An American Fairy-Tell

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An American Fairy-Tell Page 10

by John J. Alexander

somewhere. Many people die from motorcycle accidents every year. To help non-bikers sleep better at night, the idea to force riders into wearing helmets or face punishment was written into law. Do helmets save lives? Sure they do. Do wearing shorts and flip flops save lives? No, but they are not illegal to wear while riding either. While helmets do save lives, they can cause injuries as well. The construction of the helmet limits road vision that creates blind spots. The weight of the helmet and the fact it’s strapped to the head, has been known to cause spinal cord injury and death. Smoking is banned in most public buildings and many outdoor areas for health concerns. The act of smoking is legal, but the places to partake are limited. The personal freedom to harm oneself is protected by the constitution, when people feel good about it. Eating fast food every day or even several times a week can cause serious health problems, but it is not illegal nor should it ever be. The double standards of the feel-good police had chipped away at the constitution and the liberties it so desperately protected. Thankfully, as the American backlash lifted the veil of idiocracy, the people cautiously gave freedom another chance. And after a popular vote on helmet laws believed in violation of personal freedoms, the ruling was overturned.

  With freedom of choice comes responsibility. With responsibilities come consequences. These consequences are hard for some to understand because they are sometimes preventable: preventable by making a different choice. So to guarantee a person makes the safest choice, freedom must be suppressed for the greater good. This, arguably, rational way of thinking had led the nation down a slippery slope of self-imposed Orwellian politics, better left to fairytales told to scare freethinking children. What these Orwellian minded chuckleheads failed to realize was people that make questionable choices do so on their own volition and gladly accept the consequences.

  People are the root of most evil happenings. Money may be the objective, but the actions come from the hearts of humankind. America and in deed the world have a people problem that can only be fixed by the very people causing the problems. Cars don’t run over motorcyclist all by themselves, some idiotic person is driving the damn thing. Guns and knives don’t randomly kill or maim people, they are wielded by dangerous humans. These terrible actions are the effects of personal decisions made by problematic people with no concern for others wellbeing. What sense would it make to ban guns and force safety devices onto people not breaking the law? The lunacy of the narrow-minded fails to see the problem is with the rule breakers and not the victims.

  Instead of policing through intimidation and vague laws, crime stopper phone apps were made available to the public free of charge. The public became the eyes and ears of the streets through popular apps like Crime Snapper and Street Police behind such slogans as “videos don’t lie” and “the peoples shield”. When a crime was reported, the location and phone identification number was recorded with the file. The public videos were used in court as evidence, which resulted in large volumes at first introduction, but soon subsided, as people understood the consequences and seer number of people with the apps. Once a person was identified, a fine or arrest warrant issued and an email or letter was sent to the known address on file. Fines were scheduled once a month with the option to pay online or in person before the court date if pleading guilty. Of course, all videos were available online for public viewing and became a media shaming bonanza and cash cow for the state. In addition to the phone apps all public buildings were fitted with security cameras recording 24/7 365 days a year. The digital age was upon us as security and privacy butted heads over public wellbeing from criminals and law enforcement alike.

  Amendment IV

  The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  Education System

  The backbones of the education system had evolved over the years into a large social program geared specifically toward youth development and wellbeing. The nation’s public school system was well-developed providing general education for all children in addition to meals, counselling, limited health checks and after school sports activities. In an effort to help parents, reliable and safe transportation was provided to and from schools free of charge. American taxpayers paid the costs of these services, whether they had children or not the money was collected and spent on the nation’s youth. As with most social programs people take them for granted and fail to realize how important and helpful such services truly are. While education is very important to any Nation, it’s not a guaranteed civil right.

  American parents had somehow grown to believe their educational responsibly to their own children stopped once the child started school. As if sending their children off to strangers to learn a general education was all responsible parents need do. Most working parents viewed schools as daycare centers holding the teachers responsible for the actions of their little monsters. Some parents were more involved than others and could become overly demanding, even threating teachers if little Johnny performed poorly on test scores. Sadly, oblivious to the reality education starts at home and should be practiced every day in one form or the other. SJW’s argued not all families are created equally in terms of basic and worldly knowledge, which in turn caused a disadvantage to some students. The hard life lesson, the world is not a fair place and some people will have advantages over others proved difficult to accept. No matter what laws are passed or services made available will change hard realities. With the readily availability of the World Wide Web, lack of educational knowledge became a personal choice and not a social status disadvantage. History showed you got what you gave.

  Over several decades SJW’s and looney liberals had infiltrated the education systems in a deliberate effort to in doctrine our youth much like Hitler and Stalin. This ideology labeled as progressive and forward thinking gave rise to bigoted views condemning free speech and common sense ideas. Students were encouraged to attack opposing ideas both physically and emotionally. These followers demanded safe spaces void of opposing rational thought while seeking to outlaw sediment deemed hurtful and offensive. Radical outbursts were commonplace when these snowflakes failed to convince non-believers of their politically motivated agendas. Parents sent their children to public schools and then college in hopes of guaranteeing a productive future. Unfortunately, many returned home mentally unable to function in normal society and flocked to the SJW stronghold environments of Media and government positions. These two industries willed great influence over public opinion and helped push radical ideas once deemed ludicrous. After the Red election and the aftermath that followed, most parents restructured family time with their children in an effort to oversee the quality of education taught and learned.

  States abandoned the common core curriculum and focused on a more productive approach to education. People realized if everyone had a college degree it would become meaningless and the high cost of higher education unwarranted. Government backed student loans were abandoned to help bring college costs down based on supply and demand instead of guaranteed money paid by federal loans from foreign countries. Public schools focused on practical subject matter pertaining to actual recorded history of world events and real world applications. People have natural tendencies toward certain interests and these interests were used to help develop better curriculums for young minds. Educators suggested less emphasis on arduous testing that stressed the students and teachers alike. Instead, they recommended the common sense approach of observation and discussion with fewer written test for grading student’s progression. The main intention was to set minimum baselines on necessary education requirements for tradesman careers with room for higher education options for those wishing to pursue professional careers. Allowing children, in especially in lower grades, the opportunity to express creativity through
art, music, and writing helped expand knowledge instead of suppressing it with inaccurate and frustrating tests. Students could now follow reasonable lessons meant to engage and teach instead of belittle and hinder most common sense thinking young adults. The educational reins were handed back to the teachers with faith they knew their students better than some suit with little or no classroom experience. The overburdened teachers had been pushed around for years and thought of as nannies more than trained educators. The micro-organized classrooms resembled more of a corporate office than motivational hub of learning. Yes there were age appropriate posters with witty memes and colorful furniture, but the daily schedule of knowledge was more life draining than uplifting. Student incentives to focus on tasks at hand fell by the wayside after everyone got a trophy for just being a student instead of acting like an individual, each responsible for their own actions. Not everyone can win and understanding this helps build character and perseverance when working

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