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Talia and Isaac

Page 9

by Lorraine Margaret

  Her pinnacle? Her descent into slavery? As pain struck her soul, a shadow crossed Isaac’s eyes.

  “You can trust me, remember, Talia?”

  He had seen her pain. But Isaac was not a Lokian, a man of empathy and intuition, he was a king, a product of the material world. She was stunned by his sensitivity and nodded vacantly at him.

  “I trust you,” she murmured, her voice tinier than she intended.

  “Good. But can I trust you, Talia?”

  Could he trust her? Why? She held no power over him. He had nothing to be concerned about.

  “Trust me to do what, Your Majesty?”

  His eyes hardened, tearing at her soul.

  “To do nothing, just… tell me the truth. Always.”

  She stared back at him. Would he ever bless her with his truth as he demanded she should do for him?

  “Tell you the truth about what, Your Majesty?”

  He sighed, pouting like a child. “Everything.”

  “Yes,” she answered immediately. His eyes narrowed but they were warm again.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” she whispered meekly.

  “Good. You must remember that tomorrow everything will be different. Tomorrow we will begin your training.”

  “Different,” she repeated sadly.

  He sighed irritably. “Different, yes. What’s wrong?”

  She took a deep breath. “I… am sad, Your Majesty. I wish it didn’t have to be different tomorrow. I very much like it as it is now.”

  “You like what as it is now?” He looked confused, his eyes enormous and… vulnerable? This powerful, domineering man? She must be wrong, had lost control of her intuitive powers. This place would destroy her spiritual gifts.

  “Us,” she whimpered, steeling herself for his response. Yet her one small word was greeted by such softening of his eyes she could barely breathe.

  “Us.” He stroked her hair. “Breathe, Talia. There will still be us tomorrow, just – different. Trust me, please?”

  “I promise, Your Majesty.”

  He kissed her forehead, and her head whirled, overwhelmed by his tenderness and the need to sleep. “Breathe, Talia. Better still, sleep. You’re overtired. You must sleep now.” He took a quick drink and dropped the flask on the bed beside him. “Sleep.”

  She blinked as he pulled the red velvet curtains around them, creating their own private world, cocooning them together in a chrysalis of love.


  “Sleep, my little visionary, sleep.”

  His voice was hypnotic, his mantra lulling her into a state of security and peace. He pulled her against his warm body, and she fisted her hand around his chest hair as her eyes finally closed on her longest day yet.


  Talia was tugging at the hairs on his chest so he could pretend that was why he was still awake. But it wasn’t. The truth was too astounding to comprehend. At last he had found her. Talia was not just his key to unlocking the mystical minds of her people, she was destined for him. He knew it. But he didn’t understand it, didn’t understand her – or himself.

  The game would help. The game would allow him to discover the very essence of her soul. He would learn who he was destined to be, what kind of new man he would become with Talia, and he would uncover the secrets of their confounding connection. In short, he would learn how to communicate with Talia and forge a lasting bond. That was the original intention of the game, the pure reason for its creation that had been lost over many long years of disappointment. But disappointment no more, Talia was here. He stroked her soft hair and she mumbled sweetly, shifting against him, still clinging to his chest. His spiritual little visionary smelt of summer meadows, sunshine and vanilla, and it felt so right to have her curled up next to him in his bed. As soon as he had set eyes on her the years of disappointment had faded and blind worship had taken their place. He had discovered faith, belief… in Talia. He had known the truth from the start, known exactly what to do, where to take her…

  The blue room.

  The blue room was sacred. It was not a place for misunderstandings, fear or mistrust. It was sacrosanct, a holy room. He had been furious when Talia had not realised how special she was to be taken there. There had been terror and horror in her beautiful eyes, such desperation to escape. The blue room had not been their haven from the world, their paradise on earth. Talia had defiled his sacred room and wreaked havoc on his mission. She had made him question himself, something he never did, ripped away his control and invincibility. She had made him vulnerable, wondering if he was wrong about her as he watched her fall apart in his arms.

  And then he had realised the devastating truth. Even destiny could be blighted by trials to overcome. He had to learn to communicate with this sensitive, mystical creature and rise above his feelings of disempowerment. She was one small woman imprisoned in a strange place. He had to protect her, care for her… and after behaving like the brute he had. And he had been blessed with such a sweet reward! He tightened his arms around her and was rewarded again, with a sweet little moan of contentment. Her beautiful face was squashed into his chest, causing her to make tiny snuffling noises as she breathed out. It was adorable, prolonging a night spent in heaven, spent inside her. When he thrust inside her, Talia had looked at him as if he were an angel, a gift from God. He wanted much, much more of that so he must win her trust completely. Tonight had been easy, there had been no real challenge for her to face. Tomorrow would be different. He would have to work hard to convince her to trust him with anything and everything, prove himself worthy of that trust. He wanted to learn the innermost secrets of her mystical mind: how she responded to the world around her, her dreams and desires – everything. This was no longer just part of his mission, this was personal. He wanted to crawl inside her body and invade her soul, become part of her as he had tonight. It would not be easy but he had faith in the game. He had devised it meticulously and cleverly, used all his understanding of the human mind. He had created the perfect psychological test and it never failed. He ignored the niggling doubt at the back of his mind, the tiny critical voice that told him he knew nothing about real connection with a woman, for how difficult could it be to learn? He wanted Talia and she wanted him – this would be easy.

  He was fooling himself.


  He looked down at her serene face, relaxed in sleep, and knew it would not be easy. This peace would not last. Talia was strong and intelligent and would resist his control as soon as she awoke. She would not allow him to own her, would resist his consuming of her soul.

  And there were her terrifying Lokian gifts…

  He had to convince her to trust him, trust her captor with her body and her soul, so she would surrender to him whenever and wherever he desired. Only then would he really know Talia, how her fascinating mind worked, how her peoples’ minds worked… only then could they move towards their future together.

  He gazed adoringly at her sleeping face, but his focus shifted. He felt the physical change in his body, his determination to win this battle imbuing it with strength, transforming it into a powerful, impenetrable force. He had to imprison his finer, tender feelings in a blue room in his mind and keep them hidden away from Talia. If she behaved well, he would reward her with his tenderness. At all other times he would keep it firmly under control or she would use it against him. He had to challenge Talia’s emotions while keeping his own in line. Soon she would be so in awe of him that she would weep with pleasure if he showed her any affection at all.

  He would win this woman. He would gain knowledge of the Lokians and destroy their hold over the Cornicunian people. His people. And he would learn to understand Talia and discover what they could mean to each other.

  This would be the toughest battle of his life. Talia would be a more terrifying adversary than any foe ever met in war. She had the power to destroy him but he would never let that happen. He would win this game for his l
ife depended on it. Talia was his life now.

  He was facing a great challenge – and he loved a challenge.

  He must steel himself for the greatest challenge of his life…

  Dawn of a New Day

  He didn’t remember falling asleep. Talia’s Lokian magic must have been at play, working benevolently to calm him, bringing him gently down from his euphoric yet agitated state. He cradled her in his arms and inhaled her sweet scent of vanilla and summer meadows, pure and unsullied even after last night’s momentous fuck. He could smell himself on her too, his musky male scent intermingled with hers. It was a perfect combination, Talia and Isaac intertwined for all time. Could he keep her forever? Good God!

  Her fingers tightened on his chest as they had when he carried her to bed last night. He looked down, terrified she had slipped into a trance again, but her eyes were wide and focused, staring dreamily up at him as if he were her saviour, not her captor. He caught his breath, awed by the beauty of the moment. Talia was embracing him, welcoming him into her magical world. He breathed in sharply as he stared into her eyes. She touched him too deeply, too intensely; he needed to regain control and fast. This woman was destined to be his, but it would be on his terms. Being with Talia would be a constant battle between pleasure and duty – he had to exploit her attachment to him, learn everything there was to learn about her mystical mind. He would have absolute power over Cornicunia and over Talia – he would not be enslaved to her Lokian magic.

  “Now is the time to finish what you begun last night, Talia. I want you to pleasure me.”

  His voice was firm, but gentle. He did not want to jeopardise the wonder of all that had gone before and all that was still to come. Talia’s training must be a delicate balance of kindness and control. He needed to handle her sensitively, keep the glow in her eyes. At the moment he was doing something right. Her eyes had widened, her pupils dilating as they stared into his, growing larger and larger just like his always rampant cock. She wanted this as much as he did. His sensual, uninhibited Lokian visionary was everything he had ever dreamed of in a woman.

  She wriggled down his body and began pleasuring his cock as she had the night before. No hesitation, no embarrassment… she was glorious. The sweet heat of her mouth and the tenderness of her tongue were exquisite, their gentle, loving worship unlike anything he had experienced before. He surrendered to her magic and wallowed in her willingness to please, her pleasure in their intimacy. He lost himself in their mysterious connection as it transformed this carnal act into a mystical rite of love where both his body and his heart became part of Talia. His heart had never been part of the equation before; this was all new, all magical. But his love of power still ruled, making him feverish about the possibilities ahead. Talia was perfect, and she belonged to him. He would take her all day, every day, indulge himself with their erotic connection and gain knowledge of her people at the same time. He had everything, everything, and he controlled everything and everyone, even her.

  “I will make you do this every day, Talia, whenever and wherever I desire. You belong to me, you will always be my slave.”

  He came explosively into her mouth as he stroked her silky hair. Talia, his exquisite little Lokian visionary. His slave. His climax seemed to last forever, draining him of all energy and rational thought, saturating him with the magic of Talia. He lay dazed, glorying in his power and his pleasure until a soft whimper interrupted his thoughts.


  He eased his sated cock out of her sweet mouth and pulled her up against his chest. She stared deep into his eyes and swallowed his seed.

  “Good God.”

  He ran his fingers through her long auburn hair, examining her eyes carefully. He needed to make sure they were fully focused, still with him in this mortal world. She stared calmly back, and he breathed out a long sigh of relief.

  “That was amazing, Talia. I am extremely pleased with you.”

  She whimpered into his mouth as he rewarded her with a fleeting kiss.

  “You will do that for me again later. I want your sweet mouth around my cock every hour of the day.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  There was a sudden emptiness in her eyes, which he did not appreciate; why, he could not have been any kinder! He brushed his knuckles over her cheek, and the emptiness disappeared, replaced by the warm glow of a happy woman. This was manageable – he just had to remember to balance his power and control with tenderness and warmth. It would be a sensitive and complex operation but was a skill well worth learning. He didn’t want Talia to be sad and he loved the way she responded to his affection. She was stroking his hair now, her eyes soft and full of dreams. He would nurture her, take great pleasure in her body but ensure her happiness at the same time. His mission would be an enlightening experience, personal as well as royal. He would discover a new way of being, a new enchanting way of living… with Talia.

  It was time for her training to begin…


  She sensed the change without looking into Isaac’s eyes. Her head was resting on his chest and his arms were tight around her when she felt the sudden tension in his body, the tautness of his muscles against her skin. The shift from relaxed lover to all-conquering king was a terrifying and profound thing. He was steeling himself for the day ahead, readying himself for her training. Only a few minutes had passed since their intimacy but Isaac had refocused.

  She remembered the first rule she had learnt. Did I tell you to look at me? His words had made that rule very clear. She was not to look at him unless requested to. Told to. Not once her training had begun. And she had a feeling it was imminent. She shivered, and his arms tightened around her.

  “Are you cold, Talia?”

  “No, Your Majesty,” she answered meekly, awaiting her instructions.

  “Good. Your training will soon begin. It is my responsibility to care for your needs and ensure your comfort at all times. You have nothing to fear, Talia. Now, look at me.”

  Look at me. No endearments now, no my sweet or precious little visionary. She gazed timidly up at him. His eyes narrowed, glinting dangerously. Had she forsaken all sweet endearments forever now they had begun her training? Would she never again see the softness of the spectacular something in his exquisite eyes? The thought was devastating. She had already come to cherish his tenderness and it had felt so real. If it had been calculated to assure her sexual receptiveness then everything that had passed between them last night had been a lie. But how could that be? She had not imagined their shared spiritual and sexual energy, the connection flowing through their veins. Isaac could not fabricate the rate and intensity of his heartbeat or the passion in his eyes. She was a Lokian, she knew such things.

  “You may always ask my permission to speak if you are cold, hungry or in pain. Do you understand, Talia?”

  Not an idiot, she thought grumpily, but was clever enough not to express it, not now, not since the change…

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Good. At all other times you will only speak when I ask you to. Is that clear?”

  He obviously thought she had lost all intelligence overnight. It took all of her will not to sigh heavily, but she managed despite the growing desolation of her soul.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Good. You will also keep your eyes lowered at all times unless I ask you to look at me.”

  She nodded, her head spinning at the sudden onslaught of this life-changing information. Only moments ago they had been so very intimate… Her new rules were hard to accept.

  Isaac nodded curtly, his eyes more distant than ever. “Right, that’s enough for now. I don’t want to overwhelm you. I will tell you the rest of your rules after you have bathed, before your training begins.”

  So soon the horror would descend upon her. Her head spun again, and her stomach lurched violently as the sickness returned with a vengeance. She gasped.

  “Talia? What’s wrong?”

sp; “The sickness, Your Majesty, it has returned to my stomach.”

  “The sickness? Is your shoulder causing you pain?”

  She nodded. The pain had dulled but nagged her relentlessly, a constant reminder of the agony that would assault her soul in this palace of copious rules implemented by this enigmatic, mercurial man.

  “Let me.”

  She whimpered as his fingers pressed deep into her shoulder muscles. It was not the shooting pain that caused her reaction but something far more profound. The spectacular something was lurking within Isaac’s exquisite eyes. It was hiding behind his control and arrogance but edged towards her as she caressed it with her eyes. Yet Isaac kept it firmly in check, his alpha dominance reigning supreme. He was winning this battle – but the spectacular something was there. She saw it. She let out a long sigh of gratitude, and the pain in her shoulder ebbed away. She would need this blessed memory during the long and testing day ahead, a day brimming with the terror of the unknown.

  “Better now?”

  She clung to the spectacular something, worshipping it with her eyes, praying her admiration and awe would entice it to stay with her… just a little longer.

  “Yes, Your Majesty, thank you.”

  For a blissful moment his eyes hypnotised her with tenderness and dreams of their future – but then he was gone. He leapt out of bed and pulled at the tasselled bell, the sound ringing out harshly in the peaceful silence.

  “Katrina will prepare you for me before you have breakfast.”

  Why was she being prepared for him again? Was she not desirable enough in her natural state? He had climaxed just a few moments ago, so surely he must find her attractive? She shook her head as confusion threatened to overwhelm it and spirit her away from reality.

  “Why are you shaking your head at me, Talia?”


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