public more control over what needs to be done and how it should be managed. History shows self-serving government rule was the ruin of many civilizations.

  Marriage Bureaucracy and Responsibilities

  People have funny ways to show love toward one another and even tend to hurt those closest in many aspects. For many, bringing a child into the world is an expression

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