An American Fairy-Tell

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by John J. Alexander

confronted with rational thought. The ludicrous idea ones gender, skin color, or legal status required special treatment and discriminatory laws and regulations had run its disastrous course.

  The SJW’s first used ostracism as a way to punish those who dared challenge them on social issues and quickly moved to enact laws punishing all that disobeyed. When facts contradicted their self-serving narrative, outlandish reasons were given to shift blame onto other perceived enemies, such as white Christians or legal gun owners. Once triggered, they often judged people prematurely before all the facts could be brought to light. But once in their crosshairs, legions of indoctrinated lunatics would blast hate filled lies and half-truths inundating all social media formats in hopes of ruining the victim’s life. The SJW’s along with certain Atheist moved to destroy Christianity, which also helped destroy social obedience. The backbone of American criminal law reflected the teachings found in the bible, which only strengthened the law of the land. For centuries, Christians swayed from committing crimes for fear of hell fire damnation eternal. As less people believed in an all knowing all seeing god, they understood actions are a crime only if you get caught and convicted. By taking religion out of the equation, only prison sentences deterred criminal intent. A prison system filled with corrupt officials and loophole conditions designed to entrap the poor and empower the rich.

  Most people put themselves in prison through poor life decisions and failed to understand what went wrong. More often than not, the blame goes to the “man” or the system and not personal decisions and actions. Many raised in violent homes surrounded by worse neighborhoods turn to crime to support themselves or family members. So-called social movements did little to change corrupted mindsets in these ghettos by blaming others for the actions of the guilty. Once ensnared in the system many poor souls found it impossible to break free without outside assistance. Many prisons suspended helpful programs meant to rehabilitate and teach prisoners skills creating better employment opportunities once released. The old idiom,” idle hands”, rings true for people forced to live paycheck to paycheck without any real path to a meaningful life. The court systems are only as good as the prison systems they depend on, which are only as good as, the society that runs them.

  One of the things missing in most court cases was the victim’s voice and hand in judgement. To deter wrongdoing and deliver justice, the victim(s) of personal assaults, theft, cyber bullying and defamation were given power of criminal sentence according to stated punishment guidelines and fines allowed by law. Meaning if a person(s) were found guilty in a court of law, the victim(s) would decide the level of punishment, allowed by law, giving some restitution to the victim(s). Any plaintiff found guilty of fraud shall be held without bond and sentenced by the accused. Deceased victims would still have a voice through way of proxy by closest living family member or guardian.

  Many people disliked the idea one person judging so many cases, arguing for a panel of three to oversee all trails. The main reason being like it or not a judge is only human with human characteristics and flaws resulting in irrational decisions and ill-advised determinations. The addition of two street judges along with a court judge brought a sense of checks and balances to the masses. The court would need two or more yea’s to decide rulings on subpoenas, overruled and sustained rulings, sentencing of the guilty, and evidence allowed into court. The court judge directs the courtroom with the two lower-ranking street judges speaking only when needed. The street judges are voted into office from the public by the public every 4-years with a 2 term limit. A gender neutrality clause was added stipulating a 2-1 gender-to-gender ratio. In the name of equality, the three judges could be two men and one woman or two women and one man, but not three of the same gender. The main goal being; while courts remain orderly and conducted with respect, judging people by internal character and not the quality of dress or proper vocabulary remain paramount.

  The long underpaid duty of juror proved troublesome for many citizens. The idea a person’s workplace should pay for civic duty was ridiculous. The government demands people provide a service, but doesn’t believe in paying a fair wage for it. The realization people need to work in order to survive seemed difficult for the Judicial system to care about. The updated juror duty requirements mandated no less than the current average national hourly wage paid for services rendered to all selected jurors. The two pay rates for employed and unemployed was found biased as jurors should get paid equally for the same service.

  Several hotly debated topics, now mostly out of the court’s jurisdiction and under the voice of the people by popular vote, still caused strong emotional responses and demonstrations. The barbaric tradition of prohibiting suicide for terminally ill people angered those who witnessed such horrific experiences and gave false moral convictions to those far removed from such atrocities. The reasoning for either side is pointless compared to the true nightmare lived by the afflicted and those trying to comfort dying bodies and lost souls. Only sinisterly minded devils pretending to truly possess righteous moral high ground and religious authority over those suffering would dare argue for legalized torture. We are taught death is a terrible life experience, but as inevitable as paying taxes and the sun rising. Many religions teach death is actually re-birth and a new beginning to something unimaginably wonderful. So, why the crazy notion that death by suicide is illegal, but without doubt inevitable for everyone? If death is not a choice but a fact, why should we choose when some else dies? People pick and choose which rules to follow from different religions, but in reality all rules are important or none are worth obeying. Humans feel emotional pain just as often and just as intense as physical pain. And when we feel that pain the first instinct is to make it stop and avoid ever feeling that way again. This combination of religious belief and self-preservation has clouded our judgment about death. About what it is and about what it is not. Death is the terrifying great unknown and life is all that is good, to most people. Life is a great gift and should be cherished and preserved as we only have one that we know of. The hard reality of life is, not all lives are created equal and no law can ever change that. Most people whine and complain when confronted with a common cold or pulled muscle. We go to a doctor for treatment and after a few days things are back to normal. Terminally ill patients have no relief, no back to normal, no false sense of immortality. Only the sure as hell understanding that death is knocking, knocking, knocking on their front door.

  With renewed pressures and human compassion, the suicide laws were rewritten to allow terminally ill patients to choose when and how to die. A newly regulated assisted suicide ensures only licensed professionals can help relieve a patient of their pain. This allowed family members to be present and the patient to die at home in their own bed instead of a cold hospital gurney or death camp known as hospice. To initiate assisted death, a living will must be signed by a physician and publicly recorded with all legal matters resolved to the best of one’s ability. Family members have no authority over pre-written wills in the event of mental incapacity. The life of a person is believed to belong to that person and that person alone.

  Abortion has been described as legalized murder and considered a mortal sin by religious groups, but what is it really? A woman has total authority over her body, most of the time. The exceptions arguably being rape, airport security, gynecological exams and child abuse while pregnant. Rape is unwelcomed to say the least, with security measures and Gyno exams being understood as necessary evils. Child abuse while pregnant is a grey area at best that verges on held hostage in ones on body. Even when eating, drinking and exercising as doctors prescribe, the baby can develop physical and mental problems that can cause a miscarriage. Some call this natural section or survival of the fittest. Many states have charged mothers who gave birth to drug addicted children, with mixed results. No laws outright criminalize such behavior, but other charges of contributing to a delinquency of a minor, possession of a controlled substance and assault with a deadly weapon h
ave been used against would be mothers.

  SJW’s fought for the right of a pregnant woman to abort up until the date of delivery, claiming little difference between a C-section and an abortion procedure. This angered many people on both sides of the political aisle as abortions are meant to kill and C-sections save lives. The procedures may be similar in that the fetus is removed from the female body, but the intentions could not be further apart. The crazy idea that a baby has no legal rights until free from the shackles of the female womb is also a grey area. If a pregnant woman is harmed by another person in a way that results in the death of her unborn fetus, criminal charges can be brought against that person. If a pregnant woman kills her unborn fetus by abortion procedure, no law is broken. However, the end result is the same, death of the unborn child. The biological father has little say in these matters, since the woman’s body produces the fetus. Some argued since the fathers DNA is also present in the

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