Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 16

by Lorraine Margaret


  She kept her eyes lowered as he held the flask to her lips, and she drank greedily, satisfying her thirst before her next bout of punishment began. Isaac’s fingers caressed her lips as he moved the flask away, and her clitoris sprang to life again, shameless and insatiable, as obsessed with Isaac as its owner was.


  She squirmed against him, pressing her legs together to intensify the pleasure.


  Isaac did not miss a thing. His eyes glinted with some unfathomable emotion, a combination of desire, tenderness and – pride?


  “Tell me,” he whispered, caressing her lips again. “Tell me what you want. Tell me the truth.”

  She could not resist. Lokians were governed by the truth.

  “I want you to caress my clitoris and my sex the way you caress my lips,” she whispered, staring boldly into his eyes. “I want you to pleasure me to climax… Master.”

  She had almost forgotten that all-important word – she was far too relaxed and it would get her into serious trouble. But not now… the warmth in Isaac’s eyes had intensified into a burning fire of desire.

  “Do you now, my insatiable little visionary? Very well.”

  He folded the edge of the blanket twice to create a little raised pillow.

  “Lie back and relax, Wanwisa, rest your head here. And open your legs wide.”

  She did as he asked, her heart thumping wildly, the sound pounding in her ears. Isaac was going to grant her wish, fulfil her desires.

  At this moment, she was not his sex slave. He was hers.

  He stroked his fingertips over her fruit-filled belly and it gurgled at his touch. She giggled, and he raised an eyebrow.

  “Sated Talia, sated by food – and now by pleasure. Open your legs wider, my little Wanwisa. Do it for me.”

  She could deny him nothing when she was his goddess of the sea. She spread her legs until her thighs protested with a warning ache, and he bent to run his tongue over her belly, causing shivers of delight to ripple inside of it.

  “Relax, Talia, and surrender to pleasure.”

  His head dipped lower, lower until…

  “Aah… Master.”

  He grasped her thighs, holding them down, making it impossible for her to move. His warm breath caressed her sex as his tongue stroked her sensitive, over-aroused clitoris, sending her into paroxysms of pleasure. She gasped as it throbbed eagerly against his tender touch. It was astounding. Her day of punishment had somehow transformed into this. Isaac’s tongue was skilled and practiced, understood a woman’s body. Her body. This was not punishment but reward. She did not question her good fortune. She simply lay back and moaned like a wanton as his tongue moved inside of her.


  She was over-sensitised from their union earlier. She was wide open, exposed to his touch, and suddenly grateful for the removal of her intimate hair. Her sex was stripped bare, with nothing to hinder or dull the sensations, and her oil-softened, baby-smooth skin enhanced the sensual delight. Isaac was a master of pleasure. He had created a new Talia, a creature designed for erotic excess. Her angel masquerading as a demon was deliciously debauched – he had planned her pleasure as he planned everything.

  It was all part of his game.

  He had never intended her day of punishment to be a day without pleasure. He was an unselfish lover and man. The caress of his skilled tongue could never be punishment.


  She was wrong, Isaac knew exactly what he was doing. This was her punishment. He was tormenting her, a true sadist delighting in her torture. Her clitoris was swollen and erect, so sensitive that every delicate touch of the tip of Isaac’s tongue sent unbearably intense sensation shooting through her body.


  She clung to his hair with both hands, desperate for some stability in her spinning, over-pleasured world. This was so intense it was painful, her nerves exploding in agonising pricks of pleasure. Her body jerked in a futile attempt at escape, unable to bear the needle-sharp stabs of sensation, but Isaac’s strong hands held her down. Agony or ecstasy, she no longer knew the difference, and neither did her poor beleaguered body. She whimpered as the overwhelming sensation surged from the tip of her clitoris to spike violently inside her sex. This was too much – it was as if her skin had been stripped away leaving her nerves raw and exposed to Isaac’s touch. She had to escape his torturous tongue…

  But it was too late.

  Her body convulsed as her climax consumed her, long and powerful and terrifying. Her eyes could not see and her ears could not hear. The pleasure was too sharp, too biting to endure, and her body was shutting down, unable to withstand Isaac’s merciless brand of torture. Her head spun as she relaxed into sensation and forgot everything else. She couldn’t fight, Isaac had won this battle. She must accept her punishment and somehow survive. She was lost, her spirit abandoned. She was simply sensation and Isaac, sensation and Isaac… her existence nothing more than that. Pleasure and pain merged as she flew to the spirit realms with him.


  “I’m here, Wanwisa. I’ve got you, you’re safe.”


  He hadn’t left her to endure her punishment alone – he had journeyed with her to the spirit realms.

  “I love hearing my name on your lips.”

  He cradled her in his arms, his mouth soft against her ear, soothing her racing mind. Her eyes sprang open, and the beautiful face so close to hers broke into an enormous self-satisfied smile.

  “I knew that would bring you back.”

  “You said those words before.”

  He sighed half-heartedly, his eyes soft and warm. “Talia, what have you forgotten?”

  “Master,” she whispered, staring into the spectacular something as peace consumed her heart. “You said those words before, Master.”

  “Did I? I don’t recall…” He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Was it safe to play this game? Or would this mercurial man turn on her?

  “Yes, Master, you did,” she whispered, lowering her eyes. His lips brushed against her forehead.

  “Are you sated now, Wanwisa?”

  He was changing the subject, signalling an end to their discussion. She would play his game, answer his question and simply enjoy the moment.

  “Yes, Master, I am more than satisfied, thank you. I have never felt such pleasure – it was almost too intense to bear. But I think you know that.”

  “Look at me, Talia.”

  His voice was stern again. She peered timidly up at him, steeling herself for his disapproval. She was determined to be true to herself and yet somehow still maintain harmony. It was essential if they were to forge a lasting bond.

  “Did I ask for more than a yes or no answer?”

  “No, Master, but yes could not adequately convey how pleasurable it was and how happy you made me. You deserve to be told how magnificent you are.”

  She was brave for she could accomplish anything. She was Talia, Lokian visionary, and Wanwisa, goddess of the sea. Nothing could frighten her anymore. She held her breath and watched the spectacular something burn deep within his sky blue eyes, incandescent and flawless.

  “Clever little visionary, you always know exactly what to say. Your words please me so I will allow you to say more. Tell me – were you surprised by what just happened?”

  She slowly let out her breath. He smiled and ran his fingertips over her open mouth.

  “I was astounded, Master, this is not what I expected to happen today. You have punished me with a pleasure so intense it was painful.”

  His smile was devilish, brimming with male satisfaction and pride. “Like I said, such a clever little visionary, you have seen through my evil plan. I promised to take care of you, Talia, and I will keep my promise. I will never give you more pleasure than you can endure, but I will enjoy pushing you to your limits even if it includes a little pain.” He
chuckled, and was instantly thoughtful again. “Did you really think I was such a selfish master that I would care only for my own pleasure and neglect yours today? You would have to do something truly terrible to incite me to behave in such a cruel manner. Nothing excites me more than watching you climax, Talia, you are sensual and uninhibited, and I want to encourage that, not repress it. Your sexual desires are as powerful as mine, you are a force of nature, and I adore it. And I knew if I pleasured you it would distract you from your sore knees.”

  He was teasing her, but he was right. She had completely forgotten about her smarting knees.

  “Thank you, Master, you are so very good to me.”

  He winced, and she realised she was tugging at his hair. She was holding onto it like a vice, her fingers wrapped around the silky strands, small iron fists around his soft black locks. Her eyes widened in horror as she relaxed her grasp.

  “Thank God, I thought you were going to pull my hair out by the roots.” He chuckled quietly as his lips grazed her forehead. “Such a good little visionary, but still not enough stamina, I think. You are exhausted again.”

  Regrettably he was right. How could he be so attuned to her needs and feelings? She was a Lokian visionary, she was the intuitive one, not him. He was a king, driven by power and control, a worshipper of the material world.

  But he had travelled to the spirit realms with her…

  “I hate to see this, Talia.”

  He brushed his fingertips under her eyes and they were soaking wet.

  “Your Majesty… Master… I don’t know why I… I didn’t know I was crying…”

  Suddenly she was vulnerable and helpless, alone in the world with only her captor to trust… but he did not exploit that.

  “I know why, my little Wanwisa. You are tired and overwhelmed by the drama of the last few days. I must be gentle with you.” His eyes twinkled wickedly. “At least for a little longer.”

  She felt no fear. Isaac had won his game. She trusted him.

  “We will return to my room now. You will eat and then you will sleep.”

  As he dressed, she thought about what he had said. She needed food and rest, time to acclimatise to her new life. She was lucky he was prepared to give her that time, fortunate he was satisfied by just a morning of punishment. Punishment? Had she been punished? She had experienced unbearably intense pleasure and just a little pain, but there had been no punishment she could recall. Maybe other women would consider it such. Maybe she was wanton and other women did not enjoy sexual intimacy as voraciously as she. She was certain they would if they were lucky enough to be experiencing it with Isaac. Agony shot through her soul at the thought of other women coming to the blue room and sharing intimacies with him, sharing his beautiful body. Her heart shattered. Her head ached. The sickness returned to her belly. The terrible weight of such a thought was too much for one small Lokian visionary; her body felt heavy and exhausted, crushed by her emotional ordeal. It was as if she was dying.

  She was in serious trouble.

  Isaac. Isaac was serious trouble. He was everything to her now.

  She was overtired and couldn’t think straight, felt too much love… No, she must not allow herself to think of that small and devastating word.

  Talia was undone.

  “So many women,” she murmured sadly as Isaac swathed her in the flimsy gown. Her heart was so heavy it was unbearable, she could not endure the weight, could barely stand. She yearned for sleep so she could gain a little respite from the pain. The pain of loving Isaac… He wrapped her in the cornflower blue blanket, scooped her up into his arms and brushed his lips against her forehead again.

  “My poor little Wanwisa, you’re exhausted.”

  “No… no more… no other women, only Talia,” she mumbled against his chest as her eyes began to close. She was shutting down. It was all too much.

  His voice was muffled as he spoke into her hair. “Hold that thought, Talia, hold onto it for just a little longer.”

  But her eyes were closing. She was feeble… too much emotion to bear. Isaac was walking and walking… along long, empty white stone corridors… always empty… walking through his palace of ghosts… and then… He laid her on his bed and sat beside her, taking her hand in his.

  “Only Talia?”

  She peered up at him through tiny unfocused slits, her eyelids too heavy to prise open.

  “Only Talia, Master. No other women.”

  He chuckled. Her eyes opened just a little more. He looked very pleased about something.

  “No other women for what, Wanwisa?”

  “Isaac,” she said, her voice surprisingly strident, assertive. He chuckled louder.

  “Are you making some rules for your master, Talia?”

  Something was telling her this line of conversation could be dangerous but she was too warm and sleepy to care…

  “Yes, Master, rules… your rules are no other women. Only Talia.”

  “Alright, then, Wanwisa, no other women. Only Talia.”

  His hand tightened around hers. She should try to rouse herself, wake from her stupor so she could appreciate the magnitude of this moment, but she was too warm, too sleepy…

  “So many women… in my room.” She pouted as she battled to focus on his beautiful laughing eyes.

  “Where? Where are these interlopers? I’ll throw them out for you, Talia!”

  He was laughing out loud. At her. She scowled.

  “No, Master, the women in my room. My blue room.”

  The laughter stopped. She should be scared, but she was too tired, too warm to care… and she wasn’t afraid anymore.

  “Your blue room?”

  Was he sad? It was hard to tell through her closed eyes and her head was fuzzy, it needed sleep. This was all happening at the worst possible time. She was too tired to focus and understand what was really going on here, going on with Isaac…

  “Our blue room,” she said firmly, forcing her eyes to open a little more. Isaac’s eyes were soft and warm, governed by the spectacular something, but there was something else there too, lurking behind the tenderness and beauty. A truly terrifying something…

  Something she had never expected to see.

  Isaac was afraid.


  Isaac was afraid.

  She was dreaming of a frightened king, the most powerful man in the land, afraid of one small Lokian and her sleepy, nonsensical words.

  “Open your eyes, Wanwisa, it is time for your lunch.”

  The angel was talking again, his voice a tender caress. She snuggled into its warmth and prayed she never had to leave.

  “Come on, sleepy little visionary, you need to eat.”

  The angel wrapped his arms around her and propped her up against soft pillows. She grumbled incoherently. Sleep, all she needed was sleep.

  “Stop it, Talia, you must eat. Two orgasms in a morning are clearly too much for you to handle.”

  She whimpered. He was terrible! Truly, truly terrible for through her narrow-slitted eyes she could see Katrina standing behind Isaac, listening to his mortifying words. Talia muttered ferociously under her breath but fortunately was too groggy to form words that might get her into deep trouble. She was an inarticulate, grunting fool, not attractive at all. She must wake up fast or she would lose her feminine allure. Isaac had promised to forsake all other women and it was a promise she was determined he would keep. Had he really meant it? He could have the most beautiful and desirable women in Cornicunia, sophisticated women who belonged in his glittering world, not like her. She was a Lokian visionary whose mind existed on a different plane to Isaac’s, her motivations and desires at odds with his. Or were they? There had been tantalising glimpses of the dormant spirituality lying deep within the arrogant king. They had journeyed to the spirit realms together – but had Isaac realised that? Had their sexual intimacy meant as much to him as it had to her, had he felt the unity of their beings? She wished she could talk openly to him, but she must
be patient, bide her time, make him want to keep his promise. Your sexual desires are as powerful as mine, you are a force of nature, and I adore it. Isaac had said those precious words, but he would not forsake all other women unless she pulled herself together.

  She blinked as her eyes began to close again. Her spiritual gifts were weak and jumbled, confused by the strange new world they were living in, making it difficult to analyse Isaac’s behaviour. Sleep would help. Inspiration often visited while she slept, her greatest discoveries and revelations occurring when her consciousness was not distorted by the mortal world. But there was a delicious smell. She forced her eyes open just as Katrina placed a tempting tray of food on the bedside table. The two women’s eyes met, and Katrina let out a strangled little gasp.

  “Is everything alright, Katrina?”

  Katrina’s gaze lingered a second longer on Talia before moving to Isaac.

  “Yes, Your Majesty, I…”

  “It’s alright, Katrina, speak.”

  Isaac’s voice was soft and encouraging, and warmth flooded Talia’s being; kind, empathetic Isaac was definitely worth waking up for.

  “Your Majesty, please… is Talia unwell?”

  Talia wished Katrina could ask her directly, for the woman’s eyes were brimming with concern. Isaac’s eyes moved slowly from Katrina’s to Talia’s, his mouth curving in the sweetest smile. He sat beside her and took her hand in his.

  “Talia? Are you well, my sweet?”

  Her smile threatened to split her face in two. She was allowed to answer for herself and Isaac was being affectionate in front of Katrina.

  “I am very well, thank you, Your Majesty. Katrina, thank you for your concern, it touches my heart. I am fine, I promise.”

  She was probably not allowed to say all of that but it needed to be said. She was willing to risk another punishment especially as today had not been what she had expected at all. Indeed, she might like to provoke another punishment knowing what she knew now… The thought made her smile even wider, and Katrina beamed in response.

  “I am so glad, Talia, you look tired… I…” Katrina stopped talking and stared at the floor, examining the white stone as if it were the most fascinating thing she had ever seen. Talia was having none of this. Isaac was relaxed at the moment; this was her chance to have a proper conversation with Katrina.


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