Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 17

by Lorraine Margaret

  “I am tired, Katrina, the last few days have been taxing for my body and spirit. I need a little more rest than is usual, that is all.”

  “And I will ensure you have it.” Isaac’s warm gaze moved to Katrina. “Please tell Abraham I will be joining the hunt this afternoon, Katrina. Talia needs to sleep undisturbed.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty.”

  Katrina flashed Isaac a radiant smile before scurrying from the room.

  “Now, let’s get you fed before this gets cold.”

  She was hungry so did as she was told, concentrating all her energies on chewing her food. After eggs and mushrooms there was more cake, lemon this time but just as delicious, and warm milk, which made her sleepy again. But first there was something she must say…

  “Please, Your Majesty, may I have permission to speak?”

  She unashamedly fluttered her eyelashes, determined to deploy every asset she possessed in the battle to maintain harmony. She could play games too. He laughed loudly. “Such a clever little visionary… you may speak.”

  He was relaxed and happy, knew she was scheming yet didn’t mind. She prayed her words would make him happier still.

  “Your Majesty, I want to thank you for allowing me to speak with Katrina. I like her very much and was touched by her concern for me. She is such a kind soul.”

  “Thank you, Talia. She deserves your high regard, she is a wonderful woman.”

  This comment said so much about Isaac; if only she wasn’t so sleepy she could analyse just how important it was.

  “Close your eyes now, Wanwisa, sleep. I will be out all afternoon so you can rest in peace. There is water beside the bed and you know where the bathing room is. If you need anything just ring the bell and Katrina will appear.”

  “As if by magic,” she slurred, her mind losing its grip on consciousness as her heavy eyelids closed again. “Thank you, Your Majesty… sweet Isaac… please, don’t be afraid.”

  She heard a sharp intake of breath, and then… she heard no more.


  Isaac strode to the stables, resolute once more. He needed this, needed to put some distance between himself and Talia, regain some sense of Isaac, the king… and forget her devastating words.

  Sweet Isaac… please, don’t be afraid.

  She saw too much. He couldn’t fool himself that she had been rambling due to her exhausted, soporific state. She saw. She knew. Don’t be afraid. He was transparent to Talia. He could hide nothing from her Lokian magic, it destroyed all the barriers he had constructed in his mind, pierced through the lies and defences. Talia brushed aside the pretence and the posturing to discover the truth quaking behind them. Her turquoise eyes were merciless warriors, penetrating his soul, uncovering all the secrets and desires hiding deep within him…

  She saw his fear, knew he was afraid of one little Lokian visionary.

  She knew he was afraid of her.

  This hunt would do him good. He needed to spend the afternoon free from the scrutiny of her magical turquoise eyes. And the men of the court were thrilled to have their king back…

  “Your Majesty, we thought we’d never see you again. We thought we’d lost you forever to the little Lokian’s magical powers!”

  “You look sated and replete, Your Majesty. I believe all the stories about Lokian women are true!”

  They gazed at him, awestruck as boys on their first visit to a brothel, as they led their horses from the stables and welcomed him back in their usual bawdy yet respectful way. Excellent advisors and servants all – but also friends. What did they see when they looked in his eyes? Had Talia changed him that much? It was a terrifying thought.

  “Come, Sire, let’s race to the forest.”

  Abraham’s hand caressed Isaac’s upper arm, his voice soft and soothing. Whatever the men saw in his eyes was big. Momentous. Abraham was treating him like a precious, fragile child. Fuck! Isaac didn’t like not knowing what was going on in his advisors’ minds – they could discuss this amongst themselves, gossip about Talia’s influence… it made him vulnerable. He was never vulnerable – he was King! What had Talia done to him? What had happened here?


  Love had happened here.

  Talia was amusing and intelligent, warm and sensual. She possessed a unique spirit unlike any man or woman he had ever met. Her turquoise eyes were enormous and soulful, and she had the body of a goddess. And he had a strange, mystical connection with her… She had endearingly demanded he should have no other woman, and had knocked him off kilter with a few small words.

  My blue room.

  She knew. She knew exactly how he felt about her. He had even told her the story of Wanwisa; she knew he had named her after the all-powerful mystical goddess of the sea. He had been foolish, unguarded, exposed too much. He had discovered a paradise of passion and tenderness and laughter… and a terrifying churning mass of raw emotion, vulnerabilities and fears.

  What had he got himself into?

  His life would never be the same.


  She was his life now.


  He stared blankly into the concerned eyes of his most trusted friend.

  “Yes, Abra?”

  “Are you alright?”

  “Our king is dazed from too much fucking!”

  Bernard roared with laughter, and the other men happily joined in.

  “That’s it! The little Lokian visionary has addled our king’s mind!”

  “That’s what coming all night does to a man!”

  Isaac grinned, unable to resist their ribald humour. But the joking would go no further, for he would not be divulging any details today. This was not a sexual escapade to be discussed for sport, this… this was different.

  This was a love escapade.

  His smile grew wider but he remained mute as a village idiot while they all stared expectantly at him. The horses stamped their hooves and tossed their heads, impatient to be away; not as impatient as him… He spread his hands dismissively before taking Assisi’s reins from Abraham.

  “Nothing to say, friends, nothing to say.”

  He patted Abraham on the back and mounted Assisi. The grey stallion whickered, his ears pricking up in anticipation. Yes, I’m eager to go too, boy, eager to escape the inquisition.

  “Pardon me, Your Majesty?”

  Bernard was dumbfounded. Isaac grinned again. He was enjoying this, prurient bastards… they deserved to suffer.

  “A gentleman does not disclose details of intimacies with his lady. Don’t you heathens know that?”

  A more slack-jawed bunch of individuals he had never seen. Abraham smirked as he mounted his horse, clearly enjoying the men’s reaction. It was as if he had anticipated Isaac’s behaviour and was unperturbed.

  “I know that, Your Majesty, but you usually do!”

  Bernard was on form today. The men laughed as they mounted their horses to follow Isaac and Abraham out of the palace gates. Isaac held his hand high above his head and shouted, “Let’s go!” mobilising his troops behind him. As he leant over Assisi’s neck, he whispered into the stallion’s pricked ear. “Come on, Assisi, gallop as fast as you can, boy. They won’t be able to interrogate me if we leave them behind.” Abraham’s smirk was wider than ever as they thundered forwards, galloping towards the forest. He knew. Isaac was transparent. All of a sudden everyone could read his thoughts… best friends, trusted advisors, tiny Lokian visionaries…

  But Isaac could only use avoidance tactics for so long. Hunts were primarily social events, the people of the court caring little for meat, following their king’s example. He had never been able to separate his love of horses from that of all animals, and it had been many a year since he had made a kill. Nowadays hunts were an excuse for indulging in the pleasures of a little earthy male bonding. They would dismount by the river to allow the horses to drink and bond over this most masculine of activities, and today was no exception to this unwritten rule…
  “Your Majesty, are you enjoying your time with Talia?”

  They were lounging on the riverbank, basking in the warmth of the sun, and the men were impatient to get to the important business of the day – the interrogation of their unfortunate king. Still, Isaac had not expected Darren’s voice to be the first that was raised. The men jeered at his innocent question, but Isaac smiled encouragingly at him. The boy was a highly skilled saddler and carpenter, conscientious and always striving to surpass himself. Born and raised in one of the smallest villages in Cornicunia, he had learnt his craft from his father and arrived at the palace only a year ago at the tender age of fifteen. Six feet two inches of guileless, sincere muscle, Darren was completely devoid of malevolence or cunning. Not a bad bone in his body… Isaac had a real soft spot for him. He smiled and took the water flask Darren was offering.

  “She is staying with me in my rooms, Darren. So, yes, I am more than enjoying her company.”

  The men were agog, their eyes the size of dinner plates. Isaac was enjoying this game.

  “She’s a highly revered visionary with an unfathomable and magical mind. Being with her must be a fascinating experience, Your Majesty, and you will learn much about the Lokians’ mystical powers.” Bernard stopped abruptly as if unwilling to articulate his thoughts further. Always the bawdiest of men, he was also the most astute, and at forty-four summers, much respected for his wisdom. Isaac met his searching gaze squarely, unwilling to waver from the truth.

  “And you think that is why I am treating her in a way I have never treated any woman before. It’s not.”

  He took a long drink, marvelling at his effortless ability to hold them in thrall to him. All eyes were riveted on his, craving his next words. So… he withheld them. Always playing games, Isaac, always playing games…

  “Come on, Sire, that’s cruel, you can’t leave it at that. Look around you, you’re torturing these men!”

  Isaac smirked into Abraham’s probing eyes.

  “Torturing these men? Not you as well by any chance, hey, Abra?”

  Abraham blew out a long breath, his eyes playful yet intense. “Alright, yes, Sire… I can see this is no longer just a strategic mission for you. There is something more happening between you and Talia and a few details wouldn’t go amiss.”

  Isaac roared with laughter. As always, Abraham’s honest, direct approach had the desired effect. It was impossible to be offended. Abraham’s curiosity was endearing because he knew Isaac would be more forthcoming when they were alone, but his empathetic nature meant he was willing to forego this privilege for the sake of the other men. He deserved to learn a little more – as did they all. A good king honoured his allies with confidences as a reward for their loyalty. And above all else, Isaac had always endeavoured to be a good king.

  An all-powerful king…

  The Lokians. It was easy to forget their threat to his reign was the reason he had brought Talia to the palace. All he wanted to do was boast about her, rhapsodise about her splendour, but he knew he had to focus on his shamefully neglected mission first. He shrugged, feeling immensely guilty that he had so little knowledge to impart.

  “Talia has only been here a few days; I have to take this slowly, give her time to relax so she reveals her true self to me. I am beginning to learn a little about the Lokian way of thinking and it is not what I imagined it would be. There is no guile or scheming, no interest in power or societal status. I would be surprised if there is any malicious intent in their behaviour at all. They are primarily a peaceful, spiritual people and honest to an alarming degree. Or at least Talia is… She is an incredible woman.”


  Darren was enrapt, his big blue eyes as round as saucers. Isaac knew the boy hero-worshipped him and hung on his every word. As did they all, but some were less reverent than others…

  “I have heard many stories about the sensuality of Lokian women and their hearty appetite for sex. They are all true, I’ll wager?”

  Isaac grinned as Bernard tried to hide his curiosity behind a lusty smirk. This was not just bawdy repartee, Bernard was too sophisticated for that. He clearly suspected his king had been bewitched by his Lokian captive, seduced by her sensual charms – and he was right.

  “Nardo, I only know one Lokian woman and she is unique. I have never met a woman like her.” Isaac knew he was wearing an idiotic grin but didn’t care. He had no power to control it or himself. He had an opportunity to praise Talia and like all avid worshippers was eager to pay homage to his goddess. “She’s frighteningly intelligent and intensely spiritual, governed by honesty and respect. She challenges me to think about my actions and beliefs, to question my role in this world.” He blew out a long, hard breath, shaking his head at the stunned faces surrounding him. They were stunned – he was astounded. He hadn’t realised just how profoundly Talia had affected him until he started speaking about her. He was not just besotted with her tender, sensual nature, she fascinated and inspired him in every way. “I know that isn’t what you want to hear, Nardo. You are eager for details of a more erotic nature.” The men chuckled and leant forwards in expectation; he held them in the palm of his royal hand. “Talia is sensual, yes, uninhibited in a way gentlewomen are not prone to be. She feels no shame or shyness where fucking is concerned, but her sexuality is irrevocably entwined with her spirituality – she cannot separate the two. She is inherently warm and tender as well as passionate, feels deeply and intensely. It is an alluring and provocative combination, a heady mixture to be sure. I can tell you she has quite an effect on me.”

  He raised his eyebrow suggestively, and the men chuckled, thrilled with the erotic nuggets of information he had given them. Isaac sighed. Enough. He had said enough – for now. Except… maybe just one more thing to make the situation crystal-clear.

  “Talia is good for me both as a man and a king – she will enrich my sovereignty as well as my character. Being with her is a fulfilling and enlightening experience and one I do not intend to forsake. She belongs to me now.”

  He watched the shock etch onto each and every one of their faces. He had gone too far.

  “Please, Your Majesty, are you saying Talia will belong to you forever?”

  Darren. The men jeered at the poor boy’s youthful romanticism, but it was a pertinent question.

  “Yes, Darren, she will. First, I will discover all I need to know about the Lokians so I can decide how to deal with their influence on my people. I believe now that their magic may be entirely benevolent, but will reserve judgement until I learn more. While I am doing so, I will also learn more about Talia, learn to understand the way she thinks and feels. We are two very different people with vastly different life experiences but in all-important ways we are as one. I am determined to forge a powerful bond with her that will benefit all of Cornicunia.”

  And that was more than enough. If he continued he would cause a heart attack or two! The men were stunned, reeling – and he was too. He had not intended to disclose so much but it was necessary. He was no longer the Isaac they knew. He had been locked away for a few short days with Talia and re-emerged a different man. A better man. But they all needed time to think about what he had said and absorb this monumental change.

  “You were always destined for a love match, Sire. I knew you would never settle for an arranged union.”

  Abraham’s voice was soft and passionately sincere, his words as honest as ever. He was not afraid to allude to a permanent union for he saw through Isaac’s caution to the very heart of the matter. Love. Love was the heart of the matter. Isaac calmly met his friend’s knowing gaze, the secret they shared burning brightly between them. Abraham knew only too well Isaac would never compromise when taking a bride. He had been with him that magical day when Isaac had received a vision of his future… For a moment Isaac indulged himself with dreams and possibilities, and then he snapped back to the reality of the here and now.

  “Never, friend, never. Pledging myself forever to a woman
I held little regard for would be a hell on earth. I could never do such a thing despite the best efforts of my well-meaning advisors here.” He grinned amicably at the men who had tried to persuade him into a succession of unsuitable unions over the years. “Talia is everything I have ever dreamed of, the woman I have been waiting for, the perfect mate for Isaac, the man and the king.”

  “When will we meet her, Your Majesty?”

  Isaac heartily approved of the respect in Bernard’s voice. His friend had adjusted to this new circumstance and was behaving accordingly, revering the woman who had won his king’s heart in the manner she deserved.

  “Soon, Nardo, soon, when I have resolved the issue with her people, and both she and I are ready. We need time to learn about each other first. When I am confident Talia will be happy in her life here, I will introduce her to you all.”

  Bernard’s sharp grey eyes narrowed and glinted, a fervent light appearing in them. “I shall look forward to that day, Your Majesty, and to learning more about Talia’s mystical gifts. Please, may I speak plainly?”

  A cold chill travelled down Isaac’s spine at those ominous words. Bernard knew very well Isaac valued his honesty and the fact he felt the need to ask did not bode well. Isaac nodded, steeling himself for the worst as Bernard shifted his powerful frame, clearly ill at ease with what he was about to say.

  “Your Majesty, I am concerned about what will happen if your discoveries about the Lokians are not of a positive nature. I don’t think Talia will be happy if you decide to take action against her people. I pray that doesn’t happen, both for your sake and for our beloved land. The idea of having a Lokian visionary close to the monarchy intrigues me. Such an alliance would create fascinating possibilities I can only begin to comprehend. What you learn during the coming days will have a profound effect on all our futures.”

  Bernard’s words brought Isaac back to reality with a bump. For a moment he forgot to breathe, the daunting task ahead of him stealing the air from his body. Bernard had spoken bluntly, made it clear where Isaac’s responsibilities lay. He had to be strong. He had to ensure the Lokians were no threat to his reign before he revealed his feelings to Talia. He could not blithely pursue their developing relationship and risk endangering his kingdom. The weight of his sovereignty had never been greater, an intensely physical sensation bearing down on him, crushing his heart, squeezing the joy and wonder of new love out of it. He couldn’t surrender to the passion and excitement he felt with Talia. For just a little longer, he had to be strong and protect himself and Cornicunia.


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