Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 20

by Lorraine Margaret

  She blinked and stared into Isaac’s worried eyes. He clearly thought this conversation had sent her hurtling to the spirit realms. She took another deep breath and smiled.

  “I’m here, Your Majesty. It is just… talking about this is emotionally draining.”

  He tightened his arm around her, the spectacular something burning into her soul. “It is the same for me, Wanwisa. Your words are magical, they conjure up visions of another world.” He shook his head, his eyes dazed. “Have your people connected with you since you arrived here?”

  Isaac was not stupid, she should have anticipated this question. And she really didn’t want to talk about it.

  “My gifts have been compromised by my trauma, Your Majesty. My mind is a confused and muddied thing. I have sensed their concern but that is all I am capable of at the moment.”

  Isaac looked horrified, pain flashing through his eyes. “Oh, Talia, I do not want to be the cause of your discomfort and trauma – it is the very last thing I want. But… you have visited the spirit realms since arriving here. You told me your angel hawk was with you there.”

  Isaac paid attention to everything she said and did. He had told her that once. She nodded. “It is a blissful refuge when the trials of the real world become too much to bear. My angel hawk is always there, just out of reach, calling me to journey with him.”

  “How did you know the angel hawk was your spirit animal? Did you choose it because of your affinity with birds?”

  This subject she was happier with. She smiled, and Isaac brushed a stray strand of hair away from her eyes. He seemed relaxed and she resolved to keep him this way. He had no need to be afraid of Lokian customs.

  “No, the hawk chose me, Your Majesty. As you said, I have always had an affinity with birds and as a child many different ones would journey to the spirit realms with me. My guru, Clyde, believes I identify with birds because of the elevation of my spiritual gifts. Birds fly high above the earth and exist between it and the spirit realms. Clyde believes I have a unique perspective on the mortal world because from a very young age my spirit soared without training and could observe life from afar. He says I have always been closer to the spirit realms than any other Lokian. As I grew into adulthood and experienced longer and more profound journeys, my angel hawk appeared more frequently until all other birds were merely incidental travellers along the way. Clyde says my spiritual gifts soar like the angel hawk and that was why it chose to journey with me.”

  Isaac stared at her, shaking his head slowly as if it couldn’t process what she had said. He ran his fingertips over her face as if he was worshipping its contours. She swallowed – she was the slave, wasn’t she? She shook her head too. That was quite enough for now, both she and Isaac had a lot to think about. The Lokian way confounded outsiders, left them dazed and bemused. Isaac would need time to absorb and contemplate all he had heard today.

  “So now you know how much birds mean to me. They have always played a profound part in my life. Thank you for bringing me here, Your Majesty, it means more than I can say.”

  Isaac blew out a long, hard breath as he stared into her eyes, his expression inscrutable. He was bewildered by all he had heard and was protecting himself again. Poor confused king.

  “I want you to be happy, Talia. Your happiness gives me pleasure. I hope the simple, peaceful lives of the birds here have eased your pain.”

  Her happiness gave him pleasure. He could not bear it when she was sad. He wished her pain to ease. These things were simple yet profound. They were what she felt for him.

  These simple sentiments were love.

  Wanting another’s happiness and feeling pain at their sadness was true love.

  True love was more than a fragile alliance of tenderness and trust and it was not always found when souls were destined to be together. True love was created by lovers, irrespective of fate and circumstance. It lived in the simple everyday acts of kindness and respect that were rare and precious in the mortal world. True love was life-changing, earth-shattering, a love that would last a lifetime and beyond. It was worthy of a Lokian, a love destined for the spirit realms…

  Could Isaac really feel a love that magical, a love that would have to embrace equality in order to survive?

  It was too big a question so her mind backed away from it and lost hold of the exhausting new reality it was living in…


  Why was the earth moving? Was Isaac making love to her again?


  “It’s alright, Wanwisa, it’s alright, I’m taking care of you. What an ungrateful little visionary you are. I bring you out here and you fall asleep on me again.”

  She was in his arms and his mouth was in her hair. He was carrying her but she knew not where for her eyes would not open.

  “Swans… sleeping swans… made me sleepy… again.”

  A soft chuckle sounded against her ear. “Permanently sleepy Talia. I must think of a way to rectify that.”

  “Sleep,” she slurred, unsure as to whether she was dreaming this conversation. “Sleep is the only cure.”

  “Not until after dinner, my love, and your bath. The more nourishment and relaxation your body experiences, the quicker you will regain your equilibrium and energy. Relax now, Wanwisa, I will take care of everything you need.”

  As she allowed her mind to spin away from reality it clutched at one small word.


  What had he said?

  My love.

  I love you, Isaac. My love.


  “You will punish me tomorrow… not tonight.”

  “That’s right, Wanwisa, not tonight. You can relax now.”

  “You will punish me but… you said… you said you loved hearing your name on my lips… and I love being punished… Isaac.”

  Her eyes sprang open. Her thoughts were dangerous and she had said them out loud. And she had called her king by name again. He was holding her hand and smirking at her as she lay on the bed, a perpetually exhausted and confused Lokian visionary.

  “So, you enjoyed your punishment today, did you, Talia? I understand now. All these Isaac’s flying around are a ploy, all part of your evil plan to win a harsher punishment. I will grant your wish, Wanwisa. It will be my pleasure.”

  How was she supposed to react to that? This was Isaac’s game and she was unsure how he was playing it at the moment. He seemed amused and nothing else, with no trace of cold, dominant Isaac in his eyes or voice. Was it because they were in his bedroom and not the blue room? He was so – human here. She was more confused than ever and before she could stop herself she sighed heavily.

  “Am I boring you, Talia?”

  “No, of course not, Your Majesty. I am…” What was she? Confused, yes, but could she admit that? She was not supposed to be aware of Isaac’s game and it was not yet time to admit the truth.

  “You’re surely not speechless, Talia? You usually have so much to say and now when I ask you to speak you deny me the beauty of your words. Your defiance warrants a quite spectacular punishment, don’t you think?”

  His eyes were twinkling and playful, no menace in them at all. She took a very deep breath and an even bigger chance and beamed unreservedly. She was listening to her heart. All she wanted was to smile at him all day and all night long… make love with him all day and all night long…

  She was a woman in love.

  For a moment she thought she had made a terrible mistake. His mouth set in a stern, unforgiving line, his eyes suddenly grave… she was laying herself open to hurt and pain by loving him… and then it happened. He laughed so loudly she jumped in surprise.

  “You certainly enjoy your punishments, don’t you, Talia? I will have to see what torturous delights I can devise for you. I can be extremely imaginative, you know.”

  Her stomach churned as a thousand tiny mice played in its midst. A whimper escaped her lips. She was not as brave as she wanted to be. She trusted Isaac but… T
he but was constant, it was the lingering darkness in Isaac’s eyes, the part of him she still could not reach or understand.


  “It’s alright, Wanwisa, don’t be scared. You’re always safe with me.”

  Isaac’s eyes were clouded with pain so deeply felt she could not breathe. Why was he so sad, so tormented? What had happened to cause such a devastating change?

  “Shush, no… please don’t, Wanwisa, please, no more.”

  Not again. She was pathetic, falling apart at the seams. Isaac stared sadly at his wet fingertips, her tears causing him pain yet again.

  “You have to stop this, Talia. I hate to see you cry, it destroys me.”

  This she did not like. He was haunted, his eyes consumed with pain. She loved him and must not be the cause of his suffering. Ever.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t even know I’m doing it, Your Majesty. I’m sorry.”

  He narrowed his eyes but nodded softly. “Alright.” He let out a long breath, blowing out his cheeks. “I know I’ve got to take this slowly. Breathe, Wanwisa, breathe, relax now. Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you, Your Majesty, I promise I do.”

  She sounded so passionate and sincere, like a woman in love. Isaac must be able to see the truth. Her feelings were transparent, love emanating from her every pore. But if Isaac knew, he didn’t show it, he simply looked relieved and nodded again as he plumped the pillows behind her head. When he was satisfied with her comfort, he took her hand in his, turning it over and over, examining her palm as if searching for hidden treasures, secrets that could reveal the meaning of life on earth. She was transfixed and sat, still as a statue, watching as he stared at her hand. There was a soft knock on the door, and Isaac sighed, pressing his lips against her palm.

  “Dinner has arrived.”

  They ate together from an enormous bowl of vegetable stew, delicately flavoured with rosemary and cardamom, Isaac spooning it into her mouth and taking a mouthful himself as she chewed hers. She adored this game. She closed her eyes, relishing the delicious sensation of succulent vegetables melting in her mouth, and something magical occurred to her…

  “You don’t eat meat, Your Majesty.”

  It was not a question but a statement of truth. Instinctive, intuitive… the knowledge that Isaac’s spirit shared so much with hers. He smiled softly, his eyes unguarded, trusting her with his truth.

  “I never enjoyed it and in recent years my distaste has increased. I have too much affection and respect for our furred and feathered friends.”

  “Never too much, Your Majesty,” she whispered, “they are deserving of all the affection and respect you have to give. All Lokians are vegetarians, we share your views. You are a compassionate and honourable man.”

  He squeezed her hand, and the feeling of peace between them deepened, enhanced by her discovery and his trust. By the time they moved on to dessert she was in a Talia/Isaac trance. It was not cake this time but wine and cheese, which she enjoyed immensely. Wine usually made her sleepy but tonight it had the not unwelcome effect of inciting her passions, stoking her already burning desire for the man she loved. Her head swam with the love it held within it and her passion for Isaac surged powerfully through her blood. A Lokian in love loved with every fibre of their being – a Lokian in love held nothing back. A Lokian in love wanted only to be joined in sexual union with their lover – time and time and time again and never stop.

  But her desire was to be thwarted for after their meal Isaac took her by the hand and led her from the bedroom, taking her on yet another walk to God knows where. He told her to close her eyes and she obeyed immediately, for where love dwelled only trust existed. She clung to his hand as they wandered the endless corridors of his palace and wondered if other people were watching her.

  “You can open your eyes now, Talia.”

  She opened her eyes and blinked in shock, unable to believe what she was seeing. Maybe she had fallen asleep again and was dreaming of exotic faraway lands. But Isaac was standing beside her, squeezing her hand. Had he invaded her dreams or was this real? She blinked again as she stared at the tiny tropical courtyard, a breathtakingly beautiful anomaly in Isaac’s white stone palace. The light of the full moon flooded in, blessing the tropical plants with an otherworldly, ghostly glow like something from a fairy tale. Enormous exotic flowers bloomed freely in this paradise alongside lush, verdant greenery and branches decorated with dozens of tiny lanterns. It was enchanting, as if they had journeyed to another world as magical as the spirit realms. She was intoxicated by the sudden stimulation of her senses, her desire for Isaac heightening and transforming into a throbbing, yearning ache in her sex and her soul. He had listened to everything she said this afternoon and was giving her exactly what she needed – immersion in the splendour of nature.

  “Come on.”

  He led her inside, brushing aside overhanging branches and vines so she could walk unhindered. A thin sheen of sweat broke out across her back at the sudden onslaught of suffocating heat, wrapping itself around her in a stifling, possessive embrace. The courtyard was protected by rooms on all four sides, luxurious but empty, no curious eyes staring out, no people walking to and fro. Isaac had ensured they were alone again.


  An enormous sunken bath lay in the centre of the courtyard, cocooned by tropical foliage, a jewel nestling deep within Isaac’s palace paradise. It was filled to the brim with sparkling water, the scent of jasmine and rose permeating the air.

  She was mute with wonder, her eyes so wide they felt as if they would pop out of her head. Isaac watched her as he helped her undress, his smile enormous. Constant tiny miracles were happening around her and she could not bear to look away for fear of missing one. Flashes of colour amidst the greenery were revealed as living beings, tiny tropical birds settling down for the night and rainbow-hued butterflies reclining on leaves.

  “This is your sanctuary, Your Majesty, your refuge from the world.”

  He nodded. “And now it is yours too, Talia.”

  And now it is yours too. Wonderful words. She would be punished tomorrow but would do her penance tonight and what a pleasurable one it would be. Tonight she would atone for her sins by showing Isaac how much she adored him…

  Isaac carried her down into the bath, and the warm silky water stimulated her senses, collaborating with the aphrodisiac effects of the wine to make her more uninhibited than ever, an over-sensitised woman governed by desire and love. Isaac was treating her like a fragile, precious doll, and she marvelled at the worship of his touch, eager to bless him with the same tender pleasure. He sat her on the ledge at the edge of the bath and ran his fingers sensuously down her neck.

  “Such an exquisite little visionary.”

  “Please… Your Majesty… please will you sit here?”

  His eyes widened but he did as she asked. She slipped down into the water, shocked by her bold behaviour. Isaac had obliged her – what was happening here? She was Isaac’s slave, she couldn’t tell him what to do. She was not in charge here…

  Or was she?

  She remembered everything Isaac had ever told her. And the most important thing was that she always had a choice. Isaac would never force her to do anything, he was powerless without her acquiescence. But would he do what she asked him to do? He had – so far…

  Talia had power, the power to decide if and when she submitted to Isaac, and the power to ask Isaac to submit to her.

  Did this make them equal?

  Or did Talia hold the upper hand?

  She gasped at this game-changing revelation, transfixed by the movements of her mind. Had she discovered the unbelievable truth? Did she, not Isaac, hold the ultimate power?


  Isaac’s concerned voice brought her back to reality. Her questions needed answers, but not now. She wanted to bless Isaac with the pleasure he deserved and that was not a game. She did not play games with love; it was far too important.
This moment was not about the exchange of power, but an act of reverence and desire. Isaac’s unfathomable eyes gazed down at her as she stared into their depths. The softness and warmth of the spectacular something governed their beauty, not a trace of coldness to be found.

  “Please, Master, please allow me to express my reverence for you.”

  My love for you. I am a woman deeply in love. That was what she yearned to say but could not. She had to play Isaac’s game. So she poured her new mantra into her gift. I am a woman deeply in love. Over and over she silently repeated her mantra, allowing it to permeate her being and inform every move she made. Isaac’s eyes bored into her soul as she swirled her tongue over the swollen head of his erect manhood. He was watching so intently. Could he feel the love behind her actions, feel more than the pleasure she was giving him? Did he sense this act meant more to her than she revealed? She had opened herself up, laid herself bare. Her love for Isaac was moving uncensored through the tip of her tongue, flowing into his manhood, infiltrating his body and soul.

  She took his throbbing erection deep inside her open throat, her mantra singing in her head. Slowly, sensuously… she was determined to bless him with the very greatest of pleasures. He groaned, reaching for her hand, and she curled her grateful fingers through his as she continued her act of worship. Isaac growled, a sound of profound male satisfaction emanating from deep within his soul. She was a Lokian, she knew such things. She knew she was no longer just a slave to Isaac. Their shared spiritual energy was not a fabrication of her mind. She was not projecting her emotions and deluding herself. She was the most gifted of visionaries whose talents had been stimulated by their immersion in nature. She did not make mistakes. She was laying herself open to hurt and pain by loving this man, but she was giving them the chance to find true love.

  Could Isaac love her? Really love her, his captive, his sex slave? The fingers tightening around hers said he could. She was not naive. She knew this sexual act was not always an intimate experience for men, it simply appealed to their primal natures. They could lose themselves in sensual indulgence, take their pleasure without any regard for the provider of it. But that was not Isaac, not now. He clung to her hand as his breathing quickened and grew heavier, as his body began to tremble…


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