An American Fairy-Tell

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An American Fairy-Tell Page 11

by John J. Alexander

to improve oneself against future challenges.

  The belief everyone is the same is a foolish fantasy better left for the MSM headlines and clickbait pop-ups on the web. By all accounts, every American citizen has equal legal rights and oblations. Many citizens argued we created a social construct in schools by telling children they must get a college education and they must follow a certain career path to not only be successful, but also in essence be happy. The reality was far from that establishment lie, spouted in every school building on every school website in every county in every state across the whole nation. America was made and not given, through hard work and determination by normal Americans willing to sweat and sacrifice every day in order to provide for their families. These people were the very backbone of our Nation that raised the next generation of inventors and scientists that moved the whole world forward. All nations need the very best in all levels of the workforce and by promoting only the white-collar jobs severely diminished the greatly needed blue-collar workers. The new school programs helped to promote choice and support of student desires to make America successful, strong and efficient again.

  In an effort to raise teacher salaries without raising public taxes certain cost saving approaches were introduced. Text books were written based on a school’s specific curriculum and approved by educators prior to publication. Open bids from American companies would yield the best price for predetermined book specifications. Gone were the days of backdoor deals that lined the pockets of handpicked publishers that spread liberal opinion as fact to impressionable minds. Instead of overpriced propaganda written by biased authors looking for high profit margins on a taxpayer tab, the material was written for the people by the people at reasonable prices. The new books held relevant information with tests reflecting the information actually found in the book, instead of ridiculously written garbage meant to confuse and misguide. The books were used as guides as the students practiced writing on paper instead of inside the book. This prolonged the books usefulness and taught responsibility of ownership to the students as each book was returned to the school for next year’s students. Any unauthorized markings or damage was recorded in the students records and parents fined accordingly. It was then left to the parents to discipline and teach their children about self-responsibility and consequences.

  As the school budgets tightened many teacher assistances were let go, shifting even more responsibility onto the overworked teachers. In a move to help fill this gap, qualified volunteers from the newly established welfare offices sent workers to fill needed positions. All volunteers would be interviewed and approved by school HR personnel before final job placement. These positions allowed the volunteers to receive government assistance and renewed hope for permanent job placement. Many permanently disabled Americans were also offered a chance at these jobs. For some physically disabled workers, it gave a needed fulfilment of self-worth and confidence to preform normal daily activities.

  Along with virtually all other salaries in America, one of the main teacher salary killers was the ever-rising health care prices. Even though teachers received group rates, the overall costs equaled 20- 30 percent of salaries even with outrageously high deductibles. The option of changing from traditional health insurance plans to direct pay healthcare plans allowed for some savings passed on to the teachers. The amount varied from state to state as did the coverage. Larger Health facilities and larger networks typically cost more, but provided more options. The smaller Health facilities and networks typically cost less, but offered less options. It was a give and take framework focused on quality care at affordable costs. By cutting out the Insurance Companies and negotiating directly with local doctors, hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies, the savings for each employee would be put in a savings account or distributed on monthly paychecks. The school budgets stayed the same, but the teachers saw an increase of monetary benefits with agreed upon healthcare services.

  More Money More Problems

  The people asked a very important question: why does an essentially private bank issue American currency with their name and seal stamped on the front? The” Federal Reserve Note”. This is the United States central banking system and our lender of last resort. We paid them to issue money and then paid interest on a never ending cycle with a hidden tax called inflation. Most people were unaware the “Fed” had features of private corporations and public federal agencies and acted as an independent entity within the Federal Government. They once proclaimed in court the Fed wasn’t a federal agency and not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The first audit ever, revealed a hand out of sixteen trillion dollars to domestic and foreign banks with zero percent interest without congress consent. The taxpayers were paying the Feds bill and being charged interest. The public was mad as hell and wanted to know why we paid these bankers to find ways to take taxpayer money and harm our way of life? The twelve Federal Reserve Banks managed by directors voted in by corporate banks and appointed by the president and approved by the senate was overhauled. A corruptible president and congress would appoint directors willing to fund their campaigns. The bottom line was the U.S. Federal Government had no control over the Federal Reserve. The rally cry to make the Fed a government agency with clear oversight from Congress and the public happened while crooked bankers warned of dire financial consequences. The results proved the bankers wrong as the dollar rose against the euro after the Fed came under Federal jurisdiction. The Board of Governors would now approve Fed presidents, but they would be held accountable by Congress and the people and could be removed by popular vote.

  The national debt was more than the national GDP with little direction from our leaders on a way to repay our foreign creditors. The corrupt officials used the national retirement fund to buy Federal bonds to prop up the economy and filled the fund with IOU’s. The Federal government basically stole the people’s money and forced the people to pay it back. Politicians then used the underfunded retirement fund to scare the masses when pushing self-serving agendas. The American backlash eventually sent most of the crooks to prison, but the money would prove difficult to recoup under such tremendous debt.

  The current national debt would take more physical money than there is in the entire Nation. Meaning, if every single person was to turn over all his or her cash and coins, it would fall well short of paying the total amount. Even if we put all the electronic money with the real cash, we would still come up short. The terrible truth is we just don’t have enough money to pay back what is owed to foreign countries. Worse yet, we don’t have enough to pay for legally obligated services like Social Security or Medicare. America has run-up and credit bill so large, we can never pay it back. The interest payment alone is over $225 billion per year. The number one national threat is debt, but the politicians warn of global warming and terrorist. While those two threats are real, they pale in comparison to running out of money in a money driven world.

  The ridiculous notion of trickledown economics was made clear by the greedy elite masters as jobs became burdened with more responsibility and awarded fewer benefits as laid-off positions were filled by double duty employed slaves. What sense did it make in a consumer driven economy to take money away from the all-important buyers? If anything made sense, it would be flow-up economics. Put a dollar in a poor man’s hand and it’s gone in a flash, put a dollar in a rich man’s hand and he never lets go. The poor man has many bills and needs whereas a rich man wants for very little and will wait for better deals to fall in his lap before spending that money. Yes, a rich man that starts a business creates jobs for the masses, but the masses keep the rich man in business. A business will fail every time without customer support, but people will rely on other people to live and prosper.

  The economy is a never-ending cycle perpetuated by producers and buyers with intermediaries and overseers dependent on each other to keep the machine oiled and working. The overseers and intermediaries implemented policies and laws meant to siphon money from the producers and
buyers into their deep pockets. Existing tax codes stole money from those working the hardiest and gave it away to the least productive. The tax codes were rewritten with a simple flat sales tax for the masses eliminating complex and troublesome forms. Corporate tax was replaced with a corporate license, renewed annually based on employee salaries and profit margins. With top admin and executive salaries counted as profit. The higher the low-level employee salaries and lower the profit margin, the lower the renewal fee. The lower the low-level employee salaries and higher the profit margins, the higher the renewal fee. These measures ensured more money went into the hands of the masses before taken by the IRS. This was a crucial step missing from recent tax schemes that took money out of the market cycle, hindering domestic growth. The IRS was revamped and made open to the public. With the new simple tax forms, the need for personal audits virtually disappeared. Gone were the sneaky loopholes, deductions and write offs. All money collected by the IRS

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