Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 21

by Lorraine Margaret

  “Fuck, Talia.”

  His climax was long and intense, pumping powerfully down her throat, but what she really treasured were his heartfelt words.

  “Beautiful little visionary… Talia… that was incredible… Wanwisa, my love…”

  His words pushed her throbbing clitoris over the edge of pleasure and as he pulled his manhood from her mouth her climax began…

  “Look at me, Talia.”

  Her eyes met his as her climax consumed her, his seed still held within her mouth. All she could do was whimper and cling desperately to his hand.

  “Come here, Wanwisa, come here.”

  He pulled her up into his arms, and she stared into the spectacular something as she swallowed his seed. Her cheeks were wet again. Isaac hated her tears, but she felt far too many contrasting emotions and they were impossible to restrain. The intense pleasure from her climax slowly ebbed away but its bonding after-effects made her heart ache. She was so very vulnerable. Her love for Isaac burned passionately and purely throughout her body and soul. How could he not know? She was naked and exposed.

  “My love.”

  He pulled her against his chest and the weeping really began. He had tipped her over her emotional precipice with two small words. My love. She wept quietly, trying desperately to speak.

  “Happy,” she spluttered into his chest hair. “Too happy, too emotional, can’t stop my tears. So sorry, Isaac… Your Majesty, sorry, sorry.”

  He didn’t speak. He simply held her head against his chest and stroked her hair, their hands still entwined. If only this could last forever… if only they could stay like this forever…

  “Look at me, Wanwisa.”

  She stared solemnly into his eyes. Every time she saw the spectacular something it affected her more profoundly than the time before.

  “I understand, truly I do. But please, sweetheart, watch me and learn.”

  Her eyes widened as he slowly turned the corners of his mouth up until his beautiful face broke into the most exquisite smile she had ever seen. She beamed so hard her face ached.

  He laughed. “You see, you can do it. You can act like a normal human being and express your happiness with a smile. Promise me you will do that in future and not torment me with your tears again.”

  “I will try, I promise, Your Majesty,” she whispered, guilt gripping her heart. “I just feel too much emotion to contain inside of me. It demands to be set free.”

  He stared silently into her eyes for a long moment.

  “I know, Talia. You are one of God’s greatest miracles, unique, and so very precious. I must take good care of you.”

  His words were too beautiful for her tears to resist. She furiously blinked them away, determined not to cause him more pain.

  “Your Majesty is so very kind to me.”

  “Let me show you just how kind I can be.”

  He eased his hand out of hers, lifted her onto the ledge and took her place in the water. Her heart rate escalated, frantic with loss. All her oxygen was ripped away and for a moment she couldn’t breathe, gasping as she battled for air. Isaac caught his breath sharply. He felt the loss too, needed her as much as she needed him. She stared imploringly into his eyes and they glittered savagely in response.

  “Don’t fret, Wanwisa, we will not be separate for long. I’m going to put my cock deep inside of you where it belongs.”

  He wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled her onto his still swollen manhood. He was as insatiable as her. She curled her arms around his back, pulling him even closer.

  “Yes! Do it now!”

  “You are incredibly bossy, Wanwisa, I will have to punish you for that. Something else for you to look forward to.”

  His voice was a menacing whisper, brimming with salacious intent. She craved her punishment and groaned like a wanton as he thrust ferociously inside her, burying his manhood to the hilt. She wriggled impatiently.

  “Yes! Please fuck me, Master, please!”

  He raised an eyebrow and smirked into her eyes, the spectacular something both lustful and tender. They couldn’t be any closer. She was dizzy with happiness as their bodies melded into one.

  “That’s right, my little Wanwisa, beg your master to fuck you, enjoy me, have fun… do anything you want to do but no more fucking crying, understand?”

  He laughed into her ear, playful and relaxed. She loved it when he was like this, an equal, a lover, a playmate.

  “Yes, Master, I promise. Please punish me now.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes in erotic invitation, inviting him to punish her more than willing body with a hard, demanding ride. It worked. Isaac grunted like a wild beast from the forest and grasped the edge of the bath so he could thrust hard and deep while she clung to his powerful body. His eyes locked with hers and their intensity was breathtaking. It was as if she was all that mattered in his world; everything orbited around Talia. All Lokians knew intimacy of the spirit was enhanced by intimacy of the body. It was an indisputable truth, part of God’s holy plan. And it was happening in this tropical courtyard to her and Isaac. The spirit realms were rejoicing tonight.

  She surrendered to the purity of their shared spiritual energy as every thrust of Isaac’s manhood imbued her with a miraculous new vitality, revitalising her fatigued body and mind. It was the healing power of Isaac’s spirit, the healing power of love, and it was everything her people believed in. Isaac did it instinctively. He expressed his feelings with his body, soothed her spirit with his loving touch. Isaac had the soul of a Lokian guru – he just didn’t know it yet…

  He did not go easy on her, his virility undiminished by his earlier climax. He was a force of nature, a breathtaking creature glorying in his masculinity. She marvelled at the strength and power of his body as he mercilessly wrung two devastating climaxes out of her, leaving her sated and breathless, before gaining his second release of the night.


  “Talia, my love.”

  My love. His manhood throbbed inside her contracting, pleasure-ridden sex, their communication pure and profound. They had journeyed to the spirit realms together. She collapsed against him, blissfully happy and secure in her vulnerable new state of woman in love.


  He chuckled as he rubbed his nose against hers. “You have a lifetime of punishments ahead of you, Talia, and I do not think you mind at all.”

  “I do not, Your Majesty, I trust you,” she murmured bravely against his lips. He brushed them against hers, his breath sweet and calming.

  “Your trust is all I want, my love, all I want.”

  He wanted all of her trust, he had said so their very first night. And it had been so easy to give. Isaac was so easy to trust, so easy to love. Too easy… It was agony when he finally moved away from her, and her tiny moan of protest had left her mouth before she had time to think. Isaac chuckled again, and she scowled as he stepped out of the bath, leaving her with the consolation of a delicious view. His strong back, his muscular thighs… she could stare at him all night long.

  “Ogling me again, Talia? I am just a sex object to you.”

  He smiled as he strode back to the bath, a small glass bottle in his hand. He seemed remarkably happy to be a sex object so she continued to stare, transfixed by his manhood. It was magnificent. Still erect, it rose majestically to lay against his taut stomach, the skin smooth and glistening with water. A more proudly masculine sight she had never seen. It was astounding to think she was able to take all of that inside of her, that he had relentlessly pleasured her with it over and over again. His manhood was imposing and demanding, it knew how magnificent it was. It, he, was awe-inspiring, and her mouth fell open as she stared. She was drooling. Isaac smiled again and shook his head, but she still couldn’t tear her eyes from his manhood. It mesmerised her.

  “Beautiful, you’re so beautiful, Your Majesty,” she whispered as he dived into the bath and the water covered his body. Her treasured toy had been taken away. She p
outed furiously, and he roared with laughter.

  “You are adorable, Talia, and such a little temptress. All I want is to fuck you again. But I am going to wash your hair and put you to bed. You are exhausted.”

  She was permanently exhausted but had forgotten just how tired she was. She was consumed by the man she loved, everything else was inconsequential. She was a woman quite ridiculously in love.

  In a delicious repeat of the night before, Isaac washed her hair, firmly kneading her scalp with his strong fingers, inducing a deep state of relaxation and contentment. She moaned softly and leant back into his chest as her legs turned to jelly.

  “My little Wanwisa, you’re nearly asleep. Let me get you out of here before I forget how much you need your rest and ravish you again.”

  She wished he would forget. She was insatiable, a Lokian in love always was. She sighed happily as Isaac carried her back along the empty white stone corridors, her eyes finally closing on her long and spectacular day.

  “Wonderful day, Isa… Your Majesty. Thank you so much.”

  “You can say it, Wanwisa,” he whispered in her ear as he laid her in their bed.

  “Isaac. I can say it… Isaac.”

  His lips brushed against her damp hair as he pulled her to his chest.

  “That’s right, my precious little visionary, you can say it.”

  “Isaac, Isaac.”

  She pressed her lips to his chest, still mumbling his name, determined to make the most of this privilege. She could say it. Isaac. Isaac. Her heartbeat became slower and slower as she drifted away from consciousness… but the angel was speaking, speaking to her.

  “Only you, Talia, only ever you in the blue room.”

  What? She tried to rouse her mind but it was closing down, too far along the road to slumber to focus on those all-important words.

  Her angel had spoken. Only you, Talia, only ever you in the blue room.

  Was she really the only woman Isaac had ever taken there?

  It made sense. The blue room was her room. Sky blue. The colour of her transcendental meditation and the essence of the spirit realms. And Isaac’s eyes… She had found her true love there.

  She needed to know exactly what the angel’s words meant, what they said about Isaac’s game. Those words were vitally important.

  Only you, Talia, only ever you… in the blue…

  She struggled with her mind but his words were eluding her, floating away to be absorbed into the spirit realms for all time. She had to remember them in the morning. They were vital. This was a dream – if she didn’t wake now, remember the words and process her thoughts about them, they would disappear from her mind forevermore.

  She really didn’t want that to happen.

  She was a woman in love and those words held the meaning of her new life within them. And yet they were slipping away, slipping away…

  Remember, Talia, remember in the morning, remember the angel’s words. As soon as you wake, remember. Tell your mind that now. Remember in the morning…

  Remember what?

  Only ever you, Talia, only ever you…

  Only Ever You

  Only ever you.

  Had she been dreaming? What did those words mean?

  Only ever you.


  She reluctantly opened her eyes. There was fear in Isaac’s voice and she hated it. He camouflaged it cleverly behind the mask of king but it was there. She stared into his sky blue eyes trying to penetrate his protective shield, but Isaac was defending like the great warrior he was. His shield was hiding the turmoil in his soul, determined to keep her out. He would never let her in.

  “Only ever you.”


  She remembered something… something the angel had said last night… but it was just out of reach. She searched valiantly through her muddled mind, trying to unearth it. Only ever you – what did it mean? Whatever it meant was unimportant at this moment; Isaac was afraid and she must help him.

  “Are you feeling well, Your Majesty?”

  “I’m fine, Talia. And you?”

  She studied his beautiful face carefully, watching the twitching muscle in his cheek. His shield was still firmly in place, but her words had scared him. Only ever you. What did they mean?

  “I’m fine, I was dreaming… I think.”

  Relief flooded his eyes, and the tightness around his mouth disappeared. Those three tiny words scared him so she would ponder them silently when he was sleeping and protect him from pain.

  She had the power to scare King Isaac, the most powerful man in the land, but she was weak and fragile, teetering on the edge of a breakdown. She was habitually thinking of herself in the third person, as warrior Talia going into battle against the man she loved, analysing every tiny thing that happened between them in a bid to win the war… win the game. But it was Isaac’s game and although she had been issued her rules, she didn’t know the rules he played by. How could she ever win a game she did not fully understand? It was impossible. She needed to learn more about the game before she could win and win she must. The game was the key to understanding Isaac, the complex, mercurial king, the frightened man…

  But her path was dangerous. She had already won so many privileges without understanding how and why. If she started to abuse her new-found freedom to talk, it could be taken away…


  She blinked and smiled into his concerned eyes. “I think I’m still dreaming, Your Majesty, trapped in a world between wakefulness and sleep. It is a magical world of infinite possibilities but none as magical as being here with you.”


  His lips brushed against her forehead as he uttered that one fervent word. She had spoken the truth, there was nothing as magical as this. Her dilemma was forgotten – for a while…

  The morning began the same as it always did, an endless repeat of the ritual Isaac adored. A ritual that marked his authority, defined the imbalance of power in their relationship… except the ritual was meaningless now.

  Talia had power, and the knowledge of that power had changed her response to everything that happened here.

  Katrina prepared her for Isaac in almost total silence, all part of the ritual, all part of the game. She knew it would be futile to press Katrina for even the sparsest of conversations. Isaac’s servant was admirably loyal and obedient – she would always follow the rules of her game, whatever they might be…

  Katrina left her by the door of the blue room as usual but Talia didn’t go in. She had not yet decided on her course of action today. When they were in the blue room, Isaac was a dominant alpha male who expected his every desire to be satisfied, but she had to break through the dictates of his game and forge an honest connection. She couldn’t indulge him forever, for the longer she did the harder it would become to break down the barriers he had constructed between them. She had to fight for truth and she had to start today, but this battle was risky. It was a tightrope walk between communication and control. It could push Isaac too far, too fast, and destroy the fragile bond they had created outside of the blue room… or Isaac could destroy her…

  “Come in, Talia! Now!”

  Isaac had heard her footsteps, and he was furious. He expected her to worship him in the blue room, genuflect at the altar of his dominance and control. He would not tolerate a moment’s hesitation; was she not allowed just a crumb of free will?

  She flung open the door, determined to face him as an equal. She had made her choice and it was to fight. Beat Isaac at his own game. His eyes glinted with fury to match the aggression in his voice, glittering pools of darkness that coldly met her bold gaze. Was this the moment she had been dreading, the one she had prayed would never come?

  “Why didn’t you come in, Talia? What is wrong with you?”

  He loomed over her, intimidating her with his powerful body, bare-chested and beautiful, taut with restrained fury and lust. His stare was vicious and unforgiving, but there
was something she was missing, something that could help her remedy the situation. It was just out of reach, teetering on the edges of her consciousness, evading her racing mind. Her intuitive gifts had been befuddled by her love for this man – she was a lesser visionary since meeting him. The thought sent her blood rushing to her head as she was gripped by a fury to match Isaac’s. She would not let him weaken her spiritual powers! Love should make a person stronger, not weaker, enhance a character, not reduce it. She had to forge an equal, honest bond with Isaac or risk the integrity of her spirit, and she would never do that, not even for him.

  “Nothing is wrong with me, Your Majesty, but I do need some answers to my questions.”

  As soon as she spoke she knew her words were too assertive, a subtle threat to Isaac’s control. She shuddered as she stared into his menacing eyes; she was not managing this well at all. She was allowing her emotions to govern her, an uncontrollable maelstrom of love, frustration and fury coursing through her veins.

  “Have you forgotten your rules, Talia? You don’t question me, you don’t even speak unless I allow you to!”

  He stalked away from her and paced around their blue room like a caged animal, his barely repressed fury sending shivers of vulnerability through her soul. She was a gifted Lokian visionary but she was also a woman in love and Isaac could destroy her so easily.

  “You said my words gave you pleasure, Your Majesty, but that is only when I am saying what you want to hear. I am not allowed to express any thoughts or opinions that contradict yours. You are the most powerful man in Cornicunia, a few questions from a helpless slave cannot possibly threaten you.”

  Her voice was calm and respectful, but she knew even as she spoke this was more than a step too far. It was a walk around the whole of Cornicunia too far. Isaac moved towards her in slow motion, the tension in his powerful body a terrible portent of horrors to come. Any moment now, his anger would erupt and their lives would change forever…


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